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Metallic Friend

Finding yourslelf in Unexpected Places

By Dr ShaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Metallic friend

Once upon a time there were two best friends, named Alice and Jacob, who had a special kind of psychic connection. They could read each other’s minds, although they never talked about it, they both knew this was their special bond.

One fine evening they both decided to go for a walk on the beach,As they packed their backpacks while talking about whether they would spend their night at the beach to see the sunrise next morning which Jacob doesn't recommend.But Alice was a thrill-seeking adventurer. She had been everywhere, from the highest mountain peaks to the deepest jungles, and she was always looking for the next challenge.She took her dad’s old camping tent with her.They walked down the stairs,Jacob got into his motorcycle which can fly and Alice drove her hyperbot horse.

On the way the sun is already going down so they rushed their accelerator,In no time they have reached the beach there were no one except them and few street dogs, the sand was so white and surrounded by jungle at the back and crystal clear water in front of them.Alice went running followed by Jacob.They both very got excited and started swimming without taking too long,The sun is falling down very slowly,sky is filled with multiple colours.

After a great swim under the sunset they sat back and talked about their experiences.

As time passed they were surrounded by darkness of the night, so they decided to set up camp on the seashore. Jacob found a flat, open space near the shoreline, and started to clear away any debris or rocks. Alice set up the tent, while Jacob gathered wood to make a fire. Once the fire was lit and the camp was ready, they relaxed and enjoyed the warm night air. They laughed and talked as they watched the stars come out and the waves lap against the shore. As they fell asleep, they felt a sense of peace and contentment, knowing they had set up a perfect camp for the night.Alice couldn't help her from falling asleep,while Jacob is still wandering the sky,the beauty of the moon and its bright light which is keeping them warm during the cold night.

Meanwhile Alice started having a strange dream. In it, she was standing on a strange island that seemed to be made of metal which she had never seen before. She couldn't believe her eyes that the metallic trees and vibrant flowers were so beautiful. She didn't know how she got there, but she knew she had to explore. She wandered around the island, noticing the strange robotic creatures that seemed to inhabit it. They didn't seem to pay him any attention, and she soon realised that she was the only human on the island.
As he explored further, she discovered a strange temple at the centre of the island. She entered the temple and was amazed to find a giant robotic being inside. It was the source of the robotic creatures that he had been seeing, and it seemed to be in control of the whole island.

Alice soon realised that this robotic creature had created the island and all its inhabitants. She was filled with excitement and fear as she realised that she was the only human on the robotic island. She realised that she had to find a way to escape, but before she could, he was woken up from her dream.Her eyes were gazing for Jacob but she couldn't find him next to her so she went looking after him, she saw Jacob’s motorcycle at the far most seashore Alice started running toward it but she couldn't find him there, with disappointment she sat right there on a unattended wooden box and started hesitating that it was her plan to spend the night there.After a few minutes she feel something unusual ticklish sensation under her from the wooden box where she sitting so she got up and try to look inside the wooden box but she couldn't find any ways to open it,she could hear weird metallic noises coming out of it,then she flipped the wooden box with the help of a rope which she found in a fishing boat on the shore,Alice is shocked by what's written on the other side of the box which is written in Russian with her little russian reading skill she learned from school Alice managed to read , it says the box is a portal to something she never heard of before,with some hesitant she pressed a green button on it that made the wooden box to emit a bright white light while she is processing what's going on around her, a loud voice calling her name and she suddenly turned her head towards the sound,that is the voice of Jacob she can see him walking in the sea water which is up to Jacob's hip.He's keep shouting “Alice! Alice”.

Alice ran toward him and grabbed his hand,pulled him towards the shore,while Jacob tiredly sat on the shore and gasping for air Alice asked him where he was but Jacob seemed so afraid and nervous,so she gave him some time to cool down.

Jacob got back on his feet,he started talking about what happened to him.He said right after Alice sleeps he was wandering the beauty of the sky and started walking towards the shore where he found about the strange wooden box dragged his attention so he went towards it and explored the box looks unattend for years and very mystical,Jacob couldn't read the writings on it so he wiped the dust out, suddenly the box emitted a bright light again with loud noise jacob took a step back the place his feet on a moving rock and slipped,he went falling facing his face toward the box,he placed his hand on the box at the last moment and saved himself from falling,right before he got stable jacob realised that he placed his hand on one if the buttons of the wooden box he couldn't see much than a green bright light with loud noise that made him unconscious once he woke he experienced the same things in reality which Alice was dreaming.Turns out they both were mentally connected and Alice was seeing what Jacob was experiencing in reality,they both came to an conclusion and shared their ability to read each other minds which made both of them to keep silence for a long time.but the jungle behind them is more silent which made Jacob to approach Alice to go back to their camp.Adventurous Alice wanted to go the island using the portal Jacob denied he said he barely made out of it if she didn't flip the wooden box he wouldn't have made out of it Jacob said.After a vigorous arguments Alice convinced Jacob to go back again they both prepared for everything now and started approaching the box as holding each others hand they slowly reached for the button on the portal
Alice pressed it with a brave heart. The light from the portal almost covered the entire shore and the jungle behind them, they couldn't stand the brightness of the light,it made them black out.

Alice opened her eyes and poked Jacob,he got up.They found themselves stuck on a faraway island with no way of getting off.It took some time for their eyes to adapt from the bright light exposure to their normal vision so they squeezed their eyes to see well,Alice saw trees which is hanging in the air,animals with no eyes,the place smells oil,exactly it looked like what she saw in her dreams.Jacob is walking like a ninja he doesn't want to step on the metal scraps on the floor,which is really sharp,he took each step carefully,the island was inhabited by strange and mysterious robots who were not very friendly.At first, Alice and Jacob were scared of the robots, but then they quickly realised that the robots were not trying to hurt them. In fact, the robots had been programmed to help the two of them in any way possible.

So Alice and Jacob decided to use their mind-reading powers to communicate with the robots. They were able to understand the robots’ intentions, and the robots were able to understand Alice and Jacob’s commands.

This newfound friendship between Alice, Jacob, and the robots allowed them to explore the island and find a way to get off. After a long and difficult journey, they finally reached a port and were able to sail back home.

As they sailed away, they all looked back at the island with fond memories. They had made it off the island.

Short StorySci FiMysteryAdventure

About the Creator

Dr Sha

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