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Architect of His Demise

One man gets lost in the heat of his passion

By Connor DavisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Wandering the lengthy pathways of Athens, Perillos's gaze remained locked at his feet as he was stuck in a endless loop of thought. You see, the day prior, the Gods of Chaos and Torture came to Perillos and offered him the challenge of a lifetime. They assigned him the task to think of the most painful and agony-inducing torture method of all-time and if he could pull it off, he'd be rewarded with immortality. Understanding the weight of the task and the implications if his invention would be replicated, he knew exactly what he had to do and agreed to take part in the challenge.

What Perillos didn't know is that the gods would take advantage of the "all-time" aspect of the contest, as they would be recruiting various other torture methods and their creators from throughout time. From Crucifixion to The Rack, to even the simplest kinds like Rat Torture and Scaphism, Perillos would have to think of something that would keep the victim alive long enough and in the most amount of pain possible.

Not having much to work with, Perillos directs his lost gait towards the most skilled blacksmiths' that Athens could supply, in hopes they could help him. Knowing that he couldn't stop at something basic, Perillos would have to go all out with the complexity of this torture method in order to have the best chance of winning the prize. "What is the most unbearable type of pain that I can think of?", he asked the front blacksmith. As he inquired about the key to his success, another blacksmith further into the building cried out as he pulls his hand back in pain, having spilt molten iron out of the mold he was using onto his hand. "Are you alright, Aetos? You know how painful that stuff can be!", the front blacksmith shouted towards the unfortunate man in the back.

Hearing what the smither had said, the perfect idea popped into Perillos' head. "That's it! I need you to construct me something that will cause excruciatingly high amounts of heat while the victim is inside of it! Something big and wide like a... a bull!", Perillos exclaimed to the front blacksmith, getting at least one horrified glare shot back at him. A few days later, he was greeted by the monstrosity that was the bull. "It's perfect! But what name shall I give it? It has to be something memorable but simple... I got it, The Brazen Bull!", Perillos said to himself as he dragged his ticket to eternity away on a wooden cart, the wheels and planks screeching in pain.

"To all those who chose to take part in this gruesome challenge, please meet at the city center to present your torture methods!", the gods announced to the entire city. One by one, the creators lined up with their methods of pain and suffering, awaiting the judgement of the almighty beings for their chance at the reward of immortality. As they went through the various creations, none of them seemed to impress the gods, all appearing basic and repetitive to them. It wasn't until they reached Perillos and his shiny brass beast. "What on earth, in the heavens and hell is that?", one of the gods cried out as he questioned how this simple metal structure could secure Perillos the victory. "Ah, this here is The Brazen Bull, the most horrible package of everything excruciating and painful. You simply fill the bull with whoever is unfortunate enough to be sentenced to death and light a fire under the bull to get it going!", Perillos explained to the gods. Completely appalled but impressed by his idea, the gods agreed to crown him the winner and award him his immortality as long as he got in the bull.


About the Creator

Connor Davis

Words can describe how excited I am to write!

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    CDWritten by Connor Davis

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