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Foreign to people Chpt. 8-11

Maybe this will work

By Abigail WrightPublished 2 years ago 29 min read

Chapter 8:

Casey nods her head at Julie's question and she runs off into the other room squealing. Casey walks into the next room over, I could see the whole room from this one. The room had marble floors and black granite countertops, there were a few different machines in the room,

“What are those machines in there?” Casey gave me a shy smile and explained each device and its purpose “I think the fridge would be my favorite device, what about you bud?” I ask James what he likes the most and he says the microwave because it cooks things fast. After about half an hour Casey walked into the dinning room with a giant tray of sandwiches. There were three different types: one had peanut butter and grape jam, the middle one had a meat called salami and the last one had ham and yellow cheese. Julie walks into the room but now she is off her phone “Hey Julie, which sandwich do you suggest?” I had no idea which to choose in all honesty. She suggested the salami and swiss sandwich so I grabbed it and took a bite, it felt like my taste buds exploded in my mouth and I chewed slowly and enjoyed every bite of that delicious food. On my last bite of food I heard a door slam open, that’s when Julie ran into the living room and met a bunch of her friends. At first I heard excited voices then the next thing I knew it went quiet, I looked over at Casey and she gave me a wry smile. James looks up at me and the only thing he says is

“Good luck”. All I could think was ...oh shit what did I get into? First came Julie with her straight brown hair and tall stature next was another girl who had curly red hair, she was a little short then Julie and lastly was a black haired girl with sharp looking eyes. Julie introduced the curly red head as Kalley and the sharp black haired one as Sarah, I stood up from my seat and gave a small bow as I talked,

“Hello, my name is Nozaki it’s nice to meet you all” they all had smiles on their faces when we all sat down at the table. I decided to take another half sandwich because everyone else was eating, the girls were just staring at me and glancing back and forth to each other,

“Can I he-” I was interrupted by a giddy voice that came from Kalley,

“You didn’t say he was older! You little sneak” Julie shrugs her shoulders then comes Sarah,

“He’s hot! How long have you been keeping him from us!?” Julie is quick to deny anything. I feel like I should have something clarified,

“You said I was hot, am I that red? I thought it was a nice temperature in here” They all burst into laughter and Kalley talks first,

“Wow so up front! She meant you look nice” I can’t help but look over at James. All he does is shrug his shoulders and take another sandwich, I am starting to feel cramped from being inside so long,

“Excuse me Ms.Casey? May I step outside and stretch for a moment?” I stood up and walked over to the kitchen while I asked. Casey turns around and seems to be in a better mood

“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to ask, just go ahead” with that I step out onto the porch and shut the door behind me. The first thing I do is stretch my arms out and unconsciously my wings go with them, my pure white wings were covering both the glass doors entirely. Next I bend down and stretch my legs, I hear a shout come from inside and I rush to open the door. I found everyone staring at me like I had rabies,

“What happened?! Is everyone okay?!” I was halfway through the sliding door when I spoke. The person who spoke up was James, “You're so pretty! You match my feather Mr.Nozaki!'' That's when I looked over to see my wings were no longer invisible.

“Shit” is all I could seem to say at the moment, I took a step outside and everyone followed my movements. The more I backed up the closer they got “I know I know… I’m a monster a horrible being that should perish, right?” most of them have the same reaction. Their mouths were gaped open but James came right up to me and started touching my feathers,

“Oh.. Uh” I couldn’t spit out any words. No human had ever wanted to be near me let alone touch me! I looked at Ms.Casey and she was crying then I turned to the girls they seemed to be in shock just staging at me. James pulled on my feathers and my wing twitched in pain “Oh bud please don’t pull on those” he told me sorry and kept stroking them. I looked back at the girls and their mouths were still open so I wanted to blow their minds further “You wanna see them in action?” Everyone including Ms.Casey nodded their head but the girls ran up to me and got a closer look at my wings. I backed up and asked them to give me some room, they all backed away. I started by giving a few small flaps then jumped about ten feet up before heaving my wings down, I rocketed into the sky and a few feathers fell from their place. As the feathers fell the girls were trying to catch them, I did circles around the large yard, I spun around and flew up and down a couple times before landing behind Ms.casey “I’m sorry… if you want me to le-” Ms.Casey grabbed onto my shirt crying and whispering,

