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Fantasy Non Fiction

The story that saved my life

By Timothy SokoloffPublished 3 years ago 17 min read

Greetings Everyone. August of 2019 my fiancee passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 45. She was a wonderful woman with a heart of gold larger than Fort Knox who stood by my side as my warrior princess. A strong and honorable woman who's love was a truly a treasure.

I never imagined I could feel physical pain that did not come from anything physical at all, until the feeling of two swords being driven through me attached to electrical lines hit me so hard it literally brought me to my knees. At age 53 I finally understood the pain and agony of true loss.

I fell into dark times of bad habits and worst decisions. I am a man who has lived many lives in my one, and many lives ago I was not the best of people. Sad and lonely lived in me while I projected strong and steady. No ship can sail with her captain roaming the halls weeping, so I could never let my people know I was not OK. As HMFIC of a monumental piece of world history it was my duty to stand strong.

Shortly before Christmas of that year I woke up one morning got on my laptop and did something that I believe no one has ever done before. I began to write a diary of my daily life in an entirely new and bizarre way.

Without thinking my fingers took to my keyboard and I began to write the story of the Ruphian Mahsiah. That title and spelling ended up being one of the most profound moments of my life. If you read on you will truly understand, and truly be stunned at why that name changed me, and how it came to be spelled that way.

I have two wonderful, brilliant, daughters, the absolute best and most loyal family and friends a man could have, and I am blessed to live life completely on my own terms. In my world of life, and of work there is no one giving me orders. I am also a no nonsense guy with no filter. On the rare occasion that I have to encounter people in the medical field and asked if I have any allergies, my response is always the same, "Yes, I am allergic to stupid people, they make me break out in hand cuffs."

I work in a place that is astoundingly wonderful, and will be featured on the Discovery Channel in September. It is also as controversial as it is incredible so I have no time or patience for bull.

Karen had special gift, an insight to people. She could see the colors of a persons heart, which made her choosing me to be with her one of my greatest honors. Before we met she had been single for nine years and planned to stay that way.

Fortunately for me however when she came to my site as a volunteer the connection between us was instantaneous. It was so powerful the entire by the end of the day the entire crew knew there was a spark between us . For us it more like a lightning bolt.

She sometimes did not know what to make of me, but had come to believe that I was definitely different in ways most people can't imagine. She told me it was my strength, dedication, and no nonsense personality that attracted me to her, and said I was a very honorable man.

Coming from her, a woman who's entire family were some of the most honored and well respected people in our community, meant volumes.

She always joked about needing to find a nick name for me that would do justice to my personality. One morning while having coffee she looked at me out of the blue and said, "I know who you are, you are the Ruffian Messiah".

I stopped dead, and my brain, which always works twice the speed of light, contemplated the definition and depth of those two words. I can only describe the feeling I had as a super hero beginning to discover his powers. I grabbed a pen and paper, which I always keep handy, and as the words and their meaning flew around in my brain I wrote down "Ruphian Mahsiah". The thought that flowed from the fountain of my mind told me not to spell it normally, to use something more noticeable, more impactful.

I told her how honored I was by what she said and made note of my unusual spelling, it was the last I thought of it for quite a while.

I had come to the point where I was contemplating leaving the bridge of my ship, turning over the position of HMFIC to Rob, my HMFIC in training, and moving to Florida with my oldest daughter. being at the site where everything and every minute of every day had her written all over it was heavy on my soul. Even the realization that the project would undoubtedly fail if I left was not enough to deter those thoughts.

Oddly though, a series of bizarre beyond belief events occured, starting with a swarm of Dragon Flies, upon my site, a beautiful woman that came out of no where and although disappeared almost as oddly as she had arrived, helped me begin to see that everything was going to be ok. Between that and a renewed friendship with a very old friend, I managed to start healing.

Winter was soon to be upon us, although it was unseasonably nice for the most part, at some point colder days had to come. Our outdoor work was winding down and soon it was getting close to Thanksgiving.

One day, while having coffee and as usual, thinking about Karen, I had an indescribable need to type Ruphian Mahsiah into google. what fallows below was in the results, results which I could not again find at the time of this writing.

My life at Iron Soup is magnificent, but the task before me to save the greatest piece of world History is equally as daunting. I had no idea what would come up from the spelling that poured from my brain, but I bowed in humbled honor to what my Karen had bestowed upon me.

