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Venus was waiting...

By Zoe StimmPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 12 min read

It was the turn of the 32nd century and Andia Elmarri was to celebrate her 21st birthday the next day. She was a New Year’s baby by design. Her Ectogenetic Sponsor (“ES''), Ravagnaw Elmarri, had planned it that way. When he ordered the creation of an Ectogenetic Offspring (“EO”), he wanted his EO to be able to start every new year of life with a fresh start of new goals. What better day for a birthday, he thought, than the first of the year.

Ravagnaw planned birthday celebrations for Andia through age 21. Up to age 20, Andia had agreed to Ravagnaw’s meticulously organized birthday events. However, for birthday #21, Andia chose to embark on a week-long Venus vacation with a few of her university friends. Six months earlier, she had visited Venus for the first time and fell in love with the planet and all it had to offer.

In recent years, Venus had become the vacation hot spot for many travelers, particularly those of younger generations. Habitation on Venus was only possible in the past 30 years after planetary engineers successfully achieved the appropriate terraforming of the planet’s excruciatingly hot environment.

Legally, Andia was an emancipated citizen and had been since the age of 18, so Ravagnaw could do nothing to prevent her from making her own decisions about how she would spend her 21st birthday. But Ravagnaw wasn’t an average ES with an average EO. He was Leader Ravagnaw Elmarri of the Loveless Conglomerate, and he had his EO created for a purpose. There were more critical issues at stake besides personal preferences and individual desires.

Ravagnaw had planned a future course for Andia. She would be able to help millions, maybe even billions, with her contributions to the advancement of elevated science. He could not let anything get in the way of that plan. He was willing to use any means to protect and achieve his goals. After having her followed, he learned who Andia’s vacation companions were. He was furious. They were members of Lovemore, a movement formed primarily as a force to oppose the Loveless Conglomerate.

To appease Ravagnaw, Andia agreed to attend the planned birthday celebration if he would shorten the festivities. That way, she could arrange to catch a same-day space shuttle to Venus. Through gritted teeth, Ravagnaw agreed to the compromise.

“Andia!” He held up his champagne glass. “Your decision to attend this birthday celebration makes me so happy!”

Ravagnaw’s entourage of Loveless associates and their guests surrounded him, holding up champagne glasses containing seltzer water. He strictly disapproved of those in his company being under the influence of alcohol.

“Thank you, Ravagnaw. I do appreciate the celebration you planned for me. I hope you know that. But it is such a great opportunity to go to Venus. I hope you understand that as well.”

“Of course, Andia, my dear. Of course. I was once young myself.”

And I’m so glad I am no longer foolish like you, my dear EO. Soon, you will learn the ways that are the best for everyone.

At times, Ravagnaw thought that Andia exhibited qualities that one might call passion, despite the limbic brain implant he had ordered for her as part of her creation. He couldn’t imagine what she might be like without the restrictive implant. Perhaps a bit like he was in his youth. He was grateful that the implant was available by the time he was 35 years old. Before that, he was often accused of wild and reckless behavior. It also helped after Ormandia, his former partner, was killed. Ever an explorer, she insisted on that haphazard trip to Mars. Having numbed feelings made it easier for Ravagnaw to accept the loss.

Luckily, Ormandia had had her eggs frozen. She was too busy at the time to consider becoming a parent, and ectogenesis was a fully viable, acceptable, and preferred option for those wanting offspring on their own terms. It was safe to say that Andia was truly the child of Ormandia and Ravagnaw. But by law, a human being that was gestated to full term outside the womb was always referred to as an Ectogenetic Offspring rather than a child. The acronym EO was the commonly accepted term except in certain official legal documentation.

Space vehicle accidents had become rare, but they did happen. Ravagnaw smiled at the thought. Logically, he knew he should be heartbroken over Ormandia’s death from the accident. And although he missed her, he was emotionally unaffected. Ravagnaw, in his Machiavellian thought process, couldn’t help thinking that accidents on occasion could be convenient.

It would take Andia about 20 minutes on the air shuttle to get to the Space Vehicle Station where she planned to meet her friends for the outbound flight to Venus. It was about time for her to depart.

“Thank you, everyone!” She hugged Ravagnaw’s senior assistant, Lakeecia, which shocked onlookers, as touching was frowned upon per their customs.

Andia then walked towards Jacobee. He was only a few years older than Andia and was once a childhood friend; almost like a surrogate brother. He immediately stepped back with his arms raised between them.

“Step away!” Jacobee shouted.

“My goodness, Andia, what on earth are you doing?” asked Ravagnaw.

“I’m sorry! I saw it on VV. That’s what they did eons ago on New Year’s Eve. Before pandemic times. People put arms around others and pulled each other close. And even kissed on the cheeks or even the lips in celebration. I thought I’d try it. How crazy of me!”

At first, a few gasps could be heard around the room, followed by nervous laughter and giggling.

“What on Earth is VV?” asked Ravagnaw.

“Very Virtual! Haven’t you heard of it? It’s a virtual implant organization. It’s very popular now, especially with university students.”

