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Journey to Black Hole

What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like?

By debrah bipaPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Journey to Black Hole
Photo by Aman Pal on Unsplash

[Opening Scene]

As our adventurous explorer embarks on a journey to the nearest black hole aboard the super-fast spaceship "The Invincible," they introduce their trusty companion, Liam, an AI robot with Artificial Intelligence. Their goal is to live-stream the entire adventure, promising to keep the audience updated throughout the thrilling ride.

[Earth Departure]

After a smooth takeoff, they watch Earth shrink in the distance as they soar to an altitude of 200 miles. The International Space Station passes by, and they marvel at its size and the exorbitant cost of $100 billion to build.

[Satellite Encounters]

The journey continues as they pass various satellites orbiting Earth at different distances and speeds. They share fascinating facts about satellites and their travel velocities.

[Approaching the Moon]

Soon, they spot the Moon, noticing its egg-like shape. They wave goodbye and continue their journey deeper into space, passing by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and even the dwarf planet Pluto.

[Exiting the Solar System]

At this point, they find themselves leaving the Solar System and navigating through the termination shock and the Oort Cloud, with a few minor scratches on their spacecraft.

[Destination: V616 Monocerotis]

Their destination, the stellar black hole V616 Monocerotis, is 3,000 light-years away, much closer than the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The black hole's eerie properties are explained, and Liam volunteers to explore it further.

[Liam's Adventure into the Black Hole]

As Liam approaches the black hole, they witness the phenomenon of spaghettification, where the intense gravity stretches objects like spaghetti. Liam tries to communicate but eventually disappears into the black hole, leaving our explorer worried but hopeful for their friend's safety.


As they contemplate their next adventure, the explorer ponders whether they should journey into the black hole themselves. They invite the audience to share their thoughts in the comments section and promise more exciting space videos in the future.


About the Creator

debrah bipa

read story about surviving every day. here comes stories about all

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