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It's in my blood

The story of Evanara and Raek

By Kerrilee ZarrellaPublished 3 years ago 46 min read
It's in my blood
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

An eerie mist hung over the ransacked homes and blood stained streets as the smell of death loomed in the air. That was the scene after the vampires attacked Daken City. The Caloman sisters were dragged from their beds and forced to watch a vicious mob of hungry vampires feed on their parents. However, a perfectly timed blackout was all that was needed to give 16-year-old Veil an opportunity to escape. The creature holding her was barefoot, so she grabbed the poker from the fireplace and stabbed it through the top of his foot. The creature shrieked and instinctively grabbed at the poker in his foot, releasing Veil. Once she was free, she fled the house and hid in her father’s workshop, just as a group of vampire hunters entered the house. The screams and sounds of shattering glass and splintering wood echoed in Veil’s ears as she squeezed her eyes shut. Meanwhile, back inside, the creature holding 14-year-old Evanara slinked out of view of the hunters and pulled her into a nearby closet. He clamped his cold hand over her mouth and stared into her terrified eyes with a grin full of fangs, “I could kill you now and end your misery, but where’s the fun in that? It would be much more fun to watch you be killed by your own kind!” the creature hissed,sinking his fangs into her neck. Evanara felt a sharp burning pain in her neck, followed by numbness, and then everything went black…

The creature tossed Evanara’s limp, half-lifeless body out the broken kitchen window before retreating to the forest with the surviving vampires. From the workshop, Veil heard the dull thud of her sister’s body hitting the ground, she peered out of the small window and saw Evanara lying on the ground before her. “Oh my God, Eva!” she shrieked. Veil glanced both ways before opening the workshop door and running to her sister, picking her limp body up off the cold ground and carrying it back into the workshop. Inside, Veil looked over Evanara’s small body, “Oh no... Eva, don’t be dead, please, you can’t be, I’m sorry I left you!” Veil sobbed into her hands. As the girl wept, Evanara let out a small groan. “Eva? You’re alive? Oh, thank God!” Veil yelled, wrapping her arms around her sister and hugging her tight. Evanara quickly recoiled away, pressing herself against the back wall of the workshop.

“Don’t come near me Veil, I’m a monster!” she screamed and then began to cry.

“What are you talking about?” Veil asked.

“That creature inside, he bit me and said it would be fun seeing me killed by my own kind.” She turned her head, revealing the wound on her neck. Veil let out a sharp gasp and cupped her hands over her mouth.

“What did I do?” She thought as a tear ran down her cheek. “Eva, I apologize for leaving you behind, I was scared, I panicked, and didn’t think. I’m so sorry” Veil cried. “I’m going to protect you and we’ll learn how to deal with this, I promise.” She scooted towards Evanara, the girls looked at each other with tear-stained faces and hugged.

Over the next 4 years, Veil and Evanara fortified the neighbor’s vacant house and moved in, all the while researching everything they could on vampires, filling Evanara with self-loathing. She learned how to keep her fangs retracted unless she was feeding, Veil even supplied her with squirrels twice a week to satisfy her bloodlust, she always covered her neck with a turtleneck or scarf, and she started a group of vampire hunters. To everyone else, she was just like them. The Dark Destroyers was the name of the vampire hunting group Evanara started. They trained several times a week and Evanara had become the most talented fighter the group had and they vowed to kill all bloodsuckers. Despite all this, a burning ache grew in Evanara’s heart. she was grateful for her sister who took care of her over the years and protected her, but Evanara wanted someone to love her for what she truly was. The more she thought about it, the more impossible she realized it was. How could she possibly hide being a vampire from someone she loved? She had a horrible scar that she always covered, twice a week she turned into a creature with fangs and a need for blood, nobody would ever love her… no human at least. One Friday night, while Veil was out with friends, Evanara got a hunger pain that a microwave meal couldn’t fix, she needed blood. “I guess I’m hunting for myself tonight.” Evanara said to herself. She left a note for Veil, grabbed her jacket and bow & arrow, and headed into the forest.

The humans had always remained within the city limits, leaving the forest to the vampires. However, as Evanara walked through the moonlit forest that night, she felt none of the fears that a normal human would feel inside the vampires’ domain. She felt free, safe, and oddly warm despite it being a cold autumn evening. As the moon cast a pale glow over Evanara, her canine teeth began to elongate and sharpen to a point, and her once-emerald green eyes turned as black as coal to match her long hair. She loosened her scarf and let it fall to the ground, running a finger over the scar on her neck as she took a deep breath of the cool, clean air of the forest. Her bow fell to the ground next to her jacket as she tilted her head back, her eyes adjusting to the midnight sky above her. Her head snapped back to the upright position when she heard something rustle in the leaves and she took off after the sound, as she chased the sound through the forest she felt her senses heighten and she never felt better, she jumped into the air and lunged forward. When she pulled her hands out of the leaves they held a furry wiggling squirrel. She lifted the small animal to her lips and sank her fangs into it. As she drained its blood, the animal fell limp and quiet, Evanara dropped the lifeless animal at her feet and licked her lips with delight. This was the first time she’d ever had fresh, warm blood, Veil would give them to her out of the fridge and it was not the same. “More!” Evanara hissed as she took off after another rustle of leaves. As she gained on the sound she could tell it was louder than a squirrel. As she leaped into the air she hoped for a fat little piglet or maybe a fawn. Evanara crashed into what felt like a tree and didn’t realize until they were heading towards the ground that she had tackled someone and not something… Evanara braced for an impact that never happened, whoever she tackled had hit the ground, sat up, and caught her in one motion. Evanara opened her eyes and was face to face with a man, a vampire man, a hot vampire man. He had a headful of shaggy, black curls, dark brown eyes that flashed a pure black when they met, a dimple infused, fang-filled smile and from what she could feel against her body he was in decent shape. Evanara sat in the man’s arms stunned as blood dripped from her fangs.

“Well, that’s one way to say hello.” he said in a low deep voice. Evanara scrambled to her feet.

"Oh shit, I’m so sorry, are you hurt?” she said. As the man rose to his feet, Evanara realized he towered over her, he was about six foot two and she was a tiny little thing at five foot nothing and 100 pounds soaking wet.

“I’m fine,” he chuckled “I’m Raek, and you are?” he asked, extending his hand to her.

“Oh, sorry. Hi Raek, I’m Evanara, or Eva for short,” she said, placing her hand in his, expecting a handshake. What she received instead blew her mind. Raek took Evanara’s hand and gently kissed the top of it.

