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Hope and Hopeless


By Amber SpencerPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

There weren't always dragons in the valley, but after the assassination of the queen and the proclamation made by the king declaring energy wielders an enemy to the throne, the valley was turned into a makeshift breeding ground for the dragons to aid in the battle against the insurgent energy wielders. Princess Emma surveyed the land from the mountain overlooking the valley. She found the dragons to be magnificent creatures and longed to have one of her own, but only the energy wielders under her father's control were permitted to own such creatures. Emma looked up at the sky. The light blue sky was beginning to darken, the edges of the horizon becoming tinged with colors of orange, gold, and magenta. She cursed and stumbled down the mountain. She had stayed out too late once again.

A palace loomed nearby, its tallest towers piercing the sky. Emma wished she could feel the comfort and peace that came from the idea of home, but all she was filled with was dread. She wondered how long it would be until her father figured out that she too was an energy wielder. She saw what happened to others like her. The ones from the nearby villages were captured, tortured, and either killed or used for the king's various purposes. Many of the captured married couples were allowed their lives if they agreed to bear children. The energy wielding children born into captivity would be raised to serve the king, whether that meant killing for him, protecting him, or fighting for him should a war arise. Even though Emma was the king's own daughter, she shuddered to think of what would happen if he found out her true nature. Emma approached the palace gates which had not yet been shut. A guard on watch recognized her and waved her through.

"Does the King know you're out this late?" the guard asked.

"That depends. Can you keep a secret?" Emma teased. The guard chuckled and shook his head as she opened the palace doors and slipped inside. She stood for a moment in the grand entrance hall before darting over to the stairs and heading down into the underground. From the outside, the palace was absolutely massive but little did most of the kingdom's population know that the palace extended several miles underground. If one did not know where they were going they would surely be lost in the maze of floors and rooms. Emma still had yet to see it all, and she had lived their all nineteen years of her life! Emma hurried down the stairs, her footsteps echoing loudly. She stopped at the seventh floor down and made two rights and a left before coming to a door that read in huge block letters "KEEP OUT." Ignoring the sign, Emma swung the door open and stepped inside. She was met with a terrible sight. Pregnant women lay on several white beds. They stared up at the ceiling, their eyes glazed over, their mouths hanging just slightly open. Nurses stood by several of the bedsides, checking vitals and such. One nurse just older than Emma looked up, spotted her and hurried over. Emma smiled.

"Lena!" she breathed. Lena met her with a warm embrace. She had long brown hair that curled into gentle waves, hazel eyes with specks of gold, and a tired look on her face.

"How are you doing, Princess?" Lena asked as they broke apart, her eyes scanning Emma's own. Emma shrugged.

"I'm alright. The twins are being born tonight?" she asked. Lena glanced at one of the nearby women, a look of sympathy in her eyes.

"Yes. We're going to have to act fast. They're going to be quite premature so the sooner we can get them out of here, the better. The resistance will have saved two of the most powerful energy wielders and you will have helped a great cause as well as saved two innocent lives."

"It's not their fault they were born like that. How do you know they're the most powerful though?" Emma asked curiously.

"Their brain activity. It's really quite fascinating. Especially in their case, I've never seen anything quite like it!" Lena said excitedly as she sat by the pregnant woman. The woman gave a strangled cry as a tear slid down her face, her eyes not leaving the ceiling. Lena reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Can she hear you?" Emma asked, her heart heavy for the woman.

"I think so. They're kept in such a terrible state. I do wish there was something more I can do, but saving her children is all I can do. If the king got ahold of their power, it could mean the end to all energy wielders out there other than the ones under his control," Lena explained. Emma nodded knowingly. Lena looked down at her watch. She inhaled sharply and looked up at Emma.

"It's time." Emma backed up as the other nurses grabbed the woman's bed and wheeled her out of the room. Emma waited patiently. An hour passed before Lena popped into the room. Emma looked up eagerly. Lena nodded, a smile on her face. She gestured for Emma to follow her and led her out of the room. Emma followed her down the hall and entered a small room where two newborns lay in little glass encased beds.

"They're beautiful," she breathed. Lena nodded, a warm smile on her face.

"Do we act?" Emma asked, her heart beating anxiously. Lena glanced at her watch.

"It will be dark by now. The night will be a perfect cover. There is a passage that leads out to the garden. No one will be expecting me. I won't be able to return to the palace of course. This might be the last time that I'll be seeing you," Lena explained. Emma felt tears sting at her eyes at the idea of never seeing one of her most trusted friends again. The two hugged. Emma longed to never let go but she knew there was much to be done if they were to end the king's terrible rule. Lena picked up the twins and hurried out of the room, Emma close behind.

"One day you must join us. Especially with your gift and the love the people have for you, you would be a powerful ally," Lena said as they hurried through the hallways.

"I appreciate your kind words and I do hope to join you someday, but..." Emma's voice faltered.

"But what?" Lena asked, her breath quickening as they sped up. They came to a large painting of an ancient king.

"But I'm afraid," Emma admitted. Lena gave her a sad smile.

"As are we all. If you ever change your mind, we'll be happy to accept y-"

"This way! I saw them with the children!" a voice called out from somewhere down the hall. Loud footsteps echoed all around them as whomever it was came closer and closer.

"I think that's the soldiers boots! One of the nurses must've seen us," Emma cried. Lena gestured her head towards the painting. Emma tugged it until it squeaked open, one side of it hinged to the wall. Lena carefully stepped inside the passage.

"You'll never make it far with both of them! Here, let me have one and I'll see if I can get away. If one of us can evade them that will have helped the cause," Emma instructed. Lena opened her mouth to protest but the sound of the footsteps and shouting was getting increasingly loud. She nodded and handed Emma the girl before hurrying into the passage. Emma closed it behind Lena and hurried down the hall, her heart threatening to pop out of her chest with every beat. She turned right twice and found herself at a dead end. She went to turn around but ran right into the captain of the guard.

"Princess!" he exclaimed with surprise. His eyes traveled from her eyes to the child in her hands. His hand went for his sword.

"What are you doing with that energy wielder?" he asked, his eyes wide with shock. Emma brought it close to her chest and backed up against the cold stone wall.

"You can't have her. Please."

"Emma, just what do you think you are doing?" a deep, booming voice called out. Emma's heart dropped to her feet.

"Father, I was ju-" her voice faltered and died. The guards made a gap in the middle of the room as the king stepped through and approached Emma. He raised his eyebrows. His gaze fell upon the child. His eyes widened with alarm.

"Didn't you say there were twins?" the king asked sharply. A nurse stepped forward.

"Yes, your highness. I believe one of the other nurses was with her. Perhaps she took the other child," the nurse replied.

"Thank you. You've been a great help. You shall be rewarded. Now please leave us," the king ordered. The nurse gave a curtsy and left the room.

"And as for you, you're going to help me find the other child," the king said. Emma glared up at him.

"I'd rather die!" she hissed. Her father sighed.

"If that's what it'll take." Emma watched her father disappear back down the hallway, his robes billowing behind him. Two guards appeared at her side and gripped her arms while a third took the child from her arms. Emma struggled.

"No! No!" she screamed, struggling against their grip, but it was no use. Tears slipped down her face. At least one of the children had escaped with the nurse. That meant there was hope.


About the Creator

Amber Spencer

I love reading and writing. I especially enjoy all kinds of fiction.

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