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Never Think Of Your Future

Story Time

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Never Think Of Your Future
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

never think of your future because it comes soon enough, never lose touch with the past because it is forever; let your past be your future.”



“What did the mad king mean?”

“The future isn’t so much the past as it is something entirely new. The future is something you make with your past, not something you get from it.”

“What else?”

“Future is more than memory. I think, for you, your memories are your future.”

“I suppose.”

“Future is different than past. In the future, what is the past? You say, I had the future when I was a child, and the present I have now, but what do you mean? For how long are you not a child and not a grown-up, then? The present and the future are something new, aren’t they?”


“I will tell you what I meant at the time. I meant what I said to you. The past is not the future. The present is the future, and the future is now. But you can have the past if you want, and you can have the present as well. You don’t always have to wait for the future.”

“I understand.”

never think of your future because it comes soon enough, never lose touch with the past because it is forever; let your past be your future.”

“You have been given the past and you will be given the future. The future is the present and the past is the future. You can have your future or your past, but you can never have both.”


The moon rises. It lights the whole palace. The birds fly in the darkness. No birds ever fly outside during the day.

A shaft of light falls into the chamber from the street.

Why, father, do you keep yourself up so? Sleep now.

I haven’t slept since you left me. But I don’t see what good it would do me to sleep now. Tomorrow will be like the past. Tomorrow will be different from what I am now, tomorrow will be the future. Tomorrow will be the present.

The moon rises. It lights the whole palace. The birds fly in the darkness. No birds ever fly outside during the day.

Why, father, do you keep yourself up so? Sleep now.I haven’t slept since you left me. But I don’t see what good it would do me to sleep now. Tomorrow will be like the past. Tomorrow will be different from what I am now, tomorrow will be the future. Tomorrow will be the present.


“What are dreams?”

“Dreams are just our minds becoming like shadows, just shadows and shadows become. Shadows are shadows and shadows become.”“In the future there will be no shadows. Shadows will be dust and dust will be dust. You won’t have to worry about shadows anymore,

Dreams are things you can have or things you can’t have, dreams can exist in the present or in the future. Dreams are like presents. Present presents are a present that is still present, and the future presents are presents that are still in the future. Dreams are always already present.

“What reason?”

“I think of the future because if I forget it, it means I have lost touch with the past. I don’t want to lose touch with the present.”


You dream of a future that is not the present. What is the present? You dream of a future you can’t have or you can’t have now.

The present is your present and it is your future. The future is what you make it to be.

The future is not something you get from it, it is something you make with it. The future is not something you have, it is something you keep.

The future is something you keep. If you live in the past you are in the future. If you live in the present you are in the future. If you keep your mind focused on the past you are in the future, if you let your mind focus on the present you are in the present.

The future is a future that can be made. The future is a future that is not to come. Future is what you make it to be.

The past is always the past. There is no past past anymore. There is only present and future.

“I’ll tell you what I meant to say to you at the time. I meant, don’t think of your future because it comes soon enough. You say, I will remember the future, and then I will wait for it, but there is a reason that I remember the future.”

Short Story

About the Creator

umer ali

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