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Short story script

By Sathyan Published about a year ago 4 min read

A little girl called Lila once lived in a community deep inside the woods. Everyone in town knew her as "the pumpkin lady" because of her expertise in cultivating pumpkins. Lila took great satisfaction in caring for her pumpkin patch, which always produced the biggest and most attractive pumpkins in the hamlet.

On an autumn day, while Lila strolled through the woods, she came upon a little pumpkin on the ground. She took it in her hands and looked at it intently, admiring its flawless form and vibrant orange colour. She felt a peculiar sensation all over her as she grasped the pumpkin. At that instant, she realised that this pumpkin was destined for greatness.

As Lila got back to the garden, she planted the pumpkin right in the middle of her pumpkin patch. She took excellent care of it, watered it daily and covering it from the chilly fall winds. The pumpkin was gradually transformed into a miniature carriage over the course of many weeks. The other villagers were awestruck by its grandeur and beauty, and Lila felt a feeling of pride unlike any she had ever experienced.

Nevertheless, as fall progressed and the weather became cooler, Lila discovered an oddity in her pumpkin. A gentle radiance emanated from it and danced and flickered in the shadows. Lila was frightened at first, but later understood the light was an indication that her pumpkin was unique.

Lila went to bed early the night before the harvest festival so she could get some rest before the next day's festivities. Yet, when she shut her eyes, a peculiar feeling began to permeate her body. It was almost as if the pumpkin were pleading with her to come outside and see what was going on. Lila thought about it for a while, but ultimately decided she couldn't refuse the call of her favourite pumpkin.

Her pulse racing, she climbed out of bed and headed for the door. She was astonished at what she saw when she finally got to her pumpkin patch. A brilliant, pleasant glow emanated from the pumpkin and appeared to illuminate the whole area. Then, Lila was startled by the sound of a voice.

"The voice replied, "Lila, you have loved and cared for me with such devotion. But I have to make a request of you now."

Lila was in shock at what she was hearing. Could it be that the pumpkin was trying to communicate with her?

"I'm not your typical pumpkin," the speaker went on. "I, the enchanted pumpkin, have the ability to grant wishes. Now, I must implore you to wish upon a star."

Lila paused for a while, at a loss for words. But then she realised what she want more than anything else.

She wished, "to provide pleasure to all the inhabitants in this community."

The pumpkin's light intensified, and Lila felt a surge of power throughout her body. She sensed a connection with the pumpkin, and the power it held was hers to control.

The next day was the beginning of the harvest celebration, and everyone in the hamlet came. Lila sensed a shift as she made her way through the throngs of people. The expressions of excitement and amusement on the people's faces suggested that they were in a better mood than normal. After a while of puzzling over the issue, Lila finally figured out the reason: her wish had come true. A renewed feeling of joy and pleasure spread around the town as the pumpkin fulfilled her request. Lila strolled about the fair, taking in the sights and sounds of the villagers as they played games, dined on tasty treats, and danced to the beat of the upbeat music. As she saw how much happiness her wish had given to others, she felt a sense of accomplishment and was thankful to the enchanted pumpkin.

Lila continued to see a peculiar occurrence throughout the day. Seedlings blanketed the pumpkin patch where her enchanted pumpkin had grown. In all her years, Lila had never seen anything like that. Rapid development of the seedlings resulted in the harvest of enormous, attractive pumpkins that resembled the wishing pumpkin in every way.

Lila understood that her wish had not only given joy to the villagers, but also bestowed upon her garden an abundance of enchanted pumpkins.

The locals began to frequent Lila's garden in search of her enchanted pumpkins as the harvest season proceeded. They quickly understood that these pumpkins, like the one that granted Lila's desire, have supernatural abilities. There were pumpkins that could cure disease, pumpkins that brought luck, and pumpkins that brought love to the lonely.

When word of Lila's enchanted pumpkins spread, customers travelled from all around to purchase them. Lila appreciated her garden's prosperity, but she never lost sight of the fact that the real reason for her magical pumpkins was to spread joy.

Lila grew older over the years, but the enchantment of her garden never faded. Her reputation carried on in the hearts of people who remembered her, and the hamlet was still blessed by her enchanted pumpkins long after she had passed away.

The tale of Lila and her miraculous pumpkins was passed down through the years, ensuring that the locals would never forget the impact of a good deed and a special vegetable.

Short StoryHorror

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