“Oh, yes, perhaps I’ve heard of it. Useless, ridiculous implants for fun. Implants used to only be for reasons of necessity. My dear, Andia, for a child prodigy, sometimes you leave me scratching my head!” Ravagnaw laughed, although truthfully, he was not amused.

With so many existing distractions in the universe, Ravagnaw worried that his cherished EO would fail to devote the necessary time and energy to her university studies. She already had a promising future in Neuroimm-GI, a combination of neuroscience, immunology, and gastroenterology. Andia had been last year’s Silver Medalist in the emerging sciences category of the Global Experimental Science Achievement (GESA) awards. The Year 3100 GESA Award Conference was to be held in June. Andia was in line for the gold medal. Ravagnaw feared that her focus would drift off to frivolous activities and excursions such as this trip to Venus with her questionable friends.

Unlike others, Andia had no qualms about getting implants for various benefits, whether out of necessity or pleasure. There was, however, one implant she had been for years yearning to get extracted. Despite her emancipation at 18, universal ectogenetic sponsorship laws were strict on Earth and Mars when it came to reversing certain implants secured before birth.

Venus, however, had looser laws. The planet was considered the “wild west” of space. As a result, ectogenetic implant extraction was a thriving business on the planet of--mythically--love.

Andia did not dare let Ravagnaw know about her desire to seek an extraction of the brain implant for the limbic system that Ravagnaw’s great-great-great-great grandmother first developed a few centuries prior. Ravagnaw was now the leader of the Loveless Movement, which originated with the philosophy that humans would be better off without the emotion of love and the physicality of sex. The Loveless implant helped to successfully realize the movement making it easier for humans to deny themselves due to lack of desire. Conception in the laboratory or “test-tube babies” had become commonplace since the 21st century and even preferred in the 22nd century to avoid genetic damage leading to incurable diseases and disabilities. What followed in successive centuries was the near-universal adoption of ectogenesis—gestation outside the womb, the precursor to the practice of pre-birth implantations. Ethical concerns had long since disappeared, although there was a small group that still condemned the practice.

“Well, everyone, thanks again!” Andia headed toward the exit of the reception hall at the Loveless Conglomerate building.

As Andia waited for the automated glass doors to slide open, but nothing happened. She stepped closer to the security sensor on the wall and waved her hand in front of it. Still nothing.

“Hmm, this is interesting. Why aren’t the doors opening? Can someone help?”

“Andia, I’m sorry. This is for your own good,” said Ravagnaw, “Please go with Jacobee. He’ll take you back to the mansion. You’ll be safe there and this will all be over soon.”

“I don’t understand. What will be over soon? I need to get to the Space Vehicle Station. I have to leave now, or I’ll miss the Space Shuttle to Venus!”

“Venus is not a good place for you. It’s dangerous. It’s lawless. And you certainly don’t need to go there with your lawless Lovemore friends as you call them. They’ve only befriended you to infiltrate Loveless. Their sole purpose is to destroy our organization.” Ravagnaw threw his champagne glass at the wall. “How could you be so stupid? Honestly, Andia, it’s embarrassing!”

“I didn’t know they were associated with Lovemore. I met them at the science club at the university. They’re not all into Lovemore anyway. Some are associated with Loveless and even the Trust Movement.”

“That’s a lie, Leader Ravagnaw,” declared Jacobee. “It’s all in my report on Andia’s last trip to Venus six months ago. Included in the group was Dray Ing. He’s not just associated with Lovemore. He’s the primary emissary for Lovemore. He’s also the EO of Lovemore’s leader, Stallianos.”

While Jacobee was distracted, Andia saw an opportunity to pick up a tall flower vase on one side of the reception hall exit. She attempted to smash it against the glass sliding doors. The glass was hard as concrete, so her efforts were useless. She picked up the vase on the door’s other side and was about to hurl it against the glass when Jacobee rushed towards her and restrained her arms.

“Get your hands off me!” Andia struggled to release herself from Jacobee’s hold. She put up a strong fight as they simultaneously fell to the floor. Both continued to struggle as if they were competing in a wrestling match.

“Hold still, Andia! Don’t make me hurt you.”

“If you want to be held, Jacobee, I’ll oblige!” Andia gave Jacobee a bear hug and laughed. “I’m getting my hug now. Admit it, you always had a thing for me.”

Jacobee had been trained in galactical espionage and warfare. It was how he had won Ravagnaw’s respect. Eventually, he became one of Ravagnaw’s most trusted disciples in the Loveless Conglomerate. Andia, however, was an equal match for him. She had also been trained in the martial arts and could hold her own. Ravagnaw knew of her abilities and ordered three of his other associates to assist Jacobee.

Four able-bodied associates were able to finally secure Andia in a solid hold, although she did not give up on her struggle for release.

“Leader Ravagnaw, do we have permission to use the beam injector on Andia?”

The beam injector, a small pen-like object, could be configured to administer varying doses of laser beam rays that could cause anything from mild, temporary debilitation to fatal injury.

“No! Just hold her down. It won’t be long anyway.”

