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Lake of Souls Chp. 10

The forgotten lands

By Josephine MasonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 14 min read
Lake of Souls Chp. 10
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

Previous Chapter

Nothing happened to my body this time. No transformation. No growth. All I felt was a sense of lightness inside of me as if my burdens had been lifted. My thoughts that brought the tightness in my chest were still there but they no longer felt like a weight. They simply were in me now, another part of me like anything else. I left his chambers and found two guards outside of his room. I told them that I was done. They looked inside and nodded to me then followed me outside. They began ringing bells waking up all of the people while shouting, "The King is dead. The King is dead."

The people woke up and began to weep. Not for sadness but out of joy for their King. That he had given his life willingly to fulfill the prophecy and bring change to the world. They cried and they sang. The party from last night began all over again but this time it was a wake for the King. Stories were told of his kindness and generosity. Of how often he would leave his castle in secret to walk amongst his people and help them when they needed it. This time though I joined in their revelry. I laughed with their stories and I bowed my head in solemn moments. While these feelings were all still very new to me and I did not truly understand them, I now wanted to.

The day went into night and then back into day before the people finally began to disperse. It was only then that I started to notice that the kingdom was taking its toll from the Life King's death. The trees were not as green, the grass didn't feel as soft under my feet, and the air didn't smell as clean. It was in this moment that I remembered my quest. I had somehow forgotten about it for a full day and just enjoyed myself. I wondered if that was the Life King's doing. If for just a little while he had managed to grant me relief from my obsession.

I brought up the mental map and discovered that once again the lake was not in the kingdom. I sat down now perplexed. I had gone to all five kingdoms and killed all five Kings yet the lake was nowhere to be found. An idea drifted across my mind. I could try to bring up the maps of all the kingdoms at once and see if anything was missing. I had tried once before to pull up the map of a kingdom after I had left it but it hadn't worked then. Maybe with all five now it would.

I concentrated and brought the maps up one by one. Watching them connect until the full map was complete. It was then that I realized there was a hole in the middle of the world that I did not know what it was. It was the only blank spot on my map so that must be where the lake was. I plotted a course from where I was to that blank spot. Getting up I looked around and realized that in my time of thought everyone has left. I smiled to myself thinking that this was the perfect way to send myself off. We had all enjoyed ourselves and now it was time for me to finally actually find the lake.

It would be a two day walk from where I was less if I ran but I saw no reason to do so. I would take my time and enjoy my walk. I was lost in my thoughts the whole time though. Wondering what would happen when I finally had a soul of my own. Would I feel different than I do now? Would I look different? The more of these questions that filled my mind the more lost in my thoughts I became. I vaguely remembered seeing people and waving hello to them. Exchanging pleasantries with them and laughing as well. But I wasn't really there in those moments. My thoughts were slowly becoming a prison that I couldn't seem to break free from.

I suddenly awoke from my thoughts the second I stepped over the border into the blank spot. I looked around in surprise and shock. This place looked like my old home. The ground beneath me was nothing but sharp rocks that cut into my feet. The air was stagnant and smelled of decay. Everything was grey and lacking any real definition. A place of the past that somehow no one had known about. As small as the blank spot had seemed on my mental map I couldn't see anything around me besides more of the same. I looked back at the beautiful green fields I had come from and sighed before I started walking into the forgotten lands.

With every step I felt myself returning to who I used to be. All of the new emotions that had been welling up inside of me began to be pushed down. All I could feel was the desire to find the lake. Everything I had done had led to this moment. Every time I had died, every person I had killed, and every land I had left in ruins. All of it was for now. I found myself beginning to run not knowing where I was going. I could feel the ground slicing my feet open but I couldn't bring myself to care at all.

Up ahead I saw a dome in the distance. Crafted from the same rock as the land around me. I went from running to a full sprint. I had to get there now. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest faster and faster. Suddenly the ground began to shake and crack underneath me. I jumped immediately to a small outcropping of rocks and began watching the ground intently. From the ground burst a snake's head. Before I could attack, it spoke. It's voice a rumbling across the whole of the earth, "Xea! Vessel who was left behind by the gods! Do you dare to challenge the last inhabitant of the forgotten lands? The one the gods themselves could not kill."

I studied the head, my eyes narrowing. My heart still pounding wildly in my chest. Its head was up about ten feet from the ground. The head itself was black on its left side and white on the right. More than large enough to swallow me whole without a single thought. I tried to call my mind before I spoke but I didn't succeed, "Yes I am the one called Xea! Indeed I am the one the gods left behind! I have come here for the lake of souls and I will not be stopped. If you could not be killed by the gods then you will be killed by me." With those words I leapt at the snake going towards the neck sticking out of the ground. My fervor to get to the lake was so great that I completely forgot about the sword on my back. I intended to break its neck and end this fight before it could even start. The next thing I saw was darkness. The next thing I heard was the voice of the snake, "Welcome to your new home."

Light slowly begins to appear around me illuminating my current location. I was standing in front of a book in a room of millions of books. The book was not opened and on the front it read, "The Vessel". I opened the book to see a picture of the old me. The first day that I had been left behind. I was standing there staring blankly into the distance. The people who had been given souls were leaving me behind. Once their backs turned on me it was as if I no longer existed.

