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Old Wars Never Die

Young twins are hunted for reasons unknown, will the Dragons help?

By DuskshadowsPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 15 min read

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley. They had come here after a devastating war with another ancient species, the raion. The dragons were the first species to appear on Myrmidon, born of the world as life came to be. When the Old Gods awoke from the First Slumber, they created creatures worthy of them for reasons of their own. The most powerful of these were the raion, giant winged lions created by DanaZule Herself.

Lorn had been told this many times growing up. He and his sister, Lura, were told how the dragons and the raion came into conflict almost immediately. Each believing they were the superior species. DanaZule’s decree that the raion were not to make war was the only thing preventing it all those eons ago.

Lorn’s horse went around a hole in the road, shaking him from his reverie. These rides between the Valley and the nearest village were fairly dull, and his thoughts drifted as the horse plodded along to their destination. He had gone to the village to get special candies for his sister. Their birthday was coming up, and he wanted to surprise Lura this year.

They didn’t know what their actual birthday was, or even how old they were. The twins had wandered into the Valley with a few other lost children, victims of an attack that had cost them their parents and their homes. Farmers found them and brought them to the town, called Dragonhome. In the center of the valley, it was filled with good people who took them all in. Their adopted parents decided the day Lorn and Lura came to them was their new birthday, since it was the start of their new life.

And a good life it was. At least Lorn always thought so. They were treated well and loved by their parents. Their birth parents and the other adults had died in that attack, buying time so the children could flee. Jord and Petra, his adoptive parents, honored them and were quite honest about hoping they were worthy of raising them. Lorn thought so, and in his quiet fantasies believed his birth parents would like them.

They couldn’t have been over four or five when they were taken in. That was eleven years ago, so sixteen years old was a safe bet. Lorn was definitely growing into a man, but an average sized one. An active life kept his muscles from being soft, but many would think he was at first glance with a face so similar to his sister’s. He quickly disabused the few bullies who thought he was soft of that notion.

Lura could take care of herself, too. A year ago, a traveling merchant’s son tried to accost her. Lura was the same size as Lorn, but the boy was big, belligerent, and drunk. They were never sure of his intentions, and Lura never found out because she left him in a fetal position in a pool of his own vomit. She was fast and had an instinct of knowing where to cause the most pain.

Lorn smiled as he thought of his sister, and in the back of his mind he felt a spreading warmth. She had felt him thinking of her. That was their secret, that their bond was so close they could sense each other’s feelings. They had always had this bond. Their parents knew of it, and advised them to keep it to themselves, as even good people could still be superstitious.

“Hey Lorn! Lorn!” a voice called. Lorn looked up the road and saw his friend James. James was waving to him on top of his father’s gelding. Lorn highly doubted James had permission to borrow the gelding, and was almost certain James would catch hell for it. Lorn waved back and quickened his pace to meet his friend. He felt a slight jab in the back of his mind. Lura had injured herself somehow. Lorn wondered what she was doing.


“Ow!” Lura cried out before sticking her finger in her mouth.

“Again?” a deep voice rumbled from behind her. “Perhaps you should rethink this present for your brother, Lura.”

“No,” she said around her finger, pulling it out of her mouth as she continued. “Father is making a dagger for him. A sheath is a perfect gift to go with the dagger.”

“Oh, I agree.” the voice said, a laughing rumble. “It’s a perfect gift with the dagger. However, you could have an actual leather-worker make it. Perhaps Lorn might appreciate a sheath covered in his sister’s blood, then again, perhaps not.”

Lura heaved an exaggerated sigh before turning around to look at the owner of the rumbling voice. Even though Lura had seen her thousands of times before, Tyrin’s breathtaking beauty still caught her. She lay in the sun, soaking up its warmth, shining like a blue diamond. Tyrin’s lips peeled back in a draconic smile, still laughing softly. Lura stuck her tongue out at her.