“Your our angel, don’t say you’ll leave” I looked down at her as she held on for dear life. Her long brown hair was blowing in the wind and her tears hit my shirt leaving wet marks. The girls came rushing over to me with a few feathers each screaming “You're a live angel! Oh my god look at him! He’s real!” I held a finger to my mouth and they went quiet. I patted Casey on her back and calmed her down, once she let go of me I leapt back into the middle of the yard with ease. I remembered I had swords before I passed out and felt bare without them, I started to panic in my head and apparently Sarah could tell,

“Are you missing something?” I had wide eyes and felt hopeless as I said,

“I lost my swords… they’re gone” the girls started laughing hysterically “It’s not funny, they were really important to me. They were both made of some kind of stone, they were expensive too” I finished my rant and Sarah looks satisfied for some reason.

Chapter 9:

I look directly at her and ask if she knows anything about them, she stuck her head up and talked in a daring voice,

“I know exactly where they are but the price is you have to carry me there” I glared at her and thought about it for a second, I could have fun with this too. I nod my head and we go out front to where their car was, Ms.Casey is given directions by Sarah in secret and they leave to the spot while I am left here with Sarah “You sure you want to fly there?” she nods with confidence when I ask so we head to the backyard and I grab her by the waist “Hold on!”. When I jumped into the air she screamed “Don’t scream if you don’t want to fall!” she quickly shut her mouth after that. I was now hovering with her in my arms just to get her used to being in the air, she pointed in the direction of my swords and I climbed high enough to see the whole town. We were gliding in the air when she moved her finger and pointed at the beach, I made a sharp turn and did a barrel roll causing her to grip onto my shirt. I teased her, doing tricks the whole way, when we came to the beach I landed in a shaded area covered by tall buildings. When I let go of her she was wobbling and dizzy “Was I too rough with you?” she steadied herself and shook her head with a smile. We waited a few minutes for the rest of them to get there then went towards some trees. We stopped in front of a large tree on the side of the beach,

“What? Where is it?” Sarah patted the large tree and said “I found them when I was ten, sorry to say it but the tree grew over them. My parents would never have let me keep them so I hid them and completely forgot about them till you said that” I glared at her because that was pure stupidity. She knocks on the tree while saying,

“It’s hollow so we might be able to use an axe to get them out” I continue glaring at her in silence. I raise my hand to where everyone can see and morph the fingers into razor sharp claws, I move over and start chipping away at the wood. After a few minutes Kalley speaks up and I grab the tree in frustration,

“Wouldn’t it be faster to use a-” I squeezed the tree in my hand and I hear a loud snap while I am looking at the girls,

“Just let me get damn my swords!” when I turn back to the tree I accidentally snapped it in half “uh oh” the top half of the tree was floating away into the ocean. I look back to the tree and my two swords ar sticking out, I squeal like the girls did before “My swooooords!” when I grab the swords it seems like they are stuck in the tree. I jump on the stump and start pulling but they still won’t budge “God damn it! Give them up you stupid tree!” I choose to step off the stump for a moment and think about this. I stand there staring at the swords when Sarah speaks up in a daunting voice,

