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Jackie Beanstalk and the Cosmic Conflict

Across the Cascade of Stars and Planets, A Tale Retold.

By TJ DecenaPublished 9 months ago 20 min read

Space Colony Jacobson (Along the Asteroid Belt)

In the cockpit, Jackie's stomach grumbles as she struggles to lift a scrap hunk. Around the colony, war remnants scatter, leftovers from the great conflict. Scrappers like Jackie gather these metals, searching for any value. Money is scarce, and hunger grips the solar system's colonies.

Piloting her yellow ship, Margarida, Jackie approaches a metal shard. Thin hand claws extend from her ship, attempting to secure the chunk. Despite its age, Jackie's repairs have kept Margarida running, skills inherited from her father.

Before she can secure the metal, another ship swoops in and snatches it—the scrapyard's ship, a fellow salvager. The pilot's face appears on Jackie's screen. "Too bad, Beanstalk!" the pilot jeers.

"Dickwad! I found it first!"

The intercepting ship is more advanced than Margarida, its crane hands effortlessly taking the scrap. It speeds away, leaving Jackie in its wake. "Retire the Margarida, Jackie! It's not good for this job!"

The scrap-jock is right. Margarida is old, but with a skilled pilot, she can still compete. Just like her father did. But Jackie won't part with the last memento he left her.


A scrapyard substation is situated outside the Space Colony Jacobson’s orbit.

The scrapyard was busy with the hustle of salvagers like Jackie. Various models and sizes of salvage cruisers cued up at the scrapyard’s toll booths.

The end of shift deposit.

All scraps collected by the salvagers are turned in and weighed. End of day wages are based on how much scrap is collected.

Half an hour of waiting, Jackie finally gets her turn. She glides the Margarida by the toll. The Margarida lands on a surface.

Jackie fiddles with the navigation panel and opens the rear of the Margarida. All her collections of the day, ready to be unloaded.

The toll master looks at his screen and calculates the weight as a pair of labor droids unload the Margarida.

“Twelve shillings,” the toll master muttered.

“There is no way!” Jackie interjected. “That is a heavy load I got back there!”

“A load of nuts and bolts! They ain’t worth much! You know this, Jackie!”

“I can’t even get a full meal out of this!”

“You just have to enjoy the government soy provisions just like the other bottom feeders,” The toll master taunted.

Jackie’s stomach grumbled once more and she just accepted the measly twelve shilling credit.


Jackie piloted The Margarida through Space Colony Jacobson's sprawling structures. The colony's expanse spread before her like a colossal spinning drum. The colony houses countless residents. Neon lights painted the cityscape, their colors contrasting against the space's darkness.

The scene shifted as she passed through different districts. On one side, the wealthy enjoyed luxury, while poverty bred crime on the other. City lights flickered in erratic patterns. Open drug dealing and begging were at every corner, and thieves navigated the sprawling street maze.

Descending further, Jackie guided the Margarida to align with her residential tower's lower level. The overcrowded tower held her docking bay, where she docked her cruiser.

Coming out of her cockpit, Jackie took an elevator ride to the lobby. As the doors opened, she stepped out, collected food rations from the security desk, and headed to her cramped apartment. Each room lacked privacy, only separated by foldable dividers.

In her living area, Jackie found her mother, exhausted, with ice packs on her elbow. Concern painted Jackie's face as she asked about her mother's injury.

"Ma, what happened to your elbow?" Jackie's voice revealed worry.

Her mother flashed a weak smile. "Picked up an extra dock shift. The faulty labor droids have the dockmasters on edge."

"I told you to stop working. It's not good for your health," Jackie scolded.

Her mother struggled to rise. "Sweetie, how much did you make from scrapping today?"

Jackie's gaze dropped, shame was creeping in. "Only twelve shillings."

Her mother sighed, cupping Jackie's face with her hands. "You need to sell The Margarida while it still holds value. With that money, we could get tickets to one of Saturn's moons. We could join the farmers there."

Anger surged within Jackie. "Farming out there is not safe. Facilities get raided constantly. And I can't sell The Margarida. It belonged to Pa's."

Her mother's expression softened. "We have to accept that your father is not here anymore. I'm tired of these government provisions. Don't you want something different to eat for a change?"

