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Life, what is it

Life, whaLife is a colorful painting, with bright hues and dark undertonest is it

By Faygath FyaharhPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Life, what is it
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

  Life is a colorful painting, there are bright hues, there are dark undertones; life is a low and high-pitched song, singing the bittersweet years of life; life is a rhyming poem, there are iambic pentameter flat and narrow; life is a road, potholes, and winding; life is that colorful haze, beautiful but often the miserable wind and rain; life is a fragrant wine, it is soft and sweet concentrated life. Life is a cup of fragrant wine, it is soft and sweet, concentrated life's sweet and sour; life is a cup of refreshing tea, so that people's lips and teeth taste long; life is the starry night lights; life is the laughter and songs of loved ones gathered together; life is the painful sorrow and crying when loved ones leave; life is to hold hands with your beloved one and grow old with your son; life is the heart-to-heart of three or five friends without fear; life is like Life is like the emperor's new clothes, full of longing but disappointed to the extreme; life is the day-to-day struggle and busy, life is the backpack to say goodbye to the relatives of the bitterness of the world; life is the poor people food, clothing, housing and transportation of the day to day running; life is the rich people throwing a lot of money bold and free; life is the success of the goal after the joy, life is also a failure of the helpless sigh and wandering; life is a skillful magician, can let people float up to the view of the world. Life is a skillful magician, can let people float up to the peak of the mountains, but also can push people into the abyss; life often makes people face difficult choices; life is a rushing river, washing yesterday's laughter and disappointment, running towards tomorrow's hopes and dreams; life has monotonous tedium, but also warm and romantic moments, more is calm and quiet.

  The life of the mulberry field over the sea to trek, in the long history of how many unforgettable moments it frames: Lu You, Tang Wan a hairpin Feng told all the lovers can not keep each other white head of the poignant; life is the Qin Shi Huang recovered the six countries to unify the mountains and rivers of the mite; life is Yue Fei that ambition to eat the flesh of the Hu, laughing about the thirst to drink the blood of the Xiongnu heroic; life is the birth of Li Bai I will be useful, a thousand gold scattered back to The life is Li Bai's born I will be useful, a thousand pieces of gold scattered and come back; life is the spring water in the south of the blue cloudy sky, the painting boat listening to the rain sleep of the soft beauty; life is the sky outside of the Sierra wilderness, the wind blowing grass low see cattle and sheep vast. Life is peaceful and peaceful, but life is sometimes full of unbearable blood and rain! Throughout the ages, how many people have lost their precious lives to the abominable war? How precious is it to live in peace away from war?

  Life in you may be a moment not to be busy, in him may be bored with nothing to do. Life sometimes makes people tired of wanting to escape, but also have to spend time with it. Sometimes life is gentle and considerate so that you smile like a flower, sometimes life is cruel so that you want to cry. How many people who have a bright future and are in their prime are killed by accidents? How many vibrant and healthy bodies have become disabled because of accidents? Life is unpredictable, not to mention what will happen tomorrow, I'm afraid we can't predict what will happen in the next second of life! The fairest thing in life for everyone is dead, when light cruelly strips away your bright and beautiful appearance, fading away the last halo, death will reveal its terrible and hideous face, and all the prosperity will eventually fly into smoke. Life is a heavy book, it slowly tells the sorrows and joys of the human world! You know that everything you have experienced, others have also experienced, the pain you are suffering, others are also suffering, so no need to complain about God, the shadow of self-pity.

  What is life? And what kind of mentality to face it? It is an answer sheet that everyone devotes his or her life to, and it has no standard answer, and different people will understand it very differently. Some people portray life as colorful and picturesque; some people interpret life as busy and self-conscious; some people live their lives with sound and color and relaxation; some people are comfortable in the ups and downs of life as light and breezy; some people make a mess of life and get by ...... life is an exquisite haha mirror, you smile and smile It is extraordinarily brilliant, and it is even uglier when you cry in pain. The world is not able to accompany you for life, wipe away the tears of sadness, do not have to close yourself in a small world of sadness or crying, feel down to get up and stride bravely forward, the night will eventually be replaced by the dawn of light. Life is just a hundred years, who is not a taste of life's bitterness and sweetness? Who is not experiencing storms before seeing the rainbow? Cherish the life you have, manage it with care, find your position in life, stay away from the hustle and bustle, stay away from temptation, let go of the red dust, and learn to use a magnifying glass to see the happiness you have, use a microscope to shield the misfortune you encounter, so optimistic and open-minded, misfortune will seem so insignificant!

  What is life? In me is to embrace family and friendships, snuggle with love, ordinary and simple, happy and quiet. Any time flies, I smile since the warmth, even if the wind is raging outside the snow, my world is still springing flowers and blue waves, the heart is always the four seasons like spring peach ......

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About the Creator

Faygath Fyaharh

I can love you to death, can not love you to shame.

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