“Pleased to meet you Evanara, your name is as beautiful as you are." he said. Evanara immediately felt herself blush and her knees got weak. She giggled and smiled shyly

“Thank you.” she squeaked, her heart was pounding like it was about to burst. For the first time in 18 years she felt free, she had her first taste of warm blood, and she met a man that called her beautiful, the real her.

“I was just taking a walk, would you like to join me?” Raek asked, Evanara wiped at the blood in the corners of her mouth and on her chin as she thought. Veil was out with friends, she was an adult, she could have friends too, and she left a note.

“Absolutely” Evanara beamed. Raek took her by the hand and they headed through the forest, “Where are we going?”

“To my hideout.” Raek answered as he looked at her and smiled. After a 3 minute walk, they arrived at what looked like an old workshop, Raek opened the door of the small shack and they went inside. In the middle of the small room was a firepit that Raek set ablaze with the snap of his fingers, Evanara was amazed, did she have powers like that as well? Around the firepit were old chairs and couches. Raek flopped back into one of the couches and pulled Evanara into his lap. “So I haven’t seen you around the village, because if I did I would have made you my girlfriend already, are you visiting?” Evanara couldn’t tell him the truth. “A self-hating vampire, living with humans? They’d fight over who kills me first!” she thought. Evanara quickly scrambled for a lie.

“I was feeding in the city and the hunters chased me this way, I’m from a village on the other side of the city.” she said sheepishly. Raek nodded his head before smiling warmly.

“So Evanara, care to tell me about yourself?" Raek said. Evanara sat in silence for a few moments before Raek said "Alright then, guess I’ll go first, I'm Raek Dagadan, I'm 20 years old, and I’m single but you could say I have my eye on someone." he winked at Evanara.

“I’m Evanara Caloman, I’m 18 years old, and I’m single as well, but I think I’ve just met the man of my dreams.” she cooed as she flashed him a fang-filled smile. Raek stood up and put Evanara on her feet,

“Follow me.” He took her by the hand, leading her to the other side of the workshop, the sky above was clear and open. Raek sat down and leaned back against the workshop, then motioned for Evanara to join him, she sat between his legs with her back against his chest. As they sat watching the night sky, Raek traced his fingers over the back of Evanara’s hand. A small breeze picked up and carried Raek’s scent right into Evanara’s nose, she inhaled and the scents of sage, leather, and a hint of fresh blood from a recent feeding created an intoxicating aroma and as she felt his breath on her neck Evanara’s body raged, a fire inside of her had been lit.

“I have to get back, but I want to see you again. How does tomorrow sound?” Evanara said, getting to her feet.

“I’d want nothing more.” Raek said wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her into him. Evanara looked up into his eyes, they were kind, romantic, and sexy; she didn’t see rage or malice. Raek lifted Evanara’s chin with his finger and kissed her. When their lips met Evanara closed her eyes, she saw fireworks and it felt like lava was coursing through her veins. Raek stumbled back when Evanara unexpectedly grabbed his shirt pulling them closer, “Holy shit, you!” he said breathlessly Evanara repeated an equally bewildered “Wow is right...” as she licked her lips. Raek insisted he return her to where he found her so she didn’t get lost on her way back. As they walked the path hand in hand, Raek reached out and plucked a moonflower off of a bush as they passed. When they reached the small clearing where they met Raek handed Evanara the moonflower. “Until tomorrow, my beautiful princess of the night.”

“Until tomorrow.” Evanara said, blowing him a kiss. Raek smiled as he took a few steps back, and a huge set of black bat-type wings popped out of his back, he launched himself into the sky and disappeared with a flash. Evanara watched in amazement “Whoa, can I fly?” she whispered to herself. Had she and Veil spent so much time trying to rid themselves of the vampire side that Evanara never reached her full potential?

Evanara was glowing as she returned home, she tucked her moonflower into her hair, picked up her jacket and bow & arrow, and went inside. When the front door closed, Veil called out to her from the kitchen,

“Eva? Is that you? Do you have any idea what time it is?” Veil came around the corner, and was terrified at the figure before her. Evanara was standing there with her blood-stained fangs exposed,dried blood on her lips and chin. Evanara’s smile was smashed away when she saw the look of terror on her sister’s face. Veil began “Oh my God, Eva look in the mirror, you look like a…”

“Like a what? A monster? A killer? A vicious bloodsucker?”

“Eva, you’re scaring me...” Evanara looked into her sister’s terrified eyes, as the black in her eyes melted away into emerald green, and her fangs receded

“I’m your damn sister!” she ran upstairs to her room and locked the door. Evanara threw her things on the floor and flung herself into bed. “How dare she say I’m scaring her, I come home with a story and questions and she shuns me. This is who I am, I can never change that and I guess Veil will truly never accept me. How could she betray me like this? Raek accepted me for who I am, he was never scared. I’m a vampire and I should be with other vampires...'' Evanara continued. That night,Evanara dreamed she was welcomed into the vampire village, her and Raek were betrothed in a beautiful ceremony and they had 2 beautiful children. The next morning after a much-needed shower Evanara filled 2 duffel bags with clothing and mementos and tossed some toiletries in her purse, instead of her jacket she put on the hooded cape from her training dummy and headed downstairs. Veil was already in the kitchen, Evanara entered the kitchen and dropped her bags with a thud. Veil turned and looked at her sister with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

"Eva, what the hell are you doing? And what are you wearing? You need a scarf, I can see your scar. And that cape looks ridiculous!” Veil shouted as she tried to tuck a scarf around Evanara’s neck. Evanara slapped her sister’s hand away

“No! I’m tired of hiding who I am and not being accepted, I came home last night with a love story and questions about powers I may have and you shunned me and said I was scaring you!” Evanara hissed. “So I’m going to live where I can be myself and I’ll be accepted for being a vampire. Not feared and hated.” Evanara continued.

“Eva, this is stupid, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Now go change your clothes, we have training in 20 minutes.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I’m leaving!”

“So I’m just supposed to tell people you left?"

“Tell them I moved, hell, tell them I’m dead. Like I give a shit!” Evanara grabbed her bags and slammed the door behind her. As Evanara headed towards the vampire village her fangs grew and she smiled as she headed down the path to her new life. Meanwhile, Veil plopped down onto the couch behind her.

