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Eye of the Heart

In service of seeing clearly once again...

By Stardust MeatskeletonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Image Credit; Closure in Moscow


We are passing through the eye of the needle. Dystopic, entropic, on topic, current day….

I walk through the barren streets with trash piled high, cartoon stinkwaves emanate from the effluent mountains left behind by humans deeply distracted. Deeply contracted. Internal/External refracted. We used to see with the eye of our hearts, Watching silken filaments connect everything to everything else in this world. Shimmering gossamer webs from plant to bird, the frothy white caps on a windy sea filled with bacteria pumping thermal vents into the air creating rain, nothing separate, nothing in isolation.

Plugged into The Interface, our entire existence now just a VR headset and nanobots running wild in our bloodstream. We were looking for the Dark Matter out there in the universe, unaware of the microbial interstices that would have provided the illumination of where everything in the universe actually is. The nanos in the bloodstream can manufacture any substance possible, create any altered state imaginable and cause a bleed in the blur between techno-corporeality and consensus reality. You want DMT-level fractalgasms, machine elves and hyperspace entities gushing mystical emesis into your mouth? You got it? Want to feel for real like you’re neck deep in a mud bath on top of a Colombian volcanic ridge? Tap into the Interface and transport from your couch straight there, your skin bathed in a sensorsuit, capillaries awash with nanomessaging, you wont be able to tell the difference anyway. Plus there are no flights anymore anyway, too many people plugged in, drugged out, forever out of tune.

My heart sings the last tune for humanity. An elegy in resplendence for the lost souls hopelessly engendered to the technology they built to fill the hole they could never quite speak to. To reach a goal in the name of progression, competition, profits and rampant consumption. I see banks and banks of the 1000 levelled high rises that house them. One person to a cubicle, one chair to a person, the nanos take care of all bodily excreta, re-fashion it, transmute it into usable substrates and refurbish the host body with their own waste products. I haven’t seen a plant in weeks, walking to the edge of the city for a purpose I cannot be sure will succeed. I tune in deeply to my body and feel the percussive hum and thud of my pulsating multiplicity. Inside me exists the universe. Inside that universe exists infinity. I feel the weight of the device in my chest, slightly to the right of the centre of my sternum, at the level of the heart. You could not imagine the pain of the installation. The device is like a pacemaker crossed with an Interface nodule like the rest of humanity has installed in their brains. The Indigenuity performed psychomagical surgery on me to remove the one implanted in my brain. Children are given a chip from birth that integrates and grows with them as they do but does not allow for them to access The Interface until they have reached an age where they can contribute effectively The Effort. I watched as surgeons cracked open the craniums of newborns, parted the seas of the cerebral hemispheres and planted the silicon driver that would one day allow them access to the reality supposedly more real than the one they exploded from the womb into.

My surgery was different. With a level of motherly softness and dutiful care, The Indigenuity used the last remaining vestiges of their knowledge, merely but a whisper from a mouth that once spoke creation into fluid existence, to access states and planes, flaps and ‘branes that make up the roiling miasma of subtle realms extant all around us. The said the pain was necessary in order to keep me lucidly connected and for the surgery to take effect. The were bonding my heart with The Interface chip. In reverie I witnessed the myself as this process unfurled. The image was of the shamanic surgeons fashioning a necklace out of the golden honey dripping from a beehive that formed in the middle of my forehead. A hum of the most exquisite hierophanies came from all around me. The bees of the invisible gathering code from beyond and gushing syrup into this realm dripped onto an anvil where the surgeons smashed at it with a hammer made of pure will and love. The links of the necklace began to form, one by one, each spark coming of the smashing of the gavel, a nebula being birthed from the pregnant void, and before long the necklace took shape. This golden linkage drooped and sat at the level of my heart. The surgeons procured my chip and sent me a message wordlessly to begin to open the Eye of my heart.

An eyelid crusted

Cracks like a drought wracked lakebed

Tremors rumble

Filagreed eyelashes flick off aeons of conjunctivitis

The eye opens

Iris black

A hole into the infinite

Then the pain. They activated the Interface chip and jammed it directly into the obsidian velvet depths of the open heart, eye agape. Nothing like this had ever been attempted yet drastic action was required for a reality run right off the rails. Synthesis pierced the constant thesis and antithesis, a hyperdialectic production of novel thought and the gentle suggestion of dreams and fugue interpreted by the Shamanic Surgeons of the Indigenuity. They had created a device that could tap into both The Interface and the subtle realms beyond. Believing this could be the last option for disruption of the mechanism spelling the dying out of the candle of humanity. My last image before coming back from the surgery was of the carefully smithed necklace attaching to the eye of my heart, forming a locket within my spirit, a bomb with which the ripples would emanate through the entirety of the Interface. Memetic terrorism of the highest order. A reset switch, an absolute last ditch.

