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Folk Strange Stories Part 1: The Witch Ancestor of Miao Township Chapter 9 Section 1: The White haired Man

The white haired man arrived at the entrance hall, trying to subdue the corpse

By 徐金升Published 10 months ago 3 min read

This time, Liu Jingsheng took the lead. As we walked a couple of steps down the secret passage, a series of gunshots erupted from the direction of the main hall behind us. "Da-da-da-da-da," the main hall was in trouble! Without hesitation, the four of us changed positions, with the rear team now leading the charge toward the main hall. Leading the way was Lao Wang.

Did Mott's drug dealers rebel? Although we only had Zhang Yunwei and two others in the main hall, it seemed that Mott's men weren't much of a threat.

Lao Wang reacted first, ignoring the pain in his cheek. He shouted hoarsely through the wall, "Aim for the head!" One phrase jolted us awake. There were still two reanimated corpses in the main hall!!!

Within a few seconds, we reached the main hall, and the gunshots had ceased. Fatty appeared seemingly out of nowhere, positioned himself behind us.

The scene in the main hall stunned us. Just as Lao Wang had predicted, the two reanimated corpses were indeed back to life, but one of them seemed to have been killed almost immediately after revival. The head of the one that had been killed was now separated from its body, lying near the Tower of Heads.

The remaining reanimated corpse had been cornered. A man in white clothes with white hair stood before it, coldly observing. The reanimated corpse appeared to be greatly afraid of the man with white hair; it wouldn't meet his gaze and trembled incessantly.

I felt like I had seen this scene before, or rather, heard about it from someone. My third uncle! My third uncle had described something similar. I seemed to recall my third uncle talking about a scene from years ago, on a train twenty years ago. A charred corpse trembling in front of a man with white hair, who intercepted it during an escape and killed it with a short sword. I had always thought it was a mythical story my uncle had made up, but here it was, unfolding before my eyes.

Li Yan and his team had their guns trained on the reanimated corpse in the corner. Not far away lay Mott's emaciated body. Lao Wang furrowed his brow, walked a few steps over, and inquired about what had happened.

It turned out that after the four of us (plus Fatty, totaling five) entered the secret room, nothing abnormal had occurred in the main hall. However, when gunshots rang out from the secret room, Li Jiadong and Wang Donghui had considered going to reinforce. Just as they were about to, the wall through which we had entered the secret room reopened, and the man with white hair walked in.

Seeing the wall open, Mott had seemed excited. He had wanted to run outside but was tripped and knocked down by Zhang Yunwei. Everyone's attention was focused on the man with white hair. Li Yan had even thought that the man might have been part of Mott's group, there to assist.

As Li Yan was about to interrogate the man with white hair, a strange noise resonated through the main hall. Using Li Yan's words, it was like the sound of a sharp knife scraping glass, causing extreme discomfort and even an irregular heartbeat.

Immediately following that was a scream. The two corpses, who had been sitting quietly on the ground, suddenly became active. One of them lunged at Mott, and the other mounted him from behind. Their limbs coiled around him like vines.

The front corpse bit Mott's lips and began sucking greedily, while the other one bit through a blood vessel in Mott's neck, feeding on his blood, mouthful by mouthful, pouring it into its own belly. Mott was utterly defenseless, and after a moment, he collapsed to the ground, pupils dilated, breathless.

Initially, Li Yan and his team had refrained from shooting, fearing for Mott's safety. But now that it was clear their target wouldn't survive, all three of them pulled their triggers simultaneously, unleashing a barrage on the two corpses. Bullets struck the corpses, sparking on impact. Despite the attack, the reanimated corpses continued greedily sucking on Mott's body until they drained the last drop of blood and fluid from him.

A few seconds later, Mott's shrunken form lay lifeless. The two reanimated corpses licked their lips as if still not satiated. They turned their heads to look at Li Yan's group, mouths stretching into an incredulous grin, revealing their bloodstained, pointed teeth.


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