“What do you mean by that, Ravagnaw? What won’t be long?” asked Andia, trying hard to catch her breath as the Loveless associates firmly pinned her against the floor.

Lakeecia suddenly yelled to Andia, “The Space Vehicle to Venus is going to explode! Andia, you have to tell your friends not to get on it!”

“What? No! That can’t be! The vehicle has room for at least 500 people. What you’re all doing is illegal. It’s insane!” said Andia. “What do you plan to do to me? Keep me locked up forever?”

“It’ll be over soon, Andia. You don’t want to be on that Space Vehicle to Venus,” said Ravagnaw. “Jacobee, can you please take care of Lakeecia?”

“No! No! Ravagnaw, please, don’t punish Lakeecia. She’s been my friend since childhood. You were too, Jacobee. Until now! You can’t hurt Lakeecia! Please!”

“Lakeecia has been suspect for some time. It’s clear now that she is a traitor,” said Ravagnaw. “There is no room in Loveless for traitors. Jacobee, what are you waiting for?”

From his jacket pocket, Jacobee took out the beam injector and walked over to Lakeecia. She stood with grace, accepting her fate, as others looked on fearfully, worried that their turn would come if they too opened their mouths and voiced unsolicited truths.

“You should’ve just kept quiet, Lakeecia. I’m truly sorry I have to do this to you.”

Jacobee aimed the beam injector at Lakeecia’s jugular, while she closed her eyes. Her breathing became labored, and her heartbeat quickened. She felt a hand grip her arm. It was coming. The laser beam into her neck. But the next thing she knew, she was knocked to the floor. She was on her back and there was a heavy body on top of hers. It was Jacobee, motionless. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face standing above overlooking them.

“Dray Ing!” said Lakeecia “Don’t just stand there. Help me get this body off me!”

Assembled behind Dray was the Lovemore contingency. Having disguised themselves as partygoers, they had infiltrated the premises. Dray motioned for two in his contingency to help Lakeecia while he and the other Lovemore held the Loveless crowd at bay with their paralyzer beams. With their help, Lakeecia was able to get back on her feet.

“Come on, Lakeecia! We’re going,” said Dray

Dray warned the Loveless crowd, “And all of you, stay where you are! Don’t move or you’re all dead!”

Dray ushered Andia and Lakeecia out of the reception hall. They had the code to open and close the sliding glass doors and locked them with an alternative code, allowing them to safely escape.

Ravagnaw was on the inside of the doors banging the glass and yelling. “You’ll regret this! Each and every one of you!”

Andia and Ravagnaw’s eyes met for a moment. Ravagnaw’s rageful stare was frightening. She had seen his fury in the past, but never as extreme. Andia looked away and quickly followed Dray and the Lovemore contingency as they left the building.

“Dray! I can’t tell you how relieved I am that you’re here. I wasn’t sure you had made it in. Your disguise was excellent, by the way. I had no idea it was you! You certainly like last-minute entrances!”

“It adds to the excitement!”

“What about the Space Vehicle? We need to get the word out to them to stop the takeoff.”

“Don’t worry, Andia. We’ve taken care of that. There were no explosives. He was bluffing. Ravagnaw is the classic overprotective ES. Taken to the nth degree, apparently.”

Bluffing? So, he’s not as evil as he pretends to be? But is that reassuring? Andia didn’t know what to think. Despite Ravagnaw’s negative traits, he was her ES after all.

“Can we make it to the Space Vehicle Station in time?” asked Andia.

“Not a problem. They’re holding the flight for us. Lakeecia’s coming too. Right, Lakeecia?

“Damn right, I’m coming. After what I’ve experienced, I could certainly use a vacation. And a new job!”

“Did you know all about this, Lakeecia? All along?”

“Andia, have you ever heard of M-O-L-E?” Lakeecia sported a sheepish grin.

“Lakeecia’s been a part of Lovemore for a few years now,” said Dray.

“I knew there was something I liked about you, Lakeecia!” said Andia.

“Despite what Ravagnaw told you? He was never happy with me anyway.”

“Okay, enough of this chit-chat! Plenty of time for that on the ride to Venus. Let’s get going before we miss our flight.” Dray and his team had their air shuttle waiting for Andia and Lakeecia. “Jump on, ladies. Come on, let’s roll!”

Within 30 minutes, they reached the Space Vehicle Station and settled into their seats on the Space Shuttle to Venus. They floated through space toward the bright planet. Andia looked out the window and saw various stars, moons, and planets. She loved seeing the blue Earth and the red surface of Mars. Her eyes shifted to Venus. She saw the bright white light with a slight yellow-orange tinge in the center. It was beautiful. A world apart. Visiting Venus for a second time filled her with awe and excitement. A place that offered the exploration of what it’s like to be human, despite her implant.

There was still hope beyond the bright white light.


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Sci Fi

About the Creator

Zoe Stimm

I write speculative fiction (sci-fi/fantasy/futurism,/paranormal); mystery, humor. I want to entertain, calmly provoke, not be too boring. If you enjoy a story, please hit the heart icon, to "love" it! And please subscribe! Thank you!

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    Zoe StimmWritten by Zoe Stimm

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