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Man Behind The Wall?

Years passed, and the house changed hands many times. But no one ever stayed for long

By IvanPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Man Behind The Wall?
Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash

Sarah never believed in ghosts. She was a young, curious woman who loved to explore the world and learn new things. But when she inherited her grandparents' old house, she found herself face to face with a mystery that would change her life forever.

The house was old and creaky, and it was said that a strange presence lived behind the wall in the living room. Sarah never took these stories seriously, until the night she heard the knocking. It started out as a faint sound, like someone tapping their fingers on the wall. But as the night went on, the knocking got louder and more persistent, until it felt like someone was trying to get her attention.

Sarah's curiosity got the best of her, and she approached the wall, her hand shaking as she reached out to touch it. Suddenly, the wall gave way, and Sarah found herself falling into a dark, empty room. She could feel the dampness of the walls, and the musty smell of old books filled her nose.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw a figure standing in front of her. It was a man, tall and gaunt, with a pale face and dark eyes. He was dressed in a tattered suit and tie, as if he had come straight from a funeral. He stared at Sarah with an empty expression, his eyes seeming to look straight through her.

Sarah tried to scream, but her voice was caught in her throat. She was frozen, unable to move as the man slowly approached her. She could feel his cold breath on her face, and she knew that she was going to die.

But then, just as suddenly as he appeared, the man disappeared. Sarah stumbled to her feet, her heart racing as she tried to find her way back to the living room. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find the door. The room seemed to stretch on forever, and she was trapped.

Days passed, and Sarah never returned. Her neighbors became worried and called the police, who found her body in the dark room behind the wall. Her eyes were wide with terror, and her skin was cold to the touch. It was as if the man behind the wall had taken her life.

From that day on, people whispered about the man behind the wall. Some said that he was a vengeful spirit, seeking revenge on those who lived in the house. Others said that he was just a lost soul, trapped in the walls for eternity. But no one knew for sure.

Years passed, and the house changed hands many times. But no one ever stayed for long. People would always hear the knocking from behind the wall, and they would always feel the cold breath of the man behind the wall.

But Sarah's cousin, a young journalist named Michael, was determined to find out the truth about the man behind the wall. He was skeptical about ghosts, but he was drawn to the mystery of the house and the strange presence that lived behind the wall.

Michael moved into the house, determined to find out the truth about the man behind the wall. He started by researching the history of the house and its previous owners. He talked to the neighbors and anyone who had ever lived in the house. He even tried to reach out to the man behind the wall, hoping to communicate with him.

One night, as Michael was sitting in the living room, he heard the knocking. It was louder than ever before, and he could feel the cold breath of the man behind the wall. Michael's heart was pounding in his chest as he approached the wall, his hand shaking as he reached out to touch it.

But just as his hand made contact with the wall, he felt a sudden rush of energy, and he was transported into the dark room.

The man was there, standing in front of him, and this time, he spoke. "You want to know the truth, don't you?" the man said in a voice that was both cold and haunting.

Michael was filled with a mix of fear and curiosity. He nodded, unable to speak.

The man slowly approached him, his eyes never leaving Michael's. "The truth is, I am not a ghost," he said. "I am a scientist who was conducting experiments on the other side of this wall. But something went wrong, and I was trapped here."

Michael listened in disbelief as the man told him the story of his life and the experiments that had gone wrong. He spoke of the people who had lived in the house and the terror that he had inflicted upon them, unable to escape the wall.

But as the man spoke, Michael realized that he was not alone in the room. He could see shadows moving in the darkness, and he could hear whispers and moans. He turned to the man and asked him about the shadows, but the man only smiled and said, "They are the spirits of those I have taken. They are trapped here with me, just like I am trapped in the wall."

Michael was filled with horror as he realized the truth. The man was not a lost soul, but a monster, who had been terrorizing the residents of the house for years. He was trapped in the wall, but he still had the power to reach out and take the lives of those who lived in the house.

In that moment, Michael knew that he had to escape. He stumbled back to the wall, his hand shaking as he reached out to touch it. But just as he was about to escape, the man appeared behind him, his eyes glowing with a cold, merciless light.

Michael screamed as the man reached for him, his hand closing around Michael's throat. But just as he was about to take Michael's life, the wall suddenly crumbled, and Michael was free.

He stumbled out of the house, his heart racing as he ran into the night. He never looked back, never spoke of the man behind the wall, and never returned to that cursed place. But even now, as he looks back on that night, he can still hear the knocking and feel the cold breath of the man behind the wall.



MysteryShort StoryHorrorFantasyFan FictionClassical

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    IWritten by Ivan

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