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A.H. Mittelman

By Alex H Mittelman Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 7 min read
Photo by Thijs Degenkamp on Unsplash

"I can't believe we're getting married," I said.

"Of course we are, sweetie. I told you, anything you want, just wish for it, and I'll make it come true," Fred said.

"All I want is you," I said.

"And all I want is you, too. But don't forget, I have the money to make all your dreams come true, baby," Fred said.

"You make all your money through real estate, right? I have my real estate license. Maybe one day I can help sell..." I started to say and Fred interrupted.

"One day, baby. My family likes to take care of our business privately though. They're very protective of the family..."

"Yah, but I'm family, now, too. We're getting married tomorrow. Then our honeymoon," I said.

"First, the fishing trip. I need to go. I'm meeting some important real estate people. Then the honeymoon," Fred said.

"Really? You're still planning a fishing trip with your buddies the day after our wedding?" I complained.

"Well, business trip with real estate people," Fred corrected.

"That's not the point. We're just getting married. I want to spend time with you," I said.

"We will. After the trip. I promise," Fred said.

"Ok, fine. But I want to go with you," I said. I wanted to be done arguing.

"No. Trust me, no you don't. Not on this trip," Fred said.

Sunday came and I was in heaven. Fred paid for the most expensive, elaborate wedding ever. We came riding out on an elephant. We had dancers all around us, and of course I was wearing a tiara like the princess I always wanted to be. The day ended and I couldn't believe Fred still planned on leaving for his business trip tomorrow. I tried my hardest to convince him otherwise, but there was no changing his mind.

We went home and got into bed.

"Goodnight, Grace," Fred said.

"Goodnight, Fred," I somberly said.

I was about to doze off when Fred's phone rang. I glanced over at it and saw a blocked number. Fred reached over me and grabbed the phone off the desk.

"Hello. Oh hello, sir. Yes, let me just find some privacy," Fred said, walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I walked over to the bathroom and pressed my ear against the door. I wanted to know just what the hell was going on. He's my husband, there shouldn't be any secrets between us.

"Yes. Yes, sir. Are you sure? I love her, though. She's the one. Are you sure you want me to bring her on the fishing trip? I'd prefer to bring... yes sir," Fred asked.

If that was his family inviting me on the secret business trip, why wouldn't he want me to come? And why did he have to explain that he loves me to whomever was on the phone? He married me, why wouldn't he love me? I was going to keep an eye on him if I was going on this trip. The conversation had made me very nervous.

I quickly jumped back into bed before he came out.

"Hey, honey. I got some good news. You've been invited on my fishing trip. Now you don't have to worry about not spending time with me," Fred said.

"Oh, that's great, dear. So you don't mind me meeting your business partners?" I asked.

"Well, now its just one business partner. The other one canceled last minute. My partner that's still going is the one that invited you to come. He asked for you by name. Said there's extra room on the boat now," Fred said.

"How does he know my name?" I asked. Fred thought for a minute.

"I... might have mentioned you once or twice in passing," Fred said.

"Wonderful. I'm glad I'm worth bringing up," I said. Fred smiled and got into bed.

"Are we still going on a honeymoon after?" I asked Fred.

"Yes, dear. Lets get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow," Fred said. I sighed, and we dozed off.

I woke to the sound of Fred's cell phone alarm.

"Shower time," Fred said.

"Can I join you?" I asked.

"Sure, we'll save some water," Fred said.

We showered, and Fred put on a Tuxedo.

"I brought an extra dress just in case you came along. We need to dress our best for this trip," Fred said.

"I don't remember you bringing an extra dress," I said.

"I hung it in the closet for you last night," Fred said. I smiled and checked the closet.

"Oh, Fred. Its gorgeous," I said. The extravagance of the dress made me forget all about the suspicious conversation Fred had last night. I put the dress on and we walked downstairs. We went outside and Fred's driver pulled up in an all-black Rolls Royce Phantom. We got in and he drove Fred and I to the docks.

We got out of the car, waved bye to the driver, and walked to a small fishing boat.

"That's it. I was expecting a yacht," I said.

"No yacht, my dear. But have no fear. I brought you special beer," Someone on the boat said.