“I can't believe she betrayed me, I protected her and raised her for years, then she walks out because I was startled that she looked like a serial killer!” she shouted to herself. Veil decided she would tell the Dark Destroyers that Evanara was out getting recruits from around the city and when the time was right she would say vampires killed her and that they should retaliate, and she would kill Evanara herself.

When Evanara approached the gates to the village, 3 very large men stepped out and blocked her path, they were each about 7 feet tall and just as wide,

“What are you doing here?” one of them asked. Evanara swallowed hard and said,

“I'm looking to move in, I'm from the other side of the city.” The 3 guards burst out laughing.

“Nice try, emerald eyes. That’s not how this works.” growled another one.

“But you will get to choose how I kill you!” roared the last, as he raised his hand to strike she closed her eyes and waited for impending doom.

“STOP!” A familiar-sounding low voice yelled out. Evanara opened her eyes and Raek was standing in front of her.

“Good morning, my princess.” Raek said, giving her a delicate kiss.

“Princess!?” the 3 guards gasped in unison. “Forgive us, Prince Raek we didn't know.”

“Don’t let it happen again or you will be on my dinner table” Raek growled.

“Holy shit, you're a prince?” Evanara was stunned.

“Yeah, it sucks, but we can discuss that later. Come inside, I’ll get you a blood latte.” Evanara had never even heard of such a thing, but it sounded delicious. They walked through the gates into a beautiful clearing, moonflowers grew everywhere and though they hadn’t bloomed, they still looked breathtaking. In the village square, a few children ran around giggling, people shopped, and dined, and did “normal” things.

“It’s beautiful, I love it” Evenara beamed, grasping Raek’s arm. They sat at a bench in the park, and she told Raek of her recent fight with Veil while she sipped on her blood latte.

“I'm so sorry to hear about your fight, Evanara. Rest assured you are more than welcome to stay with me for as long as you choose.” Raek offered graciously. Evanara happily accepted and they headed off to Raek’s home. They arrived at a modestly sized stone cottage, the outside was covered with climbing ivy and wisteria. “This probably isn’t what you were expecting when you heard I was a prince, right?” Raek asked as they arrived.

“Are you kidding me? This is beautiful and just... perfect!” Evanara gushed. She wrapped her arms around his waist and they pulled each other into a hug. They headed inside and Raek placed Evanara’s bags on the bench in the foyer.

“By all means, explore, investigate. It’s your home now too, and I don’t have any secrets so treat this as you would your own home,” Raek said with a grin. Evanara’s smile slowly melted away. I have to tell him the truth about me before it’s too late. I don’t want my lie to get out of hand, he’s not hiding anything, and I shouldn’t either, I have to do it now. She thought to herself.

“Raek, before this goes too far, I need to come clean with you.” Evanara said, they sat on the couch in the den and Evanara began to tell her story.

“Okay... When I was 14, a group of vampires attacked the city, they killed my parents, but decided to turn me. The one who attacked us said he wanted to see me be killed by the humans, so I spent the last 4 years living in hiding with my sister as a human, but it wasn’t living.” By now Evanara was shouting. “I had to hide my scar, drink cold animal blood, and I’m not even sure if I have powers like you!” Evanara continued “So, that’s my story, I’m sorry I lied to you the other night, and I’m not a full-blooded vampire, but I love this village and I really like you as well, but if you want me to leave I will.” The two of them sat in silence for a moment, before she stood up and looked at Raek with a tear in her eye. “It’s ok, I get it...” Evanara said quietly as she walked towards the door, Raek stood up and quickly ran after her.

“Where are you going?” he asked as a smile appeared on his lips.

“Don't you want me to leave?” Evanara asked, confused.

“Never in a million years.” Raek said calmly. “You came clean, it makes no difference how you became a vampire, and not to mention,you are my princess.” Evanara looked at Raek with a glimmer in her eye.

“You want me as your girlfriend?” she asked.

“I’d want nothing more, though I would like to do it our way if you don't mind” Raek said with a chuckle, “What’s your full name?”

“Evanara Esmerelda Caloman.” she giggled. Raek took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Evanara Esmerelda Caloman, will you be my girlfriend?” Evanara jumped across the room into Raek’s arms.

“Of course.” She beamed and kissed him softly. Raek gave Evanara a tour of the house and asked if she would like a tour of the village, she accepted and they headed out hand in hand. They visited almost every merchant in the village and she met practically all the villagers and they all accepted and adored her. As they headed back home Raek turned to Evanara.

“You know, my parents have probably heard about us, so a dinner invitation is probably on its way.” Evanara stopped dead in her tracks.

“I don’t have anything to wear to a castle!”

“Are you afraid of heights by any chance?” he asked

“No, why?” she said. Before she could finish her sentence, he wrapped his arms around her and in a flash they were soaring over the trees. Evanara breathed in the cool air rushing at her. “This is amazing!” she screamed and stretched her arms out as if she was flying. They landed at the mouth of a cave, “Where are we?” Evanara asked, looking around.

“My grandmother is the royal seamstress and all the women in the family have their dresses made by her, they match your soul,” Raek said. He took Evanara by the hand and he led her into the cave, at the end of the tunnel was a door, Raek knocked on the door before opening it. Raek’s grandmother Daliah was a small woman like Evanara, with gray hair and aqua blue eyes.

“Oh Raek my dear, I have missed you, where have you been?” Daliah asked as she got up from her chair and walked towards them

“you can come to see me anytime grandma,” Raek said, Daliah was intrigued by Evanara, she walked around her and said

“wow Raek, she’s a vision” she then looked at Evanara and said “I look forward to bowing to you one day my dear”.

“Bowing? Why would you bow to me?” Evanara gasped.

“Well dear when you and Prince Raek get betrothed, the current King and Queen step down, and it will be the kingdom of King Raek and Queen Evanara” Daliah explained.

“How do you know my name?” Evanara asked,

“Grandma, now she is going to think I only want to marry her to become king” Raek shouted.

“Ok, ok, everyone hush, now, I know your name dear because I can read souls, so you can trust me when I tell you that my grandson has never wanted to rule the kingdom and he cares deeply for you,” Daliah said softly. “Now Raek stop blushing, and go, make some tea, we’ve got a dress to make,” she said measuring Evanara, she worked frantically pulling out rolls of fabric and lace, she closed her eyes and held Evanara’s hand a few times to get things just right. When Daliah had finished she zipped the dress into a black garment bag, handed it to her and said “I also included some shoes and a shawl, and my dear you will be just fine tonight” she said kissing them both on the cheek. When they exited the cave Evanara said

“your Grandma said I would be just fine tonight what did she mean by that?”

