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Kwan would rather Sleep

Illusion is more Delightful

By 2uhaanPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Kwan would rather Sleep
Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

Kwan lives a lonely life. He had never been in love before, and he longed for someone to share his life with. One night, as he drifted off to sleep, he had the most vivid dream of his life.

In his dream, he met a beautiful girl named Rose. She was everything he had ever wanted in a partner. They laughed and talked for hours, and as the night went on, Kwan realized that he had fallen deeply in love with her. The dream felt so real that when Kwan woke up the next morning, he was disappointed to find that Rose was not there beside him. He tried to shake the feeling off, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Over the next few nights, Kwandreamed about Rose again and again. Each time they met, their connection grew stronger, and Kwan's love for her intensified.

However, he soon realized that she was just a figment of his imagination. Despite knowing that Rose wasn't real, Kwan found himself unable to let go of his feelings for her. He didn't want to wake up from his dreams, because that would mean losing Rose forever. Desperate to stay in his dream world, Kwan began taking sleeping pills every night. He would fall asleep and dream about Rose, and then wake up feeling happy and content. But as time passed, he became more and more dependent on the pills. He couldn't bear the thought of facing reality without Rose by his side. Eventually, Kwan's obsession with his dream world took over his life. He stopped going to work and spent all his time sleeping, hoping to be reunited with Rose in his dreams. But his health began to suffer, and he became dangerously addicted to the sleeping pills.

One night, as he drifted off to sleep, Kwan realized that he needed to let go of his dream world and face reality. He knew that it would be difficult, but he also knew that it was the only way to overcome his addiction and start living his life again. With a heavy heart, Kwantook one last look at Rose and said goodbye. He threw away his pills and vowed never to rely on them again. It wasn't easy, but with time, Kwan learned to live without Rose and found happiness in the real world. From then on, Kwannever forgot about his dream girl, but he realized that he needed to accept the fact that she was not real. He learned that there was more to life than just dreaming, and he was grateful for the wake-up call that helped him realize it.

After some time had passed, Kwan began to find himself healing from his addiction and living his life normally again. However, he could never quite shake off the memory of Rose, the girl he fell in love with in his dream.

One day, while he was walking down the street, he saw a woman who looked exactly like Rose. He couldn't believe his eyes. He approached her, and to his surprise, she was just as kind and beautiful as Rose had been in his dreams. As they talked, Kwan realized that this woman shared many of the same interests and passions as him, and they quickly became friends. As time went by, their friendship grew deeper, and Kwan found himself falling in love with her, just like he had with Rose.

Eventually, Kwan confessed his feelings to her, and to his joy, she felt the same way. They started dating and soon became inseparable. As they spent more and more time together, Kwan realized that he had found what he had been looking for all along. He had found someone who loved him for who he was, and who made him feel alive in a way that he never thought possible. He realized that his dream of Rose had led him to the real-life love of his life.

One day, Kwan had a dream where he saw Rose lying in a hospital bed. He woke up in a cold sweat, feeling uneasy. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it lingered with him throughout the day.

As days passed, Kwancouldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. He had a gnawing feeling that he needed to find out if Rose was okay. So, he decided to reach out to her. To his shock and horror, he found out that Rose had been diagnosed with cancer. The news hit him hard, and he felt helpless. He wanted to be there for her but didn't know how. Kwan started spending all his time by Rose's side. He accompanied her to the hospital and spent long hours talking to her and keeping her company. He would read to her, make her laugh and help her fight through the treatments.

Despite their growing bond, Kwancouldn't help but feel guilty about his feelings for Rose. He felt like he was cheating on his current partner, the woman he had met who reminded him of Rose. Kwan confided in Rose about his feelings, and to his surprise, she encouraged him to be happy. She told him that she wanted him to find happiness, even if it was with someone else. As Rose's condition worsened, Kwan knew he couldn't bear to lose her. He felt that the only way to keep her alive was to keep her memory alive. Kwan began to write about their time together, his dreams about her, and how she had impacted his life.

Years after Rose's passing, Kwan published a book called "Love in Illusory" which became a bestseller. His book was an ode to Rose, and it brought comfort to many people who were struggling with loss. Through his writing, Kwan found healing and a way to honor Rose's memory. He realized that even though their time together was short, she had left an indelible mark on his life, and her memory would always be with him.

Kwan couldn't shake off the feeling that he needed to see Rose again. He missed her deeply and wished to feel her presence one last time. In a moment of weakness, he took a sleeping pill, hoping to see her in his dreams again. As he drifted off to sleep, Kwan felt himself being transported back to his dream world. He saw Rose, and she looked just as beautiful as she had the last time he saw her. They spent what felt like hours together, talking, laughing, and reminiscing about old times. Kwan was overjoyed to see her, but as the dream came to an end, he felt an intense pain in his chest.

When he woke up, Kwan realized that he was in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines, and surrounded by doctors. He had taken too many pills, and his body had gone into critical condition. Despite the doctors' best efforts, Kwan's body couldn't take the strain, and he passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones. Even in death, Kwannever forgot about Rose. He had spent his life searching for her, and in the end, he found her again, even if it was just in his dreams. His family and friends knew that Kwanhad found peace in his final moments and that he was finally reunited with the love of his life. They celebrated his life, remembering the man who never gave up on love and who always followed his heart.

In the end, Kwan's story became a reminder that love is a powerful force that transcends time and space. His journey taught us to cherish the people we love and to never stop searching for happiness.


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    2uhaanWritten by 2uhaan

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