“We can get aaaan aaaaxe” I had enough of that and I was frustrated and upset. I accidentally let my aura slip out again and the swords came flying out of the stump. I caught both the swords by the handle as they flew to me “I… don’t …. Need … an axe!” I hadn’t even realized the swords were in my hands and I started walking toward the water with my wings bunched up against my back. I screamed into the ocean with all the rage I had built up “Give me a break, just let me have one thing! That’s all I ask!” I raised my fist at the ocean and heard everyone laughing behind me. That’s when I saw the sword in my hand, I was so embarrassed my face turned red. I calmed down and turned back to everyone “Hehe my bad! Sorry for causing a scene!” James took his hands off his mother’s dress and came running up to me “Oh no little bud, these are not to be played with!” I put the swords above my head and he started pouting “Oh but I can put on a show tonight if you guys want to see my blade dance?” I said that without thinking! I just wanted to look cool! What the fuck is a blade dance?! They all had shining eyes as they looked at me “Haha guess that’s a yes?” they nodded once again. I am so regretting all of this! “Okay I’m kind of rusty so you all go back and relax, okay?” they all agree to go home and wait till I get back at night.after they get into the van I rush back to the secluded part of the beach and enjoy the sight of my beloved swords. I follow the wind and start swaying side to side with a sword in each hand, before long I am swinging my blades in a rhythm and humming along to an old song Leo used to sing before he went to sleep. I closed my eyes and started to follow a flow and swung my swords around in sync, it was very therapeutic. I was dancing around in a flow for a couple hours, humming the whole time, I got to Leo’s favorite part and burst out into song jumping through the air enjoying every moment of the dance and song. I landed gracefully and did a spin with one sword up and the other crossing it next I jumped and spread my wings out wide but when I landed I dragged the swords across the sand leaving a yin and yang symbol in the sand below me. I heard some murmuring and opened my eyes to find a crowd of people in a huge circle around me, I kept turning and looking around just watching the people. I was freaking out in my head as I watched them watch me, suddenly someone started clapping and soon there was a roar of clapping and cheers. I guess they thought I was performing, I did a bow and smiled. This was the first time I've been in complete and utter peace since I awoke, everyone around me was smiling and clapping. Someone sent their little girl up to me and she handed me some green paper with the number five on it,

“Uh.. Thank you?” she skips away happily. Next thing I know a ton of people are handing me these papers, after a bunch of people leave I make my way out of my little nook on the beach. I am now carrying at least twenty of these papers as I walk around the beach. I decide to hide my wings now that I'm done with my dance, I pull them onto my back and they turn invisible again. Just then I had a great idea, I unfurled my wings and stuffed a sword in each pocket under each wing “Heh, it doesn’t even feel weird” and as I thought when the wings turned clear so did the swords. I am pretty sure it will be dark soon so I start walking back to their home, as I am passing a shop I see my reflection in the window. I have a crossed scar on my eye but that’s not the problem, I now have black hair and really nice skin. My skin seems too pale to be natural but I guess it wasn’t, I am a bit taller too. I continue walking but a bunch of young girls keep glancing at me, I pick up my speed and make it to their home before dark hit. I am not really sure how to announce myself so I walk into the house and the first thing I see is everyone in pajamas throwing feather filled cloth bags at each other. They all stop in their tracks and come running up to me shouting various things,

“I thought you weren’t coming back!” and “Are you rehearsed enough to show us now?” and the smallest voice came from James “You were gone a while” I ignored everyone and crouched down to James,

“Hey bud sorry about that, I got caught up in the moment” I rub his hair and go straight to the backyard with everyone following. When we all are on the porch I pull out the green papers and ask what they are but everyone laughs at me… again. Casey explained that it was money and that I could use it to buy things or food, I nodded to her explanation. I felt like I couldn’t do the dance unless I sang along to the song so I warned them “I am not just going to dance for you all, I need to sing along to my dance so if it hurts your ears just shout out, okay?” they all get excited at the mention of singing so I take a deep breath and head to the center of the yard. I pull out my swords and hang them at my side, I wait for the breeze to hit and start my swaying. Once I got the rhythm I started humming and swirling around the yard, before I knew it I was singing Leo’s song and leaping through the air with my eyes shut, I heard a couple gasps and excited movements.