Tyrin’s blue scales still glistened from her dance in the waterfall. Dragons were cleaner creatures than one would expect, and when nobody was looking, they did like playing in the water. She was a rare exception. Lura had known her since she was little, and it was Tyrin’s playful nature that brought Lura out of her shell after she came to Dragonhome with Lorn and the others. Lura couldn’t help but smile as Tyrin flicked her tongue back at her.

Her irritation evaporating, Lura put down the needle and leather. Springing up, she ran over to Tyrin’s neck and wrapped her arms around her neck in a hug. Her neck was as thick as a tree trunk and Lura could barely reach halfway around, but she squeezed as hard as she could. Then she stepped out to Tyrin’s head, got on her tiptoes, and kissed her just beneath the eye.

Tyrin raised her head a little, looking pointedly at Lura. “What was that for?”

Lura smiled, “no reason, I’m just glad you’re you.”

Tyrin’s lips peeled back again in that semblance of a smile. “Why thank you! I guess I’m glad I didn’t eat you the day we met after all.”

Lura laughed, “me too.” It had become a running joke between the two of them. When Tyrin was pleased with Lura, she was glad she didn’t eat her, but when she was displeased, she would bemoan the lost meal and wonder if she’d be more filling now.

Tyrin put her head back down. “Well, if you’re going to keep poking holes in yourself, go do it somewhere else so I can enjoy my nap.”

Lura danced away from the deceptively small lump, still laughing. That “lump” was still thirty feet long. Lying down with her wings furled, neck and tail wrapped around her, Tyrin appeared much smaller than she was. Standing up, she was closer to fifty feet long, with a wingspan to match.

“Fine! I’ll take a break. I could use a nap too!” and Lura fell to the grass with a giggle.

Lura stretched happily. She could feel Lorn in the back of her mind, and something happened a few minutes before that pleased him greatly. She shared in his good mood and it made her bad mood about her stitching skills evaporate. It was one benefit of their emotional bond. These happy moments made the other things that came with it all worthwhile.

“Well, I will finish that sheath if it’s the last thing I do, but I don’t think leather-working is for me.” Lura said to the sky.

“And what do you think is for you?” Tyrin asked casually.

“I don’t know.” Lura said honestly. “Sometimes I think Lorn and I have a purpose, but I do not know what.”

Tying was silent for a moment, “knowing you have a purpose is very important. Sometimes we have to find out what for ourselves. When the times comes, you will know.”

Lura turned her head towards Tyrin. “you sound like you know something I don’t.”

“I’m two hundred years old. I know many things you don’t.” Tyrin said in a huff.

“Yes, great and mysterious are the ways of dragons.” Lura said in a raspy imitation of Tyrin’s voice. Tyrin repeated herself, often.

“Indeed.” Tyrin laughed. “However, regarding whatever your purpose might be, this I know, you will fulfill it, as will your brother. You both have a strength of spirit worthy of any dragon.”

Lura beamed at the compliment. “thank you,” she whispered, suddenly feeling emotional.

“Ugh! Don’t start crying or anything. I can still eat you, you know.”

Lura laughed again, “and I would still taste terrible!”

Suddenly, Lura sat up with a gasp.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Tyrin asked, concerned.

“It’s Lorn! He’s scared!” She looked at Tyrin, the same fear showing in her eyes. “He’s in danger!”


Lorn laughed loudly at the joke James just made. It wasn’t funny, but it was easier to just laugh. If one didn’t laugh at Jame’s jokes, he would feel compelled to explain them to you, as if that would make the joke funny. Still, there were worse flaws than thinking you were funnier than you actually were.

“So what did you get Lura?” he asked, suddenly switching topics. James was a lot more flighty than funny.

“Candy.” Lorn replied.

“Candy? Isn’t that, well, isn’t that….” James was struggling to find the right words for once. Usually he had dozens.

“Old Len says they are from the special factories in Aerilon itself. Some flavors can only be gotten there. They say they’re from exotic fruits from other worlds!” Lorn looked away, his eyes getting a faraway look. “Other worlds. Think of it!”

