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I'm here!


By BlossomParkerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" What a beautiful, thick promise that is! I am here! Standing right in front of you! Because I'm here, don't be afraid of anything!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" This is a top hard line, and a promise that men always like to say. However, it is easy to say it once or twice, and it is easy to do it once or twice, but it is a hard, hard thing to say such words to your wife, parents, children, and friends for the rest of your life, and it is even harder if you can also do it every time according to these words!

This is a true and touching story that happened in Germany, a 9-year-old orphan Debbie in order to find his mother, in order to express his deep love for her, he went to help others from time to time, each help a person, he does not need any return, only ask each other to help another 10 people. He believed that in this way of love, one day, his mother will also become the object of help. His deep love for his mother touched the whole Germany, so people started the "10 good deeds" action, and young Debbie became a big celebrity in Germany. Unfortunately, however, Derby Jr. was stabbed to death. As he lay dying, countless German mothers came to be with him, pretending to be Derby's mother. Love was in everyone's heart like a tidal wave, and the most common words Derby heard in heaven must have been "I'm here!"

"I'm here! Don't be afraid!" See a patient whose life is at stake, the doctor firmly said so to him; see a lost child, the police smiled and said so to him; there is a student whose life is extremely uncertain, he is ready to end his own life, so, far away from home, suddenly one day, he received a teacher's text message, only three short words, "I am here!" The student burst into tears and resolutely bought a ticket to return home ......

Neighbor Aqiu unfortunately passed away, he died a tragic death, a family of three, riding a motorcycle in the mid-autumn night to visit his sick father-in-law in the rain, coming home in a car accident, Aqiu, his wife, and a daughter who just started high school have unfortunately died, leaving only a father in his eighties, because it was early in the morning, even the owner of the car involved in the accident was not found. Akiu's father is seventy-nine years old and has been lying in bed for three years because of cerebral thrombosis, not knowing that his only son had gone before him, only that his son had gone on a business trip to a faraway place without a return date. Akiu's eight good classmates learned of this, the meeting overnight to study countermeasures, so they gathered around the Akiu family that the eight immortal table, lined up a special duty table, taking turns to take care of Akiu's father, in that duty table, they jointly wrote down the phrase, "If anyone did not go one day, his whole family will be extinct!" On the duty roster, there were also eight bright red fingerprints. In Akiu's home, the most common phrase they said was, "Don't be afraid, we're all here! In this way, three more years passed before Akiu's father died peacefully. Every time I think of this, I can't help but weep, "I'm here!" What a magnificent phrase!

There are three things in life that are precious and cannot be retained: life, time and the love in your heart. You want to deliberately retain it, but it is gradually moving away. What makes you feel lonely from time to time is not poverty and humility, but the loss of connection between my heart and the other person's heart. In the ordinary life, because there are people to hold, because there is love in the heart, because there is the sun, moon and stars, because there is the wind, frost and rain ...... you will also feel happy; also because you are there, the sky is falling I am not afraid.

After thirty years of marriage, the most I said to my wife was, "What are you afraid of? Don't worry, I'm here!" Because of this phrase, she and I have passed through time and time again; because of this phrase, my wife is always "happy to live, nothing with no worries"; because of this phrase, my wife always feels that marrying me is worth it, no regrets; because of this phrase, my wife said she would sincerely live with me for the rest of her life.

When you get home at night, hug your children; before you go to work in the morning, hug your wife; when you go to bed at night, hug your parents; when you party, hug your friends ...... you do not need to confess anything, just tell them that you are on their side. That a big hug, that a real "I'm here?" is the best interpretation and return to family and friends!


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