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Mea Viridis Daemonium

A Forbidden Love Is The Best Kind of Love.

By Connor DavisPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
(All Credit To The Original Owner of The Drawing)

"There."A distant sigh of relief from Samara is heard, "That's the last of it." Setting down the red soaked paint brush next to her freshly painted summoning circle. Looking towards the book of summonings to make sure it's correctly painted on the wooden floor below. "Looks correct to me... Hopefully this works correctly." Standing up from the cold creaky floor panels, Samara brushes her knees off, picking up the book of summonings holding it open on both forearms the chant begins, "Daemon, esto subjecto voluntati meae! Attenrobendum eos, ad consiendrum, ad ligandum eos, potiter et solvendum, et ad, congregontum eos, coram me!"

In a flash of blinding green light appears a tall slender demon. His piercing green eyes staring into Samara's mortal soul. The demon hovers above the now glowing summoning circle in silence, she stands in silence looking towards the demonic man in surprise. she couldn't believe it actually worked as all the summoning books were supposed to be burned away to ashes long ago by law. "Well now, this is a sight for sore eyes." The deep voice of the demon sends shakes down Samara's spine, "It's been so long since I've been summoned by a mere mortal. What is it that the great Axeline Caeso Luciius can do for you?" He delicately lands on the floor walking slowly towards Samara before stopping only inches away from her, towering over her small frame. Closing the book of summonings Samara looks Axeline in his chartreuse and shining emerald eyes, "Simple. I want you to date me."

Axeline's smirking face turns quickly into a confused yet shocked expression, "What do you mean date you? You summoned a demon for a date?" He asks her questionably, looking towards her with his eyebrows furrowing together. "Relax demon, it's not real dating." Samara laughs, turning away from Axeline, setting down the book on a nearby table, "I need you to pretend, simple. My step-sister is getting married tomorrow, I need a plus one, I also need someone who can make my wonderful ex-boyfriend jealous." Her eyes roll as she says this with malice in her tone turning back around to Axeline her face laced with bitterness turns into a smile. "So mister demon, care to do this?" She claps her hands together infront of her looking towards him.

"Such an interesting mortal, in all my years that I have been doing deals with you mortals this is a first." He chuckles, shaking his head before extending his palm, in a small flash of green light a contract appears. "I will do a better deal for you madam, in time I will find you a new love interest. Someone who loves you, I will still attend with you tomorrow to make your ex-lover jealous but the main goal of this deal will be for me to find a suitable man for you. While I do this you will provide housing for myself, it has been to long since I've been on Earth I wish to see how everything has become and get out of the underworld for once." Axeline smiles, his perfectly white teeth showing, "What do you say my dear? Do we have a deal?" Samara thinks for a moment before nodding her head and extends her hand towards Axeline. "Wonderful!" He gently slices her thumb, dabbing the blood against the contract. Her bloodly thumbprint glows signifying the newly formed deal.

Months after the wedding Axeline is lying on the couch looking at the ceiling, a small clearing of the throat is heard from the other side of the room. He lifts his head to see Samara standing in the doorway to the kitchen, her oceanantic blue eyes looking towards him. He sits up looking towards her, his eyes glancing up her body in her pajama shorts and tight white t-shirt that hugs her curves perfectly. "I was planning on making dinner, would you like some? I know demons don't have to eat but considering you're in a human form I thought it'd be different." Her voice rings out snapping Axeline out of his gaze, "Ah uh yes please, It's a good way for demons to regain and store energy for our powers." He clears his throat, looking away from her as he feels his face heat up slowly. "Alright, I'll call for you when it's done then." She turns away walking into the kitchen, Axeline can't help but stare at her back as she saunters away.

'How can a mortal cause such feelings in me?' He shakes his head trying to get the picture of her behind out of his head, but only worsening the thoughts of what he'd like to do to her. Sighing Axeline slumps back on the couch rubbing his face, 'This is not allowed nor is this how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to find a love interest! Not become one myself... Yet, thinking of her with another makes my stomach churn and my blood boil.' He scowls at the thought of her with another other than himself. 'But a mortal and a demon, why it's forbidden!' Closing his eyes, he tries to relax his body slumping against the couch losing himself in thoughts. "Axeline?" Samara questions from the kitchen not hearing a response from him she walks into the living room, "Axeline? Did you fall asleep?" Axeline is so far lost in his thoughts he doesn't realize Samara had been calling for him nor was standing next to him now.

Looking at Axeline she wonders how she's never noticed how amazing he looks in his human form, his beautifully flawless tawning skin to the delicateness of his long eyelashes. His thickly lustrous midnight hair in the messily thrown together ponytail falls perfectly, each loose strand perfectly sculpting around his face, 'He's really attractive, I'm surprised I've never noticed till now how handsome he is...' Samara bites her lower lip in a nervous habit and she sits down next to Axeline on the couch, Axeline unknowing as he's deep in his thoughts. She reaches her hand forward, gently caressing as her warm hand glides across his jawline resting on his cheek. His thoughts stop mid-sentence as he tenses, keeping his eyes closed feeling the warmth on her palm against his cheek.

She leans closer towards Axeline's face, studying his facial features gently rubbing her thumb across his cheek, his light stubble tickling her thumb. Samara closes her eyes, leaning her forehead against Axeline's she wished this moment could last forever. Axeline opens his eyes slowly to see Samara's face inches from his own, he desperately wants to kiss her. He internally sighs before slowly reaching his hands outwards and sets his palm on her head. She opens her eyes startled, "I-I'm sorry! I thought you were asleep!" Stumbling on her words as she scrambles to get up away from him. He grabs her by her waist gently and pulls her towards him, "Don't." Axeline says softly, "Stay please." His voice barely above a whisper.

Samara looks into his eyes before settling down resting her head against his chest, listening to the soft patterned beats of Axeline's heartbeat. Surprised demons have heartbeats although definitely not minding it, it's quite enjoyable to her ears. Axeline brings one of his hands to Samara's head stroking her hair, brushing it gently behind her ear. "I had to admit, I am quite... Fond of you Samara." He says quietly against her head. "Fond of me...? Like you like me?" Quietly heard from her, muffled against Axeline's chest. Looking up from Axeline's chest facing him eye to eye, her face a light shade of pink. Axeline looks at Samara deep into her eyes before nodding his head, while slowly leaning in. He gently kisses her soft lips, slowly, and passionately. Samara leans into the kiss, reaching her hands upwards cupping his face. The kiss lasts for what seems like forever but neither complain.

Suddenly the contract appears beside them, glowing intently. "Oh, oh no. The contract, it's been fulfilled..." Axeline whispers, looking toward Samara solemnly. "Wha..What does that mean?" She says shakely worried it will be what she fears deep down. "I promise you, I will be back. I will come back no matter what it takes, just wait for me my love." Axeline kisses her, " I will be back no matter how long it takes." Sadness laced in his voice before he vanished in a bright green light.


About the Creator

Connor Davis

Words can describe how excited I am to write!

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