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Story of a little princess....!!!!!

By M Burhan KhanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a little princess named Lila. She was a curious and adventurous girl who loved exploring the world around her. One day, while playing in the gardens of her palace, she overheard a group of palace guards talking about a forbidden jungle deep in the forest. They warned each other never to venture into it, as it was said to be cursed and dangerous.

But Lila's curiosity was piqued, and she knew she had to see this jungle for herself. So, one night, she snuck out of the palace and made her way into the forest. It was dark and eerie, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets that only they knew. But Lila was not afraid; she had her trusty lantern to guide her way.

As she walked deeper into the forest, she began to hear a strange humming sound. It was coming from a clearing up ahead, and Lila's curiosity urged her to investigate. When she reached the clearing, she saw a magnificent rock standing tall in the center. It was the most beautiful rock she had ever seen, with sparkling colors that seemed to change in the moonlight.

Lila was immediately drawn to the rock, and she felt a strange connection to it. She reached out to touch it, but as soon as her hand made contact, she heard a voice whispering in her ear.

"Little princess, you should not be here. This jungle is forbidden, and this rock is cursed."

Lila was frightened at first, but she soon realized that the voice was coming from the rock itself. She listened as the rock told her its story - how it had been cursed by an evil sorcerer and had been trapped in the jungle ever since.

Lila felt a deep sadness for the rock and knew she had to help it. She promised to come back every night to keep it company and bring it stories and treats from the palace. And so, every night, Lila would sneak out of the palace and make her way back to the jungle to visit the rock.

As time passed, Lila's love for the rock grew stronger. She would spend hours sitting by its side, telling it stories and singing it songs. And the rock, in turn, would listen and sparkle with delight.

But one night, when Lila arrived at the jungle, she found that the rock was gone. Panic set in as she searched the clearing, calling out for her beloved friend. And then she heard a faint humming sound coming from a distance.

Lila followed the sound, and soon, she found herself at the edge of the jungle, facing a great river. And there, on the other side of the river, was the rock, sparkling in the moonlight.

Lila knew she had to cross the river to reach the rock, but it was too wide and dangerous to swim. She sat by the riverbank, tears streaming down her face, feeling helpless and alone.

But then, she heard the rock's voice calling out to her.

"Little princess, don't give up. Use your courage and your love to find a way across the river."

Lila closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and let her love guide her. She picked up a small stick and began to carve it into a boat. She worked all night, using her love and determination to guide her hands.

When morning came, Lila set her boat on the river and climbed aboard. The current was strong, and the water was cold, but Lila's love for the rock kept her going. And finally, she reached the other side.

The rock was waiting for her, and as soon as Lila climbed onto the riverbank, the rock began to glow brighter than ever before.


About the Creator

M Burhan Khan

A Fantasy Lover, A Fantasy Writer

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Great storytelling ❤️

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