“I’d rather not,” James said dryly. “This world has enough to keep us busy. You forgot about Lastday Dinner, didn’t you?”

Lorn cursed. “You waited until NOW to remind me?”

James smiled, “Yes”

"Damn, let’s move.” Lorn stepped up the pace of his horse. Angry at himself for forgetting, and a little irked at James for knowing it. Tomorrow was also the last day of school before summer break. The night before, there was always a dinner for the student’s families to celebrate. Lorn privately suspected the parents were secretly happy they could put their kids to work during the summer. He was sure Jord had plenty for him to do.

“Hey! Slow down, Lorn!” James called, rushing to catch up.

“No! You hurry up!” Lorn yelled back.

They were so distracted by bantering with each other, neither noticed a speck in the sky behind them growing larger.

“Oh, come on! We’ll still make it back in time. You don’t need to be so tense!” James said in an aggrieved tone.

Lorn rolled his eyes, slowing down. “You’re right, it’s just, damn, you’re annoying sometimes.”

James laughed, “and to think my daddy said I wouldn’t be good at anything.”

“You just don’t” Lorn was interrupted by a gust of wind and a shadow passing over them.

He watched with jaw hanging open as he saw a story come to life. Gigantic wings flapped slowly as a massive lion landed in front of them. Lorn felt like an insect staring at a mountain. It was huge, thirty feet at the shoulder and more than twice as long. Lorn could also see that it was a he. Holy crap, could Lorn see it was a he.

Both horses stood frozen in terror. This beast was beyond their instincts. It was proud and majestic, a brilliant white that seemed almost pure, and exuded so much power a part of Lorn just wanted to curl up into a ball and cover his eyes. This was a raion. The dragons had spoken of them, but Lorn had never thought to behold one himself. It looked at them with ancient eyes, almost squinting, as if they weren’t used to focusing on something so insignificant.

The raion looked at James and sniffed. Amazingly, it spoke. “You may go. I have no interest in you.”

Dismissing James, the raion looked at Lorn. “You, however, must die.”


“Please Tyrin! We have to help him!” Lura pleaded with her dragon friend, hands clasped in front of her.

“You know I cannot, Lura. Leaving the valley is our greatest prohibition.” Tyrin said gently, concerned for Lorn as well.

“He’s my brother! He’s being attacked! Please!” Lura actually hopped up and down, craning her neck to look up at her friend.

“Lura, there’s a Treaty. As long as we remain in the valley, we’re safe. If it is discovered I left the Valley, even to go a mile, it would risk the Treaty, it would risk us all.” Tyrin shifted and rose to her feet. Pacing back and forth, unable to contain her stress. She felt like she was being given an impossible choice.

Lura gasped and whirled suddenly, looking east, towards where her brother was. “Something is trying to kill him! I can’t let that happen! I can’t!” Lura began running east towards the mountains that marked the edge of the valley. There was no way she would get there in time to make any difference, but she didn’t care.

Tyrin gazed at her impulsive young human friend, inching her way across the grass. At least from her perspective. The blue dragon felt a sense of responsibility for Lura, and towards Lorn if to a lesser extent. If Lura was going to be in danger, the decision was now easy, and Tyrin would face the consequences.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Everything became sharp and Lorn felt more focused than he ever had before. He also felt more terrified than he ever had before. Without thinking, he turned to James and said, “Go!”

James looked as terrified as Lorn felt, but somehow turn away from the monstrous raion in front of them. “What? No! I won’t leave you!” James shook his head and sat straighter in his saddle, somehow keeping his horse from bolting. Lorn didn’t have time to argue. He turned his own horse around and stepped towards the horse's rear. Lorn slapped the gelding’s rump, and he finally bolted.

The gelding veered away from the raion, which was raising itself on its hind legs. Lorn pushed his horse into a gallop, trying to get away. He could hear James yelling, then a massive roar. Lorn risked a look back and saw James’ horse running away unmolested. He didn’t see the raion anywhere.

