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Healing Power of Positivity

The impact of hope and encouragement in life

By Ameer BibiPublished 16 days ago 2 min read
Healing power of positivity through hope and encouragement

In London, a nurse quickly entered the patient’s room just before two hours of the operation and efficiently began preparing and setting up the operating equipment.

While engrossed in her tasks, the nurse suddenly asked the patient about the name of the surgeon who was performing his surgery. The patient responded weakly to the nurse (looking away desperately) and mentioned, “Dr. Johnson.”

The nurse was surprised by the doctor’s name. Without hesitation, she interrupted his talk and walked over to the patient. With genuine concern, she inquired, “Excuse me, sir, I heard that Dr. Johnson will be performing your surgery. Can you confirm if this is true?” The patient verified that he was the one who would perform his surgery.

However, the confused nurse kept asking, “But it is so strange about that?” The patient said, what’s unique there?

“Well, you know! Dr. Johnson has completed thousands of heart surgeries; all were 100% successful. It’s almost impossible to get his time on short notice as he has so much work to do. Incredibly, you can set up an appointment with him. You are lucky!

The patient expressed gratitude for having Dr. Johnson as their surgeon. The nurse was surprised and said, “I can’t believe it!” I can’t believe the best doctor in the world will be doing your surgery!

After this conversation, the patient was taken immediately to the operating room, where the successful surgery was performed. As a result, he now lives a happy and healthy life.

What’s interesting is that the woman who came into the room wasn’t just a nurse but a female doctor and a psychologist at the same hospital. Her job was to calm the patient’s nerves and make sure she was completely ready for surgery, and she did a great job of doing just that.

It demonstrates the efficacy of optimism and encouragement and that you don’t have to be an expert to give someone an injection of energy. The power of your words can turn around a person’s life.

(P.S: I read and translated this story with little changes from Urdu Newspaper)

Disclosure : Author published this article initially on Medium

PsychologicalShort StoryLove

About the Creator

Ameer Bibi

I love to read, write, and discuss life, health, fiction, and humour. If you write anything related to these topics, subscribe to me and share your story; I would love to read it and share my opinion. You can find me on Medium.

With Thanks

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  1. Excellent storytelling

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Comments (8)

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  • Guzel8 days ago

    Words have healing power

  • Mariann Carroll14 days ago

    Did the patient really had the Dr. Johnson perform the surgery or was it just to keep the patient calm .

  • Ammad Alvi15 days ago


  • Farah Naz15 days ago

    Words are more powerful than any sword....

  • muniba shafiq15 days ago

    well, said! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • Shirley Belk16 days ago

    Ameer, I am a retired registered nurse. Each time I gave my patient a medication for pain, I would say, "This is going to make you feel so much better." I very much believe that the power of positive words work.

  • M.B Hesperia 16 days ago

    Being positive and hopeful in any situation can do wonders. Its really powerful source to stay happy on this earth.

  • Murali16 days ago

    Yes! Hope and encouragement are powerful forces it can help Humans to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

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