“well my parents wanted me to wed for power, but I refused and told them I will only wed the woman I love, so if my mother is a bitch I apologize for her, and I really want to kiss you” Raek said picking Evanara up and kissing her passionately, their kiss was interrupted by Winston the crow. He came swooping down cawing and chirping and slammed into Raek’s back, when he turned around the bird jumped onto his arm and extended the leg containing a small scroll of paper tied with a purple ribbon, Raek took the note and read it out loud “King Alasar and Queen Laena request the presents of Prince Raek and Evanara for dinner tonight, see I told you so” Raek said, “We better get back”. On the way back Raek explained that Daliah had also chosen to wed for love but her love was a human, and her father was a ruthless vampire king so on her wedding night her Father fed on him and dropped his lifeless body at the altar, Daliah never recovered from that and moved in the cave and never left except to feed. Back at the cottage, Raek offered Evanara the shower or bath, she decided on a bath so she grabbed her things and headed into the bathroom. As she soaked in the tub her head swirled with thoughts. what if his parents hate me? Am I really going to be a queen? How does Raek know he wants to wed me so soon? She decided to take things on one at a time. She stepped out of the bath and wrapped herself in a towel then stared at the garment bag

“here goes nothing” she said, unzipping the bag. She took out a beautiful black velvet and red lace dress, it had a corset-like top that flowed into a beautiful full skirt that was dotted with moonflowers made from red lace, the shawl was simple yet beautiful, made from strips of velvet it resembled crow feathers, the shoes were simple black heels that tied around the ankle in a red lace bow. Evanara turned and looked in the mirror, she had tied up her long black hair and secured it with a few clips, she added some red lipstick and black eyeliner to finish her look. The dress fit her small frame perfectly and she felt Beautiful “wow” she whispered while studying herself in the mirror. She left the bathroom and went to find Raek who was waiting in the den, as Evanara approached Raek stood up and walked towards her wearing an all-black suit, he looked very handsome,

“wow, you look gorgeous” Raek said

“you look very handsome yourself” Evanara responded, he kissed her gently on the forehead and said with a smile and a wink

“I won’t smudge your makeup, now how would you like to travel tonight? We can walk, fly, but that’s not the best option when trying to be fancy, or we can take my horse”

“You have a horse?” Evanara squealed

“Ok horseback it is” Raek said laughing “just give me one minute”. Raek went outside and whistled extremely loud, within minutes a scruffy looking Vampire landed in front of the cottage

“Yes sir” the man said bowing

“I need you to bring Barnabus here asap and I need him dressed for dinner, and stop bowing to me” Raek boomed

“Yes sir” the man said once again before taking flight. Evanara stared up at the sky

“I wish I could fly” she cooed

“why can’t you?” Raek asked

“well...I don’t know, I never knew I had the ability until the other night when you flew, I guess Veil and I only spent time hiding the fact that I was a vampire. We never explored my full potential” Evanara said sadly. Raek lifted her chin with his finger

“ well that just means I can teach you” he said smiling. Moments later the thundering of horse hooves filled the air and Barnabus halted to a stop right in front of them he was wearing a black leather saddle and had black leather tack with gold fixtures. Evanara walked right up to the large dark horse and kissed his nose. The Horse bent a front leg and lowered his head “wow even the horse bowed to you” Raek chuckled. They mounted the horse and headed towards the castle, which was about a mile outside the village. Dagadan castle was a sprawling stone structure complete with guards, turrets, and a drawbridge while a beautiful waterfall flowed in the background. They got off Barnabus and Raek looked at Evanara as she stared in awe at her surroundings “you really are beautiful” Raek said as he handed Barnabus’ reins to a guard and took Evanara’s hand as they walked across the drawbridge, when they walked through the heavy wooden doors Evanara whispered to Raek

“I’m kinda nervous”, they stopped, he faced her and took both of her hands in his

“while my mother is a bitch, once she sees me happy she will warm up and as for my father who did want me to wed for power once he sees Mother is pleased he will follow suit, and your perfect you have nothing to worry about” Raek said with a reassuring smile, he gently kissed her lips and they continued to the throne room. An elderly man named Viktor announced our arrival

“your majesties your dinner guests Prince Raek and his date Evanara have arrived”

“you may let them in Viktor” King Alasar Bellowed. When the doors to the throne room opened Raek and Evanara walked in

“Mom, dad this is my beautiful girlfriend Evanara Caloman, she’s somewhat of a new vampire, doesn’t belong to a royal family and she’s perfect for me” Raek said, flashing her a dimple and fang-filled smile. Evanara blushed then curtsied politely and said

“King Alasar, Queen Leana it is a pleasure to meet you both”. The king and queen looked at each other very impressed then got up and approached them. Queen Leana took Evanara’s face in her hand placed her thumb on one side of her mouth and the rest of her fingers on the other side and gently squeezed pursing Evanara’s lips together, she turned her face left then right

“You have lovely emerald eyes, my dear” she said before releasing Evanara’s face, King Alasar simply said,

“Wow the Queen doesn’t compliment anyone, let us eat I’m famished”. The foursome headed to the dining room where the large table was set with four lavish place settings. Once they sat down a line of servants fluttered around filling wine glasses.

“What’s on the menu tonight?” Raek asked.

“We are having clotted soup, leg of man with fresh asparagus from the castle garden, and pound cake with strawberries and a blood glaze, sir,” said a servant girl. Evanara looked at Raek and whispered

“I’ve never had human blood before, and I have read that the experience is not done in public” Raek looked at her and said

“you mean erotic?” he was a bit too loud and his parents looked up at them curiously and then went back to their conversation.