Jackie's shoulders slumped. Her mother pointed to the kitchen counter, where her favorite, Luncheon Meat Musubis, awaited. A tender kiss accompanied the words, "You forgetful brat... Happy Birthday."

As her mother left, Jackie looked at the Musubis and felt her chest tighten. Tears flow silently as she confronted the harsh reality of life in the unforgiving colony.


Jackie walked through the hectic streets of Space Colony Jacobson, clutching the pink paper against her chest. The weight of parting with her beloved Margarida weighed down on her. She moved with unease, navigating the shadowed alleyways where danger always lurked. She was about to say her final goodbye to her cherished possession, lips moving in silent apology to her late father.

In the midst of the crowd's noise, a voice called out, catching her attention. Her gaze locked onto the stranger who had hailed her. The man, scars etched on his face, appeared weathered and worn, his voice urgent as he addressed her.

"That yellow salvage cruiser. Yours, yes?"

With caution, Jackie studied the man, her guard up.

The man continued, his voice a mixture of assurance and excitement, "How much?"

Jackie remained guarded, skeptical of his inquiry. She replied, "It's old. No one would want it."

Undeterred, the man's gaze remained fixed on her. "I would. I'd offer a good price, girl."

Her resolve held as she challenged, "Define 'good.'"

The man produced a small trinket, a cube emitting a mesmerizing blue light. Despite her skepticism, curiosity tugged at Jackie.

Guided to a secluded alley, the man activated the trinket. A radiant ring formed, resembling a portal suspended in the air.

With confidence, the man stepped through. Jackie's skepticism lingered. "This isn't real."

Turning, the man beckoned Jackie to join him. She hesitated before cautiously stepping forward. The electric thrill of the portal's touch transformed her surroundings. Before her stretched a vibrant landscape of lush greenery and abundant crops.

Jackie marveled at the scene, her voice filled with awe, "Where is this place?"

The man revealed, "This portal pod takes you to another solar system. It's like Earth, but even richer."

Earth—the name resonated as a distant tale. The promise of fertile soil and abundance was palpable.

Now this is a place worth farming! Jackie thought to herself.

Leaving the lush scene, the man asked, "What do you think?"

With her Margarida's pink slip in hand, Jackie gazed at the trinket's light, then at the memory of the lush land she had glimpsed. Her decision would shape her future, her mother's well-being, and the dream of a better life.


In the apartment, Ma's slap knocked the portal pod from Jackie's grip. The trinket skittered across the table with a muted clatter. Anger flashed in her mother's eyes, disappointment filling her voice.

"How could you trade the Margarida for this crap?" Her mother's words cut through, heavy with their reality.

Jackie fumbled with the trinket, her attempts to activate the portal failing. The silence was broken by the hum of the portal pod, denying the escape it once promised.

Her mother's anger grew, her voice louder as she scolded, "You got tricked! The Margarida was our ticket out of this dump!"

Her mother jumped back to her jumpsuit, “I’m heading back out to the docks to see if they have an opening for you. We are working our way out of here one way or another!”


In the growing night, Jackie lay in stillness, her mother's snores in the background.

Sleep eluded her.

Anger simmered within, directed at the stranger and herself.

In the dim light, Jackie's eyes stayed on the portal pod. Defiance surged. She loathed the helplessness she felt.

As weariness took over, a soft glow radiated from the portal pod. Her heart raced as it shimmered to life, portal activated. Adrenaline pushed her to jump off her bed. She donned her jumpsuit and boots, the shimmering portal door was calling.

With exhilaration, she jumped in, calling to her mother, "Ma! The portal is real!"

The portal hummed, but before her mother could respond, it closed. Jackie stood alone, realization hitting her.

The portal pod's glow dimmed, energy fading. Clutched in Jackie's hands, it felt like a lost opportunity. She examined it, trying to uncover its secrets, but the portal pod powered down.


Jackie stood in a lush field, mirroring the portal's promise. The ground beneath her feet was vibrant green, the sky above was clear blue. The beauty distracted her from the fact she was in a different world.

The ground shook violently, shouts of "RETREAT!" breaking the calm. A sea of assault cruisers and soldiers sped her way, weapons armed. Panic surged, eclipsing the calm. Soldiers raced past, their uniforms familiar.

Driven by fear, Jackie ran with them. A stumble left her vulnerable, but a hand pulled her back just in time.