I flipped through the book watching page after page of myself just standing there. All sorts of weather came and passed yet I never moved. The first settlements grew up not that far from me. Almost close enough that I could see and yet my gaze never altered. Always staring off into the distance blankly, never moving, not even blinking. A whole world left me and formed around me but I didn't care. I had no soul and thus no part in their world.

Finally I reached the part where the god came to me and gave me a reason to move. From there I flipped through a bit faster. I reached the Fire King and watched his slow death so over again. I understood why he had attacked me but now it just filled me with that same feeling I had felt with the Air King. He had attacked before even thinking of speaking to me. All out of his thought that he could do what he wished simply because he was the Fire King. I flipped ahead to the young girl I had met and smiled, touching the page softly. I was slightly saddened that I hadn't been able to talk to her more.

From there I flipped ahead to both of my encounters with the Earth King. He had seemed so kind and intriguing at first to me. He was the one to give me my name and for that alone he held a special place in my mind. I looked at the picture of me breaking his staff and I turned away feeling something in me stir again. A feeling that I shouldn't be proud of what I had done. However I knew that I had done what had to be done. There was no changing that fact.

I reached the Air King and grinned a little remembering his death. Immediately after I was crestfallen as I saw the picture of Baunt dying to the manticore. I stopped for a moment to take a moment of silence. A practice I had picked up from the people of the life kingdom. I sighed and pressed forward.

The next page showed me Curant and his people. Our journey through the water kingdom and my fight against the Water King. My heart felt heavy as I looked at the picture of the dead King. I could still remember Alton's last words ringing in my ear, "You cruel monster." I had to stop again and take another moment of silence.

Though this time I offered up words to the soul of the Water King inside of me, "I promise. As soon as I have a soul of my own you will be free to go to your love. I'm almost there. The time will be soon." I continued flipping forward watching through pictures of my time in the life kingdom. My enjoyment of the ground and all the sights and sounds. Looking at all the various things around me. I smiled to myself until I reached the feast. My smile disappeared and I wanted to skip past this past but the book would only let me turn one page at a time. Dawn breaking, me and the Life King walking off together, and then me killing him. I stared at the page in horror, forcing myself to look away from it finally. I finally found the strength to move forward and flip the next page. From there was my leaving and coming to the forgotten lands.

I finally reached the second to last page of me rushing the snake and being eaten. The last page had no picture, only words, "This is the end of your journey Xea. You will not be getting to the lake and you will not be getting a soul. You have arrived at your final destination. However if you wish I can strip you of all that you have gained. Every soul, every memory, and every emotion you have felt. I will return you back to your home and you may spend the rest of this world's days standing and staring off into the distance. But you will not have to suffer with all of your mistakes anymore."

I closed the book and took a deep breath. Looking back on everything that had happened was an experience. I could see why some thought me to be a hero and others a monster. I wasn't really sure which one I was at this point. I had done some terrible things to get to this moment but I didn't think that was the point. I learned a lot along the way as well. I had learned kindness, camaraderie, and what it meant to be willing to give yourself for a greater cause. I had laughed, smiled, and danced. I was alive in the simplest sense of the word. Maybe I didn't have a soul but I was a person.

I looked around this room of books thinking, "I wouldn't give it up, none of it. Even if it meant that my story ended here. I've become so much more than I was and to go back would be a disservice to everyone I had met along the way. Most importantly though it would be a disservice to myself. I wanted to gain a soul so that I could become a normal person like everyone else. However this journey has taught me that I always was. I just had to open up to it."

After I spoke those words the light around me began to fade away. Soon it was replaced by the natural light of the sun. I was standing in the forgotten lands again and now a small snake sat in front of me. It looked the same as the large one so I assumed it was one and the same. I knelt down to look at it, "Was that all an illusion? If so, then why?"

The snake nodded at me, "Yes it was. It was the final test for you before you reached the lake. I was not killed by the gods because I was created by them. They wanted to make sure that if anyone ever found this place they would be worthy to see it. Though they left the definition of what worthy was up to me and you are indeed worthy. I can rest knowing that you will not abuse the lake and its great power. Though be wary of the god who brought you here. I fear that he is up to something though I know not what."

I smiled at the snake, "Oh I'm sure. He even fully admitted to me that he has a plan. However I don't think he ever counted on me ever being more than a puppet for him. He seeks to take revenge on his brothers the gods. Apparently, me gaining a soul is the first step in his plan. However no matter what he wants to do I'll make sure this world stays safe. The Kings are now dead by my hand and it is time for me to gain my own soul so that I may lead this land into a new era." I started walking towards the dome again.

The snake followed, "But you said it yourself. You know he seeks revenge on his brothers. Why give him what he wants?"

I laughed, "Because if I don't this world is doomed anyways. You know what I'm saying to be true. What's the saying I heard? I made my bed and now I have to sleep in it."

The snake stopped, "Unfortunately you're right. So go forth Xea and claim your soul. Become the new King this world needs."

After that I walked for a little while longer, finally reaching the dome. Before me stood a massive door barring my entrance but I could feel that the lake was on the other side.

We're almost at the end of the original short story now. I hope you have all enjoyed this ride as much as I have. The next chapter as well as the original short story will be linked down below. If you enjoyed this then please heart, subscribe, and feel free to leave a tip. Till next time.

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Original Short Story


About the Creator

Josephine Mason

I write because I'm always drifting off to other lands in my mind. Please subscribe, like, and if I'm doing well please tip. You can buy my first book now at the link below. Available on many ebook platforms.

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