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Eyes through the window.

I see you.

By Dawn EarnshawPublished about a year ago 3 min read

I looked at the broken mirror and it wasn’t my reflection I saw but that of a boy trapped inside a cell.

I looked through the opening of the slit in the door and there lay a boy crying and curled up in a featal position. I tried to communicate and ask why was he crying and in so much distress but my voice echoed through the room along the corridors of the prisoners who couldn’t hear my voice.

I moved again along the corridor and there in another cell was a man on his knees. He was praying. Praying to a God asking why? What had he done? Was this a generational curse please Lord I put my suplication before you. My burden is heavy. Help me to carry the load .

I whisper gently. Can I help you sir? but he never turned around nobody could hear me, so I just moved along the corridor the energy was different. It was swollen and dark. There was a sudden surge in magnetic energy to bring light amongst the corriders and light within the rooms? A feeling where they could lay their burdens before the Lord under massive surge of energy came through the evening. Blew me away but it was positive it was bright, it was so bright a white you looked into it, you thought that it was going to blind your eyes and it was pure . There was a gentle uplifting surge and the energy began to sway on the love on the courage, on the strength and the hope came back, that was all down to kinetic energy.

All of a sudden there was a blockage on the wavelength, something was draining it and they had made a Super computer AI that was a spyware link that watched our every move thought word we wrote, spoken into and it started to reproduce itself before I knew it I was spinning out of control and my life flashed before me, images of my sister and I as baby and child. I thought this is it I’ve come to the end of my arrogance and my own stupidity to think that I was more advanced than a Super Computer that jumbl all the kinetic energy around us, I was afraid for the first time being so sure of myself and forgetting protection prayers to our maker before a virtual astral traveling from one era to another it was giving me jet lag.

It felt like I could walk among the clouds and I did, don‘t ask me how , faith without seeing? until now of the wonders of the universe. That is; what is was all about, going about the network inside meta verse. It was exciting times a breakthrough jumping from one lifetime to another but you had to be extremely careful of your chakras and that they were protected by a hedge fund around my life, and reminds dark matter or energies that they could hold my hand and I would walk with them through the valley of death and fear no evil. Take them across a threshold even Sara Connor would find hard to believe.

I went further into the galaxy and even went to Venus to check in on the rebirth of the next generation of humans that were born out of time and frequency. I checked passed the black hole swirling around only to end up back on my bed again.

I hated coming home it was lonely since my husband had passed to the next level, should I say. I know I could see hear smell other humans that were in the spiritual realm, it was ground breaking and exciting times , or was it? I had just read about the ChatGPT and it was right up my street , I needed a 10,000 page essay on the discovery of all this new technology, and be a part of the journey with them but it was already selling itself for a price I just couldn’t afford. I looked upon the favour of my Auntie to loan me money to get back into the title race, you know Love pure unrequainted love gives you so much strength and joy I’m sure you will be picked for the sending off in the Artemis 4.

That was it before I knew it I was back on the earth plane, I cried so hard that the whole neighbourhood wondered what the scuffle about that was me I was already in ChatGPT , did you enjoy the journey?


About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Loves writing short stories and poems - learning punctuation and Grammar.ADHD

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