Chapter 10:

When I was pointing my head toward the sky I opened my eyes for a split second to see my emerald swords glowing in the moonlight. My wings snapped open sending some feathers flying in the wind, I landed and swirled my swords in the earth leaving the same symbol as before. I covered my whole body within my wings and waited to hear their reaction, I waited and waited but there was nothing. I opened my wings a little and peeked my head out, everyone was standing up from where they were previously sitting. I stood up and tucked my swords and wings away behind me,

“Um… was it bad? I told you to shout out if-” I was so rudely interrupted by a couple shout outs and everyone started clapping,

“Woo! Woo hoo!” James came running up to me and hugged my knees tightly. When he let go I crouched down and hugged him,

“Thank you bud, I appreciate the positive feedback” I stand up and head over to the rest of them. The girls were chatting away in their little group and Casey came up to me with happy eyes,

“That was wonderful Nozaki, just wonderful. I do hope you perform again” I smile and agree to do it again. When I finish my conversation with Casey I turn around to see three smiling girl standing before me. The first one to speak up is Julie “Okay after that performance was professional worthy” then Sarah cut in “No it was beyond professional worthy! He’s a freaking angel!” next came Kalley,

“ANYWAY we were talking and we think you should try out for the singing contest that the winner is guaranteed a spot in a boy band!” I am not understanding a word of what they are saying. I look to Casey for help but she is picking up feathers for his collection, that’s unsettling… I look back to the girls,

“Uh what’s a boy band?” each of them pulls out their phone and types into it furiously. Once they're done they point their phones at me and show me pictures and a couple groups of young guys in nice clothes “Uhm I don’t know if that’s the life for me” they are begging me to at least try it out tomorrow. I keep telling them no until the point James and Casey come back and they shut up, after we all head inside I start thinking about their suggestion. I do need a job and a place to stay, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to at least try it out. They’re all laying down on their sleeping bags in the living room when I make the announcement “Fine, but they better pay good” with that they all start screaming and Casey comes running in from the back of the house “Sorry ma’am but can I ask for a ride somewhere tomorrow?” The girls explain it and she agrees to take me. I walk to the front door and announce I am leaving, “Bye everyone! I will be back tomorrow!”. I hear a scream come from the back of the house followed by the sound of tiny running feet “Hey bud, what’s wrong?” he starts begging me not to go over and over again, he said something about his father leaving just like that. Casey tries to pry James off of me but has no luck. I look at Casey with exhausted eyes “If your mother is okay with it I can stay in the backyard?” he seems pleased with that and loosened his grip on me, fortunately she agreed and handed me a blanket. I jumped up into their large oak tree and climbed to the highest branch, as soon as I laid down I went right to sleep.

Chapter 11:

I woke up to the sound of James screaming at his mother, the sun was coming up and I opened my eyes to see a bright blue sky above me. I wrapped myself in the blanket and crawled out of the tree, When I reached the clear back doors I saw James struggling against his mother who was trying to put a shirt on him,

“Just put on the freaking shirt!'' That's when James caught sight of me and let me in “Hi Nozaki! Good morning!” I looked at Ms.Casey and that was her queue to slip the shirt on, she successfully did so. I crouch down to his level as he slouched forward,

“Hey where are you headed so early?” he looked at me with a grumpy face and said

“School” I laughed and stood up,

“Well if you are good all day I will get you a treat, how’s that?” he violently shakes his head and runs back to his mom. She whispered,

“Thank you” to me and led him to the door. Once they left the house three heads popped up from their sleeping position,

“Oh no… what now?” I asked them the question that was on my mind and they said,

“You need to practice! We all have the day off of work so we are all going with you! We can’t have you mess up and you need to learn a new song!” they each got up and ready for the day while I sat in the living room waiting for them to come back. The first one to come in was Julie with a bright smile on her face and a phone in her hand,

“Okay let's see how well you can copy songs” She uses her phone to pull up an app for music and starts playing an upbeat classic boy band song. After I listened to the whole thing I already memorized it, as I was thinking she was looking intently at me,

“Huh? What is it?” Kalley walks into the room and shouts,

“Oh god your hair!”. Apparently I had something they call “Bed head” and each of them takes a turn styling my hair in different directions. I don’t think they know exactly how old I am,I am around forty five… probably shouldn’t tell them that. When they are done flipping my hair every which way Julie asks me to sing the song I just heard

