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Libra Nexus

Philosophy meets action in this space opera

By Jack SnapPublished 3 years ago 91 min read

StartPart 1 - The Dead allow the Living to rise

For years I have lain dormant. Shut away in a hospital, in a coma they say. I fear that the events that have unfolded during my nap remain a mystery too. An Empire, a rebellion, a first order, a resistance, a last order; these were the ideas of a man called Darkworth. The machinations of a narcissistic madman. He was not Agressor, but more of a mirror reflection of what a Agressor is to strive for.

To hold the power of the galaxy in the palm of your hand. To hold worlds in your grip, not through fear but through loyalty. For fear is but the first step into darkness, the next step is to take that fear and turn it into strength. For most worlds in the galaxy hold a balance of light and dark, a balance.

That was Darkworth’s mistake, he thought that ruling through fear that people would eventually give in, but a balance is always struck. For with great fear, great courage rises. An empire will always have a rebellion, an order will be met with resistance.

A true manipulator would have sought to incorporate himself in both places as sort of an even soul that the wicked would seek out to gain more power, and that the good would look for to find freedom. Information, knowledge and wisdom would be sought and collected and expanded upon. A librarian of sorts, a broker, a collector, for such knowledge of the darkness as well as the light could be tainted and allowed to fester as a sort of worm.

All this was revealed to this story’s hero as he lay in his hospital bed. The goodwill of the staff revived him and brought him to be aware of the events of the galaxy. Such kindness was met with patience and a quick end.

Fifty years I have slept.

Fifty years I have waited.

Fifty years I have honed my power.

Fifty years for the usurper to die.

Fifty years have passed and the galaxy is ready to listen.

The hospital clothes are warm and kept me from the harm of the elements. What I did not like about them was the color white. The purity of it kept me from enjoying the air that I was breathing. The stuffiness of starship exhaust was not a smell that I missed.

The hospital was the cleanest building in this starport, it was a shame that I crushed it. I saw a drunk getting thrown out of a local pub, as I walked by him I siphoned two years of his youth and transferred it to myself.

I walked into the bar and saw that it was mostly empty, except for a few patrons. I walked up to the barkeep and asked for a drink. Something sweet, as the taking of youth demands that a sweetness be swallowed for youth to be enjoyed. No matter how sweet it was, it was never enough. Spiritual Energy was as determined as ever to make my path seem like the wrong way. But ever have I lived and ever I shall go. Sleeping when I need to and waking when the Nexus needs to be opened again.

Part 2 - Raavik Yaan

"Forgive me, I have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Raavik Yaan." The elderly gentleman said to the young lady as he took a bow and her hand.

Raavik had been out of the hospital for a little over a week. He had been seeking a way to return to the Nexus, for his master was calling him. He had somehow impressed a wealthy merchant and been invited to a party for his progeny, a daughter to be exact.

Within the week Raavik had acquired gray clothes that seemed to both be tight and loose at the same time. His gray rat-eaten cloak covered his aura of elegance that no man had exudued in decades. The cloak covered this only so much that he was seen as little more than that of the wealthy merchant.

The daughter was a bit awestruck by Raavik. For when she looked into his cool blue eyes, she saw a prince that could command legions to die and they would do so. But she also saw the wrinkled face that the eyes sat in, the face that looked as if it had seen a thousand lifetimes, seen the rise and fall of empires and even assisted in the building and reckoning of a few. She saw that he had the wisdom and power of stars . His grip was well worn, gentle, but strength and power was still emittinating through the touch of his skin.

She felt her knees weaken and she nearly falter, but his grasp was still gripping her and she felt his strength push into her and her resolve grew beyond what she had known. What power it was. The power of ages.

She felt the need for something sweet to eat.

Raavik released his grip. Though it felt like she had spent a year with the strange man, she looked around and resumed the party after only a few seconds. She went and found a drink and sat down for a few minutes before a servant came and found her for her father’s introduction for the feast.

“Mistress, Mistress Mia? Your father is asking for you.” The servant said, shaking her by the right arm.

Mia awoke from her trance and composed herself and walked into the light of the center of the room to take her place next to her father.

To everyone in the crowd, save one, it appeared that stars shone all around her and that the heavens themselves had taken notice of her and blessed her with exceptional youth on this night.

Raavik Yaan stood at the back of the crowd and siphoned off one or two years off of everyone in the crowd except for the princess at the front. His elderly appearance shrank away. Now, a middle aged man stood at the back of the crowd and slipped away into the shadows of the city lights.

Part 3 - The Station

Raavik had spent his first month awake in fifty years draining the youth from the population of a planet that had not been involved in any major wars that had taken place within that time period. The planet was named Vos Talas. A pleasantly perfect world that the galaxy had deemed unnecessary. A time of peace that stretched from horizon to horizon.

For every good deed, an evil one of equal measure was done. The planet remained in a perfect balance. Minor scuffles were talked about and forgotten. Raavik Yaan was completely and utterly protected while he slept. Protected by an entity unlike any other in the galaxy. Raavik found this being while he was exploring the far reaches of the unknown regions.

When Raavik was a young man, a chronologically young man, he was a man that explored deep space searching for new worlds and sublightspace routes. He would then sell his hard work to the Republic. Always new places to be found. He was trained by his father to be an exceptional pilot. Trained by his mother to understand politics and how to work a room. Agility and charisma. He was not exactly trained in Spiritual Energy, he didn’t have a great connection to it to begin with. Perhaps that is what caught his master’s attention in the first place.

Raavik stumbled upon a star station on one of his journeys to the unknown regions. He saw the stations and went to explore it in hopes that he would find some unique salvage. But that didn’t even begin to describe what it was that he found.

The station was two quad pyramids one on top of the other. Eight rings surrounded it, from the tip top to the tip bottom. A strange station indeed. There were many ships docked with it, some appeared more ancient than others. Hundreds of ships, all of different varieties and species.

Raavik docked with the station and carried himself forward. He carried two lanterns on his belt and one more in his hand. He had a small phasic discharge holstered on his back. He entered the station unknowing of what he was seeking. There were books piled high in every direction, some scattered on the floor most in book cases. Not only books but also datapads and vidlogs. Knowledge from throughout the millenniums was all gathered here for the taking.

A strange feeling passed through him and it seemed that a presence ran through the station. As he delved deeper, he saw strange people in the dim light. For the light in the station was dark, but not blindingly so. A gray source was far above and provided enough light that one could see around within a twilight.

As Raavik’s eyes adjusted he could see pale shapes moving throughout the library. Their eyes were empty and hollow, for some of them would read a book cover to cover, put it down, walk over to a dim pad of light, seem to be disappointed with the result then return to their reading of another book.

For there were many of these wraiths and each one was less aware of Raavik than they were of each other. They did not seem to notice anything other than the pads of light and the books that surrounded them. But perhaps that was for the best. As Raavik recalled, all of them looked pale and starved as if they had forgotten what time even was. An abstract concept that drew many into its terrible game.

Raavik never reported the space station to the Republic as an odd find. Even though the library’s knowledge and books would have set him up for the rest of his life very easily, a feeling stopped him from writing his latest report. He instead mentioned the planets with tantalum within their core, spice in the rings, topsoil ripe for colonization.

Everything that would have netted a huge profit with the Republic, he instead took what he needed for fuel and food and placed the rest into a trust. But on his current return flight, he made sure to paint the coordinates across the hull of the ship so that he would never forget where to go to find the station that he discovered.

He felt drawn back to the station, but he knew not why. He found himself wandering aimlessly. Not toward any star in particular. His flights got longer and longer. He caught himself always staring in one certain direction. As if he could hear a voice calling his name. The voice was as sweet as honey, or as gritty as coal. Always it called for him to come back. No matter how far he ran, the voice found him. At times it was just a whisper, other times it was as if a cymbal crashed above his head. Never did it leave him alone.

Raavik ship was a B34a21-6 Hawthorne Class light transport, named Father's Yacht. It had been outfitted with a 32AA fixed turbolaser for ship defense. But that was only for the last straw. For the ship's true defense was the three sublight drives that took up passenger space. The ship was fast. Super fast. sublight fast. Very little room was left for any extra cargo that was not expected. The ship had a small complement of J6 Vernic robots: J6-A1, J6-A2, J6-A3. The first and last of their line. A special order that was given to Raavik by a senator for giving him a new colony to exploit. A1 was red, A2 was yellow, and A3 was green. Each one was in charge of a different sublightdrive, maintaining it and bringing up any issues that may arise with it.

But all this pales to helping him get away from the voices that followed Raavik across the galaxy. Into the depths of nebulas he descended, the voice followed. Across the infinite plains of the verdant atmospheric gas that float in the empty void, the voices could still be heard. With all the systems of the Yacht turned off, the voice could still be heard.

Raavik had never been one to believe in Spiritual Energy. The Sentinel and Agressor had embroiled civilizations into wars. Each was a cult of different values. Each collided with the other based upon their values that the other is wrong about. One seeking power, the other seeking wisdom. Neither saying that the other was correct in some ways and seeking peace with their enemies.

Lost in the depths of space he had gone too far that none of his maps even knew where he was. That not even the astro tracking could find the galactic center. He was completely lost.

"Raavik… Raavik…"

The voice spoke to him once again. This was the sweet voice; it was soothing and calming.

"You must come back. I have a purpose for you. A calling that is perfect for you, an exact fit."

Raavik hung his head in defeat and let the voice tell him where to go. He put in the coordinates from the side of the Yacht. He sped away and let the voice take over.

“Fear me not.” The voice said. It was now both gritty and soothing at the same time. Acceptingly terrifying. “For your presence in the galaxy has been known to me for some time. You are an anomaly in Spiritual Energy of life. You can be around people, however, you chose isolation. You keep the company of the lifeless, but seek new life in the galaxy.”

Raavik felt like he could see two arms reaching across the void and grabbing his ship and embracing it and pulling it.

“For you are needed to procure and curate the Waypoint. For my knowledge, depth, power, and wisdom can only grow while I have a curator to maintain new incoming knowledge. For though I exist through Spiritual Energy. Many can still shut themselves off to me. Physical forms of willing participants allow me to spread through the stars more effectively.”

Raavik felt the grip of the force relax a bit, he found the strength to speak once again. “Why me though? I was not good enough to be found by Spiritual Energy before. Why now?”

Silence once again filled the space, but the presence of the Other did not fade. It seemed to be waiting until the quiet once again took over. It finally spoke again in the honey sweet voice.

“You possess a different strand of Spiritual Energy. The strand is overlooked or looked down upon by most Energy users. Completely neutral. Neither Light nor Dark. Leaning to either side.”

The tone changed to be more harsh and gritty, but no less helpful.

“The light side would claim that you have not enough Energy power to survive the training, while the dark would see potential for heinous deeds but would see you as nothing more than a thorn of medocracity for their ever expanding quest for power.”

Quiet once again took over. Raavik got up from the cockpit console and moved to the kitchen. He needed some water, while he was drinking he figured that he should go ahead and make a sandwich that was proportional to the liquid that he drank. He looked around at his surroundings. He really began to notice that his ship was messy and slightly disorganized, but not so much that he couldn’t find what he was looking for. A balance could be found.

Though three robots he had, only two were on and one in standby. a balance was struck even there. J6-A1 was more hazardous with its repairs yet its sublightdrive stayed functional longer. J6-A3 was more careful with its repairs, but did them more often. J6-A2 was on standby, but it's sublightdrive was not in use at the moment. Balance was struck.

Raavik returned to the cockpit feeling satisfied, not overly full nor underwhelmed. Balance was struck once again.

He was quiet for a time, he focused on listening, waiting for the Voice to come back to him.

The sublightdrive hummed with a slight intensity as it powered down. Raavik drifted to sleep as the ship powered down. Within his dreams the Voice came back to speak more.

Raavik’s dreamscape was that of a bland grey. He was dressed in his everyday wear, but there was the presence of another nearby.

