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Love at First Swipe: A Hilarious Love Story

Two unlikely souls find love on a dating app

By Kendra OkiosPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Love at First Swipe: A Hilarious Love Story
Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a world where swiping right was the new way to find love, there lived a man named Jack. He was a self-proclaimed "tech-savvy" bachelor who spent his days tinkering with gadgets and his nights swiping through dating apps. One day, while aimlessly scrolling through profiles, he came across a woman named Emily. She was a hopeless romantic and a self-proclaimed "old-fashioned" girl who had reluctantly joined the dating app at the insistence of her friends.

By NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash

They matched and began chatting, and they quickly discovered that they had nothing in common. Jack was a tech nerd, and Emily was a literature enthusiast. Jack loved video games, and Emily loved poetry. But somehow, their differences only made them more attracted to each other.

As they continued to talk, they found themselves laughing at each other's quirks and enjoying their conversations. They decided to meet in person, and the date was a disaster. Jack showed up in a Star Wars t-shirt, and Emily was dressed in a prim and proper dress. They had nothing to talk about, and the date was filled with awkward silences.

But as they parted ways that evening, they both knew that they wanted to see each other again. They had a strange connection, and they couldn't explain it.

They continued to date, and their differences only added to the humour of their relationship. They had the time of their lives, making fun of each other's interests and finding common ground in the most unexpected places.

As the months went on, Jack and Emily fell deeply in love. They knew that their love was unconventional, but it was special. They had found someone who accepted them for who they were, quirks and all.

One day, Jack proposed to Emily in the most fitting way possible—by reciting a Star Wars quote and presenting her with a ring made out of a circuit board. And she said yes, knowing that her love for him was greater than any differences they may have.

As Jack and Emily began planning their wedding, they faced the challenge of combining their vastly different tastes. Jack wanted a Star Wars-themed wedding, complete with lightsaber favours and a droid as the ring bearer. Emily, on the other hand, wanted a classic, elegant affair with a string quartet and a poetry reading.

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

They decided to compromise by having two ceremonies: one in a traditional church for Emily's family and friends and one in a sci-fi convention centre for Jack's friends. The wedding day was a chaotic but unforgettable experience, with guests swapping between lightsaber battles and poetry recitals.

Their honeymoon was no different. Jack wanted to go on a geek-themed cruise, while Emily wanted to spend a romantic week in Paris. They ended up taking both trips, and it was a hilarious and memorable experience.

As they settled into married life, they continued to make each other laugh and learn from each other's interests. Jack became a fan of classic literature, and Emily learned to appreciate sci-fi movies. They even started a book club together, where they read both literary classics and sci-fi novels.

Years went by, and they were still as in love as they were the day they first swiped right. They had learned that love is about accepting and embracing each other's differences, and that the things that seem like deal breakers at first can turn out to be the things that bring two people together.

As they sat on the porch of their home, surrounded by their children and grandchildren, they looked back on their journey with a smile. Their love story was one for the ages, and it was all thanks to that fateful day when they found each other on a dating app.

Love at First Swipe is a hilarious love story of two unlikely souls who found each other on a dating app. It is a reminder that love can come in the most unexpected ways, and that sometimes the things that seem like deal breakers can turn out to be the things that bring two people together.

Short StoryLoveHumor

About the Creator

Kendra Okios

I'm a fiction writer with a passion for all things humorous. From witty one-liners to clever puns, I infuse my writing with laughter. Satire and parody are my favorites. When not writing, you can find me reading books, or watching comedies.

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