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Origins of the Queen of the Sea

Legend of the Lost Princess

By Jessica C.Published 2 years ago 4 min read

Sofia colored contently at the table, immersed in her work with a gentle smile on her face. Serena assisted by working on one of Sofia’s backgrounds for her story. Sofia had made great progress on her story since the first day. Serena wasn’t sure how long Sofia planned on making her story, but the cast was rather large. The background scenes were growing in number, too. No matter what it ended up being, Sofia’s story would be fun without a doubt.

“Did you ever hear about the Queen of the Sea?” Sofia asked.

Serena paused, contemplating the question. “No, I don’t believe I have. Who’s the Queen of the Sea?” she inquired, curious.

Sofia beamed, excited that someone was interested in the Queen of the Sea. She capped her marker because this was serious business. Focusing on the task at hand, Sofia began illuminating the tale, “Her origins began long, long ago…”

Legends revealed that a mystical being was born by chance. A single, golden dew drop descended from the glowing sun, washing upon the sandy shores of the Earth. As the ocean waves caressed this golden, sun drop, it solidified, transforming into a small egg.

The Kingdom of the Sun lost its princess that day, its unborn princess lost to the realm of Earth. The Sun Queen searched for her lost daughter, high and low. Days turned to weeks as the queen fervently combed the lands. She refused to cease her quest until her daughter was returned safe to her arms.

Her search eventually led her to Earth with its vast ocean waters. Spying something upon the warm, white sands, she approached the surface, praying to finally uncover her lost daughter’s whereabouts. Approaching cautiously, hope clutched tightly inside her weary heart, the queen held her breath. Ever so tenderly scooping up the small egg, intuitive knowing stirred within her soul. She had found her—she had found the lost princess at last!

The Sun Queen’s heart swelled with delighted relief, eyes overflowing with relentless tears. The seemingly never-ending quest for the lost princess finally concluded and bore fruit. Cradling her cherished daughter with care, they returned to the Kingdom of the Sun.

A joyous celebration was held in the kingdom, a blessed day, indeed! The Sun Queen securely tucked away the princess inside the nest in the nursery, tenderly caressing the egg as it lay beside its twin. Everyone had returned home, safe and sound. All was as it should be. No one knew how the princess had fallen from the Sun Palace, but that hardly mattered now that she was returned unharmed at last. The celebration stretched on for days, the kingdom too overjoyed to consider anything less.

The kingdom kept a close watch over the nest, lest history were to repeat itself. They eagerly anticipated the birth of the new royalty. The queen ensured that the precious eggs were warmed, ensuring the perfect incubation for her perfect, little darlings. The kingdom waited with bated breath.

Their wait ended as the eggs began to crack. The formerly lost princess’s time on Earth had changed her, although the Kingdom of the Sun had yet to realize it. The twin emerged into the kingdom first in a blaze of glorious, brilliant light. The twin was a fiery princess, glittering and golden, much to the kingdom’s delight. The blazing princess was the pride of the kingdom.

The kingdom worried over the other egg, growing concerned about the egg’s wellbeing and wondering if the time spent lost on Earth did it harm. Apprehension grew, gnawing and stewing, as the days of inactivity increased. The queen began to fret, wondering if all were lost despite the kingdom’s vast efforts to save the princess.

The kingdom rejoiced as the other egg finally began to show signs of hatching. Their beloved princess would be well after all! Their excitement was short-lived and soon transformed into confusion. This princess was nothing like her twin. While the other princess was like all that came before her, burning with the scorching, golden intensity of the Kingdom of the Sun, this newly hatched princess did not. Her twin sparked to life with the flames of the Sun whereas the formerly lost princess resembled a squid to the bafflement of the kingdom.

The Sun Queen’s heart clenched, fearing for her daughter. Her beloved daughter would not last on the combustive surface of her homeland. With a heavy heart, she realized that the princess’s time on Earth had changed her. This princess would be unable to rule, let alone withstand the flaming heat. Soul crying out in despair, the queen lamented the fate handed to her; she knew what course she must take. For the sake of her daughter, she must cast the princess out of the Kingdom of the Sun.

Anguish blanketed the kingdom as they bid their princess farewell. The birthing of the princesses was bittersweet: the first born was the kingdom’s pride and joy, yet the second born would never survive if she remained at her home. Miserable gloom piercing her heart, the queen dispatched the second born princess back to Earth where she could thrive in the sea. Fiery tears streamed down her face, even as reason insisted she did what she must.

Upon returning to the waters of the Earth, the princess was sent to live with the Duke of the Sea. Recognizing the princess’s concealed, great strength, the Duke transformed her into a more fitting form. With the Duke’s assistance, the princess became an octopus. With this new form the princess’s powers continued to grow.

Despite her twin’s blazing glory and apparent power, this princess proved to be the more powerful twin. Her strength continued to grow stronger each day, ultimately causing her to become the Queen of the Sea.


About the Creator

Jessica C.

I've always enjoyed creating, whether it be art or stories. I've enjoyed creating art from a young age and have worked in a variety of schools. I adore anime & cats. Over the summer we adopted baby Tsuki/Tsukihime, my moon princess kitten.

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