A gunner's eyes were determined. "Get up, soldier!" he ordered, and they sprinted to an assault cruiser, speeding away.

Looking back, she saw a massive humanoid creature chasing the soldiers. The ground shook with each step.

"ARE THOSE GIANTS? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Jackie's cry went unheard amidst the chaos.

As they approached a campsite, the commanding officer ordered the electrical defense field on, protecting them.

Turning to her savior, Jackie demanded, "Where am I?"

The soldier studied her, curiosity in his eyes. He answered with a question of his own, "Who are you? You don't belong here."


At the far end of the campsite, stood out a massive circular structure at the far end. The glowing portal, reminiscent of the portal pod that had brought her here, stood like a sentinel, towering over the campsite's tents. Beneath it, soldiers stood guard, their vigilant watch reflecting the importance of this mysterious apparatus.

Amidst the curious gazes of the surrounding soldiers, Jackie was led by the gunner to a tent. The canvas walls rustled as they entered.

Tension clung to the air as Jackie's voice cut through the silence, directed at the gunner, "So you're not going to tell me anything?"

The gunner shook his head, his expression resolute. "No, not until General Goose gets here."

Inside the tent, Jackie was offered a seat, a spread of tea and biscuits set before her. Her attention shifted to the gunner, allowing her a full view of the soldier who had pulled her to safety. He was a few years older than her, his demeanor firm and disciplined. Jackie's eyes trailed over his uniform, taking note of the numerous grenades attached to his vest.

A mischievous smile curved her lips as she jested, "Need more grenades there, buddy?"

Harp shot her a withering look. "No, smarty pants. This is what I do… Hell, I even have spares on the inside of my vest." He introduced himself, his voice carrying a note of pride. "I'm Jensen Harp. First Class Grenadier Infantry."

Jackie couldn't help but chuckle at his response, feeling a sense of camaraderie forming. She offered her own introduction, "Jacqueline Beanstalk… Ummm… Scrapper from Jacobson Colony."

Harp raised his eyebrow. "Colony Jacobson? That's a long way from home."

Before their conversation could continue, the entry flap of the tent was swept open, revealing the entrance of a tall figure with fading white hair. Harp snapped to attention, saluting the newcomer.

The newcomer's gaze shifted from Harp to Jackie, his posture relaxed and commanding. He extended a hand toward her, a warm smile gracing his features. "My young lady. The name is General Amadeus Goose. Charmed to meet you."

Jackie took his calloused hand in hers, shaking it firmly as she returned his gaze.

General Goose withdrew a palm pad from his pocket and directed it toward Jackie, scanning her face intently. "How'd you get here, Miss Beanstalk?"

Realizing that there is no point in hiding the truth, Jackie would answer this man’s questions. She withdrew the portal pod from her pocket, her voice hinted with a mix of desperation and curiosity, "Please, help me make sense of this."

General Goose and Harp exchanged a glance of surprise and confusion, the mysterious trinket in Jackie's hand clearly puzzling them.

With a deep breath, General Goose began to explain, his voice measured, "Miss Beanstalk, you are aware of the ongoing starvation that has swept our solar system, correct?"

Jackie nodded in solemn agreement.

General Goose continued, "The joint operation of the Solar System Confederation and the Galactic Army has commissioned an expedition to find a new world, a world that could sustain us. The breakthrough in portal travel between various solar systems has given us a chance to discover new realms. Fortunately, we found a planet, Cassel, that bears a resemblance to Earth itself." He went on to describe the lush landscapes and rich soil of Cassel, offering hope that they could cultivate crops to end the starvation crisis.

Harp interjected with a somber tone, "Unfortunately, Cassel is not unoccupied. The giants, as we call them, fiercely defend their territory, leaving us in a relentless conflict."

General Goose sighed, the weight of responsibility etched on his features. "Our objective is not to cause harm, Miss Beanstalk. We are merely striving to secure our borders."

Struggling to comprehend the grander picture, Jackie posed a question, her voice laced with concern, "You're not going to cause any genocide, are you?"

General Goose met her gaze steadily, his response measured. "We are looking to secure our place here, not obliterate the natives. There is enough land to be shared here in Cassel."

Jackie's confusion remained palpable as she pointed to the portal pod in her hand. "Explain this. I got this from a man in Jacobson."

