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Live Forever

Live Forever

By Tza Fire Published about a year ago 3 min read
Live Forever
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a young prince named Alexander. Alexander was known for his bravery, his quick mind, and his strong spirit. He was beloved by his people and was the pride of his kingdom. However, Alexander had one wish that he could never seem to fulfill: he wanted to live forever.

Alexander had heard tales of immortals who had lived for centuries, and he became obsessed with the idea of achieving immortality for himself. He searched far and wide for a way to live forever, but no matter how many wise men, sorcerers, or alchemists he consulted, he could not find a way to make his dream a reality.

Years went by, and Alexander grew older and wiser, but he never gave up on his quest for immortality. He believed that if he could live forever, he could protect his people and his kingdom for all eternity, and he could achieve great things that no mortal man could ever dream of.

One day, Alexander came across a strange old man who lived deep in the forest. The old man was said to have the power of immortality, and Alexander was determined to learn the secret from him. He set out to find the old man, and after many days of wandering through the forest, he finally stumbled upon his cabin.

The old man welcomed Alexander into his home, and they sat down to talk. Alexander explained his desire for immortality, and the old man listened patiently. When Alexander had finished speaking, the old man smiled and said, "You seek immortality, my prince, but you do not realize that immortality is not about living forever. It is about leaving a legacy that will live on forever."

Alexander was confused, he didn't understand what the old man meant. The old man went on to explain, "When you live for others, your actions, your deeds, and your memory will be passed down through the generations. People will tell stories about you, and your name will be remembered long after you're gone. That is true immortality."

Alexander was humbled by the old man's words, and he realized that he had been looking for immortality in the wrong way. He had been so focused on living forever that he had forgotten about the people he was trying to protect and the legacy he wanted to leave behind.

Alexander left the old man's cabin with a newfound purpose. He returned to his kingdom and devoted his life to serving his people. He built schools and hospitals, he fought to end poverty and injustice, and he worked tirelessly to make his kingdom a better place for all.

As he grew older, Alexander knew that his time on earth was coming to an end. But as he lay on his deathbed, surrounded by his loved ones, he smiled, knowing that his legacy would live on forever. He had fulfilled his wish to live forever, not by living forever but by leaving a lasting impact on the world.

The people of Alexander's kingdom never forgot the great king who had devoted his life to making their world a better place, and his name was passed down through the generations. His deeds were told and retold in stories, and his memory was honored for centuries to come.

Alexander had achieved immortality in the truest sense, for although his body may have died, his spirit and his legacy lived on forever. And in that way, he had truly lived forever.

Years and centuries passed, but Alexander's name and story was remembered and celebrated, not only by the kingdom but even by people from other lands. His legacy of selflessness and devotion to his people became an inspiration to many, a symbol of a true leadership, an epitome of immortality not just in name but in action.

Short StoryFantasyFan FictionClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Tza Fire

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    TFWritten by Tza Fire

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