“uh… you mean right now?” they all nod so I open my mouth and start singing to the best of my ability. When I get done they’re all clapping around me “Uh, thank you?” for the next few hours I am singing random songs that they play for me. I finally muster up the courage to talk “I really need some water” Kalley runs to the kitchen and brings me a glass of water, I chug it down in two gulps. They came to a decision for the song I will perform, it was a deeper song about forbidden love, the way I had to sing was really hard to do but we practiced up until Ms.Casey came home. When she entered she seemed rushed and pleaded us to get into the car, we all went to the music studio they were holding the competition at and we rushed inside. Sarah was the oldest one out of them and they obligated her to speak for us,

“Hello ma’am we have a contender that would like to audition” the lady gave us some paperwork and we sat down filling it in to the best of our ability. It asked about previous jobs and if I sang in choir, stuff like that. It took about an hour before we handed the papers back, we had to wait another two hours before they called me back. A man in a suit welcomed me and explained they would be recording with cameras and I have to wear a mic on my shirt. Once it was my turn to get on stage there was a bright light and an open floor, there were some judges in the back of the room that asked me to introduce myself,

“Hi, I am Nozaki claremont and I will be singing about love today. Please excuse my stage prop I cannot perform without them” I unfurled my wings and grabbed my swords, my swords were quickly taken away but at least they didn’t try to take my wings! I started by swaying to the song’s rhythm and I was soon dancing around the stage like Kalley taught me while singing the song I was taught by Julie. My wings moved with the beat of the song but I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my wings flapping and my own voice. My voice had to be deep and full of emotion so I thought about the good times I had with Leo the whole time I sang. When The music stopped I looked around me and the whole studio, I mean everyone was watching me! I stood there frozen with fright as the eyes of the audience looked at me, next thing I know there is confetti exploding around me. I start freaking out at the sound of explosions and run to the side of the stage with my claws stretched out, it took everything in me not to tear anyone apart. I had a tear run down my cheek as I thought about Leo and the memories we made, that’s when the explosions stopped and I was able to calm down. One of the judges walked up to me as I sat there holding my knees,

“Well done! You got approved to go to the finals! You were phenomenal! I’m sorry about the surprise… if we knew you had a sensitivity to sound we wouldn’t have done that'' I stand up and return to the center of the stage to shake all the judges hands one by one. Nobody questioned my wings; they just went along with it, when I left that night Julie, Sarah and Kalley were waiting for me. They called Ms.casey and she picked us up, as soon as the car pulled up I heard her screaming with excitement,

“Oh yay! Our angel has made a name for himself! Congratulations Nozaki!” I look in the car after everyone piles in and I have been cramped all day,

“Hey, I’m not feeling the whole car thing right now… I will meet you back at your house” they agree and drive off into the sunset. When I am done watching them drive off I feel someone touching my wing, I swing my wing in their direction knocking whoever it was to the ground. When I turn around I see the female judge from before,

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you, I see you got your swords back” I nod at her and start walking off. Unfortunately she starts following me asking questions, “Why are you still wearing the wings?” I respond in a bored voice,

“They’re a comfort item” then,

“How long did it take you to practice that song?” I turn around and glare at her,

“It took me three times through, I am not really much of a chit chat person so if you don’t mind” I pointed in the opposite direction I was going but she popped out one more question,

“I am willing to work with you right here and now, I can get you into the world of music faster than this competition can” I raise my eyebrow and listen for a moment “I am a producer with some top clients” she starts naming off people but I cut her short,

“I’m new here, I don’t know any of those people” she scoffs at my comment but continues anyway,

“If you work for me I can get you an interview at this famous news station and you can perform to make your debut”. I sigh at her and make one thing clear:

“I will work for you for one month and see how I like it, you happy?” she starts jumping up and down then pulls out her phone,

“Yes hello? I need you to rent a roof at our hotel. Yes make it for tonight, okay I will meet you there!” she takes my hand and starts pulling me. I am very irritated at the moment and shrug her off,

“I don’t know what that call was about but I need to head home” I start walking off but she steps in front of me pissing me off even further,

