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Puzzle of the Unknown

A Story About Mystery

By The CafecitoPublished 13 days ago 3 min read
Puzzle of the Unknown

There, in the middle of a large populated city filled with noise, and crowds of people, there was a shop of antique things in a small and rather narrow street. Its windows obscured by layers of dust and various knickknacks, seemed to be broadcasting tales of lost treasures still to be found. Among the many strange and unique artifacts one particular dazzled all who gazed upon it – a complicated puzzle box.

The box was made out of polished mahogany with impressive engravings on it, and it was placed among other artifacts, but its mystery was enclosed deeper and deeper. The holder became popular and attracted various people, including collectors and adventurers, since everyone would like to solve the mystery found within it.

There was a young woman named Sarah, who was so interested in the product, that decided to try the uniqueness of a mystery puzzle box. Evolving and taking form from sheer curiosity, she could not resist from that very first day she came across the box in the antique shop during that Spring. The woman fell in love with the design of the puzzle box.

Sarah almost shivering, took the puzzle box in her hands – she could feel some sort of a beat beneath the smooth skin. Fascinated by what the box was offering her, she decided to solve the mystery not knowing the kind of journey she was about to undertake.

When the night came and the city went to sleep, Sarah was in her apartment all by herself, with the puzzle box on her lap. Having made up her mind, she started to unravel the tricks of the schemes behind them, step by step drawing her towards the reality.

Days morphed into hours just as Sarah spend most of her time unlocking the secrets of the puzzle box, its icons and labyrinth. But as she decoded it she felt a chill down her spine as if she were being followed, a fear slowly gripping her psyche like a phantom limb.

Being a curious woman, Sarah did not stop there and decided to get to the bottom of the truth no matter what the outcome would be. However, the more she sank in the search the more she started losing the answers as if they were sand grains floating in an abyss.

Disappointment festered in Sarah’s spirit as one day stretched into the next and still, the only thing that really occupied her thoughts was the puzzle box. But just when she was about to give up, some valuable insight was being thrown in her lap.

Gathering her thoughts Sarah finally saw the box not as a toy, but as a portal to another world, a key to the cosmos. Spurred on by this new sense of direction, she devoted all her energy discovering what it was and understanding the secrets she began to unravel.

Finally, the puzzle box erases and illuminates, and here, hidden within the glow, Sarah found something she was not expecting at all. At that point the beauty of the mystery not as something to be solved but as the adventure that reveals the truth of the self.

When Sarah looked at the open box, she came into understanding that the biggest puzzle in life is a person. That is when she comes to terms with the fact that her journey was far from over, her lust for the great unknown would lead her further than the walls of the puzzle and to the great unknown.

Short StoryPsychologicalMystery

About the Creator

The Cafecito

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