With a hint of annoyance, General Goose retrieved the portal pod from Jackie and examined it. He activated his palm pad and scanned it before revealing a holographic face. Holding the pad before Jackie, he asked, "Do you recognize this man?"

Recognition surged within her, and Jackie exclaimed, "That's the man who traded this portal pod for my salvage cruiser!"

Harp scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Tch. Captain Jim Merchant. One of the few deserters in our ranks."

General Goose's expression hardened, his voice laced with frustration. "Seems like combating these giant natives can be frustrating for the men and women. That is why some soldiers leave us."

Harp added bitterly, "High-ranking officers are equipped with portal pods just in case of duty calls... This desertion of Captain Merchant is disheartening."

As Jackie listened to this new information, General Goose addressed her, his tone measured and final. "Miss Beanstalk, you've been cooperative… You're free to leave and return to our solar system. The giant portal at the rear of the campsite will take you back. You'll end up in a military colony in one of Saturn's rings."

A sense of relief washed over Jackie, the weight of the situation beginning to lift.

Their conversation was interrupted by an urgent entry, a soldier bursting into the tent. "General! The natives are attacking our power station, and they're breaching our last line of defense!"

General Goose's expression turned grave as he addressed Harp and the soldier. "Mobilize for defense!" The general's voice resonated with command, the urgency of the situation calling them to action.


The campsite buzzed with frantic energy as the chaos unfolded. Captains barked orders, their voices blending into an urgent chorus. Amidst the disarray, General Goose retreated to his tent, his expression grave as he assessed the situation.

Soldiers rushed around, a frenzied dance of mobilization and readiness. The campsite transformed into a flurry of action, and the scene was filled with the sight of soldiers sprinting, arming themselves, and boarding the assault cruisers lined up for battle.

Amid the panic and urgency, Jensen Harp shielded Jackie, guiding her through the pandemonium. Their path led them to the far end of the campsite, where the monumental portal stood, its ethereal glow casting a blue, mesmerizing light around it.

Harp's voice carried a note of urgency as he explained, "Alright, Miss Beanstalk. This is your ticket home. Just hop on, and a crew from the Galactic Army on the other side will guide you."

Jackie nodded, her heart pounding, but before she could express her gratitude, Harp hurried away to meet with other soldiers engaged in strategics.

Jackie stood before the massive portal, mere inches away from her passage back home. A swirl of emotions tugged at her. The pull of the portal was irresistible. As she stepped forward, ready to embrace her return, Jensen Harp's frustrated voice echoed across the camp.

"What do you mean my pilot is gone? Dammit! We can't have more deserters!"

Harp's voice crackled with annoyance over his radio, distress calls filling the airwaves, punctuated by the agonized screams of those whose lives were ending in terror.

Jackie's heart pounded, her steps halting as she turned back to Harp. She seized his arm, compelling him to face her. "Harp! I will be your pilot!"

Harp's incredulous expression met her determination. "What do you know about piloting any of the army cruisers?"

Jackie's response was resolute, her voice unwavering. "I'm a scrapper. I fly salvage cruisers in space!"

The soldiers around them nodded in agreement, adding their unspoken affirmation.

Harp locked eyes with Jackie, assessing her with newfound respect. "Suit up, Miss Beanstalk. You're flying with us."

Minutes later, on the western wing of the campsite, a sleek and slender cruiser sprawled out, its circular wings and double propellers giving it an air of agility and speed. The craft bore the name "Hummingbird," fitting for its compact and efficient design.

Harp explained, "This is the Aerial Assault Cruiser. The Hummingbird."

Jackie observed the vessel, noting its similarities in size to her old Margarida.

Six soldiers, including Harp, filed into the Hummingbird's rear hull. Jackie settled into the pilot's seat, her hands settling on the interface that, though different, bore a semblance to that of her old Margarida.

As Jackie prepared for takeoff, the Hummingbird jerked forward violently, eliciting a chorus of annoyed exclamations from the soldiers inside. Harp's voice broke through the chaos, his urgency evident. "There's no time to test-pilot this bird, Jackie!"

Summoning her courage, Jackie steeled herself and guided the Hummingbird upwards. The engine roared to life, propelling them into the sky with a swift acceleration that blurred the edges of her vision.

