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Finley: Part 2

The second story of the Hammerhead Shark to find the oyster of a pearl and heal his broken fin, apologies for the delay as I had so much on with other work so I had to rush this project as quick as I could to get it submitted but enjoy.

By PC MelpezPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read
Finley: Part 2
Photo by Jéan Béller on Unsplash

For many miles and miles, the Hammerhead Shark Finley swam along across the deep blue sea as the light of dawn broke out turning the light of the Atlantic Sea sky blue. Finley passed by a large Blue Whale, a school of Groupers, many different shaped, sized, and coloured anemones, and avoiding a forest of Purple - Striped Jellyfish. All he could think of was finding and reaching a particular Coral Reef that would be adjacent to algae of seaweed and most of all for any clam oysters that would contain one shining Pearl to bring back to the Red Octopus in order to magically mend the Hammerheads broken fin that was still coated of the algae that had very little effect of making it better at all. It was now becoming a huge issue of Finley, as he struggled to keep up with swimming forward and for his fin to keep stroking as he could feel the aches crawling through his scales, but he pressed on with much determination trying to ignore the pain and find what he was looking for.

Noon was now at view as the sun beamed right above through the sea, making this more of an advantage for Finley so that he could scan and search above the Seabed as he hovered lower, a while later the Hammerhead finally found the gaze of a large bright Coral Reef. This Reef was somewhat different compared to which Finley often travelled pass by as it was partially rocky, as high as a hill and filled with so many more species of fish like of the last reef. Many Clownfish, Shrimps, Royal Gamma’s, Moorish Idol’s, Damsel Fish, Moonfish, Manta Rays and even Lionfish swam along by neighbourly and peacefully, the Hammerhead by now expected all the fish to run and hide in houses of Anthozoa’, Cnidaria’s, tubbed Sponges and anything rocky to take cover from view of a predatory Shark. Surprisingly all the fish continued passing on by as though Finley wasn’t there and seemed un-threatened by the Hammerheads approach, even he himself amazed yet bewildered by this as he also just swam along by the reef as well without posing any threats and still all the fish species didn’t seem to mind or even acknowledge him like he was a ghost of a fish passing by the Reef.

After swimming along through the Coral Reef in such a polite yet unproblematic pass by with the all the fish, Finley had now made it to where all the seaweed lay ahead below. It was virtually wide as a gulf and far as an endless view beyond, all the darkness of green was not the only thing that caught his fisheyes all around and further on, he had by now noticed objects of tiny rock joined with the seaweed. As he approached closer below the seabed rooted with the waving wafting seaweed thin as grass yet tall as spears, he had now found an oyster. But there wasn’t just one oyster, there were dozens, more than a dozen, hundreds, thousands, maybe more than a hundred thousand as the scale of the view of seaweed and oysters stretched on and beyond.

But he brought the head of a hammer close to the oyster right in front of him, he grabbed and picked it up by the side horizontally with his shark prickly speared jaws without trying to crush it or swallow it whole, he made sure he had a better grip whilst carefully placing his pointed razor thin teeth inside the oyster in order to open it. He then gritted his jaws together to open it out, cracking it open like breaking an egg and the Hammerhead spat it out onto the sea floor, only to find the revealment of no shiny Pearl inside with the remains of the shell left there.

Finley’s teeth and jaw was fine after cracking open the oyster, but his mind now babbled and adding more frustration as he knew that this would take virtually a long time to find any oyster with a Pearl inside. The Hammerhead now flabbergast with the sign of any hope to be restored, as both his fins lay flat down, mind boggled and scanned all around with the area so large and flat out of seaweed and oyster, “This is gunna take forever to find one” said Finley with a worn-out sigh.

Hours passed by and many oyster jaw cracking’s later, still no luck of finding a Pearl, the Hammerheads teeth were now beginning to ache as though his teeth were feeling numb and soar. He then struggled to keep cracking open the oysters much more like crushing walnuts with a nutcracker. He felt like giving up as he moaned and sighed loudly laying his belly on the seabed resting in a state with his mind all over everywhere, he felt as though his quest for searching for a pearl was forlorn and whether if the Octopus Jornio had lied to him if a Pearl could actually heal the Hammerheads broken fin at all.

