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Misplaced monarchs

Her presence was once one that enamoured the masses. A beautiful young girl whose destiny seemed to be set in a lifestyle of the royal family. Princess Elizabeth Mason was a beautiful princess. Her abrupt absence filled the hearts of so many with anguish and sorrow. On her seventh birthday, the Princess seemed to simply disappear. Now, nearly a decade later, her father has declared that she must be found by her 17th birthday, or the search will be abandoned. Hope is diminishing, and a kingdom searches high and low for a lost princess. Village by village, every girl between 15 and 17 must be assessed. As a King searches for his daughter, a kingdom desperately anticipates the return of their Lost Princess.

By Shuajo 619Published 12 months ago 3 min read

Chapter 1:

"We cannot abandon her!" insisted a soft voice emanating from the corner of the chamber. Though barely audible, the entire room turned its attention towards the source. There sat a despondent figure named Daniel, his body slumped and his eyes filled with desperation.

Prince Daniel, a sixteen-year-old boy known for his outgoing nature, found himself at a loss for words when it came to discussing his sister. Nestled in the corner, he appeared diminished and insignificant. However, the weight of his words struck the room like an abrupt barrier.

It was widely acknowledged that the bond between twins held great strength, but the depth of their connection was often underestimated, just as it had been in the case of these young members of the royal family. Danny and Eliza, as they affectionately referred to each other, shared a bond even more profound than most. A bond so profound that even a brief separation felt like a dagger piercing Danny's heart.

What seemed peculiar was that little Eliza had never experienced the overwhelming strength of their connection. Thus, on the fateful day she vanished, Daniel felt as if a million daggers had pierced his young heart, shattering it into more pieces than even his mother's heart.

The sole thread keeping the young prince alive was hope. However, after nine years, hope had begun to wane. The entire family clung to a thin strand of hope that gradually frayed, one strand at a time.

"Prince Daniel," began an elderly gentleman with flushed cheeks, his voice tinged with anger as he shook his head. "For nine years, we have deployed our most skilled investigators and exhausted endless resources. Yet, we have not obtained any current leads on her whereabouts. It is futile."

The argument had been circulating in circles for the past hour, with no resolution in sight. Weariness settled upon the majority of those present, leaving only the royals and esteemed advisors engaged in the debate.

The grand meeting room teemed with important figures, each eager to contribute to the discussion. However, to the royals, it felt as though the entire kingdom stood opposed to their search for the missing princess and daughter.

At that moment, Prince Andrew, the eldest among the Mason siblings, interjected. He had been deeply involved in the quest for Eliza from the very first day of her disappearance, and his unwavering hope remained unyielding. They would find her. He would find her.

Growing up and assuming the weight of making crucial decisions had taken its toll on the young man. Furrow lines had begun to etch across his face, and the once-sparkling light in his eyes had dimmed.

"I refuse to abandon our search. We must do whatever it takes to find her," he declared, his emotions taking hold. His body trembled slightly, and his hands grew cold and clammy. It was unusual for him to lose control in such a manner. Clutching the edge of the table before him, he drew a deep breath. His knuckles turned white, and he longed to overturn the heavy oak table, though he knew it would be in vain.

"But what if she doesn't wish to be found?" retorted the advisor, his tone unexpectedly harsh. "We must consider the possibility. We have no evidence that she was even abducted. She might have chosen to run away."

"Don't be absurd," Queen Penelope interjected. "A seven-year-old does not leave home and manage to hide for nine years. I refuse to believe for a second that she does not want to be found."

Queen Penelope, a strong-willed woman who commanded respect, possessed a petite frame and delicate features that belied her inner fortitude. A solitary tear trailed down her cheek, and her


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