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Jessie's Lesson

Extended Edition

By Ashleigh HolmesPublished 2 months ago 15 min read
Jessie's Lesson
Photo by Werner Sevenster on Unsplash

With a final shudder, the little, red Daewoo came to a grinding halt. Plumes of thick, red dust swirled up through the windows before finally settling on Jessie's blonde hair. She was stuck in the middle of nowhere, and it was like the sun had come to earth—it was that hot.

“No, darling, come on, don’t break down here,” she grumbled, turning the key, but nothing came from the old engine. She laid her head down on her hands as they gripped the steering wheel.

“Why can’t anything go right for me? Am I that much of a screw-up?” she yelled to no one. There literally wasn’t anyone around to hear her. She sighed, took a deep breath, and glanced at the passenger seat where she spotted her old, faded blue cap and snatched it up.

Opening the door, it creaked so loudly she wouldn’t be surprised if dogs could hear it. She slapped her cap on and hopped out of the car to examine her surroundings. There wasn’t much, not that she was surprised. She hadn’t laid eyes on another car for at least the last hour. Jessie was definitely not a country girl, so why was she here in the middle of nowhere? Love, or so she thought.

The last few months, she had been living in Brisbane city and loved the city, but grew tired of the dating scene—of one-night stands and hook-ups that didn’t pull on her heartstrings. She wanted more. So, after scrolling again through Tinder and countless other dating apps, here she was out in the middle of nowhere on her way to meet a potential partner. Until this cheap rental she had hired had conked out in the middle of who knows where. Fanning her face with one hand, she grabbed her phone out of her back pocket.

“Of course, no reception, why am I fucking surprised?” she groaned, running out of options. She looked around. All she could see was dust, trees, and a rusty old shed. She blinked again, and yep, there was shelter. Thinking it was better than nothing, she locked the car, put the keys in her pocket, and started what looked like a short walk to the shed.

"Please let there be water or something to drink in there," she thought to herself. "I don’t want to die out here." As she got closer, she pulled her phone out and eyed off the reception bar in case she had to call 000. She stopped. There was one bar.

“Oh my god,” she cried happily and leapt up. Who should she call? She wondered. The guy she was on her way to meet or RACQ for help? Just then she heard dull footsteps. They didn’t sound human though. "Eeek, what do I do?" She racked her brain. She slowly turned as they became closer. Glancing up, it was a horse with a person riding it.

“Umm, are you okay there?” the person asked, taking off their hat revealing short blondish hair of a guy.

“Yeah, umm, I broke down,” Jessie pointed to the red car in the dust. “I was just headed to that shed for water.”

The guy pulled up a flap on the side of the horse and pulled out a flask and a portable cup. “Here, have this. You’re not from around here, are you?” he asked, eyeing her off while he poured red liquid into the cup.

She eyed off the liquid, “What is that?” she queried.

“Oh, just the family merlot. My family owns a winery. Sorry, I don’t have water.”

“Thanks,” she grabbed the cup and took a swig. “No, I am not. How can you tell?” Jessie replied.

“Well, first off, you aren’t dressed like a country person, and second, you’re too trusting. This is a bad side of town; you need to be careful,” he warned.

Jessie wanted to run away, but for some reason, she couldn’t move. Her eyes felt heavy, and the last thing she saw was his evil grin, then everything went black.

When Jessie regained consciousness, she found herself in a dimly lit room. The air was thick with the smell of dampness and mildew. As she tried to move, she realized she was tied to a wooden chair. Panic surged through her veins.

“Hello?” she called out, her voice trembling. There was no response.

Jessie strained against the ropes, her mind racing with fear and confusion. How had she ended up here? And where was here, exactly?

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and the man from earlier stepped into the room. His face was obscured by shadows, but Jessie could feel his presence looming over her.

“Well, well, well, look who’s awake,” he said with a sinister chuckle. “I hope you’re feeling cozy, sweetheart, because you’re going to be here for a while.”

Jessie’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared up at him, her mind reeling with questions. Who was this man, and what did he want with her?

“You’re probably wondering why you’re here,” he continued, pacing back and forth in front of her. “Let’s just say, you stumbled into something you shouldn’t have, and now you’re going to pay the price.”