“ I booked a hotel for you so you can relax tonight and do paperwork tomorrow” I decide to tell her I need to meet up with my friends and she takes me to their house in her own car. We arrive at the large house where they live and I walk in,

“Welcome back Nozaki! I hope you got here safely?” I nod my head and bend down to James,

“Hey bud I have to go spend the night somewhere else but I got you that gift I promised” he starts jumping in place “But you have to wait until tomorrow, I am going to take you for a ride!” he gasps and looks at Ms.casey and then back at me “But you have to go to bed when your mother tells you!” he sighs but agrees to it. I make my leave and get back into Mrs.Levin's car, she drives like a maniac down the road and makes a sudden stop in front of a huge building

“Here we are!” we walk inside and I am watching everyone around me. She walks up to the lady in the front and says her name, after she gets logged in I am handed a key with a number attached,

“What’s this?” she laughs and tells me it’s to get into my room. We walk up some stairs and arrive in front of a door “So I just stick it in here and turn?” she nods and I walk in, she comes in after me “Uh what?” she starts pointing out each and every machine. I am so pissed off I could kill her right here and now but I restrain myself for the sake of my career. She finished up explaining the washing and drying machine, I took that chance to rush her out of my room and out into the hallway,

“Okay, bye… come back tomorrow with the papers or whatever!” I slam the door and wait for her to walk away. Once I know she is gone I sit on the bed and spread out my wings,

“Oh my fucking god! I am so fed up with these humans! The only ones I can stand are ms.casey and James… ugh!” after my small confession I step out onto the balcony. The second I step out I feel my blood run hot and I am filled with rage towards the humans again. I leap off the edge and dive down until i almost hit the ground then I skyrocket into the upward leaving a high pitched sound below. Nomatter how much I fly I can’t shake this hatred… I watch the people below and I see some shady looking people in an alleyway “Perfect” I dive down to the alley claws bared. Once my feet are on the ground I tuck my very noticeable wings away and walk up to the shady men, once they spot me they pull out a knife and a gun “How cute” I lunge at the the one with a gun and he shouts,

“What the fuck?” before I slash his throat into smithereens. Next I jump onto the man with the knife and tear out his eyes in one swing but he starts screaming,

“Oh we can’t have that” I dig my finger into his throat and warm sticky blood rushes out. I decided to leave a mark on him in case I decide to go out again, I cut a circle on his stomach with a line going from top to bottom. I stand above the corpses and laugh to myself before I hear a woman scream,

“Oh my god it’s a demon! He’s got red eyes!” she runs into the street before I could catch her,

“God damn it” with that I leap to the rooftop and fly back to the hotel balcony. I gently land on the floor and feel much less irritated and more calm, I head inside and take off my clothes to throw in the washer. Once I am undressed I lay in the plush bed and fall asleep in the comforter they provided me with.


When I wake up I hear a knock at the door, so I get up from my bed only to reveal I am naked. I recall the events of last night and I rush over to the washer, there aren't any clothes in there,

“Oh shit! Hold on! I’ll be right there!” I yell at the door. I quickly open the dryer and find my clothes inside all dry. “Oh thank god” I rush to put everything on and head over to the door. When I open it a bunch of people come rushing in “Hey woah wait a minute!” I am pushed aside and people start putting clothes on the bed. Next they put a bunch of makeup and brushes on the dresser, Mrs.Leven walks in and shouts,

“Oh dear god your hair! Someone make this poor boy’s hair suitable” someone attempted to grab my arm and pull me away but had no luck. I glued myself to the spot behind the door and waited for an explanation, Mrs.Leven finally came back to me “Mr.Nozaki we are wanting to get an idea of what will look good on you along with the style of makeup. Please sit on the bed and allow them to do their jobs'' I am calm for the moment so I follow her orders and sit on the bed. The first people to come up to me don’t say a word they just start putting makeup on me, I couldn’t help but flinch and glare at them. They continued applying the makeup anyway, one of them tilts my head up and looks over the work they’ve done,

