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Once upon a time there was a Wolf,

By testPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Once upon a time there was a Wolf, it deeply fell in love with a lamb, perhaps you will feel very absurd, but this absurdity happened in this Wolf, the Wolf is the natural enemy of sheep, if the lamb love, you say sheep which will believe? So the Wolf thought of a way worth trying -- to find a sheep skin to disguise as a sheep.

The Wolf wanted to borrow a piece of sheepskin from a nearby merchant, but the merchant had a condition that the Wolf would cut off some of his own hair and use it to make a writing brush. Wolf did not hesitate to agree, in order to love him would rather pay everything, even if it is their own precious life. According to the conditions, the Wolf cut off his own body the smoothest and softest Wolf hair. He wasn't afraid of being teased by his family, and he didn't care.

After the Wolf got sheepskin, then put in the body, to find their favorite that lamb, lamb, so it can't see the Wolf, the Wolf expressed itself to her heart, oh my god, the Wolf happily out of breath, he couldn't believe what a sheep will accept a Wolf to marry him, but he had lied to her, his love for her, and had put on her the same kind of fur, He used his disguise to deceive the feelings of a pure lamb. Unexpectedly the lamb also gradually fell in love with the Wolf, and deeply in love with him.

One evening, as the lamb nestled in the Wolf's arms at the edge of the cliff, enjoying the sunset, suddenly she seemed to smell, smelled a Wolf's peculiar smell, she could not believe her nose. The lamb suddenly shuddered, and she sprang from the Wolf's arms. "Are you a Wolf?

The Wolf has no language. After a long time, the Wolf admitted his disguise, he sighed: "paper is always can not cover fire, yes, I am a Wolf," he slowly took off the skin of the body. Showed the Wolf's ferocious face. "In fact, I really love you, love to the mountains fall apart, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. Too bad I'm a Wolf. So the Wolf knelt down in front of the sheep and begged her forgiveness. "So you ~ you are willing to deceive me" sheep tears rustle flow down, sheep walked to the edge of the cliff, the Wolf rushed past, "Don't come!" The Wolf stopped, and the sheep said, "No matter what reason you have, I don't want to hear it. How can you know that I can't accept a Wolf? You don't know how I feel." "Why, why can't you forgive me?" "Love is built on mutual trust, the feelings of cheating others out of the flower of love will never bear the fruit of kindness." The desperate sheep said the last word, like a yellow leaf fell on the soil, the sheep jumped down thousands of meters deep into the abyss. Heaven and earth suddenly become extremely dark, this night there is no moonlight, only a few stars with a weak light, the Wolf sad howling to heaven and earth, this sound earth-shattering, for a long time in the valley echoed ~~~~

The next morning, the sun climbed out from the other side of the mountain, the sun on the earth, feel very warm. But now the Wolf's heart is cold and weak.

He knew that love was enough in this life.

He knew that love was enough in this life.


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