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Girl's courage

Love breaks hearts but not always

By Selly NathPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Girl's courage

A man had 3 sons and 1 daughter and he lived abroad - once his mother became very ill his father called his first son - son your mother is very ill. Come quickly, the boy said, I have been training with my father for 3 years, please call those two brothers, then the father called his other son, then said that my wife is pregnant. I can't come, you call those two brothers, then the father called the third son, then he said, I have only 3 months left to come to India, then I can come, please call those two brothers, father. Today, they are refusing to send Kannakati abroad with a loan from a bank. They are so busy that they can't even come to see their mother. Unable to control himself, he called his daughter again and told her about his mother. The girl cried and said, Dad, take care of you. My mother herself and my husband have now arrived there on the first flight. Don't get tense Dad- Hey boy, but what about your husband's business ??? Girl- are you talking like this now? What work is more important than mother ???? Just take care of yourself, you take care of your mother, I pray too. By Allah, he will heal his mother soon. All will be well, father. Remember ... Dad started thinking, this is today's age, we want a boy. Not the girl, the boys did not agree to come today. The girl for whom we have taken a loan, whose installment we are paying and the girl whom we have never respected, she has left all her work and is coming with her husband only for the mother, not caring about her work and business. Her husband. Dad cried again. Where are the fools who want a son? Only girls use time in every difficulty ...!

Love breaks hearts but not always

Arv and Arohi are still chatting on Facebook as usual (Arv and Arohi love each other)

Today Arv wants to say something to Arohi but probably can't.


Arav: I want to talk to you.

Arohi: What?

Arav: I have to say something about people

Arhi: Then tell me

Arav: Man, I don't know how to say it, but I think now I want to break up my relationship, I'm shifting with my family and I don't think we will spend any more time together. To be able to. What if you were only together at school? I don’t want to have any distance relationship. I'm sorry!

The rider logged out saying nothing more. Arav felt very bad saying this to Arohi. He loved Arohi as much as Arohi loved him. He could not sleep well all night and the rider could not sleep well that night. Maybe that's why the rider didn't come to school the next day. Arohi did not go to school the next day. He slept late. When he finally woke up, he didn't eat breakfast and didn't go to school. He did not receive any phone calls or SMS from any of his friends. For a long time he sat on the bed and looked at the front wall. The moments spent with Arv are revolving in his mind. Eventually she stopped crying and started crying for a long time.

The next day he went to school and sat straight in the front seat where Rose would sit in the back seat with Arv. Arav was sitting in his back seat as usual. Their eyes met many times a day but both of them were stealing eyes. Nothing happened between the two. The same thing happened the next day. The next day and then for a few days

First love story ...

The condition of the house was such that half the house had to be rented and fortunately, two daughters came to rent the house. There were two sisters. The older sister was very pretty and went to college. The little one is still in school. We quickly rented a house to them as students!

I was also studying in college then. Like any boy of that age, I wanted to conquer the world. She was excited to see her new neighbor but did not dare to speak. It seemed like there was another boy in her life. He kept repeating his thoughts to the man, "He is bigger than you and where he is and where you are." Just keep looking at her beauty.

Slowly I began to notice the time to go to his college. I just try to open the main door. This cycle lasts for many days. By this time he too was beginning to notice that I see him every day but can't talk much. That interest began to grow in me too. After a while we started talking more and I moved closer to her. I talked to her for hours and now I don't mind hearing from her about her boyfriend. I was young, but I had no doubt that I fell in love with that girl. So much so that even today, 15 years later, when I think of him, I am surrounded by a beautiful feeling. The day passed and then came the moments when we talked till late at night. One August night we sat on the steps together. It was raining very lightly that day and for some reason he was very sad. It looked like she was arguing with her boyfriend about something. I was with her - as her partner, in her grief. I don't know when he cried while talking. I was having a hard time seeing him in this condition.


About the Creator

Selly Nath

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    SNWritten by Selly Nath

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