“You would look better if you smiled” now I am pissed off so I put on a fake smile but unfortunately I now have two small fangs. The man with the makeup brush grins and adjusts my makeup a little more “And we’re done, The dark boy look is finished!” he jumps back and glances at Mrs.Leven. She walks up to me and giggles,

“Oh yes he has that defiant look, it will shake young ladies to their core! Okay now go get changed!” I stand up and look in the mirror. For god's sake I look like a dark elf! I have black eyeliner on and a tint of black on my lips, what the hell is on my nose? I look over to the makeup artist and point at my nose with a disgusted look,

“A fake nose ring” I nod my head and follow the clothing designer to the other side of the bed. He has two suitcases full of clothes but when I walk up to him he is disgusted,

“Ma’dam did you get him from the side of the road? He has horrendous clothing!” I roll my eyes at his words but I don’t really mind him saying it for some reason. He pulls out shirt after shirt until he reaches a black shirt with what looks like a dripping X across the chest ,

“Oh perfect!” he pushes the shirt on me and waits for me to change “Wait, you want me to change right here?” he nods his head and I can’t even deal with this anymore, “I will be in the bathroom, bring me whatever pants you find” with my announcement I walk into the bathroom next to the dresser. I took off my shirt and shook my wings a little, that made my swords fall to the ground and a loud couple of clanking noises echo into the room where everyone was waiting. Suddenly my bathroom door swings open and Mrs.Leven is standing in the doorway staring at me “It was just my swords” her face turns tomato red and she slams the door. I get the feeling she saw me in my underwear. I put the shirt on and wait a few minutes for the pants, the designer walks into the bathroom unwelcomed and hands me a couple pairs of pants. He told me to show them before I take them off, the first ones I put on are black with a small chain on them. I walked out into the room and the designer shook his head, I did that a few times before he was satisfied. The last pair of pants I put on are a pair of red jeans and he is finally happy with the look,

“Okay thats all I am here to do! Mrs.Leven please excuse me” the makeup artist had already left and now the designer. The only people now were me and Mrs.Leven,

“So where is the paperwork?” she pulled out a folder from under her arm and started going over it with me. In the end she asked for questions,

“Yeah, when do I get a break?” She told me that I could either have scheduled ones or one really long break every day. I decided on the one long one everyday so that I can visit James, I signed the papers and we headed off to the studio again. While we were driving she pulled off the highway and ran into a phone store, when she came back she handed me a sleek black phone and said,

“This will be your phone do not lose it! We will contact you with this number and you must answer!” I nod my head as she shows me how to work it. When we arrived at the studio I was brought up to the third floor, we filled out more paperwork and had a snack before the studio got a chance to take me into where the mic was. As soon as I finished my donut I was dragged into a small room that had a mic and some drums,

“Uh, what do I do now?” a voice over the intercom told me to read over the lyrics. When I was done with the reading I looked over to them and cringed “You want me to sing this sappy crap?” I heard someone sigh through the intercom and then they told me to sing it. I did as they said and started singing in a mellow voice, within a minute of singing I was interrupted and told to put some emotion behind it “What emotion! I haven’t ever felt this mushy!” they sigh again and turn off the intercom. Someone walked into the room, it was an older gentleman with sunglasses on and he had slick backed hair.

“You're going to have to work with us a little, how about you sing something that you DO feel emotion with okay?” I nod and he leaves the room. The first emotion that pops into my head is hatred, I can work with that. I open my mouth and start off in a low voice just talking and soon I am singing in a deep raspy voice:

We use to play in the meadow, we promised never be be alone

Then that fateful day a accident came our way, I was suppose to be the one to go

But he took my brunt of the blow, soon he was gone and I was the one to be alone

I was alone he left me alone

Why can’t I take it back, I want to go back to be the hero

It wasn’t fair, the way our world works is cruel

There was no one to blame, it was just a game with a twisted end...


About the Creator

Abigail Wright

I am hoping to use my stories to advance my career, if I win anything that is!

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    AWWritten by Abigail Wright

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