Harp's voice crackled over the radio, his words a beacon of hope. "Hummingbird is good to go. Enter coordinates, and we'll be right there."

In the cockpit, Jackie felt a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation, her focus entirely on the task at hand. Harp directed her toward the ongoing skirmish, and as they approached, the battlefield's chaotic panorama unfolded before them.

A sea of giants clashed with the galactic army, the brutal skirmish a grim reminder of the stakes involved. Jackie absorbed the sight, the chaos, and the urgency, her heart pounding.

Harp's voice rang in her ears, guiding her with unwavering precision. "Fly low enough and circle around that giant."

Jackie's gaze locked onto the massive figure, "Are you serious? I'm not flying near that thing!"

Harp's reassurances cut through her anxiety, his voice a steady anchor. "Now is not the time to fall back. Get us close; our people need us. I won't let anything happen to you."

Summoning her courage, Jackie focused on her task. She maneuvered the Hummingbird toward the giant, her hands steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

As the Hummingbird descended, the details of the giant's appearance came into sharp relief. Its immense stature, wild hair, and powerful presence evoked a mix of awe and fear within Jackie. Aliens, beings she could never have imagined, were now a vivid reality before her.

The sight of the giant spurred her into action, her resolve deepening. The Hummingbird moved in a synchronized ballet of flight, evading the creature's massive limbs while maintaining a calculated distance.

Amidst the chaos, the Hummingbird's momentum began to shift, a sense of purpose and determination radiating from its compact form.

Harp's command echoed in Jackie's ears, a call to arms that ignited a fierce determination within her. She keyed in on the group of giants assaulting a power station, her focus unyielding.

With precision and resolve, Jackie guided the Hummingbird, its propellers sliced through the air. The craft maintained a strategic distance, allowing the grenadiers on board to focus their firepower on the enemy.

Amid the tumultuous battlefield, a symphony of rifle fire erupted from the Hummingbird's crew. The salvos of grenades rained down on the giants, unleashing a devastating barrage that brought several of the giants to their knees.

The giants, initially focused on the skirmish at the power station, now turned their attention to the new threat—the Hummingbird. Their roars of fury echoed across the battlefield, their massive forms swaying as they attempted to evade the onslaught.

In a calculated move, Jackie and the Hummingbird darted and weaved through the chaos. The soldiers on board coordinated their attacks, their precise timing and calculated aim proved to be a formidable force against the giants.

Yet, as the dust settled and victory seemed within reach, a shadow loomed above the Hummingbird, casting a dark pall over their efforts. The rhythmic thud of giant footfalls resonated, and a colossal figure descended upon them with breathtaking speed.

Harp's voice cut through the cacophony, a desperate warning. "LOOK OUT!"

The collision came suddenly and violently. The force of the impact sent shock waves through the Hummingbird, its structure quaking under the onslaught. Jackie's grip on the controls tightened as the world spun around her. The giant's blow sent the Hummingbird into a downward spiral, and a chorus of yells and shouts filled the air.


Shaking off the disorienting impact of the crash, Jackie emerged from the wreckage of the Hummingbird, her head swimming as she assessed the situation. Bodies littered the ground around her, and her heart sank as she realized the devastation.

With determination, she began the grim task of pulling bodies from the flattened wreckage. Her strength waned with each effort, but she knew she had to do whatever she could to help. Among the lifeless forms, Jackie's efforts yielded a small victory as she managed to extract one body—Jensen Harp.

Limping and bruised, they emerged from the wreckage together, their faces etched with shock and horror. The battlefield, once a stage of chaos and battle cries, now bore the haunting silence of defeat.

Jackie's eyes scanned the scene, her heart heavy with grief. The once-thriving battleground had transformed into a grim tableau of fallen comrades, both human and giant. She assumed she and Harp were the only survivors, their fates hanging in the balance.

But reality proved to be even more nightmarish. As they turned to assess their surroundings, a chilling sight met their gaze—a lone giant, its eyes locked onto them, drawn by the scent of survivors.

Panic surged within them, adrenaline fueling their desperate flight. Without a second thought, they sprinted away from the battlefield, their limbs driven by survival instinct. They hurdled over the bodies of soldiers and giants alike, their breaths ragged with exertion.

The ground rumbled with the giant's heavy pursuit, each step a menacing thunder that drove Jackie and Harp to push themselves harder. Desperation gave them strength as they hurtled over obstacles and raced toward the horizon.

