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Is Active Listening More Important Than Speaking in Building Meaningful Connections?

The Art and Science of Listening: Understanding, Appreciation, and Building Relationships

By Emily Chan - Life and love sharingPublished 24 days ago 2 min read
Is Active Listening More Important Than Speaking in Building Meaningful Connections?
Photo by C D-X on Unsplash

The Importance of Listening: Understanding the Other Person’s Preferences

Being a good listener is more important than being a good speaker, as it allows you to understand the other person’s preferences. Many individuals believe that they are skilled at chatting and can carry on endless conversations. They believe that their words will never fail and they will never feel awkward. However, when it comes to getting to know people, the focus must be on the other person and not on oneself.

The Need to Focus on the Other Person in Conversation

In a conversation, you must position yourself as a host of a show. You should be genuinely curious about the other person. Only then can you ask the right questions and actively listen to what they have to say.

By doing so, you can learn from the dialogue and truly comprehend the other person’s views and preferences. If you want to establish a genuine connection with someone, being able to listen attentively is undoubtedly more important than talking.

Listening as a Science: The Art of Active Listening

Listening is a science that requires more than just nodding and responding perfunctorily. Simply responding with phrases like “It turns out,” “Laughing,” and “Real or fake” while scrolling through your phone is not considered active listening.

The Importance of Paying Attention and Remembering Details

If you want to have a meaningful conversation, you must pay attention to the themes and content that the other person shares. Eventually, you will have the opportunity to verify if you have listened carefully by recalling and remembering the details and preferences that they previously mentioned. Failing to do so will convey a lack of interest or attentiveness, which can damage the relationship.

The Value of Being Listened To: Sincerity and Appreciation in Conversation

When you genuinely listen to someone, they feel valued and appreciated. The sincerity of the other person can be clearly felt through their body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. People can tell when someone is genuinely curious and interested in them, and this sincerity cannot be faked.

On the other hand, if you are distracted and uninterested during a conversation, the other person will feel unappreciated and less inclined to share their experiences or stories. In the long run, this can be detrimental to any relationship.

Active listening is a critical skill that requires attention and focus. It is more important than speaking in many situations as it enables you to understand the other person’s preferences and connect with them genuinely. So, next time you find yourself in a conversation, make sure you’re actively listening and engaging with the other person.

Thank you for your reading!

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About the Creator

Emily Chan - Life and love sharing

Blog Writer/Storyteller/Write stores and short srories.I am a writer who specializes in love,relationships and life sharing

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