R is for reassuring, eliminating doubts!

U is for unite, you bring people together.

P is for peaceful, your quiet times.

H is for heart, warm and loving.

I is for incorruptible, always standing up for what is right

A is for achievements, the many over a lifetime

N is for neighborly, friendly to all acquaintances

M is for mighty, your inner strength.

A is for approachable, constantly meeting new people

H is for hero, as you appear to many.

S is for serious, not always joking.

I is for impress, for impress you will.

A is for affectionate, to those that matter most to you

H is for humble giving due to those around you

Now, I am not a religious man at all. I do however believe in Energy, the manipulation of it, and the continuance of it. To me this is what normal people call God, Magic, and Ghosts.

This was a profound occurrence, a sign that I needed to see, a reminder of who I was, and who I should be. Where I live and work, I have had miracles and strange occurrences happen that no one except those who witnessed it would ever believe so this was for sure a wake up call.

After reading the result I thought back to that morning. Now however I began to realize how much great power comes with great responsibility. I had been lax in my duties, falling to far into the darkness, and needed to find the man I was before I lost all that Karen helped me to build.

The rest of the day was an emotional fog. The events that had unfolded just in the past few months were unbelievable. In that short time, more miracles and strange occurrences happened than in the entire last 12 years of my life. It was both amazing and terrifying, and yes for rare people like me, miracles can be terrifying. I am, as not only Karen, but everyone close to me knows, different in ways most people cannot even imagine.

A couple of days went by and again one morning over coffee my mind exploded with an idea, and my hand went to the keyboard and began typing, nonstop, no thinking, I began to write a daily diary of my life that I was living. However, for some unknown reason or motivation, I decided I was going to transpose my diary into the story of a King in a fictional land. The best part is, someone else is narrating it. I really hope at least someone has read this far. If you must, you can skip ahead to the story but there is still a couple things you really should know before you read it.

I used an anagram site to transpose the people names in my life so I could use them in my story, and made up new terms for things such as days, the internet, cell phones etc. I do not know how it all just flowed so easily, like water from a fall, but by the end of the day I had began a story that upon reading it back, I could not believe that I had actually written it.

I am knew here so I don't know what works and what doesn't, but I am going to put the first Chapter here and see what happens. After I started this I realized that somehow by writing this, and my friends and family were reading it as I put it on my facebook page, it allowed people to know the pain, to understand my thoughts, without me having to speak on it, which for me is something I don't do.

The mold I was poured from decrees that leaders do not waiver, we stand strong as an example to those around us, we are the ones others bring their pain and problems to for us to solve. This was my way to let things go and move on.

Before we begin, the greatest pain was being the most strong and honorable man for everyone around me, except for Karen. Loosing her changed me, made me better, stronger and surely kinder in a sense. Mistaking my kindness for weakness, not a mistake anyone wants to ever make.

Very Important: This is a true story, every event, occurrence, statement, references to my past, my thoughts, my dreams, are all totally real. Now I am not a warrior king presiding over a kingdom, with keeps of my caste all around my castle. I am just a guy who owns controlling interest in a great piece of world history, whos crew and many of his friends just happen to live at the site.

The Council of Elders is my city council. The Great hall, my oversized living room. I am sure most everyone will pick up on what terms relate to what in real life.

Because this is both a true story and a fantasy tale, I gave the writing style a name, Fantasy non - fiction. Just think about it, the diary of your daily life could make you a space explorer, time traveler, a God. I will say this, I am much more exciting as The Ruphian Mahsiah then I am as me LOL. I hope everyone enjoys it, and if the response is awesome chapter 2 will be next.

Ruphian Mahsiah

The Awakening of a King

Chapter one – First Night

The day approaches

The eve was good, a warm wind blew as he stood anticipating the celebration of a new season. He looked long at the marks upon his sword, and upon his armor.

A feeling of a peace he had never known before filled him. He gained and lost so much this season. Great battles were won however, and peace was restored to the realm. All the land was beginning to realize the truth he had been speaking.

A new season, what lie ahead he wondered. His strength of conviction had changed the minds of many, and insured the success of the entire kingdom, but fears from his visions and the chaos throughout the Sphere still caused him to breathe a heavy sigh .

He still greatly looked forward to First Night. The Gathering of his clan from warriors to the commons was always a welcome event, this night however, things would be different.

