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I Cry Diamonds, p2

learn how I managed my Life

By Afzal HPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Hello I'm Agnes, my life story is very interesting because I have something very few other people have. When I cry I don't have tears coming out of my eyes. I know it sounds unbelievable but when I cry, tiny diamonds fall out of my eyes, yes I said diamond.

This is the second part of my story, I'll give you a quick summary but, if you haven't read the first part you can click this link to read it. We can

When I was little, I thought that everyone was crying just like me, but my mom made sure that nobody ever saw me cry, not even my dad. She was afraid that if bad guys found out that I was crying diamonds he would kidnap me and hold me hostage for the rest of my life. She was right to think that way. One day my mom made me promise that I would keep my condition a secret until I died. 4 years later she was involved in a car accident and passed away. My dad got married again soon after, my step mother has a daughter and I didn't like either of them, from the moment I saw them.

Obviously I didn't want them to find out about my secret, but unfortunately I wasn't careful and they learned about my truth. First they didn't believe me, even laughed at me, but when I started crying in front of them they thought it was true. It was a huge surprise for everyone to find out that I had this incredible condition. It was my dad who spoke first, "Agnes, this is unbelievable and very dangerous too, if people knew about this, really bad things could happen to you, I understand now why your mother kept this even for me".

Then he turned to my step mother and her daughter. "From now on, Agnes's secret is our secret too, to protect her we can't tell anyone about it. I want you to promise that you won't".

They both nodded and said "we promise". Then my stepmother grabbed the bag of diamonds from my dad, which of course wasn't surprising."But there's no harm in selling it, and don't worry I won't tell anyone where they came from. From now on you'll give me the diamonds that come out of your eyes and I'll sell them for our family".

The next day, my step mother and her daughter came home with a ton of shopping bags. Looking at the bags, I could tell that they went to all the most expensive stores. Apparently when my stepmother said our family, she meant only herself and her own daughter. My stepmother's daughter Nancy came to my room that evening and she was very excited saying, "my mom says that it would be wonderful to move into a big beautiful house and we can do it thanks to you, it wouldn't hurt you to cry a little, what do you say".

It was useless to argue. I said okay I'll collect and give you the diamonds if I cry, just to get rid of her, she left my room astonished.

Next morning when I came to get breakfast I saw my step mother and her daughter waiting for me impatiently, my step mother asked, "did you cry, where are the diamonds?'' I was so angry, before I could say anything dad said "honey you shouldn't say things like that, Agnes should never feel like she's under pressure" which shut my step mother.

This subject didn't come up again for a while. I was surprised that they gave up so quickly. Later, I found out it was because they still had money. They were going shopping almost every day, but after a while they stopped. That's when I figured the money had run out. One day I was hanging out in my room after school, Nancy came in and said "mom is calling you, she made popcorn, she said let's watch a movie together". I was surprised because this was very unusual, I thought to myself, "where did this come from". When I came to the living room, my stepmother was looking at me with a fake smile on her face. "Agnes, this movie has very good reviews. Let's watch it together" she said. So we started watching the Will Smith movie. First, the main character lost his job, then his wife left him, he was left with his 6 year old son, as if that weren't enough, the landlord kicked them out. They have to start living on the streets.

When I saw my step mother and Nancy crying their hearts out, I knew what they were trying to do. They wanted to make me cry during the sentimental movie and then collect the diamonds. But there was one thing they didn't know. I never get emotional during movies. I don't get scared when I watch horror movies and I don't cry during tear jerkers. My step mother and her daughter cried throughout the whole movie, at the same time they kept checking to see if I was crying too. When the movie was over, they were really upset because they didn't get those diamonds they were dreaming about. Over the next few days my step mother did everything she could to make me cry. Thankfully because she was scared of my dad, they were all harmless tricks but one of them made me really mad. When I came home after school, I went straight to my room like I always do. When I entered my room I was so shocked by what I saw, the curtains were closed, there were lit candles standing around. The weirdest part was that there were a bunch of photos of my mom taped to the wall. In some of them my mom was by herself and in others it was both of us. This of course was my stepmother's latest trick. I went over to her, "can you explain to me what is happening in my room?" I screamed, she faked, smiled and said "I found out that your mom's birthday is coming up, I wanted to surprise you, didn't you like it?". I said "I didn't because I know why you did it, I won't cry just because you want me to", after which she dropped all pretense "look Agnes you're the goose that lays the golden egg, that's why I won't harm you, but if you want to live in this house you'll have to come up with a goods or I won't be responsible for what's going to happen to you". She was clearly threatening me. I got back to my room fuming, I had to do something right away, when my dad came home I went to speak with him. Before I could open my mouth he said "your mom called me and told me about what happened between you, she made a surprise for you with the best of intentions, your reaction is wrong, you've become too paranoid". I said "dad, first of all, that woman is not my mother and how can you even think that her intentions are good, she's trying to do this to make me cry, and get the diamonds"

