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Mermaid Smile

girls sea

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 25 days ago 3 min read
Mermaid Smile
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

The whispers started with the fishermen. Weathered men, bronzed by the unforgiving sun, spoke of a sight that defied their years at sea. A glint of iridescent scales, a flash of emerald green that vanished like a mermaid's dream. Old Man Jakob, his beard crusted with salt and stories, swore he saw a smile – a flash of pearly white beneath the waves, as alluring as a siren's song.

Fear, like a creeping fog, settled over the tiny coastal village of Selkie's Bay. Legends, once whispered around crackling fires, rose from the ashes of forgotten lore. Mermaids weren't just creatures of myth, but beings of untold power and hidden motives. Some claimed they were benevolent, luring sailors to watery graveyards with enchanting voices. Others swore they were vengeful, dragging men down to the depths for sport.

Elara, a young woman with eyes the color of the summer sky, refused to succumb to the rising tide of fear. Raised on her grandfather's tales of the open sea, she believed in the beauty of the unknown, not its monsters. The whispers, however, reached her father, the gruff but fair captain of the Selkie's Pride. He doubled the watch, harpoons clinking ominously against the mast, a stark contrast to the cheerful laughter that once accompanied their voyages.

One misty morning, while the village slept, Elara slipped away. The rhythmic pounding of the waves was a familiar lullaby, and she craved a glimpse of the creature that had stirred such unease. She found a secluded cove, hidden amongst jagged cliffs, and perched herself on a weathered rock, her heart pounding against her ribs.

The sun, a drowsy eye peeking through the clouds, cast a shimmering sheet of light on the water. Then, she saw it. A ripple, a flicker of emerald green, and a creature emerged. Unlike the monstrous depictions of folklore, the mermaid was ethereal. Her tail, the color of polished jade, shimmered in the dappled sunlight. Her long hair, the same vibrant green, cascaded down her back like seaweed carried by a current.

But it was her face that truly captivated Elara. It was human-like, with delicate features and skin the pale pink of a seashell. The fear that had gripped the village was replaced by a strange sense of awe. And then, the mermaid smiled. It wasn't a predatory glint of teeth, but a soft, curious curve of her lips. Elara, with a heartbeat that seemed to echo in the silence, found herself smiling back.

The mermaid tilted her head, her dark eyes full of an intelligent curiosity. She sang, not with a siren's call, but with a melody that seemed to rise from the depths of the ocean itself. It wasn' a song without words, yet it resonated in Elara's soul, a song of longing and belonging.

As if sensing the fear radiating from the village, the mermaid retreated into the depths. Elara, however, was different. She no longer felt fear, but a deep connection to the creature. The mermaid wasn't a monster, but a being of solitude, yearning for understanding.

Back in the village, Elara faced skepticism. The fishermen scoffed, dismissing her account as childish fancy. But her father, his weathered face etched with concern, saw the conviction in her eyes. He didn't believe in mermaids, but he believed in his daughter.

Days turned into weeks, and the whispers of the mermaid faded. The Selkie's Pride set sail again, the harpoons replaced with nets. One afternoon, a storm raged, unleashing its fury upon the unsuspecting ship. The sails ripped, the mast shuddered, and the crew panicked.

Elara, clinging to a splintered piece of wood, watched in horror as the Selkie's Pride began to founder. Then, she saw her - the mermaid. With a speed that defied the churning waves, she swam towards the sinking ship. Grasping one sailor after another, she carried them to safety, depositing them gently on a nearby islet.

When Elara finally emerged from the raging water, her lungs burning, she saw the mermaid surface beside her. They locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The mermaid, with a final, grateful nod, sank back into the depths.

The storm eventually subsided, leaving behind a bruised but grateful crew. Back in Selkie's Bay, Elara found her father, relief etched on his face. The villagers, humbled by their near brush with disaster, listened in stunned silence as Elara recounted the mermaid's heroism.

Fear was replaced with a newfound respect for the creatures of the deep. The children, fueled by Elara's story, spun fantastical tales of the benevolent mermaid. The fishermen, though cautious, acknowledged that not all creatures of the deep were born of nightmares.

Elara continued to visit the secluded


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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