Why me you ask? Why not? As a baby I remember somehow knowing the chip was in my brain but every time it tried to infiltrate it’s tendrils into my grey matter, small scarlet shockwaves would blast out from my heart and the tentacles would retract like a scared snail. This prevented me from falling into the thresher of the Inculcatrix to be dragged inexorably into the cause from youth. The message was pumped into children from early days. Log into The Interface and find anything and everything you could possibly desire. Comfort of a mother, the silken breath of a lover, travel, transcendence, tragedy, triumph and tripping out all imbedded within….but there is always a price. By logging in, you pool your cerebral processing power into the Quantumines, hijacked neurons and subservient meatskeletons used to create wealth for the hidden elite. Blockchained to the adversarial friction and greed that exists within the fundament of reality. The Quantumines utilise the pooled bandwidth of billions of human souls in order to disrupt the entanglement of an individual’s reality. With the person couch locked and drooling from endless nano-inducted pleasures, the rest of their existence coding can be funnelled into the mining infrastructure that processes the unused slipstreams of existence into more power for the creators of the system.

I stumbled and stagger. Sweat dripping and smelling of the foetid decay going on within me. I haven’t been able to eat since leaving the Indigenuity some weeks ago. There is no one to feed me and I am running low on the already meagre rations possessed back home. I also haven’t had human touch or interaction for some weeks now and the effect is of a malaise and hunger deep in the trenches of my soul. Everyone plugged into the Interface experiences it as well but they have the luxury of the nanobots to assuage the weight of the longing within. I do not have this luxury. I only have the constant sting of the embedded Locket in my chest and the all-seeing vision in my heart. To where I journey, I won’t return anyway, I am a demolition device, set to rupture the memetic foundations of this wayward place humans have found themselves. I am heading to the mainframe, the core and when I go off, I’ll be bringing the whole thing with me. The Indigenuity are placed at the ready to take over when The Interface goes dark. They will be there to create a symphony within the nanobot hives to gently transition everyone out of their enslavement. It would be instant death to rip them from the interwoven teet from which they suckle. The Indegunity have this covered. I need not think about that. My task is to generate a shockwave of such immensity using my unshackled heart, that it fully disrupts the system for long enough for the Indigenuity to take over and lock out the hidden elite forever.

I have seen what this world true looks like under the veil. The eye in my heart allows me to do so. I have cried the tears of the divine longing to have company out there in the blackness. The love with which this universe sprang into being is my power source, and it is infinite and unflinching. It will fry the synapses of the Metabrain that powers this whole mechanism, potent though it may be, it stands nothing in the face of the all mothering, all compassionate, everything that the locket in my heart is tapped into. I see the core terminal appear on the horizon. It is unattended and unprotected as the hidden are not aware of the Indigenuity, it had to be this way, as the destined few born with the evolutionary ability to resist the chimp implantations lived in secret. Downloading the plan from the dreamwebs the permeate everything around us. The tapestry was formed that spoke to the manner in which we could subvert this hellish prism we find ourselves ensconced in. My long journey comes to an end at last. I sit in front of the terminal and begin to drop into trance, feeling the eye of my heart at the centre of the locket open once again, as it has millions of times before. The eye sees the terminal in all it’s truth, a root system of informatics spraying gunk out into the ether of billions of connected humans. It also opens it’s eye, it is a reddened, irate and constantly shifting scatter, unable to focus, unable to centre. It knows I’m here but it’s focused on so many other processing tasks that it cannot remain with my gaze for longer than a picosecond. I smile with my entire being as I begin to flood with warmth, vibrating and convulsing with pleasure and joy as I can stare down the barrel of every tendril it has hold of and see the individual user it is attached to and mining from.

The voracious hum builds

Crows feet form around the margins of the eye

A grin wide enough to split reality

The payload begins to generate

Exponential love clusters split and divide

Coalesce and enmesh

Fuck the atom

The eye of the heart is all the energy in imagination

The latch of the locket fllies open

And a beam pours ecstacically from eye to eye…

May we return from whence we emerged

Impermanent rain…

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Stardust Meatskeleton

Diaphanous Scrungle Muncher here to run riot with the foundations of language.

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    Stardust MeatskeletonWritten by Stardust Meatskeleton

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