He would have her by his side. Just a friend for now, one he knew to tread carefully with, for her heart, spirit and life had been broken possibly beyond repair.

She was however, worth the wait in his eyes. He believed fate brought her to him. For as battered, dented, cut and broken as his armor, so was she.

Great things were happening in the kingdom. The council of elders were gathering and he was confident that they no longer had desires to act against him in regards to his holdings within his kingdom. He had enough thoughts though on this turn, it was time to slumber and rest.

Tiresome Tasks

The sound of the trumpet seemed dull to him, perhaps it was the lack of morning light still a few turns away, but the days of light were close at hand. In either case it was time rise and be King.

A thunderous wind was blowing upon this turn. The cleanup of scattered debris would be troublesome, but he took great comfort that almost no force even of the Gods could unrest his Realm. His Castle and its keeps were forged like no other.

Set upon a large hillside upon 7 divisions of soil, it had been made from heavy stone bound to iron. Every wall, ceiling and floor were virtually indestructible. It was by any definition the strongest fortress in nearly the entire realm of Asus

He'd spent the night in his private chamber, it was nice to feel the warm comfort of his bed as opposed to his chair in the great hall. It was still hard for him to awake without her.

The four Circles of the moon since her passing seemed like four turns of the seasons. It was hard to grasp how time could work in such a way.

His only comfort was the thought of new things on the horizon and his new companion. It was strange how she occupied so much of his thoughts. Tales of her troubles and tragedy's caused him both sadness and anger.

It made him long for the days when he could draw his sword and end those who were not worthy of breathing the same air as his countrymen.

But it was time to go about another busy day as the festival of fire and the celebration of a new season was always a busy time. If not for his family and caste, it would be a very dark time, He was honored and humbled to have their love and loyalty.

The unusual warmth of the season was beginning to wain as cold and rain were descending. He was hoping for a mild wintertide as there was much to do within the kingdom. Today however it was to prepare for the eve of the turn, this one marking the turn of ten.

He truly looked forward to sharing the evening, and much ale with his caste, but knowing she would be there despite the reluctance to leave the safety of her own keep brought him a joy that was greatly needed.

Still the chaos and turmoil of battles fought still rang clearly in his mind, as did the pain of what he had lost. His only great memory of the season was meeting his youngest born whom he had not known until shortly after the last celebration of first day.

It was joy beyond words to have her in his life, and a reminder of his longing to have more time for his family and friends. Sometimes the burden of Kingdom was quite heavy.

One More Turn of the Moon

The long days of the Festival of fire and First Night were tiring and there would be little rest ahead.

It was many ticks past the set of the sun when he returned to the castle. He spent the turn in his kingdom assisting his caste while all prepared for the coming festivities. He could not help but to linger on what lie ahead in the new season. An odd sense of worry that was knew to him lurked in his thoughts.

Through all the preparations he did take a few clicks to journey to the keep of his friend Micella. Her 1st born man, said to be a lightning wizard of the side of light would be visiting with a powerful new magic. I looked forward to meeting Niaear, wizard of Sal Agves.

Upon arrival he was not disappointed. Niaear could create entire worlds before the eyes where you could battle an enemy, explore abandoned places, travel beyond the Sphere, yet still be within the walls of your own castle or keep. It was a power he had not yet seen. As Ruphian took his leave, he knew he planned on continued communication and friendship.

The morrow would bring much work. A journey to the market to get provisions for the gathering was first at hand. Preparations for food , drink, and entertainment had to be finished with time enough for Ruphian to prepare for the eve.

All of his caste would gather to celebrate the coming of the first day but He had planned a journey for his Rhomb, his second to the throne and his wife Machree to the grand constabulary center of Mayna. A long overdue repose from the Kingdom was needed. A ride in the carriage of the great palace for a tour of the center was planned. A great deal of coin was being expended for the last turn of the season but Ruphian knew that he and Rhomb had both earned it.

It was a bittersweet time with so many things weighing upon his heart. The council of elders were finally on his side but he had gone to far greater lengths proving his worthiness than many who had come before him, and many more who were lesser men by far.

Thoughts of her still filled his mind, and always would. No one would ever understand the anguish he kept inside. Was there something more he could have done? Was it because he was hesitant to commit to the joining? Was he too hard on her for her love of the ale? Could he have been kinder and more understanding? The sorrow of losing her was a Sphere of weight upon him.

