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Living free

Even a hard life can be precious

By ImraldPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Living free
Photo by Toni Lluch on Unsplash

As far as I can see there is the sky. A sky that is full of fluffy clouds that are too busy to let me admire them properly. They have animals and lands' thirst to quench, after all. I let them go, still enjoying the sight that they are offering me.

The terrain under me is busy too, with all the life under the ground. Yesterday morning I could spot an entire moles family tunnelling in the front garden. With mama and babies!

And I'm not talking about the bees roaming from flower to flower. I hope that they will produce honey as good as when I was a kid. Mmmh, I still can taste it on my lips and my palate that bitter, but enveloping flavour. Even my stomach which started growling right at this moment remembers it.

I stretch out a bit, closing my eyes and realizing that I will live the last days of my life losing myself in the backyard memories. I'm much of a loner, but I always liked the kind of living. I didn't have many friends, as many people don't understand why solitude can be such bliss for someone, but I'm still good.

I still enjoy my chill and silent nature. I will always be kind to people, even if they think that I'm not normal. I will never stop talking to them with respect and the big whole smile that always shines on my face.

Life is too short to keep worrying about what people that don't know you think about you. No thanks. I'll pass on this one.

The fresh summery breeze embraces my body with delight. I would give my life to let people feel the way I'm feeling right now, the blessedness that is filling up my heart.

I might be too old to keep chasing the sun with my eyes closed, but I won't stop doing it. I set free my fantasy from my head's harnesses and I've just arrived on Mars' red and boiling soil, and with just a little leap I'm on Venus, making love with the magic that I'm able to portray by imagining a new version of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in its barren landscape.

Call me silly, call me dreamer, or even moron, but as far as I am concerned, I'll never stop taking refuge in my imagination. Imagination is the Nation where I am the only king and president of my empire.

It's what helped me to survive these many years despite the incurable disease that made my life harsh on myself since when I was a six-month living. She's been a good companion for me and she will ever be, might you like it or not.

There's only another thing I won't cease to do, my summer walks. I still remember the first time that I woke up before dawn cause my grandpa told me how beautiful of a scenery was seeing the sun rising behind the trees in our orchard.

You cannot imagine how in ecstasy I was when he told me to get dressed because we were going to meet him at the moment before it separated from the tip of our fruit trees. I was so excited to go and hug it... Good times!

I have the same sentiment every time I put on my shoes and go out on the porch, ready to take the same path I walked with my beloved grandpapa that passed away a few years ago.

Every week I went always further, adding new scenes to my experience until I reached my nearest neighbour who lives an hour from my house and that permitted me to walk in the vast length of his property too.

Ah, I love walking and I'm so happy I had the chance to live this aspect of my life to the fullest! Ah, the sensation of being surrounded by the fly of a butterfly! This is my style of living free.

Inspired by the sweet album Living Free by møndberg, featured on the Lofi Girl YouTube channel.

Perfect for your Lofi needs!

Short Story

About the Creator


I'm a 29yo dreamer with a difficult relationship with emotions/affection.

I want to change sex but my family doesn't support me, so I struggle a lot in life.

I love writing, reading, Minecraft, animes and Nature.

Hope you'll enjoy reading me.

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