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One Minute More

Love Beyond Times Boundary

By Mark LunaPublished 20 days ago 3 min read

In the heart of a war-torn land, where the earth itself seemed to mourn the weight of unending conflict, the story of Alex and Taylor unfolded—a narrative not just of warfare, but of two souls intertwined by fate and bonded by a love as profound as it was forbidden. In the dim, early hours before dawn, with the horizon just a faint promise of light, they found themselves in a trench carved out of desperation and hope, their sanctuary against the chaos of battle that lay ahead.

The night had been long, a vigil against the dark that brought with it the cold whisper of mortality. They had spoken little, each lost in their own thoughts, yet comforted by the presence of the other. It was a silence filled with words that need not be spoken, a conversation of glances and touches that spoke volumes.

As the first light of dawn began to pierce the darkness, the moment they had been dreading loomed large before them. The mission was a formidable one: to lead a charge that could potentially break through the enemy lines, offering a glimmer of victory in a war that had seen too much defeat. It was a plan fraught with danger, a gambit that demanded everything and promised nothing.


Their hands found each other in the gloom, a gesture of unity and strength. In this touch, there was a promise made—a promise to stand by each other until the end, to face whatever came their way together.


Taylor's voice broke the silence, a soft murmur that seemed to carry with it the weight of the world. "I wish we had more time," they said, echoing the sentiment that had haunted their every moment together. Time was a luxury they could not afford, measured not in days or hours but in breaths and heartbeats.


Alex's gaze met Taylor's, a look that conveyed a world of emotions—fear, determination, love. "We'll make it through," Alex vowed, their words a beacon in the darkness. It was a promise born of hope rather than conviction, a desire to believe in a future where they could be together, free from the shadows of war.


The sergeant's call to arms shattered the fragile peace of their moment, a stark reminder of the reality that awaited them. They were soldiers, first and foremost, bound by duty to answer the call of battle, even if it meant leaving behind the dreams they harbored.


In those final seconds, Taylor drew Alex close, their embrace a bastion against the uncertainty of what lay ahead. "Don't forget why we're fighting," Taylor whispered, their words a reminder of the ideals that drove them—a world where love knew no boundaries, where peace was more than just a fleeting dream.


Tears, unbidden, trailed down Alex's cheeks, a silent testimony to the depth of their connection. "Together, in this life or the next," Alex whispered back, their voice a mix of hope and resignation.


With one last look, a memory to carry into the fray, they parted, each stepping into the role fate had assigned them. As soldiers, they would face the enemy; as lovers, they would dream of a reunion in a world beyond the reach of war.


The battle was a maelstrom, a chaos of noise and violence that threatened to consume everything in its path. Alex and Taylor fought with a desperation born of their promise to each other, each moment on the battlefield a defiance of the odds stacked against them.

In the end, as the dust settled and the clamor of war faded to a haunting silence, Alex and Taylor lay side by side on the battlefield, their hands stretched out, fingers inches apart as if in one final attempt to reach each other. In their eyes, closed now to the world, there lingered a peace, a testament to a love that had endured the trials of war, a bond not even death could sever.

Their story, whispered on the wind that swept across the now-quiet field, became a legend—a tale of courage, of love unyielding, of two soldiers who dared to dream of peace in a time of war.


About the Creator

Mark Luna

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