“Did you see the Balance of your own life?” The Voice was spoken honey sweetly through a monstrous form, and a gritty tough through a beautiful maiden. “Balance is what those that use Spiritual Energy strive to become. For within the Balance peace and chaos is achieved. A perfection between two natures. You saw the imperfection at least once before, at the Libria Nexus? Those that studied the books? They were both Sentinel and Agressor, users of the Light and Dark side of Spiritual Energy. They are unaware of the others being there and they have lost all sense of self while trying to maintain Balance. Since they were not born with a sense of Balance they succumb to teetering off the edge and onto the Light or Dark side of Spiritual Energy. You are indeed an anomaly. You hold true to yourself and neither side has a pull on you. That is very unique. Perhaps one in a billion. When you see suffering you shrug it off, when you give to charity and care little for the joy it should bring. You unknowingly balance yourself to remain within a perfect balance.”

“You are not part of the Sentinel are you?” Raavik asked.

“Those that practice Spiritual Energy, whether it is bending it to their will or allowing it to move through themselves, know little of my ways. Energy users that I choose, work alongside me. I offer advice, I offer my power to the powerless, such as yourself. It is true that you have no strong connection to Spiritual Energy, barely a weak one. With me you shall create new worlds, connect to new contacts we will work to regain the Balance of Spiritual Energy.”

“Do you not have the Balance already?” Raavik interjected.

“The Nexus has been quiet for far too long. My power has waned. I can feel Spiritual Energy moving ahead without me. It says that beings search for truth in Light, or power in Dark. It works with others, but it does not let others influence. Those that are under the influence of the Nexus can never be worked with, for they still only seek to gain their own power. That is why I reach out to you. I can work with you, but you will never be under me."

With the last word spoken, Raavik woke up. Through half open eyes he looked through the cockpit window. He had returned to the Station that he had found earlier.

The Station had not changed except for one new ship that had made dock to the junkyard of derelict ships. Father's Yacht was directed to another dock point, a hidden docking area. Far below beneath what would have been considered a safe docking space the Yacht was directed to the Apostle's landing pad.

The lights on the pad were that of a dim gray, bright enough to see but not so much that one would not have to squint.

Raavik exited his ship. He toted a small bag that had an extra set of clothes. The Voice guided him through the maze of corridors, turns of left and right, up inverts, down lifts. The deeper he went the more it seemed that a spectre appeared in front of him.

"Where are we going?" Raavik asked.

The spectre seemed to turn its head and answered, "We must get to the core of the Nexus. There the contract must be formed and fulfilled. The center is down deep at the absolute center of the Nexus."

The deeper we were when we passed by several libraries. Each contained at least three different people. All unaware, all reading or viewing vidlogs.

"What do these beings search for?" Raavik asked as he passed the beings. He tapped one on the shoulder and its eyes were empty and hollow. It looked up slowly for a moment, blinked, then went back to what it was doing.

"They are not beings anymore." The spectre answered guiding him away from that not-being. "That one was a man, strong and pure. Sentinel you might say. He came here seeking wisdom from ages past. The Nexus does not give its knowledge without sacrifice. A Balance must be struck. So he was giving what he sought so long as he stayed and fed the Nexus with his own life force."

Part 4 - The Apostle

Raavik was led to the very center of the Nexus. To the very center of the Undead Graveyard. To the center of a point of concentration within Spiritual Energy. There was an apartment of sorts. Bedding, kitchen, training area, a living space.

“Is it to your liking?” The Voice asked.

“Very sparse.” Raavik answered.

“It is meant to be more of a retreat than that of an actual living area. You are to come back here when the Nexus goes quiet again and maintain the flocks.”

Raavik wandered around the space for a time and he felt more and more strength pass through and around him the longer he stayed. He made his way around to a pedestal that was in front of a double door entrance. There sat, underneath a layer of dust, was a plasmic blade.

Raavik was drawn to the item. The smooth handle had a deceptively rough grip. The weight was light, he clicked it on, the tell-tell sound wooshed out, and the weight increased.

“The plasmic blade of the Apostle.” The Voice said. “Protection is required from those Sentinel that follow the Light or the Dark. They fear that the Apostle may follow the opposing creed.”

Raavik turned off the saber and placed it back where he found it. “How many have come before me?

“There have been many gray Sentinels. Although there have only been thirteen Apostles of the Nexus. And though they have all died in time, they lived a long, long time. For the Nexus follows them wherever they go.”

“So what do I have to do to sign my pledge of service to you?” Raavik asked. His fingers played over the plasmic blade once again.

“You must spend some time here, to begin with. The Nexus will imbue you with power and make you strong with Spiritual Energy.”

A wall opened on the farside of the training area, revealing three unique vidlogs. The one on the right was red, the one on the left was blue, and the one on the top shelf in the middle was gray.

“Those are the three vidlogs of Spiritual Energy that can teach you about the different ways of Spiritual Energy.”

Another panel opened up beneath the three to reveal thirteen gray vidlogs.

“And these are the records and lives of the thirteen that came before you. Once you use all sixteen of these vidlogs you will have a greater understanding of what Spiritual Energy is and know how to correctly use and manifest it.”

Raavik walked over to the wall and reached out and plucked the top most gray vidlog and began his training.

Raavik returned to civilization aboard Father’s Yacht. He had been out of the Nexus after six months of training, reading and getting more in touch with the Voice of the Nexus.

Raavik had gotten pretty good at moving objects with his mind, as well as dedicating force behind them. He was well enough that he could get by, But these few things were trounced by the knowledge that he had gleaned from the three vidlogs as well as the wisdom from his predecessors.

Raavik thought that it would have been a good idea to return to his friend the senator and sell off his new routes to the unknown regions. The senator had died though, from natural causes. His estate still active, offered Raavik the same price for that safe path that he had found.

There was something to be said about wandering around on the streets of Yanders. He gained attention from different beings that seemed to need something for nothing. However, with this new life route he was pursuing, a Balance must be struck.

Raavik was eating lunch in a street market when he was approached by a pair of unique humans.

"These are Sentinel." The Voice said. "They permeate with the Light side of Spiritual Energy. They may sense my presence near you."

The Sentinel were both human. One led the other. A master and his disciple, both clad in brown robes, both had a plasmic blade attached to their belts.

"Greeting Traveler," The master began as he waved his hand in greetings to Raavik. In this wave that Raavik felt Spiritual Energy try to play over his mind, as if he was trying to gain information of who he was. The presence of the Nexus denied his use from gaining anything. As he noticed that his use of Spiritual Energy failed, he seemed to try talking.

"Can I ask for your name?"

"Why would you ask for my name?"

"Because in a conversation I find that knowing a name would be easier than to address them by a moniker."

"Raavik Yaan. And you are?"

"Haha Benthor, I am a Sentinel champion, this is my student, Keely Aros." Haas was middle aged, perhaps in his forties. He felt content enough to sit across from Raavik. Keely was a different matter, she was a young girl, late teens, she had an aura of distrust about her where she seemed to distrust anyone.

"Tell me, Raavik, have you ever been beyond the outer rim?"

"What an odd thing to ask upon our first meeting."

"Is it? I only ask because I sense that you are strong in Spiritual Energy. I could sense you as you approached the planet. I waited until you came into a public place to approach you. And when I tried to sense you an opposing denied me that, so that is why I ask."

"Yes, I have been beyond the outer rim. I am a sublightspace explorer by trade. I seek new routes that people can safely go down. It is extremely hazardous and one never knows the danger that one can find. I suppose you know something about being a Sentinel.”

Haas looked back at Keely and she went off in search of a street vendor selling drinks.

“There are dangerous properties beyond the veil of the known, and plenty of dangers within the Republic. Would your life not be better if you were to stay within easy reach of rescue?”

“Master Sentinel, you are trying to figure out who I am, I have told you my name and profession, is that not enough?”

“Haha, please. I am just trying to keep the people safe from the dangers of beyond what they do not understand.”

“So do you seek understanding?”

“I suppose I do. As should we all.”

Keely came back with three cups of a hot drink. and passed one to each of the people, such as Haas and Raavik and kept one for herself.

“Most appreciated.” Raavik said. As he drank, Haas continued on.

“If understanding the universe is achievable then I think that the Sentinel council would have some notion of attaining it.”

“And yet they don’t, do they? They sit high and lofty in the council chambers believing that they are above everyone else. Do you notice them ever leave that place to dwell with those that they seek to protect? Or do they just go out from their hill and seek to maintain stability throughout the galaxy?”

“What’s wrong with stability? With peace?”

“Peace cannot be achieved without knowing what chaos is. Light and dark both sides of Spiritual Energy condemn the other thinking that their path is the right way. All the while those that are not as strong with Spiritual Energy are supposed to tolerate those with power. The arrogance that you all show is demeaning to the rest of the galaxy.”

“So then, Master Raavik, what do you suggest that we do about it? Should we sell the temple and use the proceeds to heal the sick and feed destitute?”

“Would that be too far of a stretch? I mean you claim to be warriors for light, why would you deny your own cause to make yourselves higher than those you claim to protect?”

Haas fell silent. Raavik had outwitted the Sentinel champion by turning his own philosophy and all that he had been taught right around on its head.

“This fool knows nothing of wisdom, send him back to the Nexus and I shall teach him.” The Voice said telepathically.

“And what of his apprentice?”

“Keep her for yourself. For you need not go to the vast reasons of the galaxy by yourself, and a different matter of perspective may do the galaxy a massive amount of good. Apprentice student calls her a disciple of the Nexus. Invite them both to the Nexus and then I will have a new place for you to go. He’s about to ask to go with you anyway.”

“Raavik, where did you learn such wisdom?” Haas asked, unaware that he was being watched by the Voice of the Nexus.

“Would you like to see my library? It’s just a quick jaunt to the outside of the system. We can take my ship, and I can have you back here tomorrow.”

“Is there a library on the edge of the system? I was unaware of such a thing.”

“It is a space station. The Libria Nexus, the greatest library in known space. full of books and vidlogs wisdom and power are but a flight away.”

“Master,” Keely spoke up. “This doesn’t feel right. Something is wrong here.”

Haas looked to Keely and broke eye contact with Raavik. She appeared to have tears welling up in her eyes, her pristine jade green eyes.

"Relax, young one." Raavik said in a calming voice. "There is nothing to fear. And Haas does not have to come if he does not want to."

"No, wait!" Haas interjected. "Do not toss away your invitation so lightly."

"I am not. But if she has misgivings about me then shouldn't you listen to her?"

Haas thought about that for a second. He really wanted to know more about Raavik, who he was and where he came from.

"Tell you what," Raavik started again. "I will be leaving from landing pad 24578. If you would like to join me then meet me there at sundown." He stood and offered his hand at their parting and left.

Raavik left the courtyard and made his way down a dark alley. He could feel the presence of another that was strong in the force, but this one was dark. With so many life forms on Yanders, the conflicting powers probably felt his true neutrality as an invading force.

The darkness of the group felt like nothing more than that of angsting teenagers that couldn’t get the ice cream flavour that they wanted. I mean, seriously, what is so wrong with vanilla? Put hot fudge on it and it turns to chocolate.

*Ahem* Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yes, dark Sentinel.

It was a group of five that were led by a sixth. The leader approached Raavik and stopped him in the alley.

“Pardon us for a moment of your time, wise one.” His voice was slick with poison. “We saw you talking with the Sentinel, and you offered him the chance for great wisdom, and it seemed that might take you up on that. But he seemed less interested in the power that you also offered. Might you make that same offer to us?”

Raavik was silent for a moment as he listened for the Voice of the Nexus. “Bring them along,” It whispered. “The dark side is more susceptible to the power that I offer. Wisdom for the Light, Power for the Dark; We offer both.”

“Then meet me at the landing platform 24578 at sundown and travel with me. Do not pick a fight with any others that come or I promise you that none of you will see the Nexus.”

The Dark Sentinel allowed him to pass and go about his business. He could hear them preparing to go off.

Father’s Yacht was originally built to ferry people across the stars. However, thanks to the ingenious attitude of past Raavik, it was now outfitted with more lightspeed drives than most capital ships. It had barely enough room for Raavik and his three robots. Let alone the Sentinel Master, five Sentinel champions, three students, and six dark Sentinel.

The two groups sat across from each other. Raavik Yaan sat on a crate in the middle of the two groups. The sun let loose its last rays before it had set.

