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Interpreting A Dream

Fictional story

By Aimen DaudPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Interpreting A Dream
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Her name was Ava, and she had always had a strange fascination with death. As a child, she would often spend hours in the cemetery near her house, wandering amongst the headstones and imagining the lives of the people buried there. But as she got older, her obsession took a darker turn. Every night, without fail, she would dream that she was buried alive amongst the dead bodies.

In her dreams, she was always lying in a coffin, surrounded by the stench of decay and the sound of earth being shoveled onto her body. She could feel the weight of the soil pressing down on her chest, making it hard to breathe. Sometimes she would hear muffled screams from the other coffins nearby, but most of the time she was alone in her tomb.

The dreams were so vivid that they felt real. She would wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air and feeling as though she had just narrowly escaped death. But every night, without fail, the same dream would come back to haunt her.

Ava tried everything to make the dreams stop. She saw a therapist who specialized in dream analysis, but nothing he suggested seemed to help. She tried sleeping pills, meditation, and even hypnosis, but nothing worked. The dreams persisted, night after night, until she was afraid to go to sleep at all.

One day, she decided to confront her fear head-on. She went to the cemetery where she had spent so much of her childhood, hoping that facing the reality of death would somehow help her overcome her dreams.

As she walked among the headstones, she noticed a man digging a grave nearby. She approached him, curious about what he was doing.

"Excuse me," she said tentatively. "What are you digging for?"

The man looked up at her, his face blank. "A grave," he said simply.

Ava's heart skipped a beat. "Whose grave?" she asked, afraid of the answer.

The man shrugged. "Does it matter? They're all the same in the end."

Ava shuddered, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. She realized that she had made a mistake in coming here, that this place only fed her fears instead of helping her overcome them.

But as she turned to leave, something caught her eye. A tombstone that she had never seen before, tucked away in a corner of the cemetery. She approached it cautiously, not sure what to expect.

As she got closer, she saw that the tombstone was old and weathered, the letters barely visible beneath a layer of moss and dirt. But as she brushed away the debris, she saw a name etched into the stone: Ava.

It was her own name, carved into the stone as though it had been waiting for her all along.

She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that this was the reason for her dreams. She had been afraid of death because she had been afraid of her own mortality. But now, standing in front of her own grave, she realized that death was a natural part of life, something that everyone had to face eventually.

As she walked away from the tombstone, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. The dreams didn't stop entirely, but they became less frequent and less vivid. She learned to accept the inevitability of death, and to appreciate the beauty of life all the more because of it.

And in the end, she realized that her dreams had been a gift, a reminder to live every day to the fullest, because you never know when your time might be up.

Short StoryHorror

About the Creator

Aimen Daud

Hi, I'm Aimen! Born with creative mindset. Want to read mind-blowing, plot twisting stories? You are in the right place! :D

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