He knew he would someday find peace but the wounds were still to fresh and his only joy outside of his sovereignty, was her Tryma. Even in her guarded distance, he felt a friendship that could develop into something greater than either had ever known.

For now however he would rest his head while thoughts of her helped him to feel a bit whole again and ease the loneliness. It was also wonderful to no longer be sleeping in the great hall.

The Marketplace

The darkness was deep as he woke on the eve of the first day far earlier than usual. The strange warmth had passed and the chill of the current circle of the moon prevailed.

He slept soundly after the chaos of the previous turn making which refreshed him greatly. The turn of the morrow would be as chaotic as the one before. Nearly every person in the kingdom would pass through the great hall for one thing or another. He would just be glad to return to his normal routine as there was much to be done and time was of the essence.

The mild wintertide said to occur would allow much more of the needed toils to be done. His closest ally on the Council of Elders was already planning events assist Ruphian in advancing his kingdom which in turn would advance their entire realm.

He sat quietly with his stein of cuppa awaiting Rhomb and the shepherds of his caste to arrive to begin preparations for the eve of the new season. Loosing Kaerria still weighed upon him as did his thoughts of what lie ahead. Great anticipation filled him, but anticipation of what was the query.

He would see Tryma today, in what way, for how long, was uncertain but he hoped to have her side at season turn. With all she had endured it was hard for her to leave the confines of her keep to fellowship with others. Her caste could not even believe she was attending at all. In the past two turns of the season she had not left her dwelling at all other then to go to the marketplace.

On that thought it was time to take the kings carriage to the marketplace and procure all the provisions for the feast . There was much fun to be had this eve as the winds of change were surely blowing.

Let the Feast Begin

After an entire day of frenzied activity he finally found a moment of peace. It was a non-stop expedition to the marketplace to meats meats, rine ales and other necessities to serve his guests and the great hall was also being cleaned as to look proper.

Sitting quietly in the dull of the fading light, dim wicks burned gently as he enjoyed the sound of the minstrels playing in the background. A long time friend sat with him but no words were spoken, none were needed. It would be a great and well-earned eve. A new season with a mild wintertide would surely be a blessing, but the visions that plagued him were still bothersome to his thoughts.

Did he possess the power of future sight? He knew he was not like others in the Sphere, his abilities so strong by his sixth season his own Sire shunned him. His allegiant caste members embraced him for all he was, his foes utterly feared him for who was was before he became a king.

He completely rejoiced in the prosperity his kingdom currently enjoyed. It was heart blazing to light the great hall and bring everyone together. Unlike other realms everyone was called to the gathering. Ruphian insured that those who swept the floors were treated as well as those who cast the pleon, a concept lost upon the Sphere. A united kingdom was not common as the Superior council of elders had become servants to the league of demons.

Minstrels softly rang in the great hall and friends had come by to say hello and check on the bell for the great feast. He found himself in awe at the joy of being surrounded by the most devoted of his people. There were a slight few to many hoofalls away to attend, but they were in everyone's best thoughts.

This eve he gathered with those who drew their swords for the light. The pain of when he drew his sword for darkness still haunted him. To many brothers buried and to many seasons stolen forever changed him. If not for being chained by the Grand Sovereign Constabulary of Asus he would have taken his knowledge and skills far beyond what any darkest wizard had yet done.

It was time for him to dorn his garb for the eve and baske in the joy that Tryma was once again leaving her keep to attend with him. The evening already played out in his mind down to realizing there would be no first kiss at midnight. She sought not the companionship of a man, but the understanding of a friend.

If anyone actually read this far, I would be excited beyond words. I have lived a hell of a life, and truly been to hell and back twice, without anywhere near as much money as Mad Child, but he rocks. I am all for improving lives, mine along with them.

If the reaction deems it worthy chapter 2 will be up with a quickness. The funny part is, if the reaction deems it worthy i will be floored LOL. Safe Journeys and Blessed Be.


About the Creator

Timothy Sokoloff

Currently HMFIC @ Iron Soup Estates "First Apartment Complex Built in the World"

Formerly CIO/CTO The New TV Internet Media Company

Writer, Poet, SInger, Song Writer, Dancer, Musician, Entrepreneur .. Etc.

A.K.A. The Ruphian Muhsiah

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    Timothy SokoloffWritten by Timothy Sokoloff

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