“Okay, all aboard. Let’s go.” Raavik said as he stood and walked toward the Yacht. The two groups just continued to stare at each other. Raavik sighed.

“You guys…”

“Why did you invite those ingrates?” Haas asked. “They seek nothing but power.”

“They wanted to come so I invited them. However, I did request that they start no fights.”

“And you believed them?!” Another champion put in.

"I only invited two Sentinels." Raavik retorted. "Since he invited more, it would be rude of them to try and tarnish my hospitality before they were to receive any."

The Sentinel grumbled at that, while the Dark Sentinel smirked and followed their leader onto the Yacht. Raavik motioned his arms and invited them on. "Last call." He made his way on and the Sentinel, begrudgingly, followed.

Raavik made his way past the Dark Sentinel that had made themselves as comfortable as they could in the kitchen. He entered the cockpit and started the startup sequence.

The flight was mostly uneventful. The Sentinel Master eventually made his way to the cockpit.

“Forgive me and my fellows behavior from earlier. I am Glork Ornok, Sentinel Master. I hope that the current hostilities will not last inside your library?”

“It’s not mine.” Raavik answered as he adjusted his control of the ship.

Omok tilted his head slightly. “Did you not file the claim for salvager rights with the Republic? It is your claim, and thereby your property.”

“I file claims for sublightspace routes, I do not salvage if I do not need to. Besides, the Nexus still has a viable population on board. Such a claim would be wrong for me to do.”

Omok leaned against the doorway, he could hear the groups chatting down the hall. “So the station has people living on it. Why did you not get food or water to sustain them?”

“Master Sentinel, it seems that you are trying to grasp what the Nexus is by talking to me. The people on board are sustained by Spiritual Energy. Does that surprise you? Of course it does, don’t even try to deny it. The powerful Sentinel can only see Spiritual Energy two ways, Light and Dark. But there is another way, Twilight, gray, or neutral. The true balance of Spiritual Energy is what you seek, but I can feel your overwhelming power of the Light radiating off of you. Perhaps the Nexus terrifies you more than you first believed. An essence of unknown energy that has proven to be the undoing of one of your trusted students. The Light or Dark have very little to do with the power of the Nexus. Just wait and find out.”

The Nexus Libria sat on the outside of the system. Out against the dark of the void, the dark library sat. Father's Yacht made its approach and docked with the rest of the ships that were there. The groups disembarked and followed Raavik Yaan into the Nexus.

"This is just the outer layer of the Nexus. There are millions of books and devices of information. Powers and wisdoms and knowledge are here for all to seek and learn. You may go wherever you want to in the Nexus and if you do not find what you are looking for within a day you may come back here and leave with no fault." Raavik said this as he opened the doors just has he had when he first opened them when he first arrived.

He motioned for them to spread out and go and learn. The dark Sentinel immediately went forth and spread among the bookshelves and went deep into the gray and were never seen again.

Omok and his Sentinel champions stayed within close proximity of each other and close to Raavik.

"What are your plans, Apostle? Where is your master so that we may greet him properly?" Omok asked.

"My intentions are to merely act as the custodian for the Libria Nexus. I do not offer guidance nor do I offer a direction. The choice for infinite wisdom is yours. For the Nexus' doors have been opened and its power has been unleashed. Would you deny a kindness that is offered freely?"

"Everything has a cost in the galaxy." Haas put in.

"Of course you would think that. You that have grown up in the Republic can only think in matters of give and take. What is wrong with the gifts that are freely given?"

Two of the young students had drifted away from the group and made their way to a stand alone table that had several books scattered around it. They both reached down and picked one up and began to read. The language may have been known to them, or they may not have. The Nexus made the text decenable to their minds and they read on.

They were words of poetry and wisdom. Eye catching, emotions ran rampant in the fiery eyes, pages flipped and they put one down and went to pick up another. The champions placed their hands on their students and tried to remind them to focus on the living Energy. The influence of the Nexus was too great and the champions were unable to coax their students out of the trance.

“If the gifts are so free, why can’t they be denied?” Omok asked.

Raavik looked very nonchantal in his response. “Is the will power of your followers so weak that they cannot even follow simple instructions? Look behind yourself two more have wandered off and a third is close behind.”

Omok did as instructed and saw that he was now alone with Raavik Yaan.

“Where did they go?” Omok asked, and it was in that instant that his eyes went wide for he was scared. “What is this place?”

“There are places in the galaxy that are strong in the powers of Spiritual Energy, this place is no different." The voice that answered was little more than a whisper and eerily calm.

Omok glanced around the seemingly empty entrance hall. Even Raavik had left him. Now, all that was left to him was the door and the shelving with the wisdom of ages laid out in front of him.

Omok ran down along the bookcases. All the books and vidlogs and never a map to be found. He first tried looking for his students, but he found no one. The deeper into the Nexus he went the more and more lost he became. He tried to return to the front but was completely stumped about his direction. Any time he tried to communicate with Spiritual Energy the same whispering voice came back to haunt him.

“Why do you deny what is given?” The whispers asked.

“I would deny that he wishes to corrupt!” Omok retorted.

Omok finally came across another being. A man about his height and a plasmic blade was attached to his waist.

"You there, Sentinel, can you assist me?" Omok asked. When the man didn't answer, Omok grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him from the book he was reading.

The unnamed Sentinel's eyes were gray and empty. His face was gaunt and malnourished. The former being looked haggard and only a shadow of its former self. He looked at Omok for exactly seven seconds and then went back to its reading.

"It is a bit sad looking isn't it?" The whispers came back. "This one came looking for wisdom and strength to learn armies, but he never feels quite satisfied. So he stays and learns more."

"Do you ever tell them that they have learned enough?" Omok asked, his mood was a bit somber.

"Why would I tell a thirsty man not to drink? Those that are here are free to leave, but none of them want to leave. They want to be here."

“Their eyes are empty and hollow. They don’t show any signs of free will.”

“Their freedom is not compromised at all. They live and read and learn. Raavik is a prime example of this. He comes and goes as he pleases. He gathers supplies and gains new followers for the Nexus.”

The Voice seemed to go silent for a while, but Omok could continue to feel the undeniable presence. Omok continued to wander through the Nexus. He tried his best not to rely on Spiritual Energy for he felt the presence of the Voice.

He figured that he might be able to work his way out of the Nexus and find a suitable ship and leave this place. He found many others in his wanderings, many more of the broken and wretched beings. Most of them had weapons of some sort, attached to their belts, phasic discharges and plasmic blades, even vibroblades. Some of them looked ancient, others looked like they just found the Nexus. Regardless, all were hopeless now.

“Tell me, Voice, can you show me the way out?” Omok asked.

This time the Voice materialized a wraithly figure appeared before Omok. Just a torso, two arms and a head, no legs, no face.

“All this time you spent looking for a way out, and you forgot the easiest way to do so. Simply by asking.” The Voice waved his arms to the side and bookcases opened up and a pathway was revealed through to the ships that were docked outside.

Omok started his on the path toward the outside. He felt his connection to the Light become reestablished.

“Can you really leave so easily?” The wraith asked, floating behind. “Knowing that you are abandoning all of your students to a place that you have deemed unsuitable.”

“There is no hope for them; they have all become mindless.” Omok responded, taking his first steps toward the exit. He had to leave and warn the republic about the dangers of this place.

“Have you always been so cynical? Are not the Sentinel supposed to find the good in everything? Perhaps your lack of hope denies you to see another philosophy. Can you feel the Light filtering in here? Am I a threat to you? Does it say I am a threat?”

Omok closed his eyes and meditated, he felt the Light side of Spiritual Energy enveloped him and in a single instant the words, “GET OUT NOW!” flashed in his mind. He opened his eyes and now saw the mindless crowd surrounding him. The exit was still open, but the path was now crowded with beings of all kinds and all holding their weapons.

“THE KNOWLEDGE IS OURS” The crowd all said in unison. They cocked and readied their weapons. All the different colors of the plasmic blade reminded Omok of a rainbow.

“Voice, stop them.” Omok demanded.

The Voice was barely audible. "I cannot stop their thirst for knowledge and all have some connection to Spiritual Energy. Your feelings have betrayed you." The Voice turned to ice, the exit closed, and the gray light lit the dark eyes of the horde. "Sentinel, your fate is sealed."

The horde rushed forward in a blood rage. The plasmic blades and phasic discharges filled the halls. Omok sped away knowing that he was vastly overwhelmed. The Voice followed and spoke more as Omok ran away on top of some of the bookcases.

"You cannot hide. You are only delaying the inevitable. This place is filled with everyone knowing where everything is. Think of it as a hive mind, while you accept the privilege of the Nexus."

Five plasmic blades appeared in front of Omok's path. Yellow Sentinels. Five former Sentinel. Two threw their sabers, two followed through by running, and one stayed in reserve.

Omok dropped down in between the cases to further avoid a fight. He made a mental note of where the exit was and he made his way there. He avoided the relentless horde however he could.

He knew not how long he stayed at the Nexus, constantly on the run. Dodging and weaving. He never engaged in combat for fear of being quickly overrun.

When he began to feel exhausted. He faltered and stumbled. He fell down at the exit and the boots of Raavik Yaan.

Part 7: The Disciple of the Apostle

Keely had gotten separated from the Sentinel champions almost immediately upon entering the Nexus. It seemed as if a dark cloud had enshrouded her and transported her to a different place entirely. It was not a library like she had seen in the Sentinel archives. There were no books, no texts, no data screens displaying all sorts of information.

There were, however, thirteen vidlogs on the far wall. One red and one blue, and eleven gray with one featured prominently on top of all the others.

The place was that of an apartment. It had a kitchen for preparing and eating meals, a living room for relaxing, and two bed rooms: a master and what appeared to be a small room for a guest. Everything was very sparse, but nothing was left out.

Keely took her time exploring the area. She felt calm and at peace, unlike the busy never-sleeping, metropolis of Yanders. She reclined on the nearby sofa and felt at peace. She closed her eyes and napped.

A few minutes passed by. Keely her footsteps approaching from down the hallway. Boot steps that could command the attention from allies and enemies. The Master of the Nexus.

Raavik Yaan entered the apartment and he looked directly at Keely and moved into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry, young one? Maybe you would like something to drink?" Raavik's tone was casual and familiar. "I have some stores of food that may keep you alive and full."

Keely stood up and came up to the counter. She could see him more clearly in the soft light. His expression was kind, and yet there was a fire in his eyes.

“Just whatever you feel like giving me, I will accept.”

“That is not an answer.” Raavik felt slightly annoyed at the Sentinel teachings in her voice. “Well whatever we can work on answers later. For now, let me make you a meal. Then, perhaps, you would like to join me on an errand?”

“Wouldn't my master not need me here?” Keely asked. “I need to protect him.”

“From the sound of it, shouldn’t your master be the one protecting you?

Keely glanced away from Raavik’s eyes and stared at the couch. “Master Haas is a good mentor, but he has very little sense of the people around him. I joined the order as an older student under the direct supervision of Master Haas. He recruited me after I picked his pocket using the force. I grew up an orphan in the slums of Yanders. An outcast and always looked down upon and forgotten. Even Master Haas forgets about me sometimes.” She patted her stomach and heard it groan.

Raavik pushed a bowl, a plate and a glass toward her. “Maybe not five stars, but you may have as much as you like.”

The bowl was steamy and smelled so good. Meat and veggies stewed. The plate had two slices of bread with butter spread over them and a glass of water. (Yes I know probably not what Lucus would have said, but I am not he)

Keely had three servings of each then she felt relaxed enough that she felt that Raavik Yaan might as well have been her master.

Keely had sprawled herself across the couch. Her stomach was full like it had not been in many years. When Raavik had first met her she did seem to be slightly malnourished. Skinny and boney, not at all what a young woman should look like, even for a Sentinel.

“Do you feel better?” Raavik asked from the kitchen. He was washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Raavik had been by himself since he was a young man and knew how to take care of himself and clean up after others. Household chores were nothing for him.

“I haven’t eaten that well in some time. That was no robot made meal.”

