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Reasons you should read 1984 by George Orwell

Reasons you should read 1984 by George Orwell

By Shivam Published about a year ago 3 min read
Reasons you should read 1984 by George Orwell
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

We all have stumbled once upon a book that left a profound impact on our lives. A book that made us think deeply about human society and the flaws it suffers from. These sorts of novels not only keep us engaged, but they stand like a mirror before us and the society we live in. Pick up 1984 for example, a George Orwell classic that has captured its space consistently in libraries. Although it was written in 1949, the themes and ideas of the novel are still relevant today. If you haven’t read it yet, read this to know why you should.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is something that works like a lens for the brain to analyze a situation and make its way out of it. You look at the issue, a bit more deeply, try to pick up its aspects and contemplate them, and then lead to a conclusion, if any. Not only does it help us see what usually remains invisible to the common brains, but it also helps us foresee the tragedies that could be lurking before us.

One of the most significant reasons to read 1984 is that it encourages critical thinking. The novel portrays a dystopian society where people are controlled by a totalitarian government that manipulates them through propaganda, fear, and lies. By reading this book, you'll be able to analyze and question the actions of governments, institutions, and individuals. Who knows, if it sparks an idea in your brain and lets you see the ills of your government?

The Danger of Totalitarianism

Imagine living in a home where not a word you utter is heard, not a step you make is allowed, and not a grimace you make is attended. How would you tolerate such walls? Well, such is the curse that totalitarianism whacks us with. Totalitarianism is another crucial theme in 1984. The novel shows how a government can use technology and mass surveillance to control its citizens' thoughts and actions. It serves as a warning against the excesses of power and the need to maintain individual freedom. Doesn’t this ring a bell in your brain about something called ‘Cambridge Analytica’? Or what about the web series ‘Black Mirror?

The Power of Language

Language plays a crucial role in 1984, and it highlights the power of words to shape our thoughts and beliefs. In the novel, the government creates a new language, "Newspeak," to control how people think and express themselves. Brilliant work! Don’t put your faith in me, read it and tell me if I lie. It shows how language can be used as a tool for oppression, and the importance of preserving our right to speak and think freely.

The Value of Individualism

Each person is unique in their own way, each eye beautiful, and each tongue revolutionary. No thought, even if copied, is the same as the previous one. Such is what you get after finishing 1984. This brilliance emphasizes the importance of individualism and free thought. In the novel, the government tries to erase individuality and create a homogeneous society, but the protagonist, Winston, rebels against this idea. The book emphasizes that each individual has their own thoughts, feelings, and desires, and they should be allowed to express them freely. Don’t you agree with this? Well, if you don’t, try living in North Korea for a day.

The Relevance of Today

And as we see it happening around today, the tentacles of technology tightening their grasp upon our free will, it was hinted at nearly 7 decades ago by Orwell. 1984 is still relevant today, more than seventy-four years after its publication. The novel's themes of surveillance, censorship, propaganda, and the manipulation of information are just as relevant today as they were in the past. The book is a sheer warning against the dangers of authoritarianism and the need to protect our freedom and individual rights.

Novels do not merely keep us entertained, they also let us think about things that were never thought of before. Feeling eager to read 1984 now? Well, if yes, check out your nearby books & magazine store or look into an alternative to eBay that might provide you with a good read, and maybe a revolutionary idea.

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