Lorn suddenly jerked the reigns to the right, his horse quickly turned and Lorn felt the wind from the raion’s wings. It flew through where they had been. If Lorn hadn’t changed course, it would’ve killed him. This was no joke, not that he ever thought it was, but now it passed from the surreal to the real.

Through his terror, Lorn could feel his sister. She was aware something was happening and her fear reflected his own. Yet there was more, comfort and strength. Lorn was not alone. A new resolve filled him as he felt her strength bolster his. He would survive this!

There was another roar behind him. The raion was approaching again. Lorn quickly pulled back on the reins, bringing his horse up short. The raion flew over them and landed. Turning around, it faced them.

“So,” the raion rumbled, “you have decided to face death rather than be run down like an animal. There may be some mettle in you humans, after all.” His voice sounded deep and reminded Lorn of caverns.

Lorn had hoped to buy some time since he had better things to do tonight than die. “Why do you want to kill me?”

“I don’t want to kill you. I have been ordered to.” The raion said gravely, stepping forward.

“Wait!” Lorn cried, raising a hand. “I’m nobody! There’s no reason!”

The raion chuckled ruefully. “there must be a reason or I would not be here, but they did not tell me why. I did not ask. I will ask you a question. However, where is your sister?”

“Lura?” he blurted out without thinking.

“If that’s her name.” the gigantic beast said.

Lorn shook his head, as if coming out of a daze. “I won’t let you harm her!”

The raion laughed outright. “Your bravery does you credit, but it is not enough. It was luck I sensed you, so I assume she’s close and somehow protected from my sight. No matter, I will find her. You cannot stop me from killing you or her.”

“But I can!” a voice roared loudly from behind Lorn. He looked back and saw Tyrin landing. Lura was on her back!

He smiled in relief then remembered, “no! Tyrin! Get Lura out of here! It wants to kill her!”

“And you!” Lura yelled, sliding down Tyrin’s back to the ground.

“This is not your concern, Dragon!” the raion roared, rearing up on his hind legs and spreading his wings. “Leave now and I will forget I saw you.”

“That was an excellent display, Raion!” Tyrin hissed, raising her head and facing the winged lion. She was of a similar size and not intimidated. Lorn sure was. “These are my friends! You will not have them!”

The raion drew back, clearly confused. “You call these….. things…. your friends? I did not think dragons would stoop so low, but I suppose it doesn’t surprise me.”

Tyrin ignored the insult. “There was a time we felt as you did, Raion, that we were inherently superior to all other life forms. Since then, we have seen that the Universe contains wonders and terrors that dwarf us all, and dangers that can bring even the mightiest of us down. You should have seen the same thing.”

“That does not mean I will make friends with my lessers! I say one last time, leave now or you risk the Treaty!”

“Then I risk it! You do not belong so close to our territory. It is you who will leave now or face my wrath!” Tyrin growled.

They began to circle each other. They knew there was only one way this could end. Lorn realized they had been momentarily forgotten. He pulled on Lura’s sleeve and leaned in, whispering in her ear, “Come on. We do not want to be here.”

Lura was watching the beasts, eyes wide as saucers. She looked at him and nodded. They began running. Behind them, he heard the raion roar. Tyrin roared back, defiant.

The titans leapt at each other.

Short Story

About the Creator


For there is no freedom from me.

There is only freedom through me!!!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (6)

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  • Dylan Crice2 years ago

    Enjoyed the story. Strong characters and interested in seeing where it goes next.

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    Love the pictures , nice read. Thanks for sharing.

  • Wowww this was so cool! Loved the name Lura

  • Morgana Miller2 years ago

    Oooh, twins with a special bond, an alluded prophecy to special purpose, beastly terrors that would have them dead... The set-up for a wonderful epic fantasy. Really enjoyed the read!

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Spectacular story! Caught my interest and never disappointed. Well done!!!😊💕

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