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In The Deep Sea

Leo curious fish In the deep

By Asuna YukiPublished 12 months ago 2 min read

Leo was a curious fish who lived in the deep sea. He loved to explore the dark and mysterious waters, looking for new sights and sounds. He had a flashlight attached to his head, which he used to illuminate his way.

One day, he decided to venture further than he had ever gone before. He swam past the familiar rocks and corals, past the glowing jellyfish and the bioluminescent plankton, past the giant squid and the anglerfish. He swam until he reached a place he had never seen before: a sunken ship.

Leo was amazed by the sight of the ship. It was huge and rusty, covered with algae and barnacles. It had holes and cracks, where water and air bubbles escaped. It had windows and doors, where Leo could peek inside. It had masts and sails, where Leo could climb and swing.

Leo decided to explore the ship. He entered through a hole in the hull, and found himself in a large room filled with metal boxes and barrels. He opened some of them, and saw strange objects inside: clothes, books, tools, toys. He wondered what they were for, and who had owned them.

He moved on to another room, where he saw rows of wooden beds with blankets and pillows. He tried to lie down on one of them, but it was too hard and cold. He wondered who had slept there, and where they had gone.

He moved on to another room, where he saw a big wheel with spokes and handles. He tried to turn it, but it was too stiff and heavy. He wondered what it did, and how it worked.

He moved on to another room, where he saw a shiny metal box with buttons and dials. He pressed some of them, but nothing happened. He wondered what it was, and what it said.

He moved on to another room, where he saw a glass window that showed the outside of the ship. He looked through it, and saw something that made him gasp: a human skeleton.

Leo was terrified by the sight of the skeleton. It was white and bony, with empty eye sockets and a gaping mouth. It wore a torn uniform with badges and medals. It held a gun in its hand.

Leo realized that the ship was not just a ship. It was a warship. It had been part of a battle that had taken place long ago. It had been sunk by an enemy torpedo or mine. It had been a graveyard for hundreds of humans.

Leo felt sorry for the humans who had died there. He wondered what they had fought for, and why they had killed each other. He wondered if they had families or friends who missed them.

He decided to leave the ship. He swam out of the hole in the hull, and headed back to his home. He felt sad and confused by what he had seen. He wished he could understand more about the humans and their world.

He wished he could talk to them.


About the Creator

Asuna Yuki

I like write about mistery story

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