“No, it wasn’t.The Nexus has a few treasures beyond the knowledge in its halls, one such treasure is a tended garden. Not all that live here are husks of their former selves, there is a certain faction of others that tend the air facilities. For the beings that live here cannot live by words alone. Balance must be struck.” Raavik finished cleaning up and went and sat next to Keely. “That being said, are you ready to repay me for the meal?”

Keely felt slightly uncomfortable but she felt no threat emanating from Raavik. “What did you have in mind?”

“I have an errand to run to Yanders, and I could use your help. I am looking for a seller of books and knowledge. I need to know if you know of a man that can procure me such a thing.”

“Rare or common?” Keely asked and she noticed that Raavik’s attention perked up. She also sensed a change in the atmosphere that surrounded the two of them. She thought that she heard a whisper float around Raavik, but she couldn’t be sure. “Either way, Tommy Grunx is a solid purveyor of books and antiques.”

“Then let’s go. The Yacht is ready to go. The sooner we gain the knowledge the sooner we can leave this accursed system.” Raavik headed out the door, grabbed his cloak and at the entrance of the hall, he turned back and invited Keely to join him. She stood and stretched, and joined him.

The pair made their way to the shipyard and took The Yacht and returned to the planet. Keely directed Raavik to a landing area close to Tommy’s shop. Close was a fifteen minute walk, and in the most unassuming neighborhood, sat Grunx Boox.

“Tommy! are you in here?” Keely entered the shop with a familiar pace. She looked around the stacks of books, discs and data pads. Unorganized to those that knew not the system.

“Keely?” A voice of an eldery man could be heard from the back behind a desk. “I haven’t seen you in some time, girl.”

Tommy was an older man. He was hunched over with age with a thick pair of spectacles on his weary eyes. Keely hugged his neck and he embraced her back, chuckling while he did so.

“What can this old fellow help you with today?”

“My associate here needs some help acquiring some books of all natures.”

Tommy took a long look at Raavik Yaan. His old eyes focus on the cloak. To him it seemed to change color and shifted from white to gray to black, then back to white, The cycle repeated.

“An unusual friend, your Sentinel friend.” Tommy said. “His cloak shimmers gray and silver. I have heard stories of balancers, I feel honored to actually meet one before I die. Do you need books?”

“My name is Raavik Yaan, I need your help to feed the Nexus, The Library among libraries.”

“I am here to serve.” Tommy coughed, “Although, I fear, not for much longer.”

Raavik knew that he could use Spiritual Energy to influence the answer to the question he was about to ask, but he knew that he had to ask anyway.

Father’s Yacht approached the Nexus once again, this time it was followed by a small fleet of civilian craft. each one was loaded to capacity full of scholars and learned beings. All who were enticed to come to the Nexus to learn everything that the known universe had to offer. The Library of the Nexus caters to all who are willing, especially those that bring more knowledge to increase the ever expanding stock.

Raavik Yaan felt an uneasy stillness outside in the shipyard, the Voice of the Nexus had been quiet for some time. A few days, in fact. He knew that the Nexus had a tendency to overreact when presented with new forms to harness life from. If anything of the past experiences of the other apostles was of nte then the Nexus was doing something stupid with its visitors.

Raavik followed by Keely and Tommy entered the Nexus through the great doors. Almost immediately upon entering they were greeted by the slumped over figure of Sentinel Master Omok, worn out and exhausted.

The Apostle looked down at the Sentinel with an almost pitible look upon his face. Raavik felt Keely’s disdain for the old man and turned her gaze away from him.

In the light that filtered in through the door, Raavik could see the mob, as well as a wraith of the Nexus. The mob was not unexpected, after all the Sentinel probably had some thoughts about destroying the Nexus. The mob was the inner sanctuary’s defense, but not the most dangerous. That honor was left to the ghostly wraith. The actual spirit of the Nexus, a being that was the perfect balance of Spiritual Energy. However, like everything else the balance achieved, self preservation maintained above all else. For the Nexus would not allow itself to be harmed. That was the purpose of the Apostle, to keep the Nexus from harm and to keep it from doing harm. To maintain the balance.

"Cease this foolish behavior!" Raavik commanded. His voice echoed all over the library. "Omok has made his choice, and he wishes not to be here."

The mob blinked once, then twice, then as if on cue the wraith dissipated and the mob dispersed. The Voice returned to Raavik's side and it felt pleased to do so.

Raavik bent down and lifted Omok up by his arms.

"What did you do to disturb the relative peace on board the Nexus? I mean, seriously, the Nexus would only defend itself if placed under threat.”

Omok straightened himself. “This whole place is a threat. The Republic should know of the evil in this place.”

“There is no evil here.” Raavik retorted. “There is only a sense of self protection. The mob that you saw only reacted out of a need to protect the status quo of the Nexus. If you threaten the sanctuary of the station, this place will respond in kind.”

“You call coordinated attacks for days, self-defense?” Omok was shocked with disbelief.

“I have told you before, these people are here of their own volition. The defense was that of several different groups that attacked you in such a way that may have seemed coordinated, that is because the groups are all some sort of combat veteran. They responded to your threat.” The Voice of the Nexus whispered into Raavik’s ear. “Frankly, I am impressed that you lasted as long as you did.”

“I must leave and warn the rest of the Sentinel about this place. You teach Agressor teachings. This place is dangerous to everything that we teach.” Omok’s voice was cracking with a sort of panic.

“Then you leave me with little choice…” Raavik said with a sigh. He unclipped his plasmic blade from his belt. He felt the Voice join his consciousness. “You must never return to the Republic.”

Omok withdrew his plasmic blade and turned it on. The green light pierced the dull gray light. A counselor. The last to draw his plasmic blade but his connection with Spiritual Energy was not to be doubted.

"Will you not turn your saber on?" Omok asked as he approached a manageable fighting distance.

"The saber of the Apostle is not something that is easily wielded." The synthesis of Raavik Nexus answered. "This saber has the deaths of hundreds of Sentinel within its light. The balance is perfected within the sword."

Omok swung head to toe in a vertical direction and missed. But it was as if the blade was pushed to the side, deflected by Spiritual Energy itself.

Omok tried again, this time horizontally but, again, the blow was deflected. It was as if Omak had struck a mighty tree with a tiny log. It simply bounced off.

"C'mon and fight me!" Omok roared. He unleashed a torrent of energy trying to push Raavik out of his position. Raavik Nexus batted away the attempt with a flourish of his hand. Four yellow sabers lit up around the battle area. The four sentinels had remained behind.

“Do you want Raavik to fight you alone, without the assistance of Spiritual Energy? If so we must sever your connection as well.” Raavik Nexus moved forward toward Omok. For the first time, in this battle, he ignited the Apostles Blade. The Silverlight pierced the dark gray, for what light was produced by the library seemed to be soaked into the blade. Balance was struck at all times within the Nexus.

The Apostle moved with an inhuman speed and struck quickly and sharply at the Sentinel master. Omok deftly moved aside and parried with the utmost skill. The two clashed and traded blows with each other. Each one countering the other, each one moving through the dark and the light of the Library poured more into the saber. The blows of the Apostle became more savage as the blade was absorbing more light.

The blade was becoming an incarnation of the Lightside of Spiritual Energy, while Raavik Nexus was becoming more akin to the Darkside. Spiritual Energy really began to show, for each strike with the white blde lightning strikes would flow out of Raavik. Each blow would tear away at Raavik’s flesh, each hit landed on Omok’s saber began to pierce and shred Omok himself.

After several minutes, all that could be seen in the Library were the four ignited yellow sabers standing at the four corners of the battleground, the singular blade of the Sentinel, and then the blinding white hot light of the Apostle’s Blade, all the gray light that had once been in the Library was now focused into the blade.

“This battle is over.” Nexus Yaan said, his voice was now other worldly, deep, dark and without empathy. Nothing of the man that Omok had met just a few days before was left. “Surrender and remain in the Nexus forever.”

Omok felt his will falter, but nevertheless he rushed forward with one final cry. “My will belongs to Spiritual Energy.”

Then just as a whisper aside, Nexus Yaan stated, “I am Spiritual Energy!” And with one final upward stroke an explosion of light and lightning enveloped Sentinel Master Glork Omok, and he ceased to be.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Prologue - The Mission

Zachary Furr

Long has the Nexus been in the galaxy,

Long has it been seen,

Long has it been forgotten,

Scholars dream of it,

Sentinel search for it,

Agressor lust after it,

The Apostle keeps it safe,

And the Voice of the Nexus,

Is to be feared above all else.

Raavik had been the Apostle of the Nexus for the past ten years. He had made a few friends within the Library, and his apprentice, Keely, had been with him for around nine years. This marked an unusual time in an Apostle’s time at the Nexus. Ten years meant that the Voice of the Nexus would begin to seek expansion for its own walls. The Voice was rarely heard by anyone other than the Apostle, but its demands were often sought after by the Apostle and his trusted ones.

The whisper noise of the Voice was heard within the meditation chamber of Raavik Yaan.

“It is time once again to expand the Nexus.”

“Do you not have enough students?”

“It is not people that I need, it is room. The Nexus needs to expand, to grow, to get bigger. It is your duty as my Apostle to interact with the physical world and do my wishes."

"I guess that I could use some outside air. Very well. Bring the Nexus to the outer rim, as close as you deem necessary to Forsaken. It's time to visit some junk dealers. We will need some rather unique robots to get this project off of the ground.”

Raavik gathered himself up and moved from the meditation chamber back to his apartment. In the kitchen he saw a rather sweaty Keely making herself a sandwich and a drink. It was at this time that Raavik felt his hunger catch up with him, for he had been in meditation for many days now.

“Raavik,” Keely grabbed his attention and she looked concerned. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there for almost a week. The Voice told me not to worry, but that only caused me to worry more.”

“If you wouldn’t mind, can I have that meal?”

Keely thought about this for a moment. For balance was everything in the Nexus, one good deed could only be countered by an evil one and vice versa. There were exceptions to this rule and she was waiting for him to offer the exceptions. His hand was held out and he was waiting.

“I am waiting for your exception.” She said.

“Fine, you have it. For another blasted month.” He grinned as he graciously accepted the plate of food and the drink.

Keely smiled as she made another sandwich and sat next to Raavik and the two sat quietly next to each other and ate a meal just as they had done for the past few years.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Part 1 - Marketplace

Keely had become accepted among the ranks of the Nexus. Though she followed Raavik Yaan on supply runs, she felt that she was nowhere nearly as important as some of the others. She did not work the gardens, although she did visit them on occasion and the gardeners always treat her like the others that live in the Nexus. The mechanical areas were maintained by a team of engineers and way obsolete robots that were just barely functioning. Everyone in the Library portion of the Nexus was self absorbed into their own research.

She did manage to talk to one of the four Sentinel sentinels. All four were sisters and they all maintained their battle finesse as sentinels. They truly became awake when the sanctity of the Nexus was threatened.

She didn’t quite understand what is meant by “fully awake”, for the sister that she talked to seemed to be more awake than any of the others that occupied the Library. There did seem to be a presence that seemed to silence most of the others; for when she tried to garner their attention they looked at her with pale eyes, before returning to what they were doing. She often found herself standing on a balcony that overlooked a majority of the Nexus. She could see a lot. The gardens, the top of engineering, as well as the vast wealth of knowledge and the tenders.

Keely had gotten used to life in the Nexus to say the least. Everyday was usually the same. Wake up. breakfast, morning workout, combat training, lunch, meditation, helping the gardeners, reading a new and different book, dinner, evening combat training, relaxation, sleeping. But ever so often, Raavik would whisk her away to another world. To collect more knowledge, to collect more scholars. Such was her payment to accompany him, the Apostle.

After lunch, her routine was interrupted by such a request. However, she asked that before they go planetside, that he join her for an evening combat training.

Keely had been training with the Sentinel sentinels. Her combat instincts were second to none. Her connection with the force was different from other Sentinel, indeed, for she had spent more time in the Nexus and relied upon its power rather than the lightside of the force. Her force was dependent upon the mood of the Nexus and the Apostle.