The giant's presence loomed closer, urging them to run faster. But amidst the chaos, disaster struck—Harp stumbled and fell, caught in a pile of bodies.

Jackie's heart clenched in her chest as she slid to a halt, her instinct pulling her back. She turned to look back at Harp, her expression torn between fear and determination.

Harp's voice was urgent, "Keep going, Jackie!"

Jackie wavered for a split second before she shook her head, her feet carrying her back to Harp's side. She knelt beside him, her hands working quickly to free his trapped foot.

The ground trembled beneath them as the giant grew nearer. The danger was gaining close, their window of escape shrinking. Jackie's fingers fumbled as she unhooked grenades from Harp's vest, her hands working with haste.

With a loud boom that crashed through the air, the grenades found their mark, creating a barrier between the giant and its prey. The explosion staggered the giant, granting Jackie and Harp a brief reprieve.

With the giant temporarily incapacitated, Jackie worked quickly to free Harp, her movements swift and determined. Her heart pounded in her chest as Harp's foot came free, their eyes met in a shared understanding of the dire situation.

Without hesitation, they sprinted once more, their legs pumping as they raced toward safety. The giant's roar of fury echoed behind them, its footsteps a relentless drumbeat that spurred them on.

As they neared the campsite, the towering electrical field came into view—a potential sanctuary from the pursuing giant. Harp's voice rang out, his urgency clear. "Get us in!"

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they reached the electrical field just as it flickered off, granting them passage for a few precious seconds. Harp's words urged Jackie forward.

They darted through the protective barrier, their breaths ragged with exertion as the giant's massive fists pounded against the barrier. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the metallic clang of metal striking metal whipped through the air.

The pair ran past the tent, where General Goose emerged. The general was armed, ready to defend the campsite with his own life.

Harp grabbed Jackie’s hand and led her to the far end to where the giant portal stood.

Harp's voice was urgent, his gaze fixed on Jackie's. "You need to get back. I still have enough grenades to blow the portal. It is the only way the giant won’t breach our solar system."

Tears filled Jackie's eyes, her voice choked with emotion. "You better be here when I return."

Harp winked at her, a flicker of reassurance that lifted her spirits. With a swift embrace, Harp pushed her toward the portal, his determination clear.

Jackie stumbled forward, her heart heavy with conflicted emotions. With one last look, she witnessed Harp's unyielding resolve as he prepared the grenades that would seal her escape.

The portal swallowed Jackie, its ethereal glow a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Jackie's heart raced as she transcended the portal, the world around her twisting and warping with a dazzling display of light.

As the portal closed behind her with a deafening explosion, Jackie found herself on the other side, surrounded by a group of soldiers. Their expressions were a mix of awe and admiration, their gazes fixed on her.

Jackie's breath caught in her throat, her gaze drawn back to the portal that had brought her here. The once-glowing rift was now dark and lifeless, an eerie void that seemed to echo with the memory of the battle that had transpired.

A gentle hand rested on Jackie's shoulder, drawing her attention to a tall and lean figure. The woman's voice was measured and calm, "Were you the one piloting the Hummingbird back there?"

Jackie nodded, her throat dry as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Yes, that was me."

The woman continued, her voice carrying a note of empathy. "We received transmission footage of the skirmish on Cassel. One hell of a pilot you are. Ever thought about enlisting? The army ensures that soldiers’ families are taken care of."

Jackie's thoughts were a whirlwind, her emotions a tumultuous mix of relief, grief, and confusion. Her voice trembled as she spoke. "Who are you?"

The woman introduced herself with a warm smile, her eyes holding a depth of understanding. "I'm Captain Henrietta Goldstein. My squad calls me Captain Henny."

Jackie's salute was automatic, a reflexive response to the woman's rank. The weight of her recent experiences and the honor bestowed upon her seemed to settle on her shoulders. "Welcome to the Galactic Army, Private Jacqueline Beanstalk."

Sci FiYoung AdultShort StoryMicrofictionFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

TJ Decena

I am a Calgary based writer, screenwriter, poet and author.

Writing saved me.

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Comments (1)

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  • S. A. Crawford9 months ago

    I love your style in this piece TJ - it's funny and raucous, but it comes across clearly!

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