Jessie’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of his words. What could she have possibly stumbled into? And how was she going to get out of this mess?

But before she could formulate a plan, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a gleaming knife, its blade catching the dim light of the room.

“This is going to hurt,” he said with a wicked grin, advancing toward her.

Terrified, Jessie struggled against her restraints, but it was no use. She was trapped, at the mercy of a madman with a knife.

As the blade descended toward her, Jessie closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain to come...

Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and the door burst open, flooding the room with light. Jessie’s eyes flew open to see a figure standing in the doorway, silhouetted against the brightness.

“Jessie, are you okay?” a familiar voice called out.

It was the guy from earlier, the one who had given her the flask of wine. But now he was holding a crowbar, his eyes blazing with determination.

“Get away from her!” he shouted, lunging forward to confront the man with the knife.

A fierce struggle ensued, the two men grappling with each other as Jessie watched in horror. But despite the odds, the guy from earlier managed to overpower her captor, knocking him unconscious with a well-aimed blow to the head.

With trembling hands, Jessie watched as he untied her from the chair, his touch gentle yet urgent.

“Come on, we need to get out of here,” he said, helping her to her feet.

Together, they stumbled out of the room and into the blinding sunlight, blinking against its brightness. As they made their way back to the car, Jessie felt a wave of relief wash over her.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice choked with emotion.

The guy smiled at her, his eyes warm and reassuring. “No problem. Just glad I could help.”

And as they drove away from that desolate place, Jessie knew that she would never forget the lesson she had learned that day: that sometimes, even in the darkest of times, there are still good people out there willing to lend a helping hand. And for that, she would be forever grateful.

As they drove away from the desolate place, Jessie's heart raced with a mixture of fear and gratitude. She stole glances at her rescuer, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of events that had unfolded.

"Thank you," she said again, her voice barely above a whisper.

He glanced at her, his expression softening. "I'm just glad I happened to come along when I did. What were you doing out here all alone anyway?"

Jessie hesitated, unsure of how much she should reveal. But something in his eyes told her she could trust him.

"I was on my way to meet someone," she admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "I thought...I thought I was in love."

The guy's expression softened, and he reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "Sometimes, we can't help who we fall for. But it's important to be careful, especially in a place like this."

Jessie nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat. She had been so blinded by her own desires that she hadn't stopped to consider the risks.

"Where are we going?" she asked, realizing that they were driving away from the direction she had come.

"We're going to my family's winery," he replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "It's not too far from here, and I think you could use a drink after everything that's happened."

Jessie felt a surge of gratitude wash over her. Despite the chaos and danger she had just faced, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that she was safe with him.

As they drove through the winding country roads, Jessie found herself lost in thought. She had always prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency, but today had shown her just how vulnerable she could be. It was a humbling lesson—one that she would not soon forget.

When they finally arrived at the winery, Jessie was greeted by the sight of rolling vineyards and quaint stone buildings. It was a far cry from the dusty isolation of the desert she had just escaped.

As they stepped out of the car, Jessie couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. For the first time in what felt like ages, she felt truly safe.

"Welcome to our little slice of paradise," her rescuer said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Jessie returned the smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. She may have been lost and alone in the middle of nowhere, but she had found something unexpected—a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

And as she followed him into the welcoming embrace of the winery, Jessie knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be. With each step, she felt herself letting go of the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her heart, replaced instead by a newfound sense of courage and resilience.

She may have been knocked down, but she was not defeated. And with the help of her newfound friend, Jessie knew that she would find her way back stronger than ever.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the vineyards, Jessie raised her glass in a silent toast to the lessons learned and the journey ahead. And as she took a sip of the rich, velvety wine, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that whatever lay ahead, she would face it with grace, strength, and a newfound appreciation for the kindness of strangers.

As the evening settled in and the warm hues of sunset bathed the vineyard in a golden glow, Jessie found herself immersed in the comforting atmosphere of the winery. The air was filled with the soft chatter of guests and the gentle clinking of glasses, creating a symphony of tranquility that washed away the remnants of her ordeal.

Her rescuer, whose name she had learned was Alex, guided her through the winding paths of the winery, introducing her to his family and friends with a warmth and ease that made her feel instantly welcome.