Within her time in the Nexus, she had spent more time in meditation than any of her time with the Sentinel. Within her meditation, she has heard the Voice of the Nexus. She had only once seen the Wraith of the Nexus, but the Voice has consoled her in loneliness.

For in a station full of people, most are lifeless, blind mutes.

Keely and Raavik stood on the practice arena fifty feet apart. Raavik threw his cloak off and Spiritual Energy of the Nexus emanated from his body with such greatness that the Sentinel sentinels, who once again stood at the corners of the arena, were forced to kneel as the overpressured wave passed over them. Keely, however, was mostly unaffected.

She adjusted her new vambraces. These new wrist guards were new plasmic blades that Keely had them specifically made to counter the overbearing weight of the Apostle’s Blade.

“It seems that you are coming into your own as an Apostle as well Keely.” Raavik said, “I don’t think I saw you even waver. I don’t know why the Voice has taken a liking to you, are you ready to begin?”

Keely finished her adjustments and looked over at Raavik. “I barely noticed.” She turned on her arm bands and took a ready stance.

The two stared at each other. Then quick as lightning, Keely shot forward and struck fast at Raavik. One blade from above another from the side. Just as quick, Raavik deflected both blows and jumped away. The Apostle’s Blade was heavy when turned on, so both deflected blows were done in a single swift motion.

Spiritual Energy was strong within Raavik inside the Nexus and it showed. Spiritual Energy jump that was performed lifted Raavik high above Keely. With a simple flip, he turned his plasmic blade back on and swung the blade hard downward onto Keel from above. She lifted her left vambrace as a means to completely deflect the coming blow and strike at Raavik with her right arm.

She never felt the weight of the blow on her left side, nor did her right arm come up to strike. Instead she heard and felt the heat of the Apostle’s Blade next to her left ear. It was being held steady at such a point that if he were to twitch in one direction it would harm her ear or her shoulder.

“I yield!” Keely said before harm could be committed upon her. The plasmic blade turned off and Keely thought that she had found her opportunity to strike while his killing blow was turned off. But that was her foolish mistake, Raavik felt her intent and used an Energy push and sent her flying backwards.

“Don’t get too high on the power that an Apostle gets.” Raavik said as he grabbed his cloak and replaced it back on his shoulders. The weight of Spiritual Energy lightened in the arena and the sentinels stood back up.

Two of the sentinels helped Keely regain herself, while the other two attended to Raavik.

“Is Father’s Yacht ready to depart?” Raavik asked another attendant that was hidden in the shadows.

“Yes, my lord Apostle. The ship is fueled up and ready to go. The Nexus is as close to Forsaken as the Voice deemed would be safe. We shall stay and you two will go. Is that sufficient for you?”

“Yes, that will be fine. We shouldn’t be gone for any longer than a month. The Nexus will survive well beyond us.” Raavik said. He motioned for Keely to follow him. And the two went to the Yacht and left the Nexus.

Raavik Yaan and Keely simply blended into the crowd of the early morning marketplace. There were beings from every corner of the galaxy gathered in the dusty trading post. Bounty hunters checked their datapads near the cantina, traders checked their goods near the space ports, near the race track racers could be seen modifying their pods, the Hutts and their bodyguard were taking a cut for the protection fees. Raavik’s wallet was still limping from the fee for docking.

“I can’t believe it’s one hundred credits to park for a week.” Keely said as they walked toward a junk dealer. “Last time I came here with the Sentinel it only cost ten.”

“That’s the difference that Sentinel has over most of the galaxy,” Raavik responded, “If you make them mad they just slash you with a laser sword.”

The pair arrived at Rango and son Junk and Stuff. As they entered they saw a few dozen small repair and modify robots, consoles that had been ripped directly out from starships, various odds and ends that strewn across the area in a neat and messily organized manner. There was also a small girl that was dusting a fan blade. The girl saw the two enter, finished what they were doing, then greeted the two in basic.

"Hello, and welcome to my master's shop! My name is Morgan. Just let me know if there is anything specific that you are looking for."

Raavik looked within the surface thoughts of the young alien. She had had a good breakfast and was treated kindly by her master. There were some slight thoughts of being treated like a slave, but they were quickly forgotten when Keely looked into her eyes at her level. Joy seemed to spring up and fill her with happiness. A perfectly balanced child.

“Thank you for the greeting, little one. We are searching for a rather unique item in question. A CM22 Construction Mechanical robot, A World Builder, do you know where we might find one.” Raavik said.

The girl looked a bit perplexed at what he wanted. “CM22? Maybe my master would know better than I. I’ll go and get him, just wait here for a few moments.” She bowed, excused herself and took off to the back room.

A few moments passed. Keely had found some comfort in sitting in meditation. She could feel the living Energy more easily outside of the Nexus. Feeling the flows of life and death, the movements within the planet and its moon, stars that were far beyond the scope of knowledge. Raavik, on the other hand, was content to catch a quick cat nap.

The master of the shop came in from the back. He was a big man who was rubbing his hands with a red grease cloth. His fair skin and blonde look to do him no favors on this harsh planet.

“Good day to you strangers. My name is Rango. I am the owner of this fair establishment. I understand that you are looking for a World builder robot.”

“Not just one, but five.” Raavik said.

“robots like that are hard enough to come by one,” Rango said as he faltered for a second. “What in the stars above would you need five for?

“We are expanding our space station to an even more epic proportions.” Raavik said.

Rango looked a bit bewildered by the statement, then he grinned and laughed. “That is a good one. Look if you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to tell me.”

“Well I am glad I got you to laugh.” Raavik said with a smirk on his face. “Do you know where I might find the robots? I’ll give you a finder’s fee.”

“I happen to know where at least three of the robots are. For the other two you’ll be on your own. Go to the shipyards near Breaking. In their junk area there are many broken robots, but I know that there are three CM’s that just need some new parts to get them up and running again.”

“I suppose that you have those parts?” Keely asked.

“Indeed I do, missy. I was the one to decommission those robots, I am the one that can reactivate them.”

“So I suppose that you want to see some sort of an advance for the job?” Raavik sighed.

“Advance? No, nothing as simple as money. I want to see what you are building.” Rango stated.

The Voice of the Nexus made a whisper. “The Nexus attracts all sorts at just the mere curiosity of what it is.”

Raavik took a moment to consider what to do. He and Keely shared a look. She nodded as they had both had the same thought.

“You can move onto our station if you would like. I wasn’t joking about needing the robots. If you would like to see the reason for them, meet us at Father’s Yacht docking area. Bring everything you want and need. You probably won’t be back for a while.” Raavik said.

“Or at all.” Keely said under her breath.

“This is going to be amazing! I get to see the galaxy finally, and with two Sentinel no less.” Morgan the girl said.

“What are you talking about Morgan? I am selling you. You’re staying here.” Rango said.

Keely spoke up, fearing for the safety of the child. “If that is the case, may I buy her from you?”

Rango stared at both of the girls. “Fine with me. Three-hundred credits.”

“Fine. You shall receive your payment upon return to the Nexus. Bring her along.” The girl had such a look of joy that she almost started to weep.

The pair of apostles left the shop and continued their walk down the marketplace row. Raavik stopped at a food vendor and picked up two sticks of meat and handed one to Keely. She accepted it without hesitation.

“I was pleasantly surprised that we were able to find three, I wasn’t expecting that. At most I was hoping for the location of a damaged one, but to find three, Very unexpected.” Raavik said as he tore off a chunk of meat.

“We may see when we get there. Do you think Rango is telling the truth?” Keely said as she bit off a small piece.

“Probably not. But Breaking would be the proper spot to find such an item. So I figure why not? Besides it’s not like the Nexus doesn’t believe in balancing the books.” Raavik said and he chewed off another piece.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Part 2: Breaking Shipyards

Breaking was a planet unique among planets, for it had a docking ring that encircled the entire planet. The artificial ring could be seen as part of the planet. Space traffic could be seen all around the planet, coming and going. Breaking was a trading hub in Republic space for the wealthy and powerful. Capital ships, fighter crafts, shuttles, transports, all were being built and mass produced at the shipyards of Breaking.

But these magnificent yards were not where Father’s Yacht was heading. The Apostles of the Nexus were going to the junkyard on the farside of the system. A place that was filled with broken hulls and mislaid parts. The junk dealers planet side did not have the inventory of these outer space junk yards. Each one had a hundred times the inventory of an entire planet.

Of course the dealers out here had no protection than what they could provide for themselves. So mercenary groups such as The Independents, Crimson Brigade, or Mesh Norm provided protection. They contracted out of cantinas or from the Hutt or other such reputable gangsters. Their weapons and equipment were as top of the line as could be provided, but even still the junkyard had blind spots and ships could hide if they were sneaky enough.

"Breaking probably had the robots new, Raavik. We probably could have obtained them planetside, and not be at such a risk." Keely said as she maneuvered the ship with some difficulty through the broken hulls and empty shells.

"Yeah, we still might. But Rango seems pretty certain of his findings here. Besides it might be something of balance if we can cleanly steal these robots. The Nexus has moved itself into position on the other side of the system, extraction should be fairly quick."

Raavik moved the cargo area and asked for Rango's coordinates for the robots.

"Find the cruiser that is issuing radiation, the robots are near the danger zone in three Onacolona orange shipping containers. Ya know, I look around at your ship and you don't appear to have much room for the pick up."

"We are just going to take each container and leave the area. This vessel was originally meant for sublightspace jumping and finding new routes and planets. Thus the three sublightdrives that you see around you. The Yacht was meant to be stressed. Don't you worry about it."

Father's Yacht was nimbler than it appeared; it jive and juked throughout the yard with little difficulty. The bigger ships were all clustered together, barely a foot apart in some areas.

“Raavik, there is a large cruiser giving off massive amounts of radiation near the outside of the field. I’ll start an active scan for orange colored crates.”

“Be careful with those scans, we can feel life forms in and around the junk.” Raavik said with a twinge of the Nexus in his voice.

Keely always felt more aware of Spiritual Energy when Raavik and the Nexus mixed. It was a mix of fear and elation. Dangerous, he was like this, more unpredictable.

After a few scans, three orange crates were found, huddled together in the shadow of a prowling mercenary corvette. The small ship was a hunter/killer for thieving crews like the Apostles. Their port lights lit up the bow of Father’s Yacht.

“Blast it!” Rango said from behind Raavik. “Let’s get out of here!”

“Don’t be foolish. We need to grab at least one of the crates before we tuck tail and run.” Raavik Nexus said. Rango took several steps back as Raavik threw open his cloak and in that instant he unleashed the power of the Nexus and grabbed the corvette through Spiritual Energy. Rango was gasping for air as he had not been prepared for what the Nexus had to offer. Keely had to take a few seconds to regain her bearings as she had also not been prepared; not in the least for half the power of the Nexus flowing through Raavik. “Keely, go pick up one of the containers and let us get out of here.”

Keely had regained her senses. and maneuvered the Yacht to pick up the shadowed containers. She attached to one and pulled out. The corvette was not just going to allow its charge to get away. It powered up it’s two turbo lasers and rotated them around to face the Yacht.

With a mighty push, Raavik tossed the corvette into a nearby empty hulk. When he did this it seemed that his arm withered ten years in an instant.

“Get us out of here, quickly.” Raavik said as he clutched his arm in a barely contained pain.

Keely nodded and left the junkyard.

In the Nexus on the farside of the Breaking system.

Raavik had reentered the meditation chamber aboard the Nexus upon arrival. He left Keely with the responsibility of getting the robot out and to work. For he had an urgent need to speak with the Nexus, the power that he had expended had taken a dreadful cost and it needed explaining. Whenever he had merged before with the Nexus never had the cost been so much. For he had aged rapidly and felt the Nexus used him more and more.

“What is happening to me?” Is the question that his mind meditated on. The question plagued his mind. In the quiet stillness of the room, he was shouting in his mind.

“Everytime you depend on my power a cost is waged. A balance must be struck.” The Nexus answered after a time.

“Then why even bother with me? One who cannot feel Spiritual Energy. Why ot give the prestige of the title of Apostle to Keely, or to another Energy wielder?”

