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in pursuit of satisfaction

By ALICE WAMBETIPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

Some time ago in the eccentric town of Whimsyville, there carried on a youthful soul named Max. Max was on a journey in pursuit of bliss. Much to his surprise, this journey would be completely an entertaining endeavor.

One fine morning, Max tumbled of bed, his hair standing out every which way like a wicked pile. His central goal? To track down the wellspring of genuine bliss - a steaming mug of espresso. Yet, unfortunately, the espresso channels had bafflingly evaporated like a phantom, similar as socks in a pantry. In a snapshot of sheer franticness, Max found a vacant sack of espresso beans, a horrible touch of destiny that would make any caffeine lover sob. Unflinching, he chose to brew a creation so solid that it might actually control the whole town for seven days.

As Max took his most memorable taste of the caffeine-loaded elixir, his eyes broadened to the size of saucers, and his heart hustled like a squirrel on a sugar rush. With recently discovered energy, he zoomed through his morning schedule, his feet scarcely contacting the ground. Max's happiness was irresistible; he smiled at outsiders, high-fived letter drop posts, and, surprisingly, started up discussions with pigeons.

Be that as it may, Max's process was nowhere near finished. He jumped into his dependable junker, expecting a tranquil drive to address a basic task. However, destiny had different plans - traffic had changed the roads into an orchestra of sounds and motor thunders. Did this dissuade our gutsy traveler? In no way, shape or form. Max turned up the radio, changing his vehicle into a portable disco, complete with noteworthy dance moves that could match any unscripted television show. His dissatisfaction broke down into chuckling as he sashayed his direction through the traffic stop.

In quest for a better way of life, Max chose to vanquish the nearby exercise center. Furnished earnestly and a couple of fluorescent shoes that would make even a neon sign envious, he entered the space of hand weights and treadmills. The loads felt heavier than a pile of pureed potatoes, and the treadmill appeared not entirely settled to embarrass him. Max's perspiration drenched battles might have been an entertaining exercise montage in a sitcom. However, in the midst of the bangs of loads and the spin of treadmills, he tracked down brotherhood in imparted giggling to individual rec center attendees.

Motivated to dominate another expertise, Max wandered into the kitchen to prepare a culinary work of art. Equipped with a recipe that elaborate a bigger number of steps than a tap dance schedule, he set off on a mission to make a dish that was however mind boggling as it seemed to be confounding. Fixings tumbled off the counter, estimating cups rebelled against their motivation, and the smoke alert contributed an unforeseen soundtrack. Eventually, his creation looked like dynamic craftsmanship on a plate, leaving him in attacks of chuckles. He understood that occasionally, giggling tastes better compared to impeccably prepared food.

As Max looked at his online entertainment feed, he wondered about the truly amazing minutes that companions shared. However, underneath those sifted grins and cautiously organized subtitles, he comprehended that genuine joy wasn't in the actual image, yet in the accounts behind it. He giggled at his own assortment of outtakes and misfortunes, understanding that genuine bliss lay in embracing life's idiocies.

As Max's undertaking for satisfaction proceeded, an excursion loaded up with setbacks, giggling, and minutes that would become unbelievable stories in the town of Whimsyville. As he staggered and moved through life's humorous labyrinth, Max discovered that bliss wasn't an objective - it was the chuckling filled venture itself, a storybook of life's idiosyncrasies and comedic capers.

Short StorySatireFantasyFan FictionFableAdventure

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an awkward mind

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    AWWritten by ALICE WAMBETI

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