“I'm going to show Evanara the view from the balcony before dinner,” Raek said, pulling out her chair, he took her by the hand and they disappeared out onto the balcony. Once outside Raek said

“ok we're breaking out of here I’ll send a message blaming myself later, but your right you can’t have your first human blood with my parents right there, now hang on” Evanara threw her arms around Raek’s neck, he jumped off the balcony and seconds later they were above the trees again. They landed in a park inside the city limits “ok my princess, let's get you some real food” Raek said he grabbed Evanara and kissed her passionately, once again igniting the fire inside of her, he pulled back after a minute and Evanara’s eyes were completely black, she smiled at him exposing her fangs and then took off towards a dimly lit house, Raek followed closely behind. Evanara quietly slipped into an open window and crept around in the shadows until she heard a heartbeat, Evanara dove through the air and landed on top of a young woman in her bed, the woman let out a shriek before Evanara sank her fangs into her neck, Raek watched from the doorway. The instant the warm human blood hit Evanara’s mouth she let out a low growl and pushed her fangs deeper into her victim’s neck increasing the blood flow. A young man who was in another room burst into the bedroom to aid his wife when Raek grabbed him and threw him on the bed next to his wife, Raek then jumped on top of him and sank his fangs into the man's neck. As Evanara fed her low growling was now accompanied by small moans of pleasure, Raek noticed and he intertwined his fingers in hers, she squeezed his hand hard, Evanara’s body was on fire, her senses were on overdrive, the human blood tasted so good and rich, much better from the thin, cold, metallic taste of squirrels. Evanara and Raek finished feeding at the same time, she looked up at him her mouth and face was stained with blood and it dripped off her chin, she licked her lips and pulled the clips out of her hair letting it fall down over her shoulders, Raek looked at her, she was covered in blood and breathing heavily, the moonlight that shone through the window made it look like she was glowing, he wiped his chin on his sleeve and growled “you are so damn beautiful”. Evanara jumped from the lifeless body on top of Raek, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and crashed her lips into his and kissed him hard, then moved her hands to his hair and tangled her fingers in his curls. Raek let out a small moan as his hands reached her hips and he pulled her into him, Evanara untangled her fingers from Raek’s curls and began to undo her corset, Raek put his hand up and stopped her “we can't, not here, it’s not safe” Raek whispered as he tried to catch his breath and he kissed her gently. No sooner than he said it wasn't safe and the bedroom door was kicked open by a group of vampire hunters, Raek and Evanara jumped to the ceiling

“holy shit, im sticking” Evanara said

“Ok good, now I need you to trust me, get to the window and jump” Raek said as they dodged items the hunters were throwing at them. Raek got to the window and kicked it out sending glass flying, he jumped out the window, and hovered a safe distance away, seconds later Evanara lept out the window and screamed as she fell towards the ground. “Fly, my princess” Raek yelled,

“I cant” Evanara screamed, as the ground approached faster she closed her eyes tightly and envisioned herself flying. A pair of red bat type wings ripped through the back of Evanara’s dress and lifted her into the sky. “Holy shit, Raek i'm flying” she giggled as she zipped in circles

“that's wonderful babe, but we need to get outta here” he shouted as he grabbed her hand and they headed back towards the forest. They landed on the roof of the cottage

“can we sit up here for a while?” Evanara said

“of course” answered Raek as he sat down, Evanara climbed into his lap and put her head on his shoulder, Raek wrapped his arms around her as a cool breeze blew past.

“What a day!” Evanara said with a yawn “I can't believe I flew, I have wings” she giggled sleepily as Raek began to stroke the back of her hair she yawned again, “I hope your parents aren't mad…” Evanara said before she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

“Oh fuck, my parents” Raek sighed, he looked down at Evanara who was sleeping peacefully, he picked her up, jumped off the roof, and brought her inside. He took off her shawl and shoes, tucked her into his bed, kissed her forehead and whispered “good night my princess”, before turning off the light. He headed to the den where Winston the crow was asleep on the couch, Raek chuckled to himself as he untied the note

“Prince Raek, your mother and I are not impressed with your little disappearing act this evening so your mother has arranged a luncheon for you and your date to attend tomorrow afternoon at the castle garden, AND NO DISAPPEARING!”

Raek groaned as he sat down at his desk his note read

“hey mom and dad i'm sorry about dinner, i felt like showing off so we went to the waterfall and lost track of time, we will be there for lunch, love Raek”

He tied it to Winstons leg and said “lets go sleepy bird to the castle” Winston shook his feathers, stretched his wings and took off out the window. Raek walked back to the bedroom and stood in the doorway, as he watched Evanara sleep he thought wow she’s even beautiful when she sleeps, she was so happy when she stuck to the ceiling, and when she flew i'll never forget the look on her face, and oh man the way she looked at me after we fed, I can't wait to make her my Queen. Raek took off his shirt and slid into the bed, he wrapped his arm around Evanara and fell asleep. The next morning Evanara woke up feeling better than ever, she noticed Raek wasn't there so she went to find him. She found him in the kitchen fiddling with a counter top machine

“Good morning...” she cooed. Raek spun around

“good morning my sleepy princess” he said

“what are you doing?” she asked.

“Well you loved the blood latte, so I bought the machine so you can have them whenever, but I can't figure out how to get this damn thing to work properly” he groaned, Evanara walked over to him

“aww that's very sweet of you, let me see the instructions maybe I can figure it out. A half hour and several showers of steamed milk later they were both enjoying a blood latte. “I would like to thank you Raek” Evanara said

“for what” Raek asked

“for last night, the human, helping me expose my powers and my wings” Evanara beamed

“no need to thank me, you had it all along you just needed someone to show you the way” Raek said with a wink. “My parents want us for lunch today” Raek said “but its lunch in the garden so its casual, no dress needed.”

“Lunch sounds wonderful, I just need a shower and a change of clothes,” Evanara said.

“Yeah you fell asleep on the roof last night so i put you to bed, I wasn't going to strip you..unknowingly” he said with a chuckle. They showered, changed their clothes and walked hand in hand to the castle garden. When they arrived at the gate Queen Laena met them there.

"Hello Raek, Evanara"

"Hello Queen Laena"

"Your father insisted I wait for you here and walk with you to the garden, after last night's fiasco" said the queen.

"Yeah well sorry about that" Raek chuckled as he smiled at Evanara. The garden was set with a beautiful table, and King Alasar sat at the helm,

"We will be having the leftovers from last night seeing as you two missed it" boomed the king.