“Because their balance can be easily swayed. Their will power is nothing compared to yours. It is because of their training in Spiritual Energy that such rs are unbalanced. Why do you think that there have been so few Apostles in the past? The vidlogs on the wall are the past lives of the past Apostles. None of them lasted more than their life span. But with you something different has occurred. Something that not even I have seen. Your life has been drained for my cause. Whereas other Apostles have died for me on far away worlds, you are the only one that has aged for me. You are becoming more of a focal point of my will and it is a new experience for me.”

“You mean that the others never had this problem?”

“It is not a problem, it is a conundrum. It is a challenge. This is a new experience for me, for the Nexus in general. An actual focal point. An Apostle that is so in tuned with us that our power is reflected when our power is used. Doubt that many Energy wielders actually get this attuned to their source of power.”

“So you mean that as your reflection I will get older the more I use your power? What a bum deal.”

“It may seem that way right now, but with some research and maybe a younger audience to conduct it, mayhaps we will figure something out on how to reverse it. For now it seems that you may only use Spiritual Energy while in the Nexus without repercussions.”

“And what about the aging that has taken place?”

“Permanent, until we can find a way to reverse it. With so much wisdom and knowledge attained, it is surprising that such a power has not been found.”

Keely wondered why Raavik had brushed by her so quickly. The Nexus had failed to respond to her queries and it seemed that the majority of the Library was in a group meditation. Something was wrong. In all her years aboard the Nexus, she had never before seen the whole Nexus meditate on one problem. Usually only a few hundred were needed when Raavik went into the meditation chamber, but this took all of it. Hundreds of thousands meditating on a single problem.

Rango and Morgan had joined Keely in the Apostle’s apartment. Rango would join the ranks of the engineering corps and start the expansion of the Nexus. Morgan was going to be trained to be an Energy wielder under the Nexus’ Apostles. Keely had a feeling that Raavik may be stuck in the Nexus for a while longer after that show of power.

That was a feat that even some Sentinel masters were unable to do. To move an object that large and allow enough time to execute an escape. It was a bit unnerving, but then there was the cost of such a move. It seemed that Raavik had rapidly aged for the feat. Maybe that was the problem that the Nexus had had and why the mass meditation was in order.

Regardless of the new problems that the Nexus faced, Keely had a responsibility to the new crew while the Library debated. Keely brought them into the apartment and ushered them to take seats and offered them some light refreshments.

“It may be a far cry from what you are used to on Forsaken, but it is all that I can offer at the moment. I pledge.” Keely said as she set some hot drinks and soft cookies out for Rango and Morgan.

“This is more than expected,” Rango said as he picked up the drink. “But what was wrong with Raavik? He seemed older to my eyes after he disembarked.”

“Well you might not be wrong. He did let off a massive amount of power so that we could get away.” Keely said as she blew the steam away from her own cup.

“Wouldn’t that kind of thing be called reckless in the Sentinel circles? Yet he seems to be the master and you to be his younger. Now even more so.”

Morgan happily snacked away on a cookie as the discussion went on.

“You seem to know a lot about Sentinel and their practices for a junk merchant.” Keely said as she arched an eyebrow at him.

“Some of us disagreed with Sentinel ways and parted ways, as I am sure that you are aware. But even still I keep my wits sharp.”

Keely mulled this over in her mind for a few moments in silence. “Would you like to see the Library? What the CM robot is going to be used for?”

“I have seen many libraries in my time, I doubt that this one would be much different. I will indulge you though and we can see what this colony has to offer.”

“Oh yes, before I forget.” Keely said as she reached into her pocket. “Here are the three hundred credits for Morgan. Now release her from servitude.”

Rango took the credits and released Morgan into the care of Keely. “Be good to her. Now, where in this place you would like me to be.”

“Easy enough, you’ll be down in the engineering quarters of the Nexus. Morgan, please stay in the apartment while I get mister Rango settled.” Keely said. Morgan nodded and sat back down with a mouth full of cookies and a mug full of tea.

In a docking bay, in the shipyards of Breaking, a lone mercenary sits on a cantina pub stool and drinks his drink. This was his fourth drink and he was starting to lose some of the feeling in his fingers and some of his senses.

Jackson Rango had been out hunting the Wilds of Joa when he heard word that his father had left off world with a pair of Sentinels. Rather unexpectedly. He had sold off his store to a competitor and took his slave with him. He had decided to search out his father and find out what those Sentinel wanted with him

Jackson drained his fourth and continued to listen to the mercenaries that frequented this pub.

“Nah, I am telling you that girl is nothing more than a passing fling.”

“You don’t get it, the A-34 is vastly superb to the A-37. Faster reloads and a higher temperature allow for more damage output faster.”

“I bet you can’t match me shot for shot.”

The usual droll that one would hear among the rabble. Jackson placed money on the counter for his fifth drink, then he heard something interesting come from Mesh Norm mercs.

“I am telling you, mate, one of the Crimison’s corvettes got taken by surprise and got blasted right out of the void by a transport. Those posers probably got what they deserved.” Laughs from that group filled the cantina.

Jackson left his drink on the bar and stood up. His other four drinks rush to his head. He wobbled for a moment and sauntered to the group.

“You say that the Crimson Brigade lost a corvette?” Jackson burped under his breath. “Could you tell me where their recruitment office is? I might like to join.”

The Mesh leader laughed in his face. “Sure, drunkie, go down to docking area thirty-four, their office is down there.”

Jackson tossed five credits on their table as thanks for the information and walked out of the cantina.

“Maybe the Crimson will be better with another drunk in their ranks!” The leader shouted as Jackson left.

As he stood in the busy hallway just to the side of the bar, he straightened himself up, chewed a bit off a protein bar and made his way down to docking area thirty-four. The food helped him sober up a little, but it would still be some time before he could walk a straight line properly. Dock thirty four was almost on the other side of the ring, he would have to ride a tram to get there in a feasible amount of time.

After only three hours, a full protein bar, and a vast amount of drinking water Jackson had sobered up and found the Crimson Brigade’s recruitment office. He waltzed up to the mostly empty desk and started to inquire about any open positions.

“And what are your qualifications for joining the Crimson, sir?” The recruiter asked handing a datapad with a pen attached to Jackson.

“Well I have hunted the Wilds of Joa out on Forsaken for the past few years and I am seeking something less stressful than that.”

“You understand that by signing up that you are agreeing to a five year contract?”

Jackson signed the datapad and handed it back to the officer. “It’s not like I got anyone waiting for me at home.”

Monocle in his eye. What a tool. Self righteous to the point of psychotic. Captain Trigger Thyme was in charge of the corvette Brickwall. Jackson was assigned to the corvette after one of its gunners was killed during a theft. Brickwall had a complement of thirty mercenaries, six on gunner stations, one navigator, one on communications, one for the heavy weapons station, one captain, and twenty for a forced boarding party if needed.

Jackson seemed to get lucky and gained a spot that was not part of a forced boarding. The security around their assigned junkyard had been increased. There were now, six corvettes and twelve fighter crafts all around the junkyard, apparently the Crimson Brigade had been made into a laughing stock after someone had stolen some rather valuable cargo that was hidden in the junk.

“New guy.” Captain Thyme said, gaining Jackson’s attention. “Be sure to have an active scan going at all times so that we don’t miss anything that isn’t one of ours.”

“Yes, sir.” Jackson responded. He flipped a switch next to his console and the active scanner began pinging across his screen.

The patrol went through the active motions for about twelve hours, nothing was going on. Then while nothing was going on, near a radiation leaking hulk, two orange containers started to move.

“Captain Thyme, sir.” Jackson said while motioning to his screen. “There’s something strange going on over here.”

“What have you got for me, son.” Thyme said placing his hand on the back of Jackson’s stooping down to view the screen.

“Those cargo containers are moving without any assistance. There has been no activity on or within the perimeter. Is there a course of action that we should take?”

Thyme mulled over this for a few seconds. He was watching the containers slowly move from their hiding place and over and around obstacles with the grace of a river moving around rocks.

“Let’s follow those containers and see where they go.”

“You don’t want to stop them?”

“No, communicate to the other ships what is going on and ask that four of them follow us. I have a feeling that those crates are going to join the one that was stolen.”

The Brickwall broke off from its patrol pattern and began to follow the oddly agile, orange boxes. As they moved out of the field, the other corvettes as well as all of the fighters followed them. A conga line of attack craft following the orange containers to an unknown destination.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Part 3 - Nexus Under Fire

After seven days of meditation, Raavik Yaan emerged from the chamber. He felt older. Far older than when he entered. His hands shook and his breathing was more labored. He went to the washroom to rinse his face and hands. As reached for the water he saw spots that covered the back of his hands. His first cupped was immediately drunk and downed, for he was parched. In fact, it wasn't until his fourth handful of water, that he noticed that he had grown a long silver beard.

He looked up into the mirror and saw an old man looking back, weathered and worn. He rubbed his eyes. He looked again. He sighed in exasperation. He rubbed his eyes again, this time with his thumb and forefinger.

“Voice!” He yelled out with his raspy voice.

The wraith of the Nexus appeared before his old eyes. It wasn’t all the time that the wraith appeared, but using his own power and he was able to summon the mysterious being. The power that connects all the beings in the Nexus.

“I am here.” It answered in a quiet whisper. It appeared next to Raavik in the washroom.

“Why, pray tell, am I twenty years older than when I went into the chamber? My life span will wear out faster before the expansion can take place at this rate.”

“It was necessary to retrieve the other two containers. As long as you stay in the Nexus, you shall stay alive.”

“So you can just extend my life indefinitely? That’s pretty convenient.”

“As long as you stay here, then yes.” The wraith vanished as it felt that the questions had been answered.

Raavik looked in the mirror once more as he left the washroom, he had to get used to his new appearance. He sighed again and exited to the kitchen. He was hungry, like always every time he left the meditation chamber.

Food and water was a calming process and much needed. Something that could remind him of being normal.

Keely came in, in a rather impatience manner. She sat down across the table from him, and without looking at him, laid her head down on the table and sighed.

“Something wrong?” Raavik asked, he noticed that his voice had a certain gruffness to it.

“No… Well, yes,,, I don’t know. It is to be expected I guess.”

“What is to be expected?”

“This place has a terrifying secret.” She shuddered and looked up at Raavik, and was taken aback by his appearance.

Morgan was a curious little girl. She had been left alone for a time. She ate all the cookies, drank her tea and took a small nap. She woke up after a while and, for some inexplicable reason, she felt compelled to wander around and leave the apartment

Keely returned to the apartment after she dropped Rango off at the Engineering level. She was hoping to get to the child a little more. However, the little girl had disappeared from the apartment. So she sat down and meditated. She was hoping that the Voice was not too preoccupied with Raavik Yaan to lend her a hand.

She had a small vision through the eyes of the small girl. She got bored and started to wander the labyrinth of corridors that ran throughout the library. Twisting and turning, sometimes going in circles, sometimes going up ramps and down stairs. All around an outstandingly confusing journey.

Keely came out of the vision and started to retrace Morgan’s steps. She was as confused as her vision and felt that she may have had a misstep or two. Gotten turned around once or twice but she found her way again.

When she finally did catch up to Morgan, the poor girl was somewhat delirious and sputtering incoherently. Keely cradled her to comfort. The child pointed to a once forgotten door. The metallic door was encrusted with rust. A strange sensation passed through her mind when she looked away from the door, She had completely forgotten it. She looked toward Morgan again, she was still pointing at the door as if she was afraid to lose sight of it.

Keely looked back to the door, set Morgan aside and approached the door. The door would not open upon approach.


“There has to be a way in.” Keely said aloud to herself. She saw the seam, and with a twitch of her wrist, her plasmic blade vambrace switched on, and she cut open the door. With some struggle of using Spiritual Energy, she opened the door. Using Spiritual Energy was a struggle, as whatever the Nexus was hiding made using its Energy impossible.

Inside of the door was a singular room that was coated in dust. Twelve obsidian pillars with bizzare writing upon them lead up to an altar in the midst of darkness. Upon the altar sat three Sentinel vidlogs, one blue, one green, and one yellow. Their voices seemed to be drowned out by a single red one that was hoisted high above and gave the chamber its color.

