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How many stars are there in the sky?

Summer night, evening breeze, cicadas chirping.

By Stephane PerezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Summer night, evening breeze, cicadas chirping.

The little fox and the little rabbit were lying on the grass in the small yard looking at the stars.

"Little fox, how many stars do you think there are in the sky?"

"Many, many, many more than the carrots you have eaten 🥕."

"I can eat fifteen carrots a day, so I grew up eating a total of ......" the little rabbit broke his fingers and began to count, calculating half a day scratching his head, it seems that the little rabbit must not have calculated.

This can not be blamed on the bunny, because her math has not been good.

"That's too much, isn't it?" The little rabbit looked shocked and pretended that she had worked it out.

"Yeah, there are more stars in the sky than I can count, just like how much I like you, and it's impossible to say." The little fox patted the little rabbit's little head.

The little rabbit oh, did not say anything else, just one by one counting the stars in the sky.

"I must count how many stars there are in the sky! Then I will know how many the little fox likes me." The little rabbit made up his mind.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ......" The little rabbit did not even count 10 stars, and fell asleep against the little fox.

The little fox carried the little rabbit back to his room, and the little rabbit was still talking in his sleep: "Little fox, you only like me 6 stars, you don't like me at all ......"

Next, you will find a little rabbit that must count the stars every night to fall asleep.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ......"

However, each time the little rabbit can't even count 10 stars before falling asleep.

The dream also has to count a little fox.

In fact, think about it is very simple, each time there is a small fox with her, the little rabbit quickly into dreamland, of course, will not count a lot of stars.

Until one day, the little fox needs to go out of town, to return the next day.

That night, the little rabbit counted the stars for a long time.

"99, 101, 102 ......"

My God, there are so many stars in the sky, it seems that the little fox likes me very much!

"999, 1001, 1002 ......"

"Little fox, what time is it?" The little rabbit subconsciously asked the little fox time.

However, at this time the little fox is not on her side, the little rabbit suddenly a little heartbroken.

Sometimes things are often like this, when he is still by your side, you seem to not see how many stars, but when he left, you find his body has countless stars.

This day, on a day when the sky was full of stars, the bunny lost sleep.

"Ta-da-da!" The sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

"Little fox, you, why are you back all of a sudden? Oooooooo, I ......"

Looking at the panting little fox, the little rabbit was surprised and happy.

"I was thinking that six stars were too few, so I rushed back ......"

"You bad fox, you are not allowed to leave me in the future!" The little rabbit pounced on it at once.

"So how many stars do I have today?" The little fox picked up the little rabbit.

"Not a single one!" The little rabbit giggled and stared at the little fox.

"Oh, so they are in your eyes!"

How many stars are there in the sky?

Short Story

About the Creator

Stephane Perez

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