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My Sisters Protection

Written By: Brittany Fuller

By Brittany FullerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Power of Love

“Where are all the children?” The entire world wanted to know. All I can remember is waking up in a room with bright lights on the ceiling, and digital file folders on the walls. I had never seen anything like it. I could not remember my name, but somehow, I knew I had one. Subject 710, is what they called me. I was strapped to a bed. All kinds of test and experiments were done on me. I could tell by the precise incisions all over my body. We slept in rooms with about 20 people and 20 beds separated by glass. There was a girl about my age, and we would communicate with our eyes. We all had this ability. She told me she was lost, and so was I. Our memories haunted us with sadness.

On one occasion I was awoken to a loud voice. “Subject 710!” yelled one of the guards. Every door had two guards. They wore black uniforms, and black helmets, and they kept their firearms drawn. “On your bed!” He yelled. I laid down on the bed and was automatically restrained. 3 robed women then came in and rolled my bed out. I thought they were going to be doing more experiments on me. We arrived at a large room full of lights, and a Large mirror at the front of the room. The robed women then exited the room. I laid there in silence fastened down, when a man with very pale skin appeared in the mirror. He had gray hair and was wearing a white medical robe. He spoke to me. “Tell me about your dreams,” he said. I just stared at him in anger, but never spoke a word. “Do you know why you’re here?” he said. I shook my head to say no. However, I was not prepared for what he was about to say.

“The world is not what it once was. Many have died.” “How?” I asked. He told me that they discovered a translucent gas in the air that killed many people, and left others sick, or trapped indoors with no resources. Everything started to make sense. He explained that the younger adults and children were not affected by the gas, and that we were locked away to keep us safe. “So will you tell me about your dreams now,” he said. I was still untrusting towards him, and I shook my head to say no once more. I Yelled, “Where are my parents?” “Why are you doing this to us?” The pale man then smiled and disappeared from the mirror. The robed women then carried me back to my room.

I would dream of my mother and father. My mom had long black hair and almond skin. She was short and slender. She was always staring out of a window with tears streaming down her face. My father was very tall with a bare head. His skin was dark, and his face had a serious look. I would always see him running down an endless street, with a rifle in his hand. I knew they were looking for me. I could feel it. I longed for my parents.

Night and Day would clash. I never knew the time. I would stare at the ceiling; trying to understand my dreams. The time felt endless. I knew I needed to escape, but how? Women with covered faces and long silver robes would feed us. They moved robotically, and each glass door would open as they passed by. We would all have to lay in the bed on our backs with our hands by our sides, the bed would automatically strap us down. They would then enter the room and place our food on the floor. The door would then close, and we would be released. “Why did we have to be strapped down?” I wondered. “I am only a child”, I thought.

My dreams started to haunt me, as the days would pass. All the other children seemed to be affected the same way. We were tormented. All throughout the nights, you could here children screaming and wailing. I would see images of thousands of people dead on sidewalks. The living people appeared to be in a state of confusion. They walked very slowly, as if they were in pain. They had boils and rashes all over. The worst part of my dreams were the crying mothers. I saw an image of what had to be thousands of women standing in a desert, some fell to their death as they walked. They walked in groups. I could clearly see that they were famished. I wondered where they were going. I knew they were looking for their children, but I did not know where we were.

There was a girl a little older than me. She was in my dreams. We would watch the people in anguish together. She wore a beautiful sky-blue dress and had huge white wings. She had long beautiful black hair, and almond skin. She would smile at me and we would just watch together. “can you help me?” I asked. “I need to get out of here.” She replied, “You have the powers to free yourself.” She then placed a golden heart- shaped locket in my hand, and said “Wake up, it’s time to leave.” When I woke up the locket was still there.

Seven guards came in my room to try and restrain me to my bed. I was afraid, but I wanted to fight. They ran through the door and started charging at me. I let out a loud scream and said, “GET OUT OF HERE!” I held out both my hands to try and push them away. A powerful fire came from my hands and burnt up the guards. Someone released all the children. There were dead guards everywhere. I followed a large group of children. We were running for the exit. It was a huge door with a release button that opened from the top.

We were free. When the door was released, we were surrounded by a dessert. We ran straight for hours. We came upon a group of women. They ran towards us. It was our parents. It was the people that survived. I searched through the crowd for my mother and father. When I found them, they grabbed me and would not let me go. We just cried. I felt so complete. My mother looked at my neck in shock. She asked, “Where did you get that heart-shaped locket?” I replied, “An angel gave it to me in my dreams.” She cried and cried. I asked, “What’s wrong mommy?” She said “You have a big sister. She passed away before you were born, and I buried that locket with her.”


About the Creator

Brittany Fuller

I Truly enjoy writing. I am grateful that vocal exist as a platform for writers to be creative.

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