Keely did not take but a few steps in before she was terrified at what she saw. She retreated back to the hall, picked up Morgan and left that evil chamber alone.

In her terror and haste to leave, she did not shut the door. An evil aura began to make its way back out into the Nexus once again.

The perimeter alarms were triggered and the Nexus started to wake up once again. The horde of crowds once again moved to their defensive positions within the Nexus. The sentinel sisters took their posts at the great door that was the physical barrier between the ship docks and the library.

Raavik Yaan approached the great door, his gray matched well with his gray beard. Keely was right behind him, readjusting her vambraces.

“Uninvited guests at the Nexus, what next?” Keely muttered.

“Relax.” Raavik said. “It probably has something to do with the needs of the Nexus itself. It is a foreseen outcome.”

“You have become more at one with Spiritual Energy of the Nexus I see.”

“The rapid aging might have something to do with that. Anyway let us greet our guests.” Raavik, with a flick of his wrists opened the great door to the docking area.

With a creak and a crack the doors swung open once again. Out above the docks sat five Crimson Brigade corvettes and twelve small fighters moved around, encircling the Nexus.

Raavik, with his guard, walked out onto the dock and motioned for the lead ship to parley with him. The corvette set down at the nearest available spot. Raavik went out to greet them. The ship opened its bay doors and twenty men came out armed for battle. Their leader came forward and met with Raavik.

“Greetings to you commander. Why do you come to our humble library so armed?” Raavik asked as peacefully as possible.

Captain Thyme came forward and greeted Raavik very cautiously. “Hello, I am Captain Thyme of the Crimson Brigade, captain of the Brickwall. My crews here were tracking some shipping crates that have become separated from the rest of its group. We are here to reclaim it.”

“Reclaim what? We have nothing. This station is a simple library full of knowledge.”

Thyme took a step closer and towered over Raavik. “Look here, bud, we followed those crates from the otherside of the system to this station. I see that you are more than scholars . From the look of your guard I would say that you have some Sentinel hidden in there. Now what would their masters say if I reported this place to them?”

“They would ask for the coordinates so that they could come and join us. I do not deny, captain, that there are Sentinels in our halls, but there are also a great many others that seek knowledge. What use do we have for your missing freight?”

“Perhaps you are seeking the robots that are located within the crates? robots like those could certainly be an improvement upon the station’s super structure.”

“Surely, You are not suggesting that we, learned beings, are capable of stealing, like you are suggesting? I am offended. I am afraid that I am going to have to ask you to leave.” And with that Raavik turned and started to walk away.

Thyme clamped his hand onto the cloaked shoulder of Raavik Yaan and in what was supposed to be an easy way to turn him around and garner his attention. Instead of clamping down on his shoulder he accidently clasped his cloak and pulled it right off. With that the full Energy of the Nexus was unleashed in a powerful Energy Wave that expanded in all directions. It knocked back the parked ships, the ships that were encircling the Nexus, Captain Thyme and all of his troops, and Keely and the sentinels. All were blown away

Keely saw Thyme reach to grab Raavik's cloak, but there was little that she could have done before the accident took place. His cloak was more than that of a simple covering, it was like a lid on a jar. Raavik had become the focal point of Spiritual Energy that the Nexus produced. Taking that, the full power of the Nexus was revealed, and feared.

The Spiritual Energy Wave never relented. The only one that was completely unaffected by the wave was Raavik himself. He looked around for a moment, found his cloak, causally picked it up and placed it back on his shoulders.

All of the affected shuddered in anticipation of the power that could come back.

“What the heck was that?” Thyme asked as he recovered his bearings. “I would swear that you were a Sentinel, if not for the look of your library.”

“What do you mean?” Keely asked, coming up beside Raavik. He gave her a sideways glance as she did.

Thyme took a step back and really observed the towering structure set above the docks. The twin set of rings that encircled the superstructure gave the place an eerie feel. It seemed to him that a red tinge was emanating from on top of the tall spire.

“This whole place seems wrong.” Thyme said as he took a few more steps back toward his ship. “You know what, you can keep the crates. We need to leave. Men get back to the ship. I’ll pay our employer for the loss, nothing good can come from this place.”

Thyme and his men boarded their ship, and Jackson met him at the door.

“Sir, where are you going? Did you retrieve the crates?”

“No, we’re leaving. There is something terribly wrong about this place. I have never felt so scared in my life as now.”

“I need to stay, captain, I think that my father is here.”

“I can’t stop you from staying, but I feel that you need to be warned there is evil in this place.”

“That may be, sir, but I need to find my father.” Jackson disembarked and waved farewell. Though he did not know it that was the last time he saw Captain Thyme.

Thyme pulled the corvette away from the Nexus. He pulled out a ways before his communications officer spoke up.

“Are we really leaving, sir?”

“No son, we are not. Take us out to maximum distance then we will open fire on that place.”

Jackson watched the Crimson Brigade leave and then turned and approached Raavik Yaan’s small group.

“I am here searching for my father.” He said to Keely, who had taken a defensive position in front of Raavik.

“And who is your father?” Raavik asked as he placed his hand on Keely’s shoulder to get her to calm down.

“My name is Jackson Rango. My father was taken from Tatoonie a few days ago while I was in the Wilds of Joa. I have come to take him back.”

Raavik just kind of stared at him for a while, and finally smirked. “The Nexus attracts all kinds, sometimes they don’t even realize it.” He said under his smile. “Keely, welcome our new guest.”

The small group lined up behind Raavik and headed back into the Nexus. The Nexus, itself, had begun to accumulate a sort of darkness all round itself, as an ancient evil began to truly awaken.

The forgotten room deep within the heart of the Nexus Labyrinth, sits a large Agressor vidlog that desires to engulf the galaxy. The vidlog belonged to the once forgotten Visnar Kolpo, an Agressor that once held the knowledge of eternal youth. The irony of his death was extreme old age when his power was exhausted after turning his Sentinel opponents into babies. An odd sort of balancing act of Spiritual Energy seeking justice for Visnar’s own perversion of the power. Now, many years after his death, his memory still seeks to regain youth that once was.

Raavik Yaan escorted Jackson to the engineering level of the Nexus. Once there, father and son were reunited. They shared some words, exchanged some blows and laughed it off. Raavik left them to be for a while.

Raavik mingled with the others in the library. The mindless horde continued their quest for knowledge, old and new they sought that which could never be attained. He picked up a book and flipped through some of the pages. It was a book on how to properly cook rancor meat and serve it. None of it looked appeasing.

It was at this time that he felt something was wrong in the Nexus. It was more disturbing than usual. He may have been older in body, but his connection to the Nexus had never been stronger. He started to reject the very notion of ideals that the Nexus was trying to force upon him.

“Voice!” Raavik yelled, he started to sweat and panic. “What is wrong with you? The balance that you had is gone, I can feel the change. It’s wrong.” He wrenched over in pain.

The Wraith appeared. “Raavik, go outside and destroy those that seek to harm me. Those mercenaries that you let go, have turned around and are coming back with hostile intent. After you deal with them, come back here and deal with the true threat. We can’t hold on much longer. We will get Keely and the Rangos to meet you outside. I will get the pain to subside for now, but you must return to the Library as soon as possible.”

The pain disappeared enough that he could move again. He picked himself up and moved out to the great doors. The four sentinels were already there ready to escort him out. He led them out and ordered them to guard the door from any sort of invader, in or out.

As he made his way to the shipyards, he saw that Keely, Rango, and Jackson were already there.

“I didn’t know that you had gotten slow with your age.” Keely joked.

“And I now know why my parents are crotchety when dealing with me.” Raavik commented.

“Are your parents still alive?” Jackson asked, unaware of the physical alterations that had taken place.

“I am sure that they are enjoying their retirement on Taris. Now, I need you three to man any of these ships and go and chase away those mercenaries. I need to stay here and deal with the insurgent force that lies within the Nexus.”

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Part 4 - Revival Catastrophe

Keely had barely gotten around to retrieving Rango and Jackson, before the Voice had contacted her and asked her to go to the shipyards with the father and son. Rango had not spent enough time on the Nexus to get indoctrinated and Jackson was a new arrival. They must get there in a hurry.

Keely felt that something was off about the Voice. She had maintained a steady connection to Spiritual Energy of the Nexus as well as the Living Energy. Her connection with the Nexus had felt disturbed ever since she opened the forgotten room. She felt that it was odd, darker than the normal balanced feeling.

When the trio got out onto the ship docks, they were waiting for a time for Raavik to appear and give orders. Keely had no idea about why they had gathered, but it wasn’t long before Raavik showed up and told them. The mercenaries that had brought Jackson must have had a change of heart. They had turned around and started some attack runs.

As soon as their ships left the protection of the Nexus, perhaps the strangest thing that could have happened, happened. The Nexus disappeared into sublight space.

Keely could only feel shocked at what she saw and felt. In the instant that the space was cleared of the Nexus, she felt that her connection to her home was severed. She, once again, could only feel The connection to the Living Energy. The Nexus had vanished.

“Was that supposed to happen?” Jackson asked over the radio intercoms.

“No son, that was not supposed to happen.” Rango answered. “Cancel the attack runs. Let’s see if the mercs will allow us to be escorted back to Breaking. It seems that our home has been left without us.”

“But why did it leave?” Jackson asked.

“Perhaps there was something wrong with the Nexus. I don’t know for sure. Keely, you should have something to say, that was your home more than ours.”

“I don’t know. I feel like that my connection has been lost. I used to be able to feel both the Nexus’ Energy on top of the Living Energy. Now, I cannot feel the Nexus at all. I have lost it completely.”

“Harsh.” Jackson said.

“Don’t worry too much about it, time will heal any wound. And we still got each other. Now, come on, Breaking awaits. We might be able to sell these ships and get a newer one and go back to my junk yard.” Rango said.

“Dad, you sold that remember? That’s why I came looking for you.” Jackson said.

“Son, you should know that I always have a back up plan. I sold the yard to a friend who is watching it for me. Something told me that the Nexus would not be permanent.”

The trio headed back to Breaking with the escort of the Crimson Br.

Out in the dark of space, beyond the reach of any scans, the Nexus has come to a rest. Raavik Yaan conspired in secret with the wraith of the Nexus to leave Keely and the others behind near Breaking so that they could work in peace to save the Nexus.

Raavik was out in the shipyard. He walked back to the great door where the four sentinels waited clustered around the wraith. The door was closed and one could almost feel the evil permeating from it. For it glowed red with anger and desire.

Raavik pulled out the Saber of the Apostle and once again readied himself for what he knew had to be done.

“Raavik,” The wraith’s shadowy voice was that of a whisper in the cold of night. “You must go to the heart of the Nexus deep within the labyrinth and seal the door once again. This must be a race to try and save as many as we can before I am over run and your life fades away. For the power of the Nexus is intertwined with your life, and if I pass into the dark side you will cease to be. The sentinels will run with you as far as the entrance, and they will protect it so that none follow you in.”

“Wraith,” Raavik said, “I know that you are growing weaker by the minute, but know that it has been my privilege to serve you. Open the doors so that I may continue my service to you.”

The wraith nodded in reply, and the great hinges creaked and groaned. The door opened and already a battle raged on. Phasic discharge fire and plasmic blades lit the usually dim hall. The battle was disorganized and totally confused. The beings of dark, light and gray were all fighting, all unaware of who they were fighting. The labyrinth was on the other side of the library through the maze of bookcases.

The small group alighted upon the top of the book cases and they made their way across, as straight as they could. It seemed that the darkness was ever growing the further in they went. The crowds really began to turn on them as the evil grew more concentrated. The sentinels had turned on their plasmic blades and defended Raavik as they rushed toward the maze.

At the entrance of the labyrinth of the Apostle, there was a large group of dark Sentinel that barred the entrance. Four yellow tornados whirled down off the bookcases and cleared a path for the Apostle to make his way down into the tunnels. There the sentinels made their stand and held back the hordes for as long as they could.

Raavik Yaan descended once again into the tunnels below and began his search for the heart of the Nexus.

