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Frevanth and Athelayna: Chapter 4

Return of Lynx Zorander

By Ella DormanPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

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Athelayna's eyes begin to glow green in anger. "Lynx Zorander! What are you doing here?" Athelayna snaps in rage.

"Did you believe that you would find Frevanth again, Athelayna?" Lynx chortles.

"What do you mean?" Athelayna asked, puzzled.

"You have a traitor amongst you, Athelayna," Lynx replies, satisfied.

"Who?!" Athelayna demands, not realizing she is floating in the air at this point. Her powers ripped the tents into the air waking Avery and Kuv'vurg. Aerin watches in disbelief. When they were younger, Lynx was in love with Frevanth and has always held a grudge towards Athelayna.

"Seems like you move on quickly." Lynx chuckles, looking at Aerin.

"I don't know what you are implying, Lynx, but you are not welcome here," Athelayna yells, making the ground beneath the others rumble.

"Athelayna, focus." Aerin pleads, remembering the devastation that her newfound powers give her.

"No Aerin. Let her lose it. Let her turn out just like you did." Lynx replied vindictively.

"Leave him alone!" Athelayna warned again.

"Oh? How cute! Puppy love." Lynx taunted.

"Lynx! Quit it!" Kuv'vurg demands.

"Quit?" Lynx chuckles. "Arent you the one who called me?" Lynx replies. At this moment, Athelayna realizes what is going on.

"Kuv'vurg?! How could you!" Athelayna and Aerin yell before glancing at each other.

"How could I? Has Avery not told you? Oh, dear! A little family drama?" Kuv'vurg lets out a ground-shattering chuckle. "Oh, that's right, you don't trust each other because of him." he scoffed, pointing in Aerin's direction.

Athelayna didn't understand what was going on. All she knew was Kuv'vurg was up to something, and for once, Avery and Aerin weren't involved. "Athelayna?" Lynx beckons, snapping Athelayna away from her thoughts. "Aren't you at all curious why your lover's ex love is standing before you?" she taunts.

"Oh, Lynx," Athelayna begins while everyone braces themselves. Athelayna lowers herself to the ground. "I know you are here to provoke this curse. Kuv'vurg knows all too much about the curse, and no one else does except Aerin." Athelayna says as she gestures to powerless Aerin. "However, I can't be persuaded. I will win." she continues with a confident tone.

Bewildered, Lynx looks at Athelayna. "But...." Lynx begins.

"But Frevanth?" Athelayna finishes her sentence for her. "He will always be my first love, but this thing between Zhoron and I concerns him not." While they argue, Ydil approaches Lynx's side. Startled, Athelayna's eyes begin to glow, and Aerin grabs her arm.

"No, Athelayna. Calm yourself. Speak to Ydil." Aerin insists. Athelayna starts to hum Frevanth's song for Ydil, and Ydil's scales begin to glow brighter than Lynx has ever seen.

"Can't be!" Lynx says in disbelief. "She is Frevanth's dragon, not yours!" she snaps. Athelayna continues Frevanth's song; however, the tone and melody begins to change as Ydil dances around Athelayna.

"Athelayna!" Avery yells. However, she doesn't hear him, and Aerin glares at him.

"Now Lynx," Athelayna chortles. "I believe you should leave."

Backing away in disbelief, Lynx looks towards Kuv'vurg, who is standing and staring at Ydil in disbelief. "Kuv'vurg, I believe you should join her since you called her here in the first place. You are banished from my kingdom. You shall be the only orc not welcome in the kingdom. Avery if you wish to live you will deliver this news to the orcs. Kuv'vurg is an outcast with Lynx. They are to be captured if they are spotted within the kingdom."

"Yes my Queen." Avery replies without hesitation.

"Now go. Before I regret letting you live." Athelayna demands. At this moment, Ydil lets out a massive roar notifying all the dragons of the news.

"Anyone else?" Athelayna questions as she turns to Avery and Aerin.

