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Half A Crown

By Shilan AliyaliPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley. Our scripts tell us of a time when we Verisians lived in peace with nature, and with each other. When we were able to live like we were truly meant to live - in complete freedom.

They tell us of a time when we lived without that crippling fear every time a beloved friend or family member is forced to journey outside our city walls. They tell us of a time when we were explorers and conquerors, when we charted and claimed the lands that are rightfully ours, and had access to riches now long lost to us. They tell us of a time before our so-called beloved Saint set in motion a chain of events that will doom us all.

During the following generations, his descendants have not only allowed this tragedy to continue, but they have sped up our impending extinction. What's worse is that they have done so knowingly, and explicitly willingly. For centuries now, the ruling family have been perfectly aware of what’s happening, and of what will happen if we don’t stop this. Make no mistakes, my friends, it’s been crystal clear to them. Yet they continue to choose to do nothing. Of course, it is easy for them, the way they sit comfortably behind their fortified castles, reaping the benefits while the people, our people, have to sacrifice themselves again and again against these demons and monsters.

Where were The King and his men at the fall of Tharsum? When brave men and women rushed to defend their homes, knowing they were running towards their inevitable death. When the children were snatched from their beds in the middle of the night, where was The King?

Noble people of Veris, we have been at the mercy of these descending kings for too long. It is high time we take fate in our own hands. It is time for us to take up arms to protect our homes and protect our loved ones.

No longer will we be denied our freedom. No longer will we be slaughtered for the sake of one man. We will rise as Veris, and we will clear our lands of this plague. Rise with me and we shall be triumphant. For together, we will build a new future, a strong future, that will see our children’s children and many generations to come, live in harmony.

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley, and we shall bring about the day when that is true once more.

Your Humble Servant,


Knock, knock, knock.

He leaned back in his chair behind the desk.


Karbin stepped into the room and gave him a practiced bow. Not a single errant strand of hair atop his head, his livery like virgin snow, and shoes gleaming from their fresh polish. He knew he had made a good decision with Karbin.

“Forgive me, Your Highness. Miss Hemir is here to see you.”

On cue, a slim, young woman stepped out from behind Karbin. Her chestnut hair had been put into plaits, exposing her ears, and came together at the back of her head where it cascaded down her back. Her lightly blushed dress accentuated her bare shoulders with its puffed long sleeves, and tight corset. The skirt flowed all the down so he could only see the toes of her matching shoes when she walked towards him.

She stopped a couple of steps away from his desk, curtsied, and looked back up at him with her beautiful, brown eyes. Big, round, eyes he could easily get lost in, paired with a petite nose and a set of full and sensuous lips.

“I have come to rescue you from your duties, Your Highness”, her voice lilted.

“Thank you, Karbin, that will be all.”

The man bowed once more and left the room, closing the door behind him.

“Zeyra, you’re truly a sight for sore eyes.” He put down the pen in his hand and stretched his neck. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well…” her eyes barely met his before settling on the desk. “I am here to liberate you from those papers, but I’m doing so on behalf of Her Majesty, The Queen.”

“What does my mother want?”

“She didn’t say, all she said was that she wants to speak with you and Prince Ennis in her study.”

Ice spilled through his spine as he got up from his chair. He walked to her and gently cupped his hands around her face. “I thought you said you were here to rescue me, not send me from one duty to the next one.”

Still, she wouldn’t look at him. “It’s not exactly like I can say no to Her Majesty.”

“No, no, I suppose not…” He let out a sigh and moved his hands down her arms. “You look beautiful today.”

She always did, of course, but today was different. He could tell by the way she had drawn thin black lines around her eyes to accentuate them even more, and added a soft peachiness to her cheeks. Today was different, indeed.

She looked down and started to fidget with her hands. Why did she always do that?

“Thank you, Your Highness. I’m glad it’s to your liking.”

“Is it my liking you’re concerned with, or Ennis’?”

Her eyes shot up. “Your Highness?”

He was always fascinated by how delicate she was, how fragile she seemed in his hands.

“It’s my brother’s birthday dinner you’ve been invited to after all. Are you sure you didn’t dress up for his ‘liking’?”

“Farzel, I-” she sucked in her breath in pain.

“I told you not to call me that.”

Her beautiful eyes moved quickly, and her shoulders tensed up. He wondered if the blush fabric would crease under the increasing pressure of his hands.

“Forgive me, Your Highness… I made a mistake.” She bowed her head as much as she could in his grip.

He didn’t want to let her go. But he also knew the queen wouldn’t take lightly to one of her guests being bruised or looking dishevelled at the table.

So he let her go. Her legs almost buckled then and there, but she managed to stay upright.

“Go,” he said. “Tell my mother I will be with her shortly.”

Zeyra gave him another curtsy, not as perfect as the one before, and quickly exited with her eyes glued to the floor.


About the Creator

Shilan Aliyali

A hopeless romantic and a fan of fiction (you can see where this is going...).

Came for the motivation, stayed for the inspiration.

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