"Oh, hi. I didn't see you there," I said. The man on the fishing boat smelled of sulfur and rotten meat and had a very pointy jet black mustache, an equally pointy and black goatee and was wearing a bright red suit. He looked like a movie villain.

"That's because I just appeared out of thin air. That's what caused my wild hair," the man said and smiled. The way his lips pointed upward so sharply in the corners gave me the chills, I wasn't sure why.

"So, why aren't we fishing with something bigger," I asked.

"It's just us three, why waste the space and pay a bigger boat fee?" The man said.

"Because you're rich. Also, do you rhyme everything?" I asked the man.

"No. Not everything I say has to rhyme. That would take up to much of my precious time. I work hard for every dime," he said. I almost chuckled but didn't want to be rude.

"I think Fred forgot to introduce us. What's your name?" I asked.

"I have many names, but you already know who I am and are familiar with my many games. I live forever and have acquired much fame. Not every creature is the same. Now get on my fishing boat, and let's enjoy a day without rain," he said.

"I see," I said and smiled awkwardly.

I turned to Fred and whispered, "What a strange man. Is he really your business partner?"

"Yes. And I know, he can be a real devil sometimes," Fred said and smiled.

We got on the boat and the man pointed to ores.

"I assume you want us to row," I said. The man smiled, his creepy, pointed lips curving again, then gave me the thumbs up. I don't know what I hated more, his weird rhymes or his creepy smile. And his silence was the creepiest thing ever.

Fred and I began to row until we were pretty deep into the ocean.

"My arms are getting tired. When do we fish? And I just noticed there's no fishing poles, so how do we fish," I asked.

The man held up his hand with his back turned to us, then slowly turned around with an even bigger, creepier smile on his face.

"I know you gave me and my family our fortunes, but I hate you. I love Grace, can't we go back and grab someone else?" Fred asked.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously in a high-pitched voice.

"It's time Fred to sacrifice your wife. Here's the sacrificial knife," the creepy man said.

"I hate you," Fred said.

"I'll give you a choice, then, Fred. Let Grace sacrifice you instead. All your money will go to her, and your emotional pain will disappear in a blur," The man said.

"What is he talking about, Fred. I'm scared," I said.

"My family wealth comes from Lucifer, this demonic jerk over here. In exchange, he demands we periodically sacrifice certain people to him. Today, he's giving me a choice. You or me," I said.

"I'm no demon, I'm a fallen angel. Don't forget that, or I'll make you choke on a bagel," Lucifer said.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I love you," Fred said and grabbed the knife by the blade. He tried to give me the handle.

"I won't do it. I love you too," I said.

"Just trust me. Grab the handle," Fred said.

"Ok, babe," I said and grabbed the handle. He pulled the knife inward until it pierced his neck. The blood ran down his neck and he turned pale, then Lucifer pushed him into the ocean.

"Bye-bye, Fred. You are now dead. Your wife just missed your head. His wealth is now yours, grace, and the money will open many doors," Lucifer said.

"You bastard, I loved him. I don't care about the money, I loved him," I said. I charged at him and tried to push him into the ocean too, but he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

I started crying, then noticed Fred's corpse floating in the ocean. I grabbed the knife out of his neck and tried to stab myself, but I couldn't get the knife to reach my body. Then I heard Lucifer's swine, shrill sounding evil voice behind me.

"You can't die or kill yourself unless I let you. Try to enjoy your new life of luxury before I make you sacrifice someone, too," Lucifer said. He laughed manically then disappeared again.

I cried the entire time I rowed myself back to shore. It wasn't until I saw the yacht waiting for me upon my return with the name Princess Grace painted on the side that I was able to stop crying. I should at least try to enjoy my new money, I thought.

Short Story

About the Creator

Alex H Mittelman

I love writing and just finished my first novel. Writing since I was nine. I’m on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t stop me! If you like my stories, click the heart, leave a comment. Link to book:

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

  • Lucas Gazrie11 months ago

    Love this! Well written and very detailed!

  • Lol, if I was Grace, I'd happily take the money! I've been cheated in the name of love too many times. If it comes down to love or money, I'd take money hahaha. Loved your story!

Alex H Mittelman Written by Alex H Mittelman

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