My dad got really upset "even if you don't accept it, she's your mother now, if you think she wants the diamonds then give them to her, why are you being so stubborn?'' he screamed. When he said that to me. I knew my step mother got to him. From then on it was dangerous for me to stay at home because of the things my mom was worried about could happen to me, except my mom was afraid of the mafia but it looked like it would be my own stepmother who would hurt me. I thought for a long time, I couldn't go to the police for the social services because then my secret would be out, that could cause a whole lot of other problems.

I had enough diamonds hidden in the basement to allow me to support myself for years, but I couldn't leave home because I wasn't an adult yet I didn't have any relatives that I could safely stay with, even though I was so angry with my step mother, I had no choice but to give her what she wanted.

At night when everyone else was sleeping, I went down to the basement and got a small bag of diamonds. In the morning I took out a few and went to the kitchen. My step mother and her daughter were having breakfast. I show them the diamonds in my hand. "Finally" my step mother screamed, she took the diamond. But she was clearly not satisfied "saying, these are way too few, we need a lot more than just these". Of course I wasn't going to give her what she wanted. I was going to turn 18 in only 7 months. After that I was determined to take my diamonds and leave home. Until the day came, I was going to start my step mother by giving her a few diamonds from time to time. Since the diamonds in the basement are my future, I had to hide them somewhere outside the house, somewhere safer. So you know where I hid them?. At my mom's grave, I bought a nice flower planner, and put the bags of the diamonds at the bottom and filled it up with soil and then planted the flowers on top. I went to the cemetery and put the planner in front of my mom's tombstone. I couldn't think of a safer spot than that. Who would steal a flower pot from the grave? I was so relieved because the diamonds were safe with my mom. I left one bag inside the cupboard in the basement. I was taking a couple of diamonds a few times a month and giving them to my step mother, even though she wanted more she couldn't say anything because thanks to me, she bought a new car, she was wearing only designer clothes and she got a ton of jewelry. The day before my eighteenth birthday, my step mother and her daughter came to my room. I was about to finally become free but of course they didn't know that. My step mother looked agitated. "Agnes, why aren't we moving to a bigger house? Why don't we have maids and cooks'' she asked. "Because you don't have enough money to afford all that" I replied. She waved her finger at me. "We actually do have money, all you need to do is cry, but you're not doing it on purpose, you're giving us crumes just like you would to a bagger" she said. "do you want me to cry just so that I can give you diamonds" I asked her, and she said "yes Agnes, I want you to cry, if you don't cry on your own I will make you, I'm done waiting, and giving you until tomorrow if you don't cooperate, your going to be in a lot of trouble" and she left. Nancy was still in the room. "Agnes, you'd better take my mom seriously. She's capable of doing things you can't even imagine" she said and left, slamming the door behind her. I thought "my dear step mother gave me until tomorrow, but she has no idea what's going to happen tomorrow" and burst out laughing.

Never in my life have I slept more peacefully than I did that night. You'd be wondering what happened in the house the next day, right?.

Unfortunately, I don't know because I didn't stick around to find out. When I woke up in the morning, I was an 18 year old adult. I could do whatever I wanted and I did. I left home, without saying a word to anyone. Right now, I'm in a small town on the other side of the country. I'm not using my real name, no one in this town knows who I am. As you might guess, I'm living on the money from the diamonds I hide at my mom's grave. I don't need a lot of money anyway, but when I do, I can just cry a little, and I found a very easy way to do it. Because I've never cooked before, I had never chopped onions either. One day I was making dinner and I chopped onions for the first time. Suddenly a diamond started pouring out of my eyes. I realized that I could cry very easily thanks to onions. I am so happy my step mother couldn't think of this.

Thank you for listening to my story. Please don't forget to like the story if you enjoyed it.

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About the Creator

Afzal H



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    Afzal HWritten by Afzal H

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