Until something dazzling and flashing with a bright shine caught one of his eyes from a distance. The Hammerhead floated up and swam to approach it slowly passing by more wafting seaweed, cracked open and unopen oysters up till the dazzling display faded slightly as he swam closer but warily.

It was it; it was there, it was exactly what he was looking for and needed most, it was a Pearl. When Finley was at a fingertip reach to where the bright, diamond-like clear Pearl that was in the colour of cream and pinkish, and the size of a pebble as it was lain on and in of an opened oyster like it had just opened itself randomly in the middle of a field of seaweed.

The Hammerhead picked up the Pearl with the tip of his fin to take a moment to examine the shining object, he wanted to keep it safe so the Hammerhead open its jaws to make sure it would be kept hidden and safer in his mouth without swallowing. Now that he found what he was looking for, Finley turned round to head back on another excruciating journey of his aching fin and now aching teeth after cracking open the oysters.

Until at a shocking alarming startle making Finley jump-swim backwards with a yelp and forcing to spit out the small Pearl from its jaws and hitting a large, red, spongey balloon flated head with large eyes of a squid facing so close to Finley that scared the Hammerhead half to death. The Pearl hit the head of an octopus letting out a small squeal of pain of “Ow” like being hit accidentally with an incoming tiny cannonball, it was Jornio. The wise Red Octopus used one of its tentacles to rub its head brushing of the pain after being hit with the spat-out Pearl from the Hammerheads mouth. As Finley did not expect the octopus to come this far quick from where he left last time.

“Where did you come from?” said Finley alarmed with concern and shock.

“Well what does it matter now” mumbled Jornio with irk and placing one of his tentacles down from his head “Looks like you found the Pearl now”.

The Red Octopus picked up the small pebble-sized object with a tentacle to examine.

“Wasn’t easy though” said Finley also looking closely to the Pearl “Almost lost a tooth to find one in all of these” the Hammerhead point one of its all around the area of seaweed and oysters in their surroundings.

“Excellent” said Jornio with elation raising another tentacle of coincidence and widening his bobbly eyes.

“Now let’s fix your fin so I can get the algae okay”. Finley brought forth his broken fin with the algae still covered on in front of the Octopus. Jornio then took the Pearl and used four tentacles to clutch the small bright object like a ball. Then in a split second, the Pearl disappeared and disbursed into shards of golden sparkly glitter swivelling and orbiting round his tentacles. Jornio then coiled the Hammerheads fin dispersing all the algae of from the scales to the tentacles and switching round with the Pearl glitter dashing round the fin now brightening with a flashed lightness occurring and then faded away. Slowly and dwindled the pain slipped away from the Hammerheads fin and began to feel the comforting sooth of the healing kicking in, even the aching of Finley’s pointed sharp teeth faded away.

The magic healing was now done, the deal was settled, the Pearl and algae exchanged and from Finley's shocked but ecstatic face, he was relived and now that his fin was mended and looked at the Octopus with much gratitude as though he would now do anything for Jornio.

“I don’t know how to thank you” said Finley with such praise and gratefulness.

“No need” Jornio insisted, “Although, you could accompany me to where I need to take the algae to help the Starfish I told you about, along with the help of other sick and old fish at the Coral Reef we passed if you like?”.

Finley now puzzled but composed of this small request of kindness, with the concern of scaring of all the fish as though they will look to him as a predator of the outside sea.

“Are you sure they won’t swim away in fear because of me?” said the Hammerhead dumbfounded.

“Did they do so when they saw you swim by” Jornio asked. The Hammerhead nodded, “Well they and you will all just be fine then” the Red Octopus assured “C’mon, let’s go introduce ourselves”.

And so, the Hammerhead and the Octopus swam and streamed along side to side and a slow paise making use of themselves to help all of those of the Coral Reef and many others in dire need of aid as they are no selfish kind to make sure all fish are well, healed and recovered, just like Finley.

Short Story

About the Creator

PC Melpez

I'm simply someone who loves to write stories and poetries

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Comments (1)

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    Can’t wait to read some more of Finley adventure

PC MelpezWritten by PC Melpez

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