"This is Jessie," Alex said, gesturing to her with a smile. "She's the one I told you about, the one I found stranded out in the desert."

Jessie felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she exchanged greetings with Alex's family. Despite the circumstances that had brought her here, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the kindness and hospitality they had shown her.

As the evening wore on, Jessie found herself engrossed in conversation with Alex and his family, sharing stories and laughter as they sampled the various wines produced by the vineyard. It was a far cry from the loneliness and uncertainty she had felt just hours before, and for the first time in a long time, Jessie felt a sense of belonging that she hadn't known she was missing.

As the night stretched on and the stars began to twinkle overhead, Alex suggested they take a stroll through the vineyard. Jessie eagerly agreed, relishing the opportunity to explore the peaceful surroundings under the veil of darkness.

As they walked hand in hand through the rows of grapevines, Jessie felt a sense of peace settle over her. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the earthy scent of the vineyard and the faint murmur of cicadas in the distance.

"Thank you for everything," Jessie said softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Alex smiled, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "I should be the one thanking you. If I hadn't come along when I did..."

Jessie shook her head, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "You saved me, Alex. I'll never forget that."

They walked in silence for a while longer, content to simply be in each other's presence. It was a moment of quiet intimacy that Jessie treasured, a reminder of the bond that had formed between them in the wake of adversity.

As they reached the edge of the vineyard, Alex turned to face her, his expression soft and tender. "Jessie, I know we've only just met, but...I feel like there's something special between us. Something worth exploring."

Jessie's heart skipped a beat as she met his gaze, her own emotions swirling with uncertainty and longing. She had been burned before, her heart scarred by past relationships that had promised the world and left her with nothing but pain.

But as she looked into Alex's eyes, she saw something different. Something genuine and true, a spark of connection that ignited a flame of hope within her.

With a smile, Jessie reached out to cup his cheek, her touch gentle yet full of meaning. "I think you might be right, Alex. There's definitely something worth exploring."

And as they leaned in to share their first kiss beneath the stars, Jessie knew that she had found not only a kindred spirit, but a guiding light in the darkness. With Alex by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges the future might hold, knowing that together, they could overcome anything.

As their lips parted, Jessie felt a surge of warmth spread through her body, filling her with a sense of exhilaration she hadn't felt in a long time. It was a feeling of possibility, of endless potential stretching out before her like the vast expanse of the night sky.

Wrapped in Alex's embrace, Jessie felt herself letting go of the fear and doubt that had held her back for so long. With him, she felt free to be herself, to embrace the unknown with open arms and an open heart.

As they continued their stroll through the vineyard, hand in hand, Jessie found herself sharing more and more with Alex, opening up about her past and her hopes for the future. And with each word spoken, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders, replaced by a sense of lightness and joy.

"I never expected to find someone like you out here," Jessie admitted, her voice soft against the backdrop of the night. "But I'm so glad I did."

Alex squeezed her hand, his touch grounding her in the present moment. "I feel the same way, Jessie. You've brought so much light into my life, I can't even begin to thank you."

They walked on in silence for a while, content to simply be together in the quiet beauty of the night. Above them, the stars twinkled like diamonds in the sky, casting a soft glow over the vineyard below.

As they reached the end of their walk, Alex turned to face Jessie, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

"Jessie, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice low and urgent. "I know we've only just met, but...I can't shake the feeling that we were meant to find each other. That you were meant to come into my life and change everything."

Jessie felt her heart swell with emotion, her own feelings mirroring his in ways she couldn't fully comprehend. With each passing moment, she felt herself falling deeper and deeper for Alex, drawn to him in ways she had never experienced before.

"I feel it too, Alex," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the leaves. "I feel like we're connected somehow, like our paths were always meant to cross."

As their eyes met, Jessie knew that she had found something truly special in Alex. Something worth holding onto, worth fighting for, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

With a smile, Alex leaned in to kiss her once more, sealing their bond with a promise of love and devotion that would last a lifetime. And as they stood together in the moonlit vineyard, Jessie knew that she had finally found her home—in the arms of the man she loved.


About the Creator

Ashleigh Holmes

Married mother of an adorable little girl who keeps me on my toes. I love art, craft, photography and food. I love to write about parenting and the trials I have struggled with, and also photography as an outlet for lifelong anxiety.

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