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Love and friend

love and friend

By Indra WahyudiPublished 21 days ago 2 min read

Alright, let me tell you a story about Jamie, Alex, and a little old café downtown that saw it all. Jamie and Alex had been the kind of friends who could finish each other’s sentences, knew each other’s coffee orders by heart, and were always the last two people chatting long after everyone else had left the party. They’d been inseparable since their college days, where they met in the most cliché of ways—bumping into each other and spilling coffee all over the library floor.

Fast forward a few years, and life had taken its usual toll of twists and turns. Jamie had ventured into the world of graphic design, splashing color across digital canvases, while Alex had dived into environmental law, fighting the good fight in courtrooms and boardrooms. Despite their hectic schedules, they always found time for their weekly catch-up at the Cosy Corner Café, the unofficial witness to their evolving lives and unchanging bond.

One particularly rainy Tuesday, as the café hummed with the soft sounds of jazz and the pitter-patter of rain, the conversation took an unexpected turn. Jamie, who usually rattled on about everything from alien conspiracy theories to the nuances of espresso art, was unusually quiet. Alex noticed, of course—Alex always noticed.

“What’s up?” Alex finally asked, nudging a plate of half-eaten lemon cake towards Jamie.

“It’s nothing...” Jamie began, tracing the rim of the coffee cup with a finger. “Actually, no. I’ve got to tell you something.”

The confession wasn’t dramatic—no love declaration or earth-shattering secret. Instead, Jamie admitted to feeling a bit lost in the whirl of life, questioning if graphic design was truly fulfilling or just comfortably familiar. As Jamie talked, Alex listened, offering nods and thoughtful hums, the kind of silent support that said, “I’m here, no matter what.”

Then, it was Alex’s turn to confess. Amidst talking about a challenging case at work, Alex’s tone shifted, becoming softer, more introspective. “You know, Jamie, all this—work, life—it’s made me realize how much I depend on these Tuesday chats. They’re kind of the highlight of my week.”

Jamie looked up, surprise mingling with a smile. “Really? I mean, yeah, me too. It’s like, no matter where we are, we always have this little island of time together.”

“Exactly,” Alex said, a smile spreading. “And I’ve been thinking... I don’t ever want to miss this. You’re, well, you’re more important to me than just a weekly coffee chat, you know?”

The moment hung between them, charged with a new, unspoken understanding. It wasn’t a declaration of romantic love; it was something deeper, rarer. A recognition of their irreplaceable bond, one that had quietly shifted from mere friendship to something akin to chosen family. They were each other’s constants, their anchors in life’s stormy seas.

From that day, not much changed on the surface. Their meetings continued, with just as much laughter and ridiculousness as ever, but there was a new layer to their interactions, a deeper appreciation for their connection. They supported each other through job changes, relationship dramas, and all the mundane moments in between.

So, while the Cosy Corner Café remained their meeting spot, bearing witness to their life’s highs and lows, Jamie and Alex knew that their bond was about more than just love or friendship. It was about choosing each other as partners on the winding road of life, come what may.


About the Creator

Indra Wahyudi

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