"No, my Queen," Avery replies. However, Aerin sits silently.

"Aerin?!" she snaps as he sits there motionless.

"I think something is changing in him my Queen. He hasn't been the same since you removed all his powers." Avery informs her.

"Aerin," she says with a whisper as she sits in front of him, holding his face. "Come back to me. It will be alright."

However, he continues to sit there motionless in a daze. "What is wrong with him, Avery?!" she snaps.

"Maybe you removed too much life from him?, couldn't be." Avery replies, lost in thought.

"Or what?!" she cries.

"Has...your heart changed, Athelayna? You hummed a scared song that enchants dragons and your love....have you...."Avery tries to finish his sentence and sees Athelayna's eyes glowing green again, looking at him with pure anger.

"Athelayna...please...I mean no harm," he says hastily. "It's just....legend says that those who use that song use it to enchant their love," he says as he reads her face.

"It...cant be." she replies worriedly. "I dont...." she starts as she gets lost in thought.

"Athelayna!!" Avery shouts. "You need to release him! Now! This isn't a good thing you have done!"

"But...I didn't mean to." she cries as she holds Aerin's face as if the last 400 years didn't happen. Did Aerin love her, and was that why he forbade Frevanth and Athelayna from marrying? Athelayna's head began to spin as she sat near Aerin.

Ydil rushes over to catch Athelayna while growling at Avery as he inches towards Athelayna, trying to catch her. "Athelayna? You realize you broke a sacred code within the Dragonlord's laws by taking Ydil from Frevanth. Right?" he asks, worried.

"Code?" she inquires, slowly snapping out of her trance.

"Yes. Ydil was assigned to Frevanth at birth. There are consequences for taking a dragonlord's dragon. Are you ready for the rathe of Frevanth? He will loathe you for this." Avery informs her.

"What consequences?" she asks, afraid.

"Depends on the dragonlord Athelayna," Avery replies, just as afraid. At this moment, Aerin wakes from his trance. He notices Ydil and clings tightly to Athelayna's sleeve. "Frevanth is here?" he asks, terrified.

"No..I took his dragon on accident," she replies, ashamed.

"So it has begun," Aerin replies, disappointed.

"Wait....what do you mean it has begun?" Athelayna asks, offended.

"Well I was just in a trance after you hummed. Ydil answers to you. The curse is taking over....unless...." he pauses.

"Unless what Aerin?! This is not a time for secrecy," she snaps.

"Unless you can control yourself. Otherwise you will end up like I was." he replies timidly.

"Like you were? How so?" she demands angrily.

"Power-hungry. See no one but yourself. Destroying everyone in your path. Athelyana that isn't you." he replies softly.

"You don't know me." she says as she rolls her eyes.

"Yes. I do. I raised you. I may have been a child myself however the curse let me see you for who you truly are." he tries to finish his statement when she interrupts him.

"Aerin, I never want to hear how you raised me. I raised myself as you watched. After all, you loved me more than a father because you were a child yourself. This curse will be the death of me!" she cries out.

"Yes I loved you....I love you Athelayna. I never wanted to raise you. Avery made me! Where do you think the curse came from?! He seen I loved you and punished me." he pleaded. Athelayna went to question Avery. However, he was gone.

"He's warning the orcs Athelayna. You need to brace yourself for what this curse is going to do to you or you can give me it back." he mumbled.

"Give it back?! And you have complete control over me?! I dont think so Aerin!" she yells.

"Athelayna....if you give the curse back, I am at your mercy as you are mine. However, I won't use it against you." Aerin pleads.

"How do I know you aren't lying?" she asks.

"You don't. You just trust me," he replies.

Athelayna realizes that this is her only choice; however, she isn't sure because Aerin hasn't always been truthful. She knows no matter what, she has a tough choice to make.


About the Creator

Ella Dorman

I am a homeschooling mother of 5 by day and a college student and writer by night.

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