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"Guiding Through Tears: Conquering the Referencing Style Challenge"

After the final examination was over, Doris found herself facing a daunting task: writing a research paper that required adherence to a specific referencing style. As she delved into the rules and guidelines, confusion clouded her mind, and frustration gnawed at her. She felt overwhelmed, unsure of how to proceed. Seeing Doris on the verge of tears, I, Ebiere, rushed to her side. We had been close friends since childhood, sharing countless adventures and supporting each other through thick and thin. I couldn't bear to see her in such distress.

By EBIERE GBOLAKOROPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"Guiding Through Tears: Conquering the Referencing Style Challenge"
Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

After the final examination was over, Doris found herself facing a daunting task: writing a research paper that required adherence to a specific referencing style. As she delved into the rules and guidelines, confusion clouded her mind, and frustration gnawed at her. She felt overwhelmed, unsure of how to proceed.

Seeing Doris on the verge of tears, I, Ebiere, rushed to her side. We had been close friends since childhood, sharing countless adventures and supporting each other through thick and thin. I couldn't bear to see her in such distress.

"Doris, take a deep breath," I said, placing a gentle hand on her trembling shoulder. "I understand how frustrating this can be, but remember, we've faced tough challenges before, and we've always found a way through. You're not alone in this."

Doris looked up at me, her eyes filled with anxiety and uncertainty. "Ebiere, I've been reading and reading about this referencing style, but I just can't seem to grasp it. It's making me feel so panicked and helpless."

I took a seat beside her, determined to provide the support she needed. "Doris, let's break it down step by step. First, let's take a break from the books and clear our minds. We'll grab a cup of tea and find a quiet corner where we can talk without any distractions."

We ventured to a cozy café nearby, where the aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air. The serene atmosphere helped calm Doris's racing thoughts as we settled into a comfortable corner. I spoke gently, offering words of reassurance.

"Doris, I want you to know that it's okay to feel overwhelmed. The important thing is not to let it consume you. Let's start by revisiting the guidelines together. We'll read through them slowly, discussing each point and clarifying any confusion that arises."

Doris nodded, wiping away a tear that had escaped her eye. I took out her research paper and the referencing style guide, and we began to dissect it line by line. We discussed the various rules, noting down examples and exceptions that would help Doris understand the intricacies.

As we progressed, I could see Doris's confidence gradually returning. She asked questions whenever she felt unsure, and I provided explanations and practical examples to solidify her understanding. We stayed at the café for hours, delving deeper into the referencing style until Doris felt more comfortable with it.

Once we were satisfied with our progress, we returned to our respective homes. Over the next few days, I remained available to Doris whenever she needed guidance. We exchanged countless messages, discussing specific citations, formatting nuances, and any lingering doubts she had.

Together, we pieced together her research paper like a jigsaw puzzle. I offered feedback and suggestions, encouraging her to express her ideas confidently and weaving the references seamlessly into her writing. Doris's panic gradually transformed into determination and resilience.

Finally, the day arrived when Doris completed her research paper, impeccably adhering to the referencing style. She looked at it with a mixture of pride and relief, knowing that she had overcome a significant hurdle. I stood by her side, beaming with joy.

"Doris, I'm so proud of you," I said, hugging her tightly. "You faced your fears head-on and conquered them. Remember, it's not just about the research paper; it's about your growth as a student and as an individual."

Doris smiled, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes. "Ebiere, I couldn't have done it without you. Your unwavering support and guidance made all the difference. Thank you for being there for me, every step of the way."

As we celebrated Doris's accomplishment.

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