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Prohibition of heartbeat

The National Day holiday is seven days

By Kosar DavoodiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Prohibition of heartbeat
Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash

The National Day holiday is seven days.

For Praying Xiaolei, this holiday is very necessary. Because he can spend time with his girlfriend without any worries.

He has two girlfriends. One is open and one is secret.

Their public girlfriend is called Qi Fei Fei, his high school classmate, and they have been together for five years. The first one is the one who is not with him but is studying in another city. That city is very cold in winter and very hot in summer.

Secret girlfriend named Liangzi, and he was in the same college, not pretty, at least not as pretty as Qi Fei Fei, she was very silly and naive, so it was prayer Xiaolei exploited. But their relationship has not been substantial progress, Liangzi is a single-parent family that grew up, with withdrawn, and conservative thinking.

Praying Xiaolei decided to take advantage of the holiday to take her.

He knew that the most convenient way to take down a girl was to take her on a trip, the more dangerous the place the better. This is based on the fact that when he was chasing Qi Fei Fei, this is what he did. After a unique tour, she completely fell into his arms.

The next place he selected to hunt for sex is called Baoquan Mountain.

After buying the ticket, he was about to call Liangzi, when the phone rang. It was Qi Fei Fei who called.

The moment Qi Fei Fei came up, she said, "Tomorrow is a holiday, you come to my place!" It was a commanding tone, unquestionable.

Praying Xiaolei's heart almost exploded: "Sorry, I can't go."

"Why can't you?"

Praying Xiaolei's brain was whirling fast: "I ...... we have an event."

"What kind of activities?" Qi Fei Fei's tone was not disappointed, only annoyed.

"Sketching, we're going out of town to sketch." Praying Xiaolei is studying art, this lie left him enough room for maneuvering.

"Which place?"

Pray Xiao Lei wanted to continue to lie, but did not have time, the three words came out unpredictably: "Baoquan Mountain."

"Which day to go?"


"Good, auntie will go to Baoquan Mountain to find you."

After saying that, hung up the phone.

Now, not only the heart, pray for Xiaolei's head is about to explode.

Pray for Xiaolei decided to discuss with Liangzi, can not change the plan, according to the previous experience, three words can convince her, but this time is not so easy. Ryoko, who had always been very submissive, firmly disagreed this time.

"How can you do that? I've already formed a group online."

"A group?" Pray for Xiaolei's heart surged up a bad premonition.

"Group adventure ah, but few people responded, it seems that only one, or a girl."

"Girl?" From this moment on, Praying Xiaolei's cold sweat kept rising out, he asked with shivering lips, "What's her name?"

"No real name provided, only a screen name, called 'Knowing People'."

Hearing these two words, Praying Xiaolei's mood became even more complicated. He did not know if this person was Qi Fei Fei, so he could not take specific countermeasures, the only thing he could do was to improvise.

With this kind of mood like going to the execution ground, he and Liangzi came to the Baoquan Mountain. There was a mask store outside the mountain gate, which was the place where they had agreed to meet with Zhiren.

"Buy a pair of masks!" As soon as they entered the store, the skinny shopkeeper rushed to sell them. He had a smile on his face, but somehow the smile also looked like a mask.

Praying Xiaolei politely said: "Let's see for ourselves."

Anyone can understand that the boss should have the sense to back away. But he did not do so, but continued to chant: "You'd better buy one pair, no, buy two pairs!"

Praying Xiaolei was not happy, the voice sounded like a threat, and he vented his displeasure in his voice: "Why do we have to buy?"

The boss said with a strange expression, "You may be here for the first time and don't know the rules here. Let me explain to you. There is a custom in Baoquan Mountain, that as long as the people who go out from the mountain, as long as they die, no matter where they die, they have to be buried in the ancestral graves of their hometowns. Yesterday, I just saw a funeral procession out of the mountain, proving that the mountain has just buried people ......"

Involuntarily, pray for a small Lei's spine a chill, he subconsciously looked around, the entire store, masks hanging all over the place, each mask looking back at him, this scene, like being in a horror movie, and the shopkeeper's voice, more like background music. This makes Pray Xiao Lei rashly panic, his teeth chattering, try to pretend as if nothing happened, and ask: "buried people what happened?"

Short Story

About the Creator

Kosar Davoodi

Beautiful and kind, I like to make friends and travel around. I'm glad to meet you all here. Follow me more.

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