"Raek what if I get overzealous again?" Evanara whispered,

"just squeeze my hand like you did last night" he whispered back. The servants filed out again filling wine glasses and placing baskets of rolls on the table, then came the soup. Evanara sat forward and smelled it, the aroma swirled around her nostrils making her stomach growl. As they enjoyed lunch and talked Evanara ate slowly so she didn't get too excited, she was sure she had probably broken Raek's hand. Before they headed home Queen Laena insisted Raek take Evanara to the stables and let her pick out a horse of her own. When they arrived at the stables one of the stable hands brought out 3 horses that were available, Evanara picked the gray horse with black spots

"I think I'll name you Moonlight since you look like the moon" Evanara said kissing the horses nose, the stable hand told them the horses would be in Raek's barn by morning. That night Raek told Evanara that he had a surprise for her. He blindfolded her and led her to the backyard, laid out with his arms and legs bound, on the picnic table was a man. Raek took the blindfold off Evanara

"are you hungry?" He asked, Evanara clapped her hands

"aww thank you" she cooed, Raek grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her face to his,

“eat princess” he whispered and kissed her deeply. Evanara jumped onto the man's chest and dragged her nails down his neck, she found his pulse, and sank her fangs into his flesh. Raek stood back and smiled as he watched his future wife feed her hunger. When she was finished her body was on fire, her heart was pounding and she was breathing heavily, she needed Raek! She burst into the cottage and Raek was coming out of the kitchen. Evanara flew through the air and Raek caught her in his arms, she kissed his face wildly, leaving bloody lip prints all over his face. Raek walked with Evanara in his arms over to the bed and she was frantically tearing her clothes off. He set her down and whispered "calm down my princess, there's no need to rush",

"it's the blood, it does something to me, I'm sorry" she said trying to catch her breath

"don't be sorry, you will get used to it" Raek said as he kissed her passionately. That night they made love, and fell asleep in each other's arms. As the months passed Evanara and Raek's relationship blossomed into a beautiful love. One day while Evanara was at the market the royal guards came into the clearing blowing the message horns. Evanara walked closer to the clearing to hear what was going to be said.

"We have a message from Prince Raek" the guard announced. Raek rose into the sky from behind the guards

"where is my princess?" He called out, Evanara waved her hands

"I'm right here sweetheart" he dropped down right in front of her

"Evanara Esmeralda Caloman, will you do me the honor and become my wife and queen?" He said as he dropped to his knee and held out a ring. Evanara screamed

"yes!" Before tackling Raek to the ground and kissing him deeply. When they sat up Evanara was giggling as Raek slid the ring on her finger, it was a golden band containing a moonstone and a bloodstone, that intertwined. "Raek its beautiful" Evanara gushed as she looked at the ring and tears ran down her cheeks. Raek opened his wings and held out his hand

"ready to go spread the news, Queen Evanara?"

"Absolutely, King Raek." they smiled at each other and flew off towards the castle. As they told Raek's parents about the betrothal the royal press was already printing flyers for the engagement party. The king and queen were ecstatic, over the months they too had grown to love Evanara as one of their own.

"You two have much to plan, where will it be, who's invited, and who will we eat?" Asked king Alasar,

"and your dress needs to be made" interrupted queen Leana.

"Ok guys back off, this is me and Evanara's betrothal and we will plan everything" Raek said. That night Evanara and Raek cuddled up on the couch with a notebook and pen

"ok first things first, when?" Evanara asked, Raek thought for a moment

"well it's the end of May so how about the first weekend of June"

"perfect" Evanara said as she jotted it down, "ok where?" She asked

"You pick the place, my love" Raek said.

"Ok umm how about the ceremony is at the waterfall and the reception can be at the castle?" Evanara suggested,

"Sounds like a party." Raek said. They both agreed that the whole village would be invited and as for the food, well they never got that far. They decided that making love as an engaged couple was a little more fun. Over the next few days they were very busy with errands and getting things ready.

The royal press had printed up lovely flyers that read "You are cordially invited to the betrothal of Prince Raek Dagadan and Evanara Caloman, Saturday June 2nd. The ceremony begins at 10am at the waterfall followed by a reception at the castle" and It had a picture of the happy couple. The flyers were passed out through the village. That very morning inside the city limits Veil Caloman was going for a morning run when a flyer blew into her face

"ugh what is this trash?" Veil said, ripping it away from her face. She saw the picture of her sister on the bottom so she shoved it in her pocket and headed home. When she got home Veil pulled the paper out of her pocket and began to read "cordially invited to the wedding of prince Raek and Evanara Caloman?, the bitch found herself a prince huh, so now she's just going to live in the lap of luxury after betraying me? We'll see about that" Veil said as she began to kick her plan into action. Back in the village Evanara was at Daliah's having her dress made, as the old woman adjusted the veil she sighed

“You’re very lucky Evanara, Raek loves you deeply, I loved once, a love like you and Raek have, but he was human and my father didn't approve. So he killed him and left his lifeless body at the altar for me and the wedding party to find”

“Oh Daliah, that’s horrible I’m so sorry” said Evanara.

“But you and Raek are getting married so it's a happy time” Daliah said smiling.

“Daliah you must come to the wedding” demanded Evanara

“oh no I don't leave my cave unless I need to feed, I can’t, I’m sorry” Daliah said shaking her head

“please, you were the first person in the family that I met, you were so kind to me, and it would mean the world to Raek as well” Evanara begged

“No, I'm sorry, I can't,” Daliah said a bit louder. The rest of the fitting was done in silence until the very end, when Daliah spoke.

“you can pick your dress up in a few days dear”

“Thank you Daliah, and i'm sorry for upsetting you” Evanara said gently

“oh no I’m fine dear, don't you worry your pretty little head”. Evanara said goodbye and flew back to the cottage where Raek was waiting for her, he had their horses saddled up and a picnic packed, he was planning on taking Evanara on a moonlit dinner at the waterfall, their future wedding spot. As the happy couple headed off to a romantic evening the scene inside the city limits was not so pretty. Veil Caloman stood on the steps of city hall and told the humans a twisted lie.

“7 months ago my little sister Evanara left our neighborhood to find recruits for our hunting group the Dark Destroyers, when she didn't return I went searching and found out that she was a meal for some bloodsucker! But on June 2nd, in one week they will all be gathered at the castle for a royal wedding, the Dark Destroyers are going to attack but we are a small group and need help, so who will help us with our attack on these bloodsuckers” Veil shouted to the crowd of cheering humans. By now the sun was setting in the village, Raek and Evanara were tucked under a tree, on a blanket next to the waterfall.

“I love you very much Evanara” Raek whispered “you truly are the darkness in my life”

“I love you too Raek, more than anything” Evanara cooed, then she pulled him into a kiss. Raek and Evanara made love next to the waterfall that night and they unknowingly conceived a child. Over the next week Veil, who had taken over the Dark Destroyers after Evanara left, was vigorously training herself and a group of about 100 humans. While Evanara and Raek finalized flower arrangements, ordered a cake, picked up her dress and his tux, and hired a band Veil and the group were busy finding a way in undetected, ordering crossbows, fashioning wooden tipped bullets and sharpening stakes. The night before the wedding Raek and Evanara had dinner at the castle as they discussed how the transfer of power worked.