The Labyrinth seemed more complicated since the evil had flooded its tunnels. The twists and turns seem to be filled with illusions, secrets, and whispers. Raavik was unaffected at first but the whispers grew louder it seemed the closer he got to the heart of the labyrinth.

It seemed that he toiled in this fashion for hours, searching for the hidden door. The words, at first were unintelligible; but the farther he got the more the words expressed doubt and fear.

“Discard your cloak and let us become one.” The wraith whispered clearly through the others. “Let us be protected from the unfriendly voices.”

Raavik thought this over for a moment only, for he knew the power that the Nexus could have provided. If he was to seek that power again then he would become the true Apostle once again. Instead of completely getting rid of the cloak he rather just tossed it back and revealed the gray nature of the Nexus and the halls became their dim light once again. The voices were silenced.

Raavik Nexus found it much easier to transverse the labyrinth. Having the power of the Nexus being passed through him Raavik felt the power move him and push him along. He felt more conflicted with wanting to do evil, to hurt and maim, to intimidate and fear. He felt that the pressure was too much, the separation was not calm and gentle like it had been in the past. No, this separation was terrifying and painful. The two opposing forces could not exist within the same space. The wraith and the Apostle separated outside of the hidden door.

“It seems that my power has grown too dark for your body. You will have to face this evil without me in you. But you will still have command of Spiritual Energy and your plasmic blade. The door is there. Go in, bring it back to balance and seal the door once again.” The wraith was now separated but no less useful. Its aura was definitely darker and more dreaded.

Raavik entered the obsidian lined room. There in front of the altar sat three figures chanting. In their chanting they seemed to be counteracting the chanting of the Sentinel vidlogs that sat on the altar. The Agressor vidlog that sat above those leaked its foul energy out through the tunnels and into the library, thus infecting the rest of the hordes, and in essence the wraith of the Nexus.

Morgan, the young Twi'lek that Keely had brought from Forsaken, sat in the middle of the trio. A dark Sentinel sat on either side of her. Their chants grew in power and the darkside became overwhelming.

Raavik had his plasmic blade in hand and approached the three. The two dark Sentinel stood up and drew out their own plasmic blades, they flashed on blood red. They almost seemed invisible in the glow of the red vidlog.

Raavik did not turn on his plasmic blade, for he knew the weight that it bore. The weight of taking a life and throwing himself out of balance for a second that would be condemning in a duo duel. He instead raised his handle up in a defensive posture that showed that he was ready to fight.

The two rushed forward and swung their blades down and through with little regard for what they hit. Slashing wildly for they were unsure of how the Apostle would fight.

Raavik had not been in many fights, indeed, he had always let Keely do the battling when they were off of the Nexus. But his battle style was almost unique in and of itself. For he fought with Spiritual Energy of the Nexus as his truest ally.

The red sabers swung wildly in the small room. The silver saber rarely made an appearance as Raavik dodged and moved and used Energy powers to allow himself the minimum safe distance. The three men danced around each other, none of them really engaged in battle. He was on the defensive, always on the defensive. The blades were moving around too wildly for him to engage a killing blow. Opportunity rarely shows its head, but when it reared its head back the silver flashed and a body went limp. Almost as the sound of the body hit the ground, the silver flashed again and the battle was over.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion

Part 5: Retro Diebus

The child continued to chant. Even during the battle, she never stopped.

“Morgan.” Raavik said her name as if it would pull her out of her trance. She did not. However, a different voice exited her mouth.

“This child was kind enough to allow me to speak once again.” The voice that came out of the young girl, it was gruff yet whispery. It hissed. The child’s eyes were rolled back and Raavik was certain that Morgan would be dead after this exchange. “My name is Visnar Kolpo. I am a Agressor Lord that once sought the galaxy over for my unique Energy power to make youth return.

A shadow of a man appeared behind the young girl. He appeared to have once been a warrior mighty and strong. His age though was odd, for he appeared old in one moment and a young boy the next. As if he was conflicted about who he was.

“Many years that door has been sealed and I have waited, but it seems that my resting place has been disturbed. It has been infatuated with light. It seeks to be what it cannot. This was a Agressor temple in the beginning, but I suppose that you knew that. Otherwise, why would you have come at all?”

“Your influence is causing the Nexus to crumble.” Raavik retorted. “I need you to stop whatever you are doing.”

“I think not. I will take back my Nexus and spread my influence throughout the galaxy once again. A suitable candidate must be found to pass on my teachings.”

Energy lightning began to emanate from around the vidlog and began to strike the surrounding area. Raavik sat down and began to meditate and commune with the Nexus like he had done many times before. He was brought into a blank canvas. He stood in the nothingness of the void.

A darkness fell over the empty and Raavik felt the loneliness that encompassed and surrounded him. Visnar stood before him. The former Agressor Lord wore a dark cloak and his age seemed to fluctuate between childhood and seniorhood, and everywhere in between. The red lightning glowed in the area and showed the Agressor in an unwelcoming light.

“This is better, isn’t?” Raavik said. “This way I am not talking to a cube of light.”

Visnar looked at his hands and then toward Raavik. “You surprise me, gray one. You seek answers and not conflict. Perhaps you are worthy of my teachings.”

“Don’t strain your brain too much at this. You’ll find that I am full of surprises.”

Visnar chuckled at this. “Yes, I believe you are. Very well, I will be at a sort of peace if you will learn my secret.”

Some time passed. Whether it was hours or days, Raavik was unsure. But when he exited his meditation, he was in a scorched room that was blackened and destroyed. The Agressor vidlog was silent and it spoke no more.

Raavik checked on Morgan, for she was still. Her mind was gone, but her body still remained. Perhaps not the best way to find balance, but she was the reason that Visnar got out. There was only one thing that he could do to balance out the evil that she had committed. And this was his chance to test out his new power.

He placed his hand on her forehead and began to drain the rest of her life force out of Morgan. Any and all years that she was expected to live were attributed back to his body and life. He went from being an elder to a middle aged man. His white hair and wrinkles disappeared. He cracked his neck and he felt renewed.

Raavik laid the small empty body of Morgan at the altar of Visnar Kolpo. He exited the room and resealed it. He made sure that the seam was invisible, he placed a memorium above the door.

Visnar Kolpo:

The Agressor that lived ages

With his business concluded, Raavik moved back through the labyrinth. The Wraith of the Nexus caught up with him and it looked even more haggard than he could have known. It looked like it was almost invisible.

“Wraith, you look awful.” Raavik said as the pair moved with each other.

“My power has drained with the decline of unity of the Nexus. What was once a hub of knowledge, has now become a hub of the darkside. There are few left that seek knowledge. The army is down less than a hundred, and they are worn out. We are needed to combine, but I don't have the strength to do it properly.”

The pair entered into the library once again, fighting could still be heard in the distance. There was no immediate threat nearby. Raavik tossed away his cloak and pulled out his plasmic blade. The power of the Nexus had diminished so much that not even paper books made a flutter when his cloak hit the ground.

“Would it do us any good to even merge, Wraith?” Raavik asked as he was less than impressed with that result.

“At this time, I don’t think that it would. I feel so very weak. You must cull the darkside and save those that remain.”

“Very well, guide me to the survivors and let us save the Nexus for the rebuild that is to come.” Raavik moved down the aisle and toward the fighting.

Libra Nexus: The Expansion


Forty five years later

Keely picked up the wrench and got back to work on fixing the broken sublight drive. Her old hands were not as nimble as what they once were. The desert environment didn’t help with her condition all that much.

Keely had gone back to Forsaken with Rango and Jackson after the Nexus had left them in the Breaking system. In their travels Jackson had proposed that Keely come back to their home planet with them. Jackson and Keely had hit off quite well, and the two had enjoyed each other’s company so well that Jackson had proposed marriage.

So there on Forsaken the two had lived and had many children and grandchildren. Many of their children and grandchildren were responsive to Spiritual Energy and Keely taught them as best as she could to use it properly and without too much fear. A good balance.

Their junk store had flourished and grown to encompass many different store fronts. They had many contacts throughout the galaxy. All the time through the years, she had sought an answer for what had happened to Raavik Yaan and the Nexus.

Two of her grandchildren came into the shop, probably seeking a cool drink and a snack. They were laughing as they did so. But the two small girls were not the only ones that had come in, for another child had come in with them. A small boy of no more than seven years of age. He wore a grey poncho over his white clothes

“Sarah and Linda, who is your friend that came in with you?” Keely said as she hugged each of them in turn.

“He is a spacer that stopped into port with his nannies. He says that his name is Ryan.” Sarah said. Sarah was a kind girl that was nine years old. She was adventurous and reminded Keely of her own childhood as she grew up in the Sentinel Temple.

Linda was eight years old and simply followed her cousin around in silence. She didn’t say much concerning the boy that followed them.

Keely cleared her throat and called Ryan over to her. “Come here, boy.” She said with a commanding tone. The small boy walked over and stood in front of her. “Now, tell me, what do you think of my shop?”

The boy looked quizzically at her. “I don’t know how to answer that. I suppose that it is a nice place. I just needed to get away from my nannies for a bit. I ran into these girls in the street, and they played with me for a bit. Then we came into here for a promised snack.”

Keely looked at her granddaughters and they looked away without trying to look guilty.

“Well who am I to deny a promise? Give me a second.” Keely got up and went behind the counter and got three treats and four sweet drinks. She handed the treats and the drinks out. “Here you go, children. Eat and drink and be happy.”

Sarah and Linda happily dug in and finished quickly and went back outside to resume playing. Ryan, however, stayed behind. He took his time and drank and ate and was at ease. Keely had to admit to herself that she enjoyed his company. But she thought it odd that his eyes had a far off look, and yet were focused on the here and now.

“So, Ryan, tell me why are you here with nannies and not your parents?”

“My parents died some time ago. I was sad when it happened but I have coped with it. My nannies are simply here to make sure that I don’t cause trouble to the worlds that we visit. People see my nannies and automatically assume that I am a child of some rich family. They are sorely mistaken in the kidnapping attempts.”

“Do you get abducted often?”

“My nannies keep a close watch on me, so not so often any more.”

“So why did you split off from them, aren’t they supposed to be protecting you?”

“Yes, but I can’t do very much when they hover so close.”

A young woman appeared at the door. Her long black dress belied how truly dangerous she was. Spiritual Energy encircled her with such strength. She simply stood at the door and waited.

“And that would be one of my nannies.” Ryan said with a sigh. “It has been a pleasure talking with you, but I am afraid that my time is up and that I must say farewell.”

He stood up and waved his hand in parting. As his hand waved as a small portion of his poncho was lifted a bit higher revealing the white tunic benethe. A small bit of Energy was released and pushed back Keely. When she looked back at where Ryan had been she saw that he was already gone.

She immediately got up and went out from the shop to look around in the harsh light to see if she could find them. The marketplace was abuzz with activity. all sorts of people were coming and going. She saw nothing of the boy or his nannies.

Keely closed up shop later that night and was making her way through town back to her house on the outskirts. As she was walking past the docking areas she had the thought that she would check with the dockmaster to see what ships had come and gone today.

The dockmaster was more than pleased to help her out and allowed her access to see who had come and gone. There was one name that she saw that was a complete and utter surprise to her, Father’s Yacht. That was the name of Raavik Yaan’s personal vessel.

“Who was on this ship?” She asked as she pointed to the name.

The dockmaster replied as he read the name. “Ahh…. That was an unusual one. Four young girls came out with a little boy and they made their way to the marketplace. It was odd because the boy seemed to be leading the troupe.”

Keely left the dock and returned to her home. She realized on her way home that Raavik Yaan had stopped by her work as the young boy. Just as he had grown older, he must’ve found a way to get younger.

Raavik Yaan was a sublight explorer contracter, mapping new routes and paths through the galaxy. When he happened upon a derelict space station, his whole being was transformed into that of the Apostle of the Nexus. The Apostle's duty is to fulfill and maintain the balance of good and evil on the Nexus. But the forces of good and evil are always tearing at each other and pushing and pulling to dominate over the other. The Nexus becomes the battleground for different philosophies and super powered fights that shake the foundations of the universe.

Young Adult

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