“After the wedding when all the guests have arrived here your mother and I will introduce you as husband and wife and then we will turn over the throne” explained King Alasar. Veil was making sure everything was ready for her attack. The morning of the wedding Evanara was up early so she could get to the castle, Queen Leana was going to help her get ready, but she found herself in the bathroom vomiting what seemed like buckets.

“What's wrong with me?” Evanara said to herself “I never vomit” Evanara then remembered that vampires have different pregnancies than humans, they have symptoms earlier, the pregnancy only lasts for 6 months and it can be confirmed within a week. Evanara reached under the bathroom sink for a test that she had thought she needed a few months back, she took the test and then called Raek in the room and told him what was going on. The happy couple sat in the bathroom for 5 minutes awaiting news. “Ok it's been 5 minutes” said Evanara

“What's it say?” asked Raek. Evanara reached for the test with shaky hands, and stared at it for a moment.

“Raek, I’M PREGNANT!” Evanara screamed,

“holy shit im going to be a dad!, and you’re going to be a mom!” Raek shouted as he picked Evanara up off the bathroom floor and spun her around, he kissed her gently and whispered “this is the best day of my life, i'm making my love my wife and now I find out we are expecting a child”, Evanara and Raek had a short lived celebration before she had to head off to the castle, they kissed goodbye and Evanara took flight. With the wedding and the transfer of power happening today they decided to wait before announcing the child. When Evanara arrived at the castle she headed straight to the dressing room where Queen Laena was waiting for her.

“Darling your late we only have an hour and a half to get you ready”

“Im sorry Queen Laena we had a surprise this morning” Evanara said,

“Well no matter, let's go, times wasting” proclaimed the Queen. They started with hair, Queen Laena styled, brushed, and twisted Evanara’s hair into a beautiful updo. Next came make-up, “good thing you're naturally beautiful, so you don't need any make-up, but we are going to enhance it for your wedding” said the Queen as she patted and smeared on some lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara. Evanara slipped into her black silk wedding dress with red lace trim, she wore a pair of simple heels, her veil was a long piece of black tulle that was attached to black and white moonflowers, she slid on her garter belt and she was ready. “You look beautiful Evanara” said Queen Laena as she straightened her dress.

“absolutely stunning” said a familiar voice.

“Daliah?” Evanara shrieked as she spun around. The old woman stood in the doorway wearing a simple dress and a smile. "Oh I'm so happy you're here" beamed Evanara as tears filled her eyes.

"Oh don't cry dear you'll smudge your face" Daliah said.

"It's wonderful to see you out and about Daliah" said queen Laena,

"yes well Raek and Evanara remind me of Hank and myself, we never got the chance to enjoy our wedding so I'm seeing this as a second chance to see a beautiful love fully bloom". After Daliah's speech Evanara and queen Laena had to dry their eyes. Back at the cottage Raek, king Alasar, and a few childhood friends put the finishing touches on their tuxedos. Raek looked striking in his royal tux. His friends joked about him not being a bachelor anymore

"Evanara is the love of my life and I wouldn't trade that for anything, I hope you men find love like our's someday" Raek told his friends. They all took a shot of blood rum which is the blood from a virgin mixed with top shelf rum then aged in barrels of hickory for several years. "Let's not be late" said Raek checking the clock, the men headed to the castle on horseback. The altar was set up in front of the waterfall and draped in flowers. Evanara waited in the hallway leading to the waterfall with Daliah who agreed to walk her down the aisle. Back in the city Veil and the Dark Destroyers were busy packing their bags full of weapons and reviewing the plan one last time before heading out into the forest towards the vampire village. Evanara heard the royal guard play Raek’s arrival tone.

“Oh Dahlia i'm so nervous i could vomit” said Evanara fussing with her gown,

“is it nerves or the baby?” Dahlia whispered, rubbing Evanara’s belly.

“How did you know?” she gasped.

“I read souls dear remember, and don’t worry it’s our little secret” Dahlia said with a smile. Raek walked down the aisle to the altar, he kissed his parents and they took their seats. As Raek stood at the altar the doors in front of Evanara opened and she saw him waiting for her in all his handsome glory, she took a deep breath and walked towards her future husband with Daliah on her arm. When they reached the altar Raek hugged Daliah

“i'm so glad to see you out and about” he whispered,

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, and congratulations on the baby, and i know it's our little secret” Daliah whispered back, she kissed them each on the cheek and took her seat. As the magistrate began his speech the Dark Destroyers had breached the gate by using cross bows to take out the guards, the clearing was empty so they followed the trail of confetti and flower petals towards the waterfall.

“The couple will now read the vows they have written” proclaimed the magistrate. Raek went first

“Evanara from the night we met I knew you were special. It didn't take you long before you stole my heart, but the night i watched you feed i knew i had to make you my wife. And I promise to love you for all eternity. Evanara wiped a tear and began her vows.

“Raek, I came from a world where no matter what, I was feared and shunned by everyone, even family. But from the moment we met, you accepted me, flaws and all, you helped me expose and become the woman who stands before you today, and you showed me nothing but love. And I, too promise to love you for all eternity.” After the vows were read there was not a dry eye in attendance. The Dark Destroyers stood along the wall of the castle, waiting for the signal to attack. Raek lifted Evanara’s veil

“You look breathtaking” he whispered as he slid the wedding band onto her slender finger. Evanara blushed and answered back

“you look very sexy, and royal as well” she winked at him and slid his wedding band on his finger. The Magistrate boomed

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Raek grabbed Evanara and kissed her passionately as the crowd cheered, tossed flower petals and blew bubbles at them. Raek and Evanara walked hand in hand back down the aisle to the hallway. Veil made sure all the Dark Destroyers were in their places as the guests headed to the ballroom. Raek, Evanara, king Alasar, queen Laena, and grandma Daliah waited in a small side room for the guests to file in.

“It's so nice to see you out mother” said king Alasar

“It's good to see you as well son, i couldn't miss this wedding” Daliah said as they hugged. Raek looked at Evanara then at their matching wedding bands and back at her

“I truly love you” he said, Evanara looked up at him

“i truly love you too” she cooed and they kissed once again. The Guards opened the doors to the ballroom and king Alasar and queen Laena went out onto the small balcony overlooking the ballroom.

“Vampires of Dagadan kingdom. I would like to introduce my son Prince Raek and his bride Evanara.” boomed king Alasar, the guests below cheered as Raek and Evanara appeared on the balcony. “Now as our tradition stands queen Laena and I will now step down and turn the kingdom of Dagadan over to the rule of King Raek and Queen Evanara, does anybody in the crowd object with good reason?” asked king Alasar. The crowd remained quiet so king Alasar shouted

“may you rule the kingdom of Dagadan with pride and ferocity, Please welcome your new king and queen”. The crowd shouted

“long live King Raek and Queen Evanara” as they descended down the stairs into the ballroom. The Dark Destroyers were lining the outside walls of the ballroom awaiting Veil’s signal. Raek and Evanara had finished their first dance and were sharing a kiss when it was interrupted by the sound of breaking glass and screaming. They looked up from each others gaze to see the Dark Destroyers smashing through the windows. As the battle begins Raek says

“Eva! Take Grandma and wait for me in the cave!”

“NO! I'm not leaving you, I can fight, i'll get grandma safe” she yelled as she roundhoused one hunter and punched another,

“You're amazing, protect the baby, and let's kick some human ass!” Raek growled and he began to fight. Evanara grabbed Daliah and flew her back to her cave

“I'll be back” shouted Evanara as she flew back to the castle. The battle was not without casualties, however. Laena took a stray wooden tipped bullet to the heart and died, and Alasar was beheaded while he was tearing out the neck of a vampire hunter. As Evanara entered the ballroom again she was enraged when she saw the dead and dying vampires littering the floor of the ballroom, she spotted Veil heading out the door to the waterfall garden. Evanara flew after her, and landed in front of her near the altar. “Veil!” growled Evanara, Veil spun around and glared at her Evanara.

“Well if it isn't little miss vampire queen, does your new family of bloodsuckers know your secret, and how you betrayed me after all I did for you?” Veil shouted.

“Don't you dare say a bad word about Raek or any vampire, they know my secrets, all of them, and you know what… they accepted me anyway, and if you want to talk about betrayal… you thought i was going to kill you that night” hissed Evanara.

“As a Dark Destroyer I vowed to kill your kind” Veil screamed as she ran at Evanara, Evanara ducked and sprang up at the right time launching Veil to the otherside of the garden. Raek had finished off the humans inside and was frantically searching for his new wife, he saw her near the altar so he rushed outside. Veil sat up after being flung 15 feet through the air, she picked up a rock about the size of a baseball and hurled it at Evanara. Raek reached the edge of the garden

“Evanara watch out” he shouted, when she turned to look at Raek the rock slammed into her cheek knocking her unconscious and she hit the ground with a thud. As Raek ran to her side he was stopped by 4 hunters and held back as Veil walked in circles around Evanara’s limp body tossing a sharpened stake from hand to hand.

“So you're the wretched prince who wooed my sister into your disgusting world?” Veil shouted at him.

“Evanara is a Vampire, she belongs here with us, with me, she showed up one night not knowing she had powers or wings, because you tried to hide who she truly was and you denied her of a life” Raek hissed. Evanara let out a small moan and turned her head to look in the directions of the voices.

“Raek” she called out weakly, and extended her arm to reach for his hand. Raek tried to lunge forward for her but one of the hunters plunged a knife in between his shoulder blades dropping him to his knees. Veil walked over to her sister laying on the ground and sat on her chest.

“I hope you burn in hell, where you belong” Veil hissed raising the stake over her head.

“Don't you dare hurt her, she is carrying our child” Raek growled.

“Oh perfect i can kill her and your demon seed all at once” Veil screamed. Raek freed himself, killed the 4 hunters with one slash of his claws and lunged towards Veil. She calmly reached into her jacket and whipped out a crossbow, she aimed at Raek and pulled the trigger shooting the arrow through his chest and into his heart. As Evanara watched her husband's lifeless body fall to the ground she screamed “NO!”and rage flooded her body. In one motion she kicked her sister off of her and now Evanara sat on Veil’s chest with her hands clamped around her neck

“you killed the only one who truly loved me” screamed Evanara as tears streamed down her face “I don't even want your hateful blood near me or my unborn baby” Evanara hissed as she grabbed a stake off the ground and plunged it into her sisters chest mercilessly. Evanara then ran to Raek who was clinging to life.

“Oh my love please don't die, i need you, our baby needs you” Evanara sobbed

“Take me to grandma” Raek mumbled weakly as blood trickled out of his mouth. Evanara licked the blood off his lips, picked him up and flew to Daliah’s cave. Evanara laid Raek down on the floor as grandma got some supplies. She watched in anguish as grandma removed the arrow from Raek’s chest and sewed him up. Evanara waited several minutes and he didn't move

“Grandma, why isn't he ok? He's not waking up, what's wrong? He can't die, the baby and I need him, the kingdom needs him!” Evanara sobbed putting her head on Raek’s chest. Grandma grabbed Raek’s hand and closed her eyes. A moment later she opened them

“The wound is ok, but he’s lost a lot of blood. If he doesn't get some soon, he’s not going to make it.” sobbed Daliah.

“Give him my blood, then!” Evanara screamed, grabbing a pair of scissors but before she could do anything drastic, Daliah stopped her.

“No! The baby needs the blood.”

“I'll go get him a human, then.”

“There isn't time for that, my dear.” Daliah said as she knelt down next to Raek.

“Watching you and Raek over these months has reminded me so much of Hank’s and my love” Daliah sniffled, picking up the scissors, “I realize that I will only see him again in death. You and Raek are young and together, you're starting a family, my happiness is on the other side and yours is right here” Daliah sniffled as she cut her wrist and shoved it into Raeks mouth. It all happened so fast Evanara had no time to stop her, by the time she jumped up and grabbed Daliah, Raek was coming too and the old woman grew weaker. Evanara sat there with Daliah’s head on one leg and Raek’s on the other as she stroked their heads she cried for what seemed like hours.

Several minutes later, Raek finally opened his eyes and embraced his new queen as Evanara told him of everything that had transpired, including how Daliah sacrificed herself for them. They sat in the cave for several hours and cried, too overcome by emotion and exhaustion. After a long nap, they woke up and returned to the cottage, feeding on leftover humans on the way. Over the next several days King Raek and Queen Evanara held and attended many funerals, they burned the leftover human remains, increased the guards, fortified the village and moved into the castle. Several months later, during a violent lightning storm queen Evanara gave birth to a healthy set of twins.

Their names were Reign and Valindra.


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